September 18, 2024
“People around the world are going to be suffering THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL, as people in positions of power, leadership, and influence are EXPOSED. They were told by the media and by these FACADE-WEARING people that they could be TRUSTED and that they were SERVING you and FOR your interests. When it is REVEALED that these BETRAYERS are THIEVES, MURDERERS, and TRAITORS, the PAIN and SHOCK of BETRAYAL will be great. The Church has felt some of this BETRAYAL as leader after leader is EXPOSED. Some as PREDATORS, some as TRAFFICKERS, and some as EMBEZZLERS. The SHOCK and ABANDONMENT are PAINFUL to bear. People ask, ‘Why didn’t I SEE or SENSE that something was WRONG with these leaders?’ That is the MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION that you could ask right now because these fallen leaders are just the BEGINNING of the EXPOSURES of BETRAYAL. I want My Sons and Daughters to have HEIGHTENED DISCERNMENT in this hour. If you are TUNED to My Spirit, I will give you a CAUTION in your spirit or your spirit will feel RUFFLED and not at PEACE regarding a particular person or you will feel NEGATIVE EMOTIONS about someone without APPARENT FACTS to back up your feelings. I’m NOT talking about a CRITICAL SPIRIT that is SUSPICIOUS of everyone who doesn’t AGREE completely with their NARROW VIEWPOINTS. I AM talking about being TUNED to My HEART so that I can give you DISCERNMENT that will save you HEARTACHE and keep you from supporting the WRONG person. Don’t JUDGE by OUTWARD FLASHY GIFTS or STRONG PERSONALITIES but ask Me for My DISCERNMENT about leaders in ALL areas of society. Then you won’t be so DEVASTATED and OVERWHELMED by BETRAYAL when so many are REMOVED. If you are not devastated, then you will be able to HELP those who have been affected by THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL. People inside and outside the Church have been PROGRAMMED to take everything at FACE VALUE and DISCERNMENT has FALLEN in the DUST of LIES and COVERUPS. I want to PROTECT My people’s HEARTS by RESTORING DISCERNMENT to the Body. It will save you from BAD DECISIONS and help you determine what leaders you can TRUST and who you should LISTEN to. I can share DISCERNMENT with you through your SPIRITUAL and your NATURAL SENSES. Begin to PAY ATTENTION to how and what I AM showing you about people. It’s not for you to GOSSIP about, but it is to KEEP you SAFE from DECEPTION and THE PAIN OF BETRAYAL.” HEBREWS 5:14, PROVERBS 2:11.
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lord. I rely on you, Holy Spirit to give me discernment spiritually and guide my natural senses as I see these exposures and the fall of leaders. Thank you for your Word today. I lift up the Body that we will walk in unity and oneness in your Spirit and know that we walk in power and authority in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
ReplyDeleteAmen 🙏
ReplyDeleteSo be it 😊
ReplyDeleteI cannot thank you enough for your words today. The Lord confirmed IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS :) 2 critical situations in my life and what He is doing. I join in decreeing with you all - bringing down Jezebel and its beguilement, and tuning to His Spirit for discernment! Please pray for my priest husband who the Lord showed us both in astonishing dreams is under Jezebel’s attack. His grandmother was a powerful diviner to emperors, and it is trying to claw back into his life. Awake O sleeper and let the scales fall from his eyes!
ReplyDeletePraying for your husband's deliverance and freedom. God bless you ❤️
DeleteToo late for me. I read this earlier and have since been wondering who could surprise me next. At the present I’m dealing with a nasty corrupt cop up the street that wants me out of his nasty corrupt kingdom. I’ve been betrayed by just about everyone else. I’m not sure what my role is here; just got over a 3 day fast except liquids praying spending time in His presence. I’m kinda of angry at this point, it feels like a ‘do or die’ situation. Apparently our Father thinks I’m equipped to handle this so I still stand.
ReplyDeleteI’m starting to feel like I’m in The Amazing Race.
DeleteAmen. Glory be to God it's all coming out! 🎆
ReplyDeleteYears ago I heard a young prophet warn that there was coming a time when living by the spirit of God within us would be necessary for living.
ReplyDeleteHe likened it to being in the Ark of safety, the Ark of survival even.
This word rang with Truth to me and has come to mind often,
especially these last four years.
DeleteAmen and thankyou Father🙏❤️🌺✝️
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that I will be shocked about certain individuals and groups , but not nearly as much as 4 years ago . For this period of time my wife and I have been " tuned in " to a large number of prophets and people who had a good idea of what was going on . Besides ,we have known about the Illuminati and their evil control for over 50 years . Still , the the shock of BETRAYAL will most likely hit us too !
ReplyDeleteYes, 4 years ago the shock started for us. First it started with Covid and that whole debacle. Then a very close immediate family member betrayed us all by stealing money that was meant for my disabled brother. She claimed to be a Christian and is married to a pastor. So, we were in shock and disbelief. We just had to pick up the pieces and move on knowing the Lord will repay. And it just keeps getting more shocking as we realize we can trust very few. Even our church. We need to rely on the Lord for His wisdom and discernment. I keep thinking I cannot be any more shocked but today I heard Sean Hannity might have been aware of the attempt on President Trump before the actual attack was made. God will reveal all truth, but it will be very difficult for us, at least. We do know that our God is faithful and that brings us so much comfort. It helps lessen the blow.
DeleteBetrayal will be common but we know God has a price on the head of many like Bill Gates ,George Soros , Klaus Schwab , and many Holy Wood characters . However , some of these evil rats will be caught in a trap and we will hardly believe it could be ! of course we expect most of the Washington crowd to be nailed .
DeleteSeveral prophets said there would be another failed attempt on Trump's life . The world mafia globalists need to get Trump out of the way ---But they will fail miserably---A DECREE .
DeleteThese comments are sad. The price on all of us was paid at the cross. Where is your Love
DeleteComment 10:36. Who said we did not have love for the people who betrayed us? I’m aware God still expects us to love everyone, even those who betray us. I’m not reading anything from above that says we do not love these people. I, personally, have been working very hard with God to forgive and love the people in my own life that have betrayed my family.
DeleteBeing led by His Spirit is all encompassing and meets our every need: He is our Ark of safety, He is our Ark of Complete and Perfect Provision, He is our Ark of Safety from the storm and the overwhelming Flood, He is the Ark of Comfort.
ReplyDeleteJesus said, " wait here I am sending Another Comforter".
{We must need comfort the most.}
Prophet Robin Bullock explained an example of Betrayal of Saul against David 1 SAM 18:11 where Saul tried to Kill David with a spear twice but David escaped . Now look what the Fake Leaders have tried to do to God's David [TRUMP ] But our modern David escaped twice !
ReplyDeleteWe will be shocked at who some of these lying ,wealth grabbing , baby killing , perverts are .
ReplyDeleteBetrayal can also mean treason---if caught the punishment may not be all that pleasant !
ReplyDeleteThe journey has been long and Father God is so faithful and true it is amazing too awesome to imagine ! God is Absolutely Good!
ReplyDeleteWhat if we’re all deceived by our own political blindness. What if nothing happens? Then what? Move the goal posts again…
ReplyDeleteThis comment reminded me of a picture of a marriage in a boat in a storm and this ADVICE: "Don't rock the boat, wait out the storm and keep your dark thoughts to yourself."
DeleteGod has already said what will happen. We are following Him.
DeleteEphesians 4.29
Deletelays out a challenging standard to strive for in our speech and/or posting comments to Believers for this time : "Allow no unwholesome/ not-of-faith communication emanate from you. Focus on what is good and beneficial to everyones spiritual progress. Be faith strengthening. Let each word be a gift of fresh Blessing, helping and giving God's unmerited FAVOR to others." paraphrase
Anon 7:34AM: EXCELLENT and thank you for the reminder. Faith hope and love, the greatest of these is love. We have so much work to do with just these 3!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Prayer Poet❤️
ReplyDeleteFor I Myself will Backlash upon our enemies for they will be held accountable for going after My David and going after you by putting harmful additives and chemicals in your food, water and changing the medical field by endorsing vaccines and drugs that truly don’t help you, but do the exact opposite. For I AM Fed Up with all these lies and deception that you deal with everyday~as I AM sure you are too! So My Army of Light~this is what I want you to do~Pray Psalms 91 (that includes verbiage against the deadly pestilence) and make this your declaration and behold I will Respond to Your Cries and your Standing On My Word and I Shall Send Forth My Angelic Amies to bring Justice On The Earth! For It’s Time Our Enemies Know Who I AM!
ReplyDeletePsalms 37:39-40 “The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord: he is their stronghold in time of trouble. The Lord helps them and delivers them: he delivers them from the wicked and saves them, because they take refuge in him.” Patty Teichroews blog post for the 18th
Test the spirits to see whether they are of God.