ACTION ITEMS: Video A DAY OF DISASTER--FOR WHO? September 10, 2024


*How do we keep faith alive in the in=between time? Choose to draw near to Him remind yourself of His faithfulness, His promises, His great power, and His overwhelming love for you. Choose to believe that He will not let you down and that victory is sure. Worship Him, declare who He is when taunted with unanswered prayers. Declare that you will see the fulfillment of all He has promised because He is a faithful and powerful God who cherishes you. Declare that we will come out of the crucible of faith purified like gold and shining for Him.

*Fear will fall behind you and faith will arise when we decree and declare He had begun a New Day, evil will be vanquished, diseases will be healed, hearts will be brought home to His Kingdom, financial plenty be established, freedom, justice, and righteousness be restored as the foundation of my nation.

*The enemy will try to launch violence when they are brought down—do not tolerate violence! Take authority over the punk’s schemes and send His fire to burn up rebellion and violence. Release His backfire against their fires of violence and declare it will snuff out their flames. Release His perfect love as flaming arrows into these strongholds of fear and deception, to pierce their hearts, shatter their fears and deceptions, and to transform them. No freaking out over violence; instead, take authority over violence, and send love to still the work of the enemy.

*Whenever we hear another lie—every tall tale (tail) by the darkness, we are invited to pick up that donkey tail and pin it on them as a powerful prophetic action. Welcome truth and light to come flooding in and illuminate the pinned donkey.

*We need to learn right now to be good stewards of the finances we have been entrusted with. Be a giver and a saver and a disciplined spender. If you struggle with jealousy and resentment of what others have, you may have a generational spirit of poverty that needs to be dealt with by breaking its power and its cords and come out of agreement with continual lack and choose to believe in His goodness and His generosity. Ask Holy Spirit to search your heart for any wrong motives regarding wealth and to help you become someone He can entrust with wealth.

*Do not allow the enemy to feed you lies, to take anything from you, and do not put up with his destroying ways. Declare: I’m taking back what the enemy stole! No victories ever for the darkness; I’m taking back what the enemy stole!

*The enemy has passed the point of no return, and we can join forces with the Host in pushing the darkness over the edge into their destruction.

*Our prayers will back troops both in the physical and the natural realms at our borders. Declare: ‘You shall not breakthrough nor shall you cause a breech in our borders! Darkness fall back and be disarmed in the mighty name of Jesus!

* Army of Light, call in the SWIFT and POWERFUL RELEASE of His DOUBLE JEOPARDY against the evil empire. RELEASE His Special Forces Host who have been held back until this day to ENFORCE His DOUBLE JEOPARDY against the darkness. DECLARE this day as the day of DOUBLE JEOPARDY.  

 Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


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