1.    September 17, 2024


17=overcoming power, breakthrough to victory, perfection of spiritual order (7+10).

“Your promise from Me for your personal lives and for your nations is OVERWHELMING VICTORY. This is a VICTORY that will be COMPLETE and FINAL. Your enemies will be THOROUGHLY DEFEATED and COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED by My SUPERIOR FORCES OF LIGHT. Keep this promise CLOSE to your heart and KEEP the words ‘OVERWHELMING VICTORY’ on your lips as a CONFESSION OF FAITH. It is going to look DARK and CHAOTIC for a SHORT time but that is only to AWAKEN the sleepers and to COMPLETELY EXPOSE EVERY ENEMY to your lives and your nations. When the enemy TAUNTS you with ARROGANT cries of ‘You can’t win now! Defeat is your portion!’ LAUNCH an ARROW of FLAMING FAITH in his face by declaring, ‘We have the OVERWHELMING VICTORY! My God’s PROMISES are YES and AMEN! His POWER is FAR SUPERIOR to your hatred and destruction. You are UNMASKED, and you are GOING DOWN.’ You will be releasing FREQUENCIES of VICTORY and GREAT POWER into the atmosphere, and you will watch their SCARY SCHEME DEFLATE and COME TO NOTHING. I AM telling you WE HAVE THE OVERWHELMING VICTORY!”


September 17, 2023


“Is this a season of DESTRUCTION OR RAINBOWS? My answer to that question is that this season you have just STEPPED INTO is BOTH a season of DESTRUCTION and a season of RAINBOWS. The enemy has plans of GREAT DESTRUCTION to unleash on you. Instead of the TWISTED satisfaction they are looking forward to as they see you SUFFER and be DESTROYED, My STORM WINDS will send those plans BACK AGAINST THEM, and you will see your enemies REAP what they have SOWN. When I TEAR DOWN, it is for the PURPOSE of BUILDING UP AGAIN with My LIFE and LIGHT. Some voices want you to FOCUS only on the coming DESTRUCTION. I have told you about the coming TAKEDOWN of darkness NOT for you to FOCUS on or to be FEARFUL or to try to PROTECT YOURSELF; but I have shared what I will be doing because I want you PARTNERED with Me in CALLING for PROTECTION for the Light and the REAPING of DESTRUCTION by the darkness. All throughout this season of DESTRUCTION, you will see RAINBOWS because I want to give you a VISUAL REMINDER that I KEEP MY PROMISES and that I can bring you through any kind of SHAKING, hidden in the Ark of My PRESENCE. You will see RAINBOWS after a storm and RAINBOWS without a storm. You will see RAINBOWS around the sun and the moon and painted on the clouds. These are your SIGNS of the NEW LIFE that is ahead, and it is filled with My MULTI-COLORED GLORY and the PROMISE of a FRESH BEGINNING.”

PSALM 27:1 (AMP) “The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the refuge and fortress of my life—whom shall I dread?”

3.    September 18, 2024


“People around the world are going to be suffering THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL, as people in positions of power, leadership, and influence are EXPOSED. They were told by the media and by these FACADE-WEARING people that they could be TRUSTED and that they were SERVING you and FOR your interests. When it is REVEALED that these BETRAYERS are THIEVES, MURDERERS, and TRAITORS, the PAIN and SHOCK of BETRAYAL will be great. The Church has felt some of this BETRAYAL as leader after leader is EXPOSED. Some as PREDATORS, some as TRAFFICKERS, and some as EMBEZZLERS. The SHOCK and ABANDONMENT are PAINFUL to bear. People ask, ‘Why didn’t I SEE or SENSE that something was WRONG with these leaders?’ That is the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION that you could ask right now because these fallen leaders are just the BEGINNING of the EXPOSURES of BETRAYAL. I want My Sons and Daughters to have HEIGHTENED DISCERNMENT in this hour. If you are TUNED to My Spirit, I will give you a CAUTION in your spirit or your spirit will feel RUFFLED and not at PEACE regarding a particular person or you will feel NEGATIVE EMOTIONS about someone without APPARENT FACTS to back up your feelings. I’m NOT talking about a CRITICAL SPIRIT that is SUSPICIOUS of everyone who doesn’t AGREE completely with their NARROW VIEWPOINTS. I AM talking about being TUNED to My HEART so that I can give you DISCERNMENT that will save you HEARTACHE and keep you from supporting the WRONG person. Don’t JUDGE by OUTWARD FLASHY GIFTS or STRONG PERSONALITIES but ask Me for My DISCERNMENT about leaders in ALL areas of society. Then you won’t be so DEVASTATED and OVERWHELMED by BETRAYAL when so many are REMOVED. If you are not devastated, then you will be able to HELP those who have been affected by THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL. People inside and outside the Church have been PROGRAMMED to take everything at FACE VALUE and DISCERNMENT has FALLEN in the DUST of LIES and COVERUPS. I want to PROTECT My people’s HEARTS by RESTORING DISCERNMENT to the Body. It will save you from BAD DECISIONS and help you determine what leaders you can TRUST and who you should LISTEN to. I can share DISCERNMENT with you through your SPIRITUAL and your NATURAL SENSES. Begin to PAY ATTENTION to how and what I AM showing you about people. It’s not for you to GOSSIP about, but it is to KEEP you SAFE from DECEPTION and THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL.” HEBREWS 5:14 (AMP) “But solid food is for the (spiritually) mature, whose senses are trained by practice to distinguish between what is morally good and what is evil.” PROVERBS 2:11 (AMP) “Discretion will watch over you, understanding and discernment will guard you,”


 September 18, 2022


“I need you to see yourself like I see you. These FIERCE days of BATTLE have been the MOST CHALLENGING days of your life, as you faced GIANTS of GREAT POWER who used their weapons of darkness against you—FEAR, DESPAIR, HOPELESSNESS, INTIMIDATION—to DISARM you and to DISCOURAGE you and to cause you to LEAVE the battle. But you have STRENGTHENED yourself in Me, and you are STILL STANDING, you are still BELIEVING, and you are still FIGHTING! I see you as STRONG AND MIGHTY, like David’s Mighty Men; a small, well-trained, determined force who LISTEN for My commands and OBEY. You’ve also been trained as SPECIAL OPS, and you go behind enemy lines and PLUNDER and EXPOSE the camp and the PLANS of the enemy. Because there is so much NOISE and DISTRACTION in this war, you may not realize how much GROUND you have taken from the enemy and that because you have WEAKENED them, the TIDE OF BATTLE will soon completely TURN in FAVOR of the righteous. You will see the darkness in GREAT FEAR, INTIMIDATED, DESPERATE, and their ILLEGITIMATE power stripped from them. You are no longer just holding on tightly so that all your FREEDOMS aren’t torn from you; you are now ADVANCING into the enemy’s STOLEN TERRITORY and TAKING BACK your Land of FREEDOM, HOPE, and LIBERTY. You are My STRONG AND MIGHTY ONES!”

5.    September 19, 2024


“Your enemies want to launch a worldwide, ALL-OUT WAR between many nations in order to KILL, DESTROY, and STEAL BACK their DARK POWER. How about the FORCES OF LIGHT COUNTERATTACK with an ALL-OUT WAR in the spiritual realm? Come to Me, and I will LIGHT your spirit on FIRE! We will STORM the GATES of hell and set them ABLAZE! This is the hour that the Army of Light and the Host of Heaven have TRAINED FOR. It will be your FINEST HOUR, and you will PROVE to your own heart that you can be a MIGHTY and a VALIANT WARRIOR who does not BACK DOWN and does not WIMP OUT. This is not a battle to fight in your OWN STRENGTH; it is a battle fought with My Spirit INSIDE YOU, as we STRATEGICALLY COLLAPSE the GATES of hell that have RULED in your nation. Here is how you PREPARE for the FIERCE CLASH between darkness and Light. DEDICATE your SWORD on your knees to My service. SWEAR your ALLEGIANCE to Me and to the Army of Light. WORSHIP Me with all your STRENGTH and then LISTEN for SPECIFIC BATTLE STRATEGIES. The enemy wants an ALL-OUT WAR, but we are going to SURPRISE them with an ALL-OUT WAR INVADING their camp. Hear the alarm! BATTLE STATIONS!”

6.    September 20, 2024


“I want you to know that your Father UNDERSTANDS what you are going through. Not only has the WARFARE BEEN FIERCE and LONG but added to that, you have been DISCOUNTED and DISMISSED by family and friends. You’ve been labeled a CONSPIRACY NUT and told that you’re not SEEING REALITY. The media makes FUN of you and seeks to INTIMIDATE you or to SILENCE you. You’ve been SHUNNED, IGNORED, and GOSSIPED about. And yet, My FAITHFUL, BATTLE-SCARRED WARRIORS, you are still IN THE FIGHT. You are still PUSHING BACK the enemy, DECREEING and DECLARING, and BELIEVING that darkness will be EXPOSED and the TRUTH will be UNCOVERED. The DECEIVED and the SLUMBERING may not VALUE YOU or what you have to say, but I want you to know this: I VALUE YOU. I have RECORDED every PRAYER, every SIGH, every HURT, and your PERSISTENCE in partnering with Me until the world has AWAKENED and the VICTORY is won. All that you have LOST, all that you have WON as you FAITHFULLY WAGED WARFARE is noted in the Book of Records of the ‘GREAT WAR AND THE GREAT AWAKENING.’ YOU MATTER, YOU ARE VALUED, and YOU HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE. This is your VALIDATION from Me, and you will someday be VINDICATED. I VALUE YOU.”


 September 20, 2022


“Crack! You will hear it in the natural and in the supernatural when the LION’S ROAR SPLITS OPEN THE HEAVENS. This is not My Son’s final appearing, but it is a FORETASTE of that day. This appearing will be a FORCEFUL ENTRY of the POWER and DEVOURING FIRE of the Kingdom of Heaven come to earth to DEFEAT the schemes of darkness and to RESTORE FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS to your Land, and to all those nations where My people have lifted their voices and cried out to Me for DELIVERANCE. It will be a day of GREAT SHOCK to those in the Church who are still asleep, and it will be a day of TERROR to those partnered with darkness and their inner parts will MELT as they SHAKE and TREMBLE in the presence of the Lion of Judah, as He REVEALS who they really are and what they have done. For My Army of Light, it will be a day of SWEET VINDICATION of all they have been BELIEVING and FIGHTING for. You will REJOICE in My JUDGMENTS and in My POWER. Oh what a day when the LION ROARS and SPLITS OPEN THE HEAVENS!” 

8.    September 21, 2024


“Look back at the enemy’s PLAYBOOK from the last selection. Because he has NO ABILITY to CREATE, he just keeps RE-USING the SAME, OLD TACTICS to try and STOP My plans and to insert his DARK and DESTRUCTIVE schemes. Now is the time to send PREEMPTIVE STRIKES against these plans of the enemy to WEAKEN them and to UNCOVER them before they can gain a FOOTHOLD. The AIM of these schemes is to cause DISTRACTION, FEAR, DESTRUCTION, and CHAOS to STOP or HINDER the coming selection. LAUNCH PREEMPTIVE STRIKE FIERY HOST ARROWS at any scheme to STOP or STEAL the next selection. COMMAND these ARROWS to STRIKE THE MARK of PLANNED DISEASES, FAKE VOTES, PAID FOR RIOTS AND PROTESTS, MANUFACTURED STORMS, FEAR-MONGERING TACTICS, and FAKE SCIENCE. ARROW HOSTS are WAITING for you to LAUNCH them as PREEMPTIVE STRIKES. RISE UP My Sons and Daughters and launch My PREEMPTIVE STRIKES against the enemy’s schemes. The darkness will be SHOCKED and won’t know what HIT them. SURPRISE! I have My PLANS, too, and they will be EFFECTIVE as you launch My PREEMPTIVE STRIKES.”


September 21, 2022


“Get ready to see a DISPLAY of THE AWESOME POWER OF A MIGHTY GOD! I AM coming to make Myself known among the nations, as My STRONG RIGHT ARM reaches down from Heaven and SNATCHES your Nation out of the grip of DARKNESS and TYRANNY. No one will be able to miss the fact that I showed up in a SUDDEN MIGHTY DISPLAY of RESCUE and REDEMPTION. The wicked will be caught with their pants down and SHOCKED looks on their faces, as I COMPLETELY EXPOSE who they are and what they have planned. The SCRIPT WILL FLIP, the TABLES WILL TURN, the HOUSE OF CARDS WILL FALL, and My light will expose all the darkness and perversion. Those who were HUNTING you down to ACCUSE you and to STEAL your FREEDOM will become those who are HUNTED, TRACKED DOWN, and BROUGHT TO JUSTICE. These arrogant, wicked ones will NEVER have a day of FREEDOM again, for they have chosen their future by rejecting Me and by pursuing their SELFISH, PERVERTED ways. Those who thought they had it all will be the BIGGEST LOSERS your Nation has ever seen. You, My Army of Light, will WIN BIG. Your enemy will be forced to see you—those they considered nobodies—HONORED and PROSPERED. Your whole Nation will be BLESSED to be a BLESSING to the world. Well done, Army of Light, for fighting on with Me until you see the FULFILLMENT of all I’ve PROMISED. You will not be disappointed in THE AWESOME POWER OF A MIGHTY GOD!”

Recommended reading: PSALM 21

Vs. 6 “Your victory heaps blessing after blessing upon him. What joy and bliss he tastes, rejoicing before Your face!” (TPT)   

10.                   September 22, 2024


Biblical meaning of 22=corruption or illumination

“I AM going to begin to drop into the minds and hearts of the THOROUGHLY ASLEEP, ILLUMINATION of the CORRUPTION they have REFUSED to SEE. These are the ones who have thought you were SLIGHTLY CRAZY and that you were listening to MADEUP STORIES. They have BELIEVED Leviathan’s NARRATIVES for so long that the TRUTH SOUNDS LIKE A FABLE. It is the LIGHT of My TRUTH that PIERCES the darkness and SETS PEOPLE FREE. I AM releasing RAYS of ILLUMINATION into the minds of those that you have been PRAYING for. A CRACK of DIVINE LIGHT will PIERCE the SCALES on the eyes of the DECEIVED, and they will begin to SEE what you have been TALKING about. I have ILLUMINATION ANGELS who will DELIVER these LIGHT BEAMS that will BREAK THROUGH the LIES and PROGRAMMING that these sleeping ones have believed. Once a CRACK of ILLUMINATION is made, it will continue to WIDEN until the person is brought into the LIGHT of FULL DISCOVERY. This release of ILLUMINATION ANGELS will catch the darkness OFF-GUARD, and they will not be able to COUNTER or STOP IT. Begin to CALL FORTH these ILLUMINATION ANGELS and ASSIGN them to go to those you name. This has been a HIDDEN STRATEGY of the Rescue Operation that is now READY to be implemented. Be encouraged because many you thought would NEVER see the TRUTH are going to be TOUCHED SUPERNATURALLY. Never UNDERESTIMATE My POWER or My PLANS. It is coming…ILLUMINATION.”

LUKE 11:36 (TPT) “If your spirit burns bright with light, fully illuminated with no trace of darkness, you will be a shining lamp, reflecting rays of truth by the way you live.”  

11.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

 September 22, 2022


DANIEL 9:22 “He (Gabriel) instructed me (Daniel) and he talked with me and said, ‘O, Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and wisdom and understanding.’” (Emphasis mine)

“I AM sending Messenger Angels to EQUIP My people with Heaven’s INSIGHT, WISDOM, AND UNDERSTANDING. These gifts from My Throne will STRENGTHEN you to STAY the COURSE of these last days of FIERCE WARFARE, and they will EMPOWER you to enter the TOTALLY NEW ERA that is coming on the earth. You are being called to walk where no one has ever walked before. That is how different this season will be to the world. I will give My faithful warriors the INSIGHT, WISDOM, AND UNDERSTANDING to help you walk into this new season and to THRIVE. You have leaned on Me and have fought this war depending on My INSTRUCTIONS and My SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE. I want you to continue to walk this CLOSELY with Me into this BRAND-NEW WORLD. I want you to be BLESSED beyond your ability to imagine, and I want you to continue to DEEPEN your relationship with Me because that is why I created you, and you will find your COMPLETION and FULFILLMENT in Me. POSITION yourself to receive because I AM sending Messenger Angels to give you My INSIGHT, WISDOM, AND UNDERSTANDING.”

12.                   September 23, 2024


“The dark and arrogant ones have A RISING TIDE of SCARE EVENTS and DESTRUCTIVE PLANS set to ROLL OUT. Their AIM is to TERRIFY people and COMPLETELY CONTROL them. Imagine their SURPRISE and SHOCK when YOU DON’T SCARE and YOU DON’T COMPLY. They will witness A RISING TIDE of FAITH and FAITHFULNESS coming from the Army of Light. They will ask, ‘Why aren’t they FALLING for the SCARE TACTICS? Why are they growing BOLDER and LOUDER?’ With RISING PANIC, they will say to one another, ‘But these are our BEST and DARKEST PLANS. Why aren’t they WORKING?!’ FINGER POINTING and LOUD ARGUMENTS will be heard in those SECRET MEETINGS and ACID will RISE in their throats. Hmmm…who’s SCARED now??? Army of Light, as you continue to STRENGTHEN yourself in Me, you will find that I AM releasing a NEW LEVEL of BOLDNESS to you, and I will be STRENGTHENING your RESOLVE to be FAITHFUL to Me and to your FELLOW WARRIORS. Remember that you have been launching STRATEGIC STRIKES against the DARK SCHEMES of the enemy, and they will NOT have the effect that they were meant to have. The darkness will be FURIOUS that all their schemes are FIZZLING OUT. Their RISING TIDE of SCARE EVENTS will FLATTEN before they ever reach you, but the RISING TIDE of your FAITH and FAITHFULNESS will become a TSUNAMI that OVERPOWERS their little waves. YOU are the RISING TIDE.”

13.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

September 23, 2023


“Those partnered with DARKNESS have been SCHEMING for years to ENSNARE people into TRAPS that STEAL their LIVES, their FREEDOMS, and that DEFILE them. Have you been CAUGHT in one of these enemy TRAPS? Know this with everything that is within you: that it was for FREEDOM that Christ SET YOU FREE. (Galatians 5:1) My Son is an EXPERT at SPRINGING the LOCKS of any TRAP that you have FALLEN into. CALL OUT to Him, and He will RESCUE you and FREE you wherever you have been BOUND by darkness. Say, ‘I APPLY the BLOOD of Jesus to this TRAP, and I declare my FREEDOM from this SNARE. I declare His BLOOD is WASHING me CLEAN and is doing a DEEP HEALING of whatever made me VULNERABLE to this TRAP!’ Declare: ‘I am FREE, I am FREE, I am FREE! The BLOOD of Jesus speaks LOUDER for me!’ (Hebrews 12:24) My Son already PAID for your FREEDOM, so RECEIVE it and STOP STRUGGLING with your FLESH! I want My people FREE of any TRAPS of darkness because I AM getting ready to SPRING My GIANT TRAP on the darkness. If you have NO AGREEMENT with darkness, when I spring My TRAP SHUT, it will have NO EFFECTS on you. The darkness is set to REAP every EVIL TRAP they set, and there will be NO ESCAPE from the HUGE JAWS of My TRAP. ‘We’re CAUGHT, we’re CAUGHT! they will shriek! But it will be TOO LATE for them to TURN BACK, and there will be NO REPRIEVE or ESCAPE for them. The HARVEST of their lives of SELFISHNESS and GREED will come with the sound of a GIANT ‘SNAP!’, as the JAWS of My TRAP engulf them. DEEP and COMPLETE EXPOSURE will result in them REAPING COMPLETE LOSS and SHAME. This is My decree, ‘They will all be CAUGHT IN A TRAP.’”

14.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

September 23, 2022


“There is an event coming that will ROCK the world. Those partnered with darkness will try to make it appear like an attack from another country, but I will NOT ALLOW that LIE to stand. I will bring ABSOLUTE PROOF before your Nation that it was an INSIDE JOB, planned and executed by people in your own Nation with the help of HOSTILE FOREIGN POWERS. This knowledge of the DEPTH of the evil those partnered with darkness were willing to release against innocent people so that they could maintain their POWER and WEALTH will SHOCK an ASLEEP and DUPED Nation AWAKE. I AM allowing this final assault by the enemy because it will be his COMPLETE UNDOING and EXPOSURE. Remember on one of your visits to the War Room of Heaven where you overheard the Elders speaking about the coming plans of darkness? The important part for you to take away from this visit to the War Room is that for every scheme of darkness set in motion, Heaven set in motion COUNTERMEASURES against it. I have called you to PARTNER with Heaven in COUNTERING all their plans—especially this INCOMING attack they have planned—with the RELEASE of My Host and your DECLARATIONS to PUSH this scheme back into their camp where it will EXPLODE in their faces. Take the POWER OUT of the attack and TURN IT AGAINST THEM. You are not helpless pawns in this battle of Light against the darkness. You are WARRIORS empowered by My STRENGTH and My PEACE and RESTING in the full ASSURANCE of our VICTORY. The ‘INCOMING’ is not just about their planned STRIKE, it is about Heaven INVADING with great POWER and GLORY!”

15.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

 September 19, 2022  


“You and your Nation are on the precipice of A WHOLE NEW WORLD. This is no time to be distracted by MISGIVINGS, DOUBT, or FEAR-PORN. I want you to FOCUS on My EYES OF FLAME and My SURE WORDS OF PROMISE to you. Realize how BOLD and BRAVE you have become as My Army of Light and use the SWORD in your mouth of TRUTH and LIGHT to DRIVE BACK the darkness into the TRAP I laid for them and to DEFEAT all their evil SCHEMES of destruction. The ROAR of the Lion of Judah is BUILDING and when it is released, I want you to ROAR along with Him. These ROARS will release a SOUND WAVE, A FREQUENCY, that SPLITS the darkness and SHATTERS it into a MILLION PIECES to be TRAMPLED underfoot by My Army of Light, as they march in to TAKE BACK your Land in the name of My Son. Once again, your Nation will be established on RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE, and it will be GREATER and more far-reaching than it was when your Nation was founded. FACE the coming storm FEARLESSLY and MARCH through it with the POWER of My Spirit propelling you forward. Feel His hand on your back, releasing His POWER and FIRE into you. Suddenly, the storm will end, revealing A WHOLE NEW WORLD.”


  1. Father said, “The ROAR of the Lion of Judah is BUILDING and when it is released, I want you to ROAR along with Him.”
    How about a little practice so we can release an atmospheric splitting frequency when the time is right.
    Take a deep breath . . . now, let it RIP as LOUD and LONG as you are able to.



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