
Showing posts from September, 2024
  September 16, 2024 DON’T MISS THE MAIN EVENT This word came from a dream I had on 9/11/24. In the dream, my husband and I were hanging out in a church to attend the wedding of a couple we knew. We were distracted and almost missed going into the ceremony. The ushers were closing the doors, and we slipped in just in time. The other issue was I really needed to go the bathroom and that was taking my attention away from the ceremony. I observed that the aisle to the altar was very short, and they were at the front quickly. Interpretation: This is a warning dream or a heads-up dream that shortly what we’ve been waiting for is going to happen. The Father doesn’t want us to miss out on the beautiful fulfillment of His promises. The things we need to look out for is being distracted from the main event and not having our heart’s right and cleansed so that we’re free to fully participate in the joy of the consummation of His promises. “My WISE COUNCIL to you is not to allow ANYTHING to come
  September 15, 2024 IN THE VALLEY OF DECISION I had a dream/vision at 2:23 this morning. (2+2+3=7 God’s spiritual perfection). I found myself in a huge valley chock full of people. Many different scenarios were flying around of decisions that needed to be made. I heard the Father say: “In the Valley of Decision.” “The people and nations of the world are moving into THE VALLEY OF DECISION. (JOEL 3). I AM not speaking of a final judgment day, but I AM speaking of the SET HARVEST SEASON that the world has entered. This VALLEY OF DECISION is NECESSARY for the earth to ENTER the KINGDOM AGE. The GROSS DARKNESS and the REBELLION of people who have REFUSED to ACKNOWLEDGE Me as God, must be dealt with in order that I might POUR OUT the KINGDOM AGE BLESSINGS and RICHES and know that they will not be SQUANDERED or STOLEN. My Army of Light, you have already been in THE VALLEY OF DECISION, and you have chosen the LIGHT. You have SURRENDERED your life to the SALVATION and LORDSHIP of My Son, Jesus
  September 14, 2024 A GLORY BATH The Father has been taking me to a different garden in Heaven. I wonder how many different gardens there are in Heaven? This garden is HUGE in scope. The trees are about 100 feet tall, and the sky seems very high up. The trees and undergrowth are thick and crowded—it’s full of life. As the Father and I walked down the path, I asked Him if there was anything He wanted to tell me or say to me, and He replied, “I just want to be with you.” Tears well up in my eyes, and I spot a bench where we can sit together. We’re joined by Jesus and Holy Spirit, and I lean into the Father. A shaft of misty light appears over me and comes into me, and I hear the words “A Glory Bath.” I let it fill me and I pictured it bringing healing, restoration, and freedom to me. The Father shared this with us: “If you will DRAW AWAY with Me, I will POSITION you for A GLORY BATH. This GLORY BATH will bring WHOLENESS, HEALING, STRENGTH, and FREEDOM to you. As you SOAK in this GLORY B
  September 13, 2024 THE SPIRIT OF BEGUILEMENT Beguile: to deceive by cunning, charm, distracts you from what is real. “The SPIRIT OF BEGUILEMENT has been UNLEASHED across your Land by a DESPERATE Jezebel spirit. She senses the coming EXPOSURE and DOOM to her REIGN over your Nation. This BEGUILING SPIRIT seems much more PLEASANT to listen to than the voice of WISDOM and TRUTH that is calling your Nation to ACCOUNT for ALLOWING UNRIGHTEOUSNESS to gain a HUGE FOOTHOLD due to the COMPLACENCY and CORRUPTION in My Church. The SPIRIT OF BEGUILEMENT promises GOOD THINGS and PLEASURES if you will just LAY DOWN your WEAPONS against her and IGNORE what lies beneath her carefully made up FACADE. Make no mistake, this is a SIREN SONG to further DEEPEN the SLEEP of those believing LIES and to try and CAPTURE battle-worn warriors with a FALSE SENSE of PEACE. Don’t get CAUGHT in this TRAP My PRECIOUS Army of Light. If you feel its PULL, RUSH into My arms and I will STRENGTHEN you, RENEW your RESOLVE
  September 12, 2024 WHO’S KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR? “You are experiencing some of the SHAKINGS that I have said will MARK this TRANSITION season of DARK TO LIGHT, but you know that there are MORE VIOLENT SHAKINGS to come in order to TEAR DOWN the ALTARS and PLATFORMS the darkness RULED from. I have told you that these SHAKINGS are to EXPOSE and DESTROY darkness, but the enemy will seek to BLOCK your WARFARE against him by sending FEAR KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR. DON’T OPEN THE DOOR TO FEAR! Let me give you this PRACTICAL TOOL against FEAR. When you sense it KNOCKING and trying to CREEP into your home and your thoughts, just ask Jesus to GET THE DOOR FOR YOU and to ABSORB the FEAR PACKAGE and SEND the dark messenger FLYING BACK to the darkness. Thank Jesus for TAKING the FEAR and then see yourself stepping into your GARDEN of COVENANT PROMISES—PROTECTION, PRESERVATION, PROVISION, and RESTORATION. Many HORRORS will be revealed that the ARROGANT, DEPRAVED ones carried out and have planned agains
  September 11, 2024 HOLD IT OVER THEIR HEADS “The TRUTH about what happened in your Nation on this date will be REVEALED. ALL OF IT. The TRUE ADVERSARIES of your Nation are NOT WITHOUT, THEY ARE WITHIN. Those partnered with darkness can SENSE that a FULL DISCLOSURE and REVELATION of what happened and WHO was involved is coming. They will DESPERATELY try to STOP this TRUTH from being SHOWN to the people because it will EXPOSE who they really are and the EVIL and DESTRUCTIVE WAYS they operate in. What I want you to do is to say to the darkness, ‘I am HOLDING THE UNCOVERING OF THIS EVIL SCHEME OVER YOUR HEADS. I DECLARE that it will be a DISTRACTION to you, that it will SOW FEAR into your heart, and that SELF-PRESERVATION will become your MAIN FOCUS.’ They have THREATENED you and DISTRACTED you with their FEAR MONGERING. I AM giving you a PROMISE of TRUTH being RELEASED—it’s NOT A THREAT, it’s a PROMISE—and I want you to HOLD IT OVER THEIR HEADS and watch the SCRAMBLING and DISUNITY WEAK
JOURNAL ENTRIES for Video A DAY OF DISASTER--FOR WHO? September 10, 2024   A DAY OF DISASTER—FOR WHO? Nations to add to our family: Nigeria, Slovakia, Austria, Norway!!! Thank you to the anon who generously paid for a Gab Pro account for me—now I can post pictures and my doodles on that platform! 1.     September 4, 2024 THE IN-BETWEEN TIME “How do you NAVIGATE this IN-BETWEEN TIME—the time between the WAR SEASON and the DAWNING of the KINGDOM AGE? You have TASTED the FREEDOM and you have caught GLIMPSES of the GOOD FUTURE that awaits you in the Kingdom Age. But, right now, most everything in your life and your nation looks the OPPOSITE of that PROMISED FULFILLMENT. Many are struggling with HEALTH ISSUES brought on by the schemes of the darkness to STEAL LIFE and FRUITFULNESS. Your VOICES speaking TRUTH are being CENSORED and RIDICULED. You are experiencing PERSECUTION from the darkness and from those still ASLEEP to the evil around them because you have BELIEVED My PROMISES
  ACTION ITEMS: Video A DAY OF DISASTER--FOR WHO? September 10, 2024 ACTION ITEMS: *How do we keep faith alive in the in=between time? Choose to draw near to Him remind yourself of His faithfulness, His promises, His great power, and His overwhelming love for you. Choose to believe that He will not let you down and that victory is sure. Worship Him, declare who He is when taunted with unanswered prayers. Declare that you will see the fulfillment of all He has promised because He is a faithful and powerful God who cherishes you. Declare that we will come out of the crucible of faith purified like gold and shining for Him. *Fear will fall behind you and faith will arise when we decree and declare He had begun a New Day, evil will be vanquished, diseases will be healed, hearts will be brought home to His Kingdom, financial plenty be established, freedom, justice, and righteousness be restored as the foundation of my nation. *The enemy will try to launch violence when they are brough
  September 10, 2024 LOVE, LIFE, AND FREEDOM “I AM the God of LOVE, LIFE, AND FREEDOM. I AM the ONLY source of LOVE, LIFE, AND FREEDOM. The enemy will COUNTERFEIT these realities with his CHEAP IMITATIONS. My LOVE GIVES to and SEES the VALUE in each person. The enemy substitutes LUST and an attitude of what’s in this for me? I GIVE and NURTURE LIFE while the enemy promotes SUCKING UP LIFE and USING people. Your FREE WILL is founded in My FREEDOM. FREEDOM to CHOOSE to love Me and to believe who I say I AM. The enemy’s COUNTERFEIT is CONFORMITY to a set of RULES or a lifestyle of LAWLESSNESS. CONFORMITY is the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT and LAWLESSNESS promotes GREED and SELF-GRATIFICATION. Either of these EXTREMES will keep you OUTSIDE of My LOVE, LIFE, AND FREEDOM. On the side of conformity, you will be RIGID and INSIST everyone live according to your OUTWARD STANDARDS. LAWLESSNESS produces PREDATORS who USE people to GRATIFY their LUSTS. True love GIVES and RECEIVES, while the counterfeits caus
  September 9, 2024 DOUBLE JEOPARDY Jeopardy: means in danger of being damaged or destroyed; danger of being convicted and punished for a crime. “I put the darkness on NOTICE today: you have placed yourselves in a position of DOUBLE JEOPARDY. Your CORRUPTION, GREED, MURDER, and TREASON have placed you in JEOPARDY of being DAMAGED or DESTROYED. You committed these CRIMES against HUMANITY and then you tried to PIN these crimes onto those you saw as a THREAT to your EVIL EMPIRE. I AM TURNING those BOGUS CHARGES AROUND, and they will come against you in a FURY of CONVICTIONS and PUNISHMENTS. You were WARNED and WARNED, but you STUBBORNLY PERSISTED in serving self and the darkness. Now, darkness will be your DEAD END FUTURE. You have DOUBLED DOWN on your ATTEMPTS against My rightful leader and My Army of Light. This has placed you in a position of DOUBLE JEOPARDY, and your MADNESS and HATRED will DESTROY and CONVICT you. Army of Light, call in the SWIFT and POWERFUL RELEASE of My DOUBLE JEO
  September 8, 2024 TAKING BACK WHAT THE ENEMY STOLE ROMANS 8:37 (TPT) “Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!” “The enemy is a LIAR, a THIEF, and a DESTROYER. DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO FEED YOU LIES; DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO TAKE ANYTHING FROM YOU, AND DO NOT PUT UP WITH HIS DESTROYING WAYS. I want you to declare: ‘I’M TAKING BACK WHAT THE ENEMY STOLE!’ Do not RECEIVE or AGREE with the DOUBTS the enemy tries to SOW into your thinking. His AIM is to WEAKEN your FAITH and STEAL your VICTORY. DO NOT AGREE WITH ENEMY LIES! That is why what you BELIEVE about Me is the MOST IMPORTANT WEAPON in your arsenal. I will REVEAL to you who I AM as you read My WORD, WORSHIP Me, and FELLOWSHIP DEEPLY with Me in a CLOSE-HEART CONNECTION that HEARS My VOICE. I want to SPEAK to you, and I LONG to have you KNOW Me like I KNOW and CHERISH you. When you know My heart, the en
September 7, 2024 HOW WILL YOU HANDLE WEALTH? “HOW WILL YOU HANDLE THE WEALTH that FLOWS to you when the TRANSFER happens from the WICKED to the RIGHTEOUS? I want you to ENJOY the WEALTH, and I want you to experience the FREEDOM of being DEBT-FREE—that is owing no man anything. However, I want you to realize that this JOY and FREEDOM will be SHORT-LIVED if you have not learned to be a GOOD STEWARD of what you have now. Are you a GIVER and a SAVER? Or are you always SPENDING BEYOND what you have been entrusted with? Are you JEALOUS and RESENTFUL of others who always seem to have MORE than you do? You may have a SPIRIT of POVERTY over you and your generations that needs to be BROKEN, and you must come OUT of AGREEMENT with CONTINUAL LACK and CHOOSE to BELIEVE I AM a GOOD and GENEROUS PROVIDER. GRUMBLING and RESENTMENT will NOT ATTRACT My PROVISION but THANKFULNESS and FAITH in My GOODNESS will. You may be going through a SEASON of LACK as a TESTING and TRAINING GROUND for a FUTURE WEALTH
  September 6, 2024 THE DAY OF DISASTER “The darkness has a DAY OF DISASTER planned for you. Their DARK and DESPERATE HEARTS are planning on a day of great CHAOS, CONFUSION, and DESTRUCTION for you. They believe that NOTHING can stand in the way of them launching this scheme, and they are actually EXCITED and LOOKING FORWARD to causing all of you so much FEAR, DEATH, and WIDESPREAD DESTRUCTION. They are so FOCUSED on SAVING THEMSELVES that they did not notice that I have RISEN from My Throne. When they release their DAY OF DISASTER, I will be STANDING IN ITS PATH TO BLOCK IT FROM REACHING YOU. I will FLIP IT around, and FLING IT back in their SHOCKED FACES. What they planned for you will COME BACK to them FULL FORCE and FULLY ARMED. IT WILL BE THEIR DAY OF DISASTER. They expected the world to NEVER RECOVER from this UGLY and DEADLY PLAN, but it is they who will NEVER RECOVER. They will LOSE IT ALL, and you will WIN IT ALL. You have NO NEED TO FEAR ANY THREAT that arises because I AM yo
  September 5, 2024 A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED “Circumstances in your life and in your nation may not look like it at this moment, but I AM telling you that A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED. This NEW DAY has begun in your spirit, as you TURNED your face into the WIND of My PROMISES, and you have ALIGNED your heart with My heart, and you have chosen to BELIEVE My WORDS and My FAITHFULNESS. As you DAILY BREATHE IN My PROMISES, you are STRENGTHENED to FIGHT another day. The WIND of My Spirit carries the SCENT of VICTORY and REWARD, and you BREATH IT IN anytime you feel WEAK or DOUBTS try to creep in. Are symptoms and circumstances trying to PULL you into the QUAGMIRE of FEAR? BREATHE IN My PRESENCE and ask Me to TUNE your heart to HEAVEN’S FREQUENCIES. You will find FAITH ARISING and FEAR FALLING BEHIND you, as you PARTNER with Me in DECREES and DECLARATIONS and in REPEATING My PROMISES of A NEW DAY when evil is VANQUISHED, diseases HEALED, hearts brought HOME to My Kingdom, financial PLENTY ESTABLISHED, f
  September 4, 2024 THE IN-BETWEEN TIME “How do you NAVIGATE this IN-BETWEEN TIME—the time between the WAR SEASON and the DAWNING of the KINGDOM AGE? You have TASTED the FREEDOM and you have caught GLIMPSES of the GOOD FUTURE that awaits you in the Kingdom Age. But, right now, most everything in your life and your nation looks the OPPOSITE of that PROMISED FULFILLMENT. Many are struggling with HEALTH ISSUES brought on by the schemes of the darkness to STEAL LIFE and FRUITFULNESS. Your VOICES speaking TRUTH are being CENSORED and RIDICULED. You are experiencing PERSECUTION from the darkness and from those still ASLEEP to the evil around them because you have BELIEVED My PROMISES of a RESCUE, a RETURN of My chosen leader, and the DAWNING of the Kingdom Age. The FINANCIAL MESS the darkness has created is real, and there are no human solutions to all the DAMAGE the darkness has done in your world. But I have promised you a MERGING of Heaven’s RESOURCES and ARMY with you, the Army of Light.
JOURNAL ENTIRES Video A SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER-Sept. 3, 2024 A SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER Other nations to add to our family: Guyana, South America, Philippines, Austria, South African who lives in Taiwan. Just to mention, a few of you have sent in photos, videos, and articles about unusual meteors raining down on the earth in various locations. Confirmation of the word the Father spoke about “Meteoric Judgment” 8/16/24 1.     August 27, 2024 FOOLHARDY DECISIONS Foolhardy: unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger. “The enemy camp has spent years ASSESSING the MINDSETS of the people. They have STRATEGICALLY LAUNCHED LIES and DISINFORMATION that have convinced people to GIVE UP their RIGHTS and FREEDOMS in order to be ‘protected.’ Of course, the IRONY is that those who proclaim they want to ‘protect’ you are the VERY ONES trying to DESTROY you. It is time for My Army of Light to become STRATEGIC. The time is RIPE for you to ASSESS the TEMPERATURE of the enemy’s camp. Where