Other nations to add to our family: Guyana, South America, Philippines, Austria, South African who lives in Taiwan.

Just to mention, a few of you have sent in photos, videos, and articles about unusual meteors raining down on the earth in various locations. Confirmation of the word the Father spoke about “Meteoric Judgment” 8/16/24

1.    August 27, 2024


Foolhardy: unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger.

“The enemy camp has spent years ASSESSING the MINDSETS of the people. They have STRATEGICALLY LAUNCHED LIES and DISINFORMATION that have convinced people to GIVE UP their RIGHTS and FREEDOMS in order to be ‘protected.’ Of course, the IRONY is that those who proclaim they want to ‘protect’ you are the VERY ONES trying to DESTROY you. It is time for My Army of Light to become STRATEGIC. The time is RIPE for you to ASSESS the TEMPERATURE of the enemy’s camp. Where once they were FOCUSED and UNIFIED in their purpose to SUBJUGATE and CONTROL the masses, they have become DOUBLE-MINDED. One minute their ARROGANT PRIDE asserts itself, and they are sure their DARK, DESTRUCTIVE SCHEMES will bring you under their CONTROL. The next, they realize that everything around them is SHAKING and THREATENING to PULL APART at the seams. What they fear most—THEIR EXPOSURE—is BREATHING DOWN their necks and THREATENING to DESTROY their GREEDY, SELF-FOCUSED LIVES. Now, it is TIME for you to SOW FOOLHARDY DECISIONS into the camp of the enemy. Ask My Host to make the BAIT of FOOLHARDY DECISIONS IRRESISTIBLE to the CONFLICTED DARKNESS. Ask My Angels to WHISPER SUGGESTIONS into the enemy’s camp that make FOOLHARDY DECISIONS very APPEALING. Send ARROWS of FEAR of the FUTURE, FEAR of FAILURE, FEAR of LOSS into the enemy’s camp. These are the ARROWS they shot at you, but you are sending these ARROWS as BOOMERANGS back into their camp. RISING FEAR will set the stage for FOOLHARDY DECISIONS that will result in their COMPLETE EXPOSURE and DOWNFALL. This is your STRATEGIC WEAPON to LAUNCH into the enemy’s camp: FOOLHARDY DECISIONS.”

2.    JOURNAL NUGGETS from 2 years ago:

August 27, 2022 GREAT RESET


“IMAGINE a world without so many viruses, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. IMAGINE a world where the quality of life is good without all the drugs with awful side effects. IMAGINE a pharmaceutical industry that is for you and not against you. IMAGINE a world where leaders walk in integrity and serve the people instead of stealing your wealth for their own greedy purposes. IMAGINE a Church that displays My glory, My healing, and My love. Life will really be this good after My RESCUE OPERATION and My GREAT RESET. Your enemy is IMPLODING, and they will all FALL under My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. Continue to partner with Me in NULLIFYING their desperate and angry schemes. I AM with you, the Host are with you, and we will TRIUMPH. Look ahead and IMAGINE what your world will be like when evil is BROUGHT DOWN, and LIGHT and LIFE are established.”  

3.    August 28, 2024


“I spoke to you about the TIME OF EXPANSION of both the DARK and the LIGHT. I will ALLOW the darkness to FLAME UP in a SEEMING GREAT DISPLAY of DESTRUCTIVE POWER. Those who do not REALLY KNOW Me will be TERRIFIED. But NOT YOU, Army of Light. You know that I AM ALLOWING the darkness to FULLY EXPOSE themselves so that there is NO DOUBT about their EVIL PLANS, DARKENED HEARTS, and SELFISH GREED. Who serves the darkness and who serves the Light will be OUT IN THE OPEN FOR ALL TO SEE. The VOICE and POWER of Leviathan media will be COMPLETELY BROKEN because it will be REVEALED that they were the MOUTHPIECE of the darkness, spreading LIES and FEAR in order to CONTROL the masses. GREAT WILL BE THEIR FALL. As you see the evil plans of the darkness EXPLODE in a HUGE FLAME, know that I have given My Forces of Light the POWER and AUTHORITY to EXTINGUISH THE DARKNESS. When you see that SCARY FLAME fill the skies, TAKE AUTHORITY over that DARK FIRE and BIND its POWER to cause DESTRUCTION and FEAR. You have been given a FIREHOSE of POWER. AIM it at the FIRE and say, ‘The FLOOD of the River of Life is being POURED on you.’ We say, ‘The DARKNESS IS EXTINGUISHED!’ Watch, as the FLAMES DIE DOWN and only the ASHES of the evil empire will remain, and I will SCATTER these ASHES with the BREATH of My mouth. You will look around with WONDER and THANKSGIVING, and you will declare, ‘THE DARKNESS IS EXTINGUISHED!’

4.    August 28, 2023


“The enemy is THROWING everything he can at you to DISTRACT you, to make you FEARFUL, to OVERWHELM you. I AM telling you to ARISE and to TRULY BELIEVE that I AM so much GREATER than your LIMITED-POWER enemy. You belong to the God of UNLIMITED POWER, and My PRESENCE in you is GREATER and is VASTLY SUPERIOR to anything the enemy has. Set your face like FLINT and KEEP these three as the FOCUS of your life: WARRING, WORSHIP, and WONDER. Begin each day with LEANING into My GOODNESS, and I will STRENGTHEN you to WAR against the enemy until he is COMPLETELY under your feet. CLEAR AWAY distractions that would keep you from coming to Me DAILY—you will not OVERCOME in this war without My DAILY STRENGTH that I WEAVE into you as we are together. WORSHIP Me as a LIFESTYLE of GRATEFULNESS, ACKNOWLEDGING who I AM, SINGING in your language and in the Spirit. EXALT and MAGNIFY My name ABOVE all others. WONDER is RECOGNIZING My PRESENCE, My HAND, and My POWER in your life and in your world. WONDER will keep you in AWE of Me—both My GREATNESS and My INTIMACY—and it will REFRESH you and RENEW your HOPE. This is how you will STAY STRONG in the FIERCE BATTLE and how you will FINISH WELL. ABIDE in My STRENGTH in the WARRING, WORSHIP, and WONDER.”

5.    August 29, 2024


This word began with a dream I had on August 28, 2024. I was in the upper story of an older hotel type building. I stuck my head out of the window and turned my head to see a lovely rainbow arching over the huge mountain in back of the hotel. The main color I remember seeing was lavender.

Interpretation: “A Rainbow Overtaking Me” I have “stuck my neck out” spiritually in believing God’s promises for this season, and He is assuring me that His promises and His covenant blessings will overtake me. Usually things behind you in a dream would represent the past, but in this case, they speak of being overtaken by His goodness. Meaning of color lavender: it’s a combination of purple (royalty, covenant) and white (purity); it is Holy Spirit breathing into the earth new beginnings in the steadfast love of holiness; it is loving removal of impurities, and blessings of impartation.

“You have been WATCHING and WAITING for My PROMISES to come to you, but I tell you that SUDDENLY, they WILL OVERTAKE YOU. All the HARDSHIPS, LOSSES, and WARFARE will all be WORTH IT when My BLESSINGS OVERTAKE YOU. My promises will CROWN your life with My GOODNESS, My PURITY, and My COVENANT PROMISES. You will LACK NOTHING, and you will have PLENTY to SHARE with those who DID NOT BELIEVE My prophets but CLUNG to the TRADITIONS and DOCTRINES of men. When they see the WONDER of what WILL OVERTAKE YOU, they will be AWAKENED to FAITH in a LIVING, SUPERNATURAL God. I will SURPRISE them with My LOVE and My GOODNESS, and they will JOYFULLY PURSUE My HEART and My WAYS. Because you have STAYED on the BATTLEFRONT with Me and have not turned back and because you BELIEVED My promises of a RESCUE and the DAWNING of the KINGDOM AGE, your REWARDS will be GREAT. My blessings will be FULL and AMAZING but with My PURITY on them so that they do not cause GREED or HOARDING. As you are FREELY BLESSED, you will FREELY GIVE, and the CYCLE of BLESSING will be established. The Kingdom Age will be ushered in as My BLESSINGS OVERTAKE YOU.”


 August 29, 2022



“Let’s talk about a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE. The MAIN outcome of a near death experience is that is DOES NOT END IN DEATH; it ends in LIFE! Your Nation’s FREEDOMS and your Nation’s LIGHT have been slowly DYING over the years. This has not been an ACCIDENTAL DEATH; it was ORCHESTRATED by hell and carried out by ARROGANT ELITE whose purpose was to ENSLAVE you and to STEAL from you. This death of freedom and light has ACCELERATED in the last few years because the darkness began to sense a RISING, RIGHTEOUS OPPOSITION, and PANIC pushed them to RAMP UP their DEATH SCHEMES for your Land. I AM declaring to you that this is a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE for your Nation, and it will end in a REVIVED Nation where LIFE and LIBERTY are once again PRIORITIES and TREASURED. Remember that I AM the God of RESURRECTION POWER and that nothing is too DIFFICULT for Me. I have DETERMINED that America shall LIVE, and she will not DIE! This is My SOLEMN PROMISE to you, and this is the future you should FOCUS on and LEAN INTO. Let your FAITH ARISE as you gaze on My FAITHFULNESS and My POWER. DECLARE and DECREE that America WILL RISE AGAIN as a BEACON of My HOPE and FREEDOM to the world. SHE SHALL NOT DIE—SHE SHALL LIVE!”

7.    August 30, 2024


“TUNE INTO THE MOVEMENTS OF MY HEART. I will SIGNAL to you that I want to DRAW NEAR and to FELLOWSHIP with you, that I want to SHARE My HEART with you, and that I want to GIVE you STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS or CORRECTIONS. When a SOUND, a SMELL, a FEELING comes to your ATTENTION, it is Me SIGNALING to you My DESIRE to have you COME INTO My PRESENCE so that I can DRAW you into an INTIMATE place in My heart. As you FOCUS your attention on Me, you will receive My DEEP LOVE that SATISFIES every DESIRE of your heart. I will give you CREATIVE IDEAS and HELP in solving problems. I will disclose DIVINE INTEL to keep you SAFE and to cause you to PROSPER. I have so much to offer you if you will just learn to be SENSITIVE to THE MOVEMENTS OF MY HEART. Don’t WASTE TIME being FRUSTRATED or FEARFUL. I will show you SOLUTIONS to frustrating problems if you will RESPOND to My NUDGE to seek Me and My WISDOM. If you will DRAW NEAR to Me when you are FEARFUL, I will show you that your MOUNTAIN OF FEAR is really a MOLEHILL in My MIGHTY POWER. The more you learn to TUNE INTO THE MOVEMENTS OF MY HEART, the more PEACE and REST will fill your life and STRIFE and ANXIETY will DISAPPEAR. Ask Holy Spirit to make you SUPER-SENSITIVE to THE MOVEMENTS OF MY HEART, and you will be on the path of Divine UNION with Me that will give your life PURPOSE, GRACE, and DEEP REST.”

8.    JOURNAL NUGGETS from 2 years ago:

 August 30, 2022


“The SUDDEN REVEAL of darkness that I bring will be so SHOCKING that it will be remembered as THE DAY THE WORLD STOOD STILL. It will be necessary to PAUSE ‘life as usual’ so that all realize the MOMENTOUS CHANGES that are necessary to SAVE the world from the darkness that THREATENED to SWALLOW IT UP. ALL eyes must be on the REVEAL that I showcase of DIABOLICAL plans of DEATH and DESTRUCTION, and the GREEDY, SELFISH, GRASPING hearts and minds of the arrogant elite and of the fools who served them. THE DAY THE WORLD STOOD STILL will be a day to AWAKEN and to realize how DECEIVED and BLIND they have been. As a new Nation is born out of the FIRES of the wicked and all their corrupted systems, there will be born a VIGILANCE to PRESERVE FREEDOM and to HIGHLY ESTEEM TRUTH and JUSTICE. A FREE and UN-COMPROMISED media will be demanded by the people, and I have been preparing TRUTH-TELLERS who will fulfill this role with INTEGRITY. A beautiful and strong UNITY will emerge because all the schemes to DIVIDE people will be EXPOSED, and everyone will VALUE being an American. They will join together to REBUILD, to RESTORE, and to make BETTER the foundations of this Nation on JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Those who were RADICALIZED will see they were DUPES being used by the darkness. There will be a WIDESPREAD turning to My SON to be CLEANSED and to embrace the beautiful gift of SALVATION. There will be a FRESH START for your Land, and My Army of Light and My Church will JOYFULLY DISCIPLE a Nation. Do not FEAR or be ANXIOUS but wait for THE DAY THE WORLD STOOD STILL because it will USHER IN A WHOLE NEW ERA.”

9.    JOURNAL NUGGET from 4 years ago:

August 30, 2020


“When you are tempted to quit because the battle is so fierce and relentless, remember that there is a REWARD for finishing well. Don’t MISS out on the great JOY of being a part of DEFEATING the darkness. This honor belongs to those who REFUSE to lay down their swords and their shields no matter the PRESSURE or the COST. When the battle is won (and it will be!), you will have the HONOR of laying your SHIELD before My Throne as your SACRIFICE of worship, and I will REWARD you with HONOR, BLESSING, and RESTORATION. Do not take the BAIT of the enemy’s INTIMIDATION or DISCOURAGEMENT. Ask Me and I will STRENGTHEN you in the inner man. DO NOT BACK DOWN AND DO NOT BACK OUT. Remain faithful to the end because your reward will be great.”

PSALM 47:9b “Every warrior’s shield is now lowered as surrendered trophies before this King. He has taken His Throne, high and lofty, exalted over all!”

10.                   August 31, 2024


“Get ready for A SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER. Things will be BREAKING OUT on every side—EXPLOSIONS of My KINGDOM POWER and DESPERATE MOVES by the empire of DECEPTION. You will see those partnered with darkness SPEW OUT more THREATS against your freedoms, try to pass more TYRANNICAL LAWS to CONTROL you, and FRANTICALLY try to keep a GRIP on the narrative by more and more LIES and DECEPTIONS. Their WEB of LIES will become so TANGLED that they will work themselves into a CORNER with NO WAY OUT. Oh, wait! That’s what they were trying to do to the Light—PUSH IT into a place of being SILENCED and CONTROLLED with no way of escape. Remember that what they planned to do to you will COME BACK upon them. The DARK FUTURE they planned for you will become their DEAD-END FUTURE. Do not be ANXIOUS or FEARFUL about their DESPERATE MOVES to INTIMIDATE and CONTROL you. Instead, realize it is their LAST ATTEMPTS to hold onto POWER, and it will only lead to the OCTOBER RUCKUS where the people ARISE and say, ‘No more!’ Meanwhile, My Sons and Daughters will be DISPLAYING My Kingdom power to SAVE, HEAL, and DELIVER. MIRACLES of HEALING, PROVISION, and RESTORATION will BREAK OUT. This will FRUSTRATE and ANGER the darkness because they thought their plans to make you SICK, POOR, and LOSERS would PREVAIL. Begin to LAUGH at the CLUMSY attempts of the darkness to keep up the FACADE that they are the GOOD GUYS who want to HELP you. It’s going to become OBVIOUS that they are LYING through their teeth. FOCUS on our SUPERIOR POWER as the Forces of Light and WELCOME the SUPERNATURAL BREAKOUTS of My Kingdom power. This will be A SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER.”

11.                   JOURNAL NUGGET from 4 years ago:

August 31, 2020


“My righteous anger has been released against those who have OVERLOOKED and EXCUSED sin in the Body for the wrong motives of ‘protecting’ the Body or their own reputations. I am declaring an end to this overlooking of sin and of HUSHING the voices of those who have been grievously sinned against.  My righteous anger is boiling over at those who have denied My people JUSTICE and RESTORATION, and have instead elevated the sinner back into places of leadership and ministry where they have continued to HURT and DEVASTATE the sheep of My flock. I the Lord, with eyes of BURNING justice, am now coming against those who bring UNCLEANESS into the Body and those who COVER for them. I am RIPPING off the lid that has been placed over these scandals and EXPOSING them, and I am DEMANDING that they be cleaned up and true righteousness and justice be RESTORED to My Church.  My Church is to be a reflection of My Kingdom and not a picture of how the world works. Where is the example of true justice and righteousness for the world to follow? Begin with your own heart and then join Me in calling forth this CLEANSING and RESTRUCTURING of My Body.”

12.                   September 1, 2024


“THE DIVIDE DEEPENS between the darkness and the Light. Every day the EXPOSURES of who the DEEP DARKNESS really is and who the LIGHT really is are COMING INTO VIEW. Even the MOST DECEIVED are beginning to feel UNEASY about what is being UNCOVERED. They are beginning to ask, ‘What have I been SUPPORTING?’ The voices of TRUTH-TELLERS of the Light are beginning to be HEARD by more people, as it becomes OBVIOUS the MSM has been LYING and COVERING UP for the darkness. Your PRAYERS and your WARFARE are causing the DIVIDE TO DEEPEN between the darkness and the Light, and they are also causing the DIVIDE TO DEEPEN in the camp of the enemy. Where once there was BLIND UNITY, there is now DIVISION in who to support as PUPPET LEADERS, and a CIVIL WAR in their ranks is becoming OBVIOUS, as some are PROPPING UP certain people while others are openly CRITICIZING them. It’s kind of like experiencing WHIPLASH in the news every day. I AM ALLOWING a DIVIDE TO DEEPEN in the Light between those who believe I AM still a SUPERNATURAL God and those who see Me as WORDS on a page and OUTWARD CONFORMITY to their idea of a Christian life. It is STALE, LIFELESS, and it ATTACKS the FREEDOM that Jesus won for you. I AM EXPOSING the SIN that has not been dealt with in the HEARTS of those wearing a FACADE of holiness, and it will bring about a realization of the NEED to really KNOW My SUPERNATURAL POWER to TRANSFORM the heart. This DIVIDE will be HEALED when I come and RESCUE your Nation in a POWERFUL, SUPERNATURAL way, and there will be NO DENYING My Kingdom REALITY that is coming to earth. Those who STUBBORNLY REFUSE to come out of the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT, will be SET ASIDE. My POWER and My GLORY will FILL the Land, and the DEEP DIVIDE in those of the Light will be HEALED. The DEEP DIVIDE in the darkness will continue to WIDEN until they SPLIT APART and ALL IS LOST. Continue your WARFARE against the darkness and continue to DECLARE that the Light will receive the REVELATION of who I AM and come into UNITY around that REVELATION.”

13.                   JOURNAL NUGGET: coming into fulfillment this year?

September 1, 2023


“The next few months for you will be DAYS OF AWE. You will see My right arm of POWER CRUSH your enemies and all of their WICKED SCHEMES will be EXPOSED and TOPPLED. For those inside and outside the Church not walking in the LIGHT of My REVELATIONS through My prophets of today, these months will SHAKE them and they will FEAR because they have not received insights about these times. To you who KNOW My VOICE, you will see with My eyes and PERCEIVE that the ATTACKS of the enemy are becoming SLOPPY, OBVIOUS, and DESPERATE. As you STAND your ground in FAITH, you will SHAKE the empire of darkness and RATTLE it to its core. Those in FEAR will also be AFFECTED by your STAND of FAITH and your FAITH  and your HOPE for the FUTURE. You will be like little LIGHTHOUSES all over the Land, and they will be DRAWN to you. Speak words of HOPE and COMFORT to them and GUIDE them into the SAFE HARBOR of FAITH in My PROMISES and POWER and PEACE that I give without measure. DRAW ASIDE with Me every day, and I will TELL YOU THINGS TO COME. These are the DAYS OF AWE that you have been PRAYING for. FOCUS on calling forth PEACE out of WAR-MONGERING, PROTECTION from any PESTILENCE, ABUNDANCE in the place of THREATENED SHORTAGES, and BRILLIANT LIGHT to ARISE over the deep darkness. These will be DAYS OF AWE.”

14.                   September 2, 2024


This word began with an encounter in Heaven. I began smelling a smokey fragrance and found myself in what seemed to be a smaller chamber in Heaven with an altar. The room was full of bowls. I saw bowls filled with golden liquid being poured out on the USA, and it was lighting glory fires all over the Land. I then saw bowls of blood—bowls of God’s wrath being poured on government officials, and they were no more.

“The PRAYERS and WORSHIP of My Army of Light have FILLED THE BOWLS of Heaven. They are beginning to be POURED OUT on the earth. The PURE LIQUID GOLD in these bowls of GLORY will LIGHT FIRES of HUNGER for Me, REPENTANCE and CLEANSING through the Blood of My Son, and Holy Spirit’s ANOINTING of POWER. My GLORY FIRES will open your eyes to the AUTHORITY you walk in as a Son or Daughter of the King. My GLORY FIRES PURIFY your MOTIVES and ENLARGE your heart to LOVE like I love. Your CRIES for EVIL and DECEPTION to be REMOVED from your Land and for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE to be RESTORED as its FOUNDATION, have FILLED the BOWLS OF WRATH in Heaven, and they are TIPPING OUT on those partnered with darkness. They will be REMOVED, and you will SEE THEM NO MORE. In FAITH, you have continued to DECREE and DECLARE that My Kingdom would COME on the earth as it is in Heaven. You will see all those prayers that you released in FAITH result in MANIFESTATIONS of My GLORY and My JUDGMENT. As you  have been FAITHFUL to Me, so I will be FAITHFUL to you, and you will see BOWLS OF GLORY and BOWLS OF WRATH POURED OUT ON THE EARTH.” 

15.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

September 2, 2023


“The darkness has been working very hard to DESTROY your food supply. Their AIM is to CONTROL you, to SET YOU AGAINST each other, and to PUNISH you because they can feel they are in DANGER of LOSING IT ALL. DO NOT FALL INTO THEIR TRAP OF FEAR because it will DISEMPOWER you. Instead of allowing FEAR to KILL your FAITH, let your FAITH ARISE and KILL the GIANT of FEAR. Remember that I FED and provided WATER for a WHOLE NATION in the middle of a DESERT WILDERNESS. These were SUPERNATURAL PROVISIONS from My LOVING HEART and MIGHTY HAND. I AM still the SAME God, and I AM able to MAKE YOU THRIVE in a time of LACK and DISRUPTION. Under the old covenant, the nation of Israel received just what they needed for each day. But you are under a NEW COVENANT established in the BLOOD of My Son, and it has OPENED UP the KINGDOM of Heaven and all its RESOURCES to all who enter into this covenant of REBIRTH and RESURRECTION LIFE. I will not only PROVIDE, I WILL MAKE YOU THRIVE so that you can be a GENEROUS SUPPLY to those around you. I want to AMAZE you and BLESS you with My GREAT LOVE and My POWER to PROVIDE an ABUNDANCE for you. NO FEAR OF LACK should be allowed to TORTURE your minds! Lean in and know My LOVE and My POWER TO MAKE YOU THRIVE.”

16.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS from 2 years ago:

 September 2, 2022


“A day is not far off when the INTENSITY of this war will RELEASE, as VICTORY after VICTORY flood in and JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS are in the process of being restored. All over this Land, the LIBERTY BELLS will begin to be RUNG. They will toll with CELEBRATION and VICTORY, and they will usher in a NEW DAY. These bells will also be rung to HONOR all the SACRIFICES that were made to win this war. Some names of those who played KEY roles will be named and honored. But for many of you, your names will never be known…except by Heaven, who SEES and who will REWARD you. Know that when you hear a LIBERTY BELL being RUNG, I AM ringing it to HONOR YOU…those LIBERTY BELLS TOLL FOR YOU as well. Receive My THANKS and HONOR for FIGHTING by My side and for BELIEVING and CLINGING to My PROMISES and My FAITHFULNESS. THE LIBERTY BELLS WILL TOLL FOR YOU.”

17.                   September 3, 2024


“Are you in TUNE with THE HARMONY OF HEAVEN? In Heaven, there is no FEAR, no ANXIETY, no FRUSTRATION, no OFFENSE, and no STRIVING. If you experience these emotions and ALLOW them to RULE your thoughts, you will NOT be part of Heaven’s BEAUTIFUL SYMPHONY of PEACE, JOY, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Out of PEACE comes great STRENGTH, and you can face any THREAT or PROBLEM knowing that He is FOR you and WITH you and that He is MIGHTY to SAVE and MIGHTY to DELIVER. The JOY of the Lord keeps you in AWE of your SALVATION. As you look back and remember all He has DELIVERED your from, your CONFIDENCE GROWS that He is ABLE to DELIVER and KEEP you no matter what the enemy throws at you. My RIGHTEOUSNESS is NOT RIGID, UNREACHABLE ways of living. It’s NOT RULES—it’s a RELATIONSHIP founded in the FREEDOM that Jesus WON for you. Righteousness is the FOUNDATION of THE HARMONY OF HEAVEN. It is a SONG of FREEDOM from the voices of FALSE COMFORTERS who only satisfy in the MOMENT and then result in the DISHARMONY of REGRET and SHAME. Righteousness must be founded on KNOWING how much I LOVE you and how much you LOVE Me. Righteousness is based in HONORING our LOVE relationship and not allowing the DISHARMONY of OFFENSE or FALSE COMFORTERS to INTRUDE in your heart and mind. Ask Me to TUNE you to Heaven’s FREQUENCIES, which is the FREQUENCY of My heart; and you will find that you are living in PEACE, JOY, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Your life will SING OUT with THE HARMONY OF HEAVEN.”

18.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS from 2 years ago:   

 September 3, 2022  


“Years from now when the MOVIES are shown about this EPIC SEASON in your history as a Nation, people will exclaim, ‘WHAT AN AMAZING RESCUE!’ They will look on you who FOUGHT this battle to SAVE your Nation from DESTRUCTION and your lives from being CONSUMED by the DARKNESS, with AWE and DEEP RESPECT. They will be very THANKFUL that you STOOD in FAITH, fought VALIANTLY, and SACRIFICED for their FREEDOM. You will ENJOY the movies, too, because you will see the SCOPE of the WAR and what was going on BEHIND the SCENES in both camps—the LIGHT and the DARK. Understanding will come about all the PLOT TWISTS, TURNS, and SURPRISES. You will be so glad you BELIEVED Me and FOUGHT through to VICTORY. You will look on in WONDER at the sacrifice of those who PRETENDED to serve darkness in order to SABOTAGE from within the enemy camp. America will have her HEROES again. Of course, you will especially enjoy the CLIMAX when I SUDDENLY stepped in and RESCUED your Land, and the WHOLE WORLD CHANGED. As you FIGHT valiantly every day, remember to FACE each new CHALLENGE from the darkness with FAITH, and DECLARE, ‘This plan of darkness WILL NOT STAND, and I bring it to NOTHING in His mighty name!’ WHAT AN AMAZING RESCUE is in store!”

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


  1. Your nugget on the Liberty bells brought me to tears. In 2020, while on lockdown during the C19 "plandemic" all I looked at was YouTube and the importance of the Kingdom saints in the USA waking up struck me and I prayed for them to support 45. I prayed oh Father let them wake up and pray,when the Stii small voice said "what about you? Why don't you pray?" So I have since then thrown my hat in the ring and watched and prayed with you all. I am not from the USA but in March of 2000 I visited and ended up in Washington DC not knowing I would be praying for and with you all. I hope to be counted as one of the soldiers of light and hope to be with you all on this side of Heaven ,If not see you all on the other side

  2. God bless you 🙏🏻

  3. Beautiful Words from Heaven's Throne! It confirmed much of what I've heard as well! Thank you, Diana Larkin, for sharing your journals with us!


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