
Showing posts from September, 2024
  September 30, 2024 DON'T LISTEN TO THE RULE KEEPERS— "There has never been a more important time in your history than NOW for you to KNOW My CHARACTER and My HEART for you. If you allow anything to CHIP AWAY your VALUE and My ACCEPTANCE of you, it will throw you into DOUBT about My WILLINGNESS to PROTECT, DEFEND, and PROVIDE for you in this TUMULTUOUS season of dark to Light. DON'T LISTEN TO THE RULE KEEPERS (the modern-day Pharisees) who tell you, for example, that I won't be pleased with you unless you use a specific name for Me or unless you do communion a certain way. See these LEGALISTIC RULES from My perspective. I LOVED you so much and DESIRED an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP so DEEPLY that I GAVE My own Son to SUFFER and DIE a cruel death in order to MAKE A WAY for you to COME HOME to My heart. It was the GREATEST PRICE ever paid for LOVE. Does it make sense that I would now develop all kinds of RULES that would BLOCK you from RECEIVING that LOVE and so GREAT A SALVA...
  September 29, 2024 I AM WITH YOU AND I WILL RESTORE "As the SHAKINGS INTENSIFY, it is VITAL that you remember that I AM WITH YOU AND THAT I WILL RESTORE. Remember that the SHAKINGS are NECESSARY to AWAKEN those still SLEEPING under the SPELL of Leviathan's LIES. Any LOSS that you experience in this season of the UNVEILING of DARKNESS will be RESTORED to you by My Hand and My Power. It will not just be REPLACED, but it will be RESTORED WITH MORE. More than you THINK or IMAGINE. People need to see the UGLINESS of evil power used to gain CONTROL and WEALTH through FEAR and DESTRUCTION. A STRONG RESOLVE to NEVER ALLOW EVIL and IDOLATRY to OVERTAKE your Land again must form in the hearts of the people. Preserving your customary way of life is NOT Heaven's PRIORITY right now. Much of it is ROOTED in systems that must be REPLACED because they have EVIL ROOTS. TRUST Me that what I have for your future is SO MUCH BETTER, SO MUCH MORE FULFILLING, and it will BLESS EVERYONE. Take y...
  September 28, 2024 THE GIFT OF EMOTIONS "We (the 3-in-1), have DEEP and POWERFUL EMOTIONS and so do you, because you are made in Our image. Without EMOTIONS you would be ROBOTS in a life with NO TRUE MEANING. EMOTIONS are Our GIFT to you as part of your FREE WILL. it is true that the enemy can DISTORT and TAKE ADVANTAGE of EMOTIONS but that does not mean you should INVALIDATE all EMOTIONS. Many good things are ROOTED in THE GIFT OF EMOTIONS. DEEP LOVE, LOYALTY, DELIGHT, THANKSGIVING, JOY, AWE, and WONDER. The enemy tries to SABOTAGE your EMOTIONS with NEGATIVE EMOTIONS like FEAR, DOUBT, ANXIETY, RAGE, DEPRESSION, CONFUSION, and LIES. While EMOTIONS are a GREAT GIFT, they must be GUARDED and BALANCED by the TRUTH of what I SAY and WHO I AM. As soon as you realize you are not in the PEACE of FAITH and not RESTING in My GOODNESS and POWER, ask Holy Spirit to SHOW you where you are being INFLUENCED by the darkness. Let My Spirit SIFT your EMOTIONS and show you WHY you are CAUGHT in ...
  DECREES & DECLARATIONS by Brett & Janice Cairns (Updated 9/28/24) The Word of the Lord (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition quoted) Holy Spirit, you are welcome here, in our home, our neighborhood, and in our nation. Father God, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, we thank You for Y our word which is truth (John 17:17) and that the truth will set us free (John 8:32). It says in Your Word: ·        He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me  and  for My side scatters. (Matthew 12:30). Lord, we are with You. ·        Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I AM gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief, ease, refreshment, recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. (Matthew 11:29). Lord, we look forward to Your Glory on earth, and we seek to know you better. ·        Life and death is in the power of the tong...
  September 27, 2024 DO NOT BE SHAKEN “Instead of being AFRAID when you HEAR THREATS of government controls and foreign armies ARISING AGAINST YOU, SEE these THREATS through My EYES and the FILTER of My HEART. Let Me ASSURE you that the SECRET MEETINGS of those who want to CONTROL the world and the WEALTH are TENSE and DEMANDING. The Puppet Masters are BARKING OUT OUTRAGEOUS ORDERS to the SECRETLY TERRIFIED Puppets. These dark hearted Puppets are in a PRECARIOUS position so DON’T BELIEVE their BOLD and THREATENING WORDS carried on the airwaves by the CORRUPT MEDIA. The Puppets are CAUGHT between the PRESSURE to PERFORM or be TAKEN OUT by the CRUEL Puppet Masters, and the REAL UNFOLDING THREAT of EXPOSURE from the Light. Puppets under this kind of PRESSURE make MISTAKES and LAUNCH PREMATURE PLANS. As long as you STAY OUT OF FEAR and ROOTED IN FAITH in My POWER and PROMISES, you will RELEASE POWERFUL PRAYERS for leaders of the Light to make WISE DECISIONS and COUNTERMOVES that will S...
  September 26, 2024 TRICKY, TWO-FACED MEN PSALM 26:3-4 (TPT) “I will never lose sight of Your love for me. Your faithfulness has steadied my steps. I won’t keep company with tricky, two-faced men, nor will I go the way of those who defraud with hidden motives.” “I AM in this day EXPOSING TRICKY, TWO-FACED MEN AND WOMEN. These are those who live a DOUBLE LIFE. They CONVINCE themselves and others that they have GOOD MOTIVES. They tell themselves that using DECEPTIVE and DESTRUCTIVE ways to achieve their motives is ACCEPTABLE and NECESSARY. They PRETEND to be HUMBLE and FOR the people but in reality, they think they are ABOVE the common people and that they DESERVE to be WEALTHY and POWERFUL. These TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE know how to say what you WANT TO HEAR but their HEARTS are FAR FROM you, and they really only CARE for themselves. BEWARE of these TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE because they will eventually cause great DESTRUCTION in your lives, your churches, and your nation. They will...
  September 25, 2024 IT’S ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS “Everything that is presented to the people by the evil empire is ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS. They HIDE who they really are behind the media SMOKE of LIES and HIDDEN AGENDAS. They MIRROR their own DARK HEARTS BACK ONTO those speaking TRUTH and FREEDOM. They PROJECT their own GREED for POWER and WEALTH on the leaders aligned with RIGHTEOUSNESS, and the PROGRAMMED people eat it up. RISE UP, Army of Light, and come AGAINST this dark scheme of SMOKE AND MIRRORS that hold people CAPTIVE to LIES. Take AUTHORITY over the SMOKE of DECEPTION and the MIRROR of PROJECTED LIES coming from the evil empire. BIND their POWER to release anymore SMOKE AND MIRRORS. RELEASE the Host and Angels to BLOW AWAY the SMOKE of DECEPTION and to SMASH the MIRRORS of PROJECTED LIES. RELEASE the PURE, CLEAN WIND of EXPOSURE so that everything the SMOKE has HIDDEN is REVEALED. BOOMERANG the character assassination of the MIRRORS BACK ONTO THOSE who have PROJECTED their E...
  JOURNAL ENTRIES: Video PREEMPTIVE STRIKES-September 24, 2024 1.     September 17, 2024 OVERWHELMING VICTORY 17=overcoming power, breakthrough to victory, perfection of spiritual order (7+10). “Your promise from Me for your personal lives and for your nations is OVERWHELMING VICTORY. This is a VICTORY that will be COMPLETE and FINAL. Your enemies will be THOROUGHLY DEFEATED and COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED by My SUPERIOR FORCES OF LIGHT. Keep this promise CLOSE to your heart and KEEP the words ‘OVERWHELMING VICTORY’ on your lips as a CONFESSION OF FAITH. It is going to look DARK and CHAOTIC for a SHORT time but that is only to AWAKEN the sleepers and to COMPLETELY EXPOSE EVERY ENEMY to your lives and your nations. When the enemy TAUNTS you with ARROGANT cries of ‘You can’t win now! Defeat is your portion!’ LAUNCH an ARROW of FLAMING FAITH in his face by declaring, ‘We have the OVERWHELMING VICTORY! My God’s PROMISES are YES and AMEN! His POWER is FAR SUPERIOR to y...