September 19, 2024
“Your enemies want to launch a worldwide, ALL-OUT WAR between many nations in order to KILL, DESTROY, and STEAL BACK their DARK POWER. How about the FORCES OF LIGHT COUNTERATTACK with an ALL-OUT WAR in the spiritual realm? Come to Me, and I will LIGHT your spirit on FIRE! We will STORM the GATES of hell and set them ABLAZE! This is the hour that the Army of Light and the Host of Heaven have TRAINED FOR. It will be your FINEST HOUR, and you will PROVE to your own heart that you can be a MIGHTY and a VALIANT WARRIOR who does not BACK DOWN and does not WIMP OUT. This is not a battle to fight in your OWN STRENGTH; it is a battle fought with My Spirit INSIDE YOU, as we STRATEGICALLY COLLAPSE the GATES of hell that have RULED in your nation. Here is how you PREPARE for the FIERCE CLASH between darkness and Light. DEDICATE your SWORD on your knees to My service. SWEAR your ALLEGIANCE to Me and to the Army of Light. WORSHIP Me with all your STRENGTH and then LISTEN for SPECIFIC BATTLE STRATEGIES. The enemy wants an ALL-OUT WAR, but we are going to SURPRISE them with an ALL-OUT WAR INVADING their camp. Hear the alarm! BATTLE STATIONS!”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
Glory to God! I’m all in praise the Lord thank you father for your divine direction. Praise your holy name! It is an honor to be here for such a time as this!🙏♥️🔥
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord! 🙌
DeleteWe need a game plan and in our spirit or thru blogs like this [9\19\24] ,We will be given SPECIFIC battle strategies !
DeleteWe get a Bigly witness here in MN. I was up 4-7 with aggressive spiritual language prayer. . .China was being ordered around quite strongly.
About 5:30 I turned around and there was my husband fully dressed and working. He's the "mastermind" of our counties election verifiers group.
He had just gotten a huge "download" of understanding about the groups next moves.
It was "we are now on the Offense" !
DeleteWhat’s a Bigly witness?
DeleteOur allegiance has been and will be with the 3 in1 !
ReplyDeleteAmen 🙏
DeleteAll honor, glory, and praise to our Lord of Lords and our King of Kings, Christ Jesus! Your Army of Light stand ready for battle against this darkness! We will storm the gates of hell and declare VICTORY over the enemies! Hallelujah!
ReplyDeleteNO backing down !
DeleteOur swords and shields are up and ready for battle as we fool ourselves with the Spirit of the Mighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth and we STORM the gates of hell. The gates of hell shall NOT prevail in our homes, families, nation, health, finances! Amen and ALL HAIL KING JESUS!!
Deleteshould read as we FILL ourselves!!
DeleteI rebuke autocorrect
DeleteIsaiah 28.5-6 Strength to those who repel the Onslaught at the Gate.
Delete(that's cute- rebuking autocorrect).
I worked for an evangelist who would order copy machines and other equipment to quit acting up and work correctly. And They DID obey her.
That's right! Amen 🙏
DeleteOk David’s, Joshua’s and Esther’s (and you too Jonah) battle up and get on your knees. Thank the Living God that He chose you to be here now. Muster up what ever strength you’ve got, prayer warriors; it’s show time!! The Holy Spirit has been making us battle ready for a while now.
ReplyDeleteYes , it will be the Lord's strength in us !
DeleteBe ready , Things will not go the way we think they will ---that is the truth for most battles .
DeleteRemember to remember that it was God that has given us the Victory . We will tell our children ,
DeleteGrand children ,and great grand children.
DeleteWe MUST tell them. Robin Bullock has said that this current incursion of the enemy set a pattern that will be followed for the perilous times way down the road.
DeleteLet's go! 🔥
DeleteLets go ! watch any contest of action and the shout is automatic when something happens to bring VICTORY closer .
DeleteFull Speed Ahead and God Speed 🚅!!! From Go to God to Good 😊 It's about to get real good 😊
ReplyDeleteAmen 🙏
DeleteWe say yes ,our allegiance will be with ELOHIM [ the Father ,Son ,and Holy Spirit ]
ReplyDeleteAmen 🙏
DeleteEnough football and other supposed battles , We are in THE REAL THING now .
ReplyDeleteIt's time to FOCUS! 🙏
DeleteStand firm and confident. The enemy is coming at us one at a time. I know the forever looser is playing with my mind. He's coming at my emotions on a few things in my life. I won't allow it. I have the mind of Christ, I'm a Kingdom kid, I set in Heavenly places alongside the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
ReplyDelete2 Corinthians 10: 5 ESV We destroy arguments, and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Decree, Declare, Praise and Worship, this is how we fight our battles!!!
This is good scripture because the enemy is definitely fighting us in our heads; he gets us there first. He is a liar so take these scriptures seriously.
DeleteYes! I absolutely will!
DeleteBut no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord [those in whom the ideal Servant of the Lord is reproduced]; this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me [this is that which I impart to them as their justification], says the Lord. Isaiah 54:17
DeleteWe have the victory in Christ Jesus! Amen 🙏
Delete“OVERWHELMING Victory”!!! PTL!
DeleteThe devil had hit me with fear. The onslaught was as soon as got it to go away it came right back. It was every few minutes for a week or more. Exhausted, then Father gave Diana tge word about calling on Jesus tk open the door.
DeleteI called on Jesus a few times when it would happen.
Then I decided to tell Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit I was exhausted from this constant battle and thanking Father & Jesus for Jesus opening the door but why did I have to call so much. That very day, No more fear. It has been near a week and it is a beautiful thing.
But now just this morning a attach on our finances and telling us something is not ours when clearly it is. We are still paying on it.
I went straight to the Father & Jesus because I cover everything with the blood & bind and cast out everyday.
Today before I woke up, I got a bad dream and another dream about an open door and the viaitor jumped out the window instead of going out the door when I told him to go.
I was also being kidnapped or something it was inclear but they wanted me to give them cash from a credit card.
When I woke and husbamd tkld me what was going on. I knew attack from enemy.
BUT GOD is good. There is a man teying to help us. And he has people on it to find out where the glitch happened.
Thank You Father, Jesus & Holy Spirit!
I know you have this covered.
And this distraction & attack is not lasting long.
For I am a warrior.
For we are Warriors ! Powerful declaration !
DeleteHeavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Father, we THANK YOU for Your Message today and for informing us, “The enemy wants an ALL-OUT WAR, but we are going to surprise them with an ALL-OUT WAR INVADING their camp”. THANK YOU that You know and see ALL THINGS and the darkness has already been defeated.
ReplyDeleteWe PROCLAIM Isaiah 46:10 (NKJV)
“Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’”
We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.
FATHER, we Come before YOU, right NOW.
LIGHT our spirits on FIRE!
• We DECLARE we are bound tightly to YOU.
• We DECLARE we WILL counterattack with an ALL-OUT WAR in the spiritual realm.
• We DECREE we WILL storm the gates of hell and set them ablaze!
We THANK YOU for Your Words, “This is NOT a battle to fight in your own strength; it is a battle fought with My Spirit INSIDE YOU, as we strategically collapse the gates of hell that have ruled in your nation.”
LORD SABAOTH, we are positioned at our Battle Stations, armed and ready to prepare for the fierce clash between darkness and Light.
• I DEDICATE my Sword on my knees to YOUR Service.
• I SWEAR my allegiance to YOU and to the Army of Light.
I WORSHIP YOU, right NOW, with all my strength . . .
At this moment, LORD SABAOTH, I dedicate my ears to listen for specific battle strategies.
We SHOUT in unison . . . LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!
And now, Father, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
• WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
• WE CALL FORTH Boomerangs of Judgment and Justice.
• We CALL FORTH our Nation to Resurrection Life.
• WE CALL FORTH the Season of Seedtime and Harvest.
• WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
• WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
• WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
• WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Era.
Father, THANK YOU for Your Words, “This is the hour that the Army of Light and the Host of Heaven have trained for. It will be your finest hour, and you will prove to your own heart that you can be a mighty and a valiant warrior who does not back down and does not wimp out.”
We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
“THY KINGDOM COME, on earth as it is in Heaven!”
In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!
Mighty Hosts, thank you for your loyalty and obedience to LORD SABAOTH, our KING OF GLORY. We appreciate all you are doing for us. WE COMMISION you to destroy the enemy with our declarations; fulfill our prayers of faith; and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.
Warrior Hosts, as you proceed, SHOUT . . .
Warrior Hosts, GO FORTH NOW!
HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.
THANK YOU ALLMUGHTY GOD OUR FATHER ! 🙏❤️😘✝️😍🎊🎉🛡️THANK YOU DEAR DIANA! 🙏❤️😘✝️😍🎊🎉🛡️THANK YOU DEAR PRAYER POET! 🙏❤️😘✝️😍🎊🎉🛡️THANK YOU MIGHTY WARRIOR HOSTS OF GOD ! 🙏❤️😘✝️😍🎊🎉🛡️PRAISE GOD ! ARMY OF LIGHT WEVE GOT THIS BECAUSE GODS GOT US ! ✝️❤️🛡️❤️✝️GOD ALWAYS WINS ! So knowing that and NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US WILL PROSPER are very powerful scriptures to help us earnestly remember what GOD has done for others facing unthinkable situations in the Bible and OUR GOD was RIGHT THERE WITH THEM ! And HE IS DOING THE SAME FOR US NOW ! ALL MIGHTY GOD IS THE SAME AS HE WAS THEN , IS NOW , AND EVER SHSLL BE ! GOD DOESNT CHANGE ! GOD ALWAYS WINS ! ✝️🛡️🎊NO WEAPON FIRMED AGAINST US SHALL PROSPER !!!! So if GOD SAYS THAT … we truly do have nothing to fear and we keep eyes and praise on HIM to get us THRU THIS TOGETHER !!!! Plus praying for the people to open their eyes and know , repent and have GOD use them for good in this world ! Even if that is to be kind to others . You’ll know . GOD will direct us all . PRAISE OUR HEAVENLY FATHER ! AMEN AND AMEN 🎊🙏🛡️🎉❤️✝️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✝️🛡️
DeleteAmen and Amen! 🙏
DeleteThis fight advise may be understood more by men ,---before the fight starts the confidence level is high ,but when you get punched in the nose and maybe even knocked down with blurry eyes and bloody nose : keeping up the confidence becomes a challenge . In the situation we are dealing with now [an evil force] ,we need full trust in our God .The God of Abraham ,Isaac ,and Jacob . We will need to get up on our feet and end up with total victory !
DeleteOver on thegatewaypundit just today is posted a music video Called "I'm a Fighter" by Jon David Kahn featuring God's Chosen Man of The Hour. It's profound if you know all the backstories, prophetic words and scriptures.
DeleteAs for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Joshua 24:15 -
Deleteand a beautiful song too.. "you are holy" by Joshua Aaron live at the Tower of David
I can feel the power coming from the comment team !!!
ReplyDeleteDEU 32:30 Two can put ten thousand to flight !
DeleteWe will use our double-edged ⚔️ swords. Very sharp for cutting off the heads of the enemies!
ReplyDeleteI will be so relieved when this happens .We have known this time would come and have been prepared with extra supplies for the past 47 years ! Lets get ur done .
DeleteThank you God for our win. You already said we have OVERWHELMING VICTORY! So, we praise YOU for this win. We WIN, Enemy LOSES. Hallelujah!!
ReplyDeleteHallelujah!!! All Praise and Glory to our Father, Son and Holy Spirit!!! We have Overwhelming Victory!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a confirmation. On 9/9/24 I heard "Shields Up! Swords Drawn! We will win this battle together!"
ReplyDeleteThankyou FATHER GOD ❤🙏🔥Thankyou warrior hosts Thankyou Diana🙏❤🔥Amen and Amen
ReplyDeleteThings are heating up . The number of posts is UP .
ReplyDeleteEmpty shelves ,child abuse ,disease ,lying ,cheating and on and on .BUT--WE WILL OVERCOME ALL .
DeleteFOR MY favorite saying is
ReplyDeleteThe devil whispered in my ear,
"you are not strong enough to withstand the storm"
I Whispered Back to the devil " I AM THE STORM".
No idea where I saw it, but new I had to remember.
I love this. I got GOD bumps when I read it❤️
DeleteI guess I'm not the best reader. These are the real words "DEDICATE your SWORD on your knees to My service."
ReplyDeleteI read in my head :Use your sword on your knees for Me with all My light and power.
So from now on I'm getting on my knees to show my allegiance to our Heavenly Father using His light through me with the power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. My game plan is " on my knees."
Thank You for Your comment about “on your knees”. I, ALSO, find that His Words are not just a “quick read”. HIS STRATEGY is specific:
DeleteDEDICATE your SWORD on your knees to My service.
SWEAR your ALLEGIANCE to Me and to the Army of Light.
WORSHIP Me with all your STRENGTH
The enemy wants an ALL-OUT WAR, but we are going to SURPRISE them with an ALL-OUT WAR INVADING their camp. Hear the alarm! BATTLE STATIONS!”
God said, “SWEAR your ALLEGIANCE to Me and to the Army of Light.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Two are better than one, because they have a good [more satisfying] reward for their labor; For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie down together, then they have warmth; but how can one be warm alone? And though a man might prevail against him who is alone, two will withstand him. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.
SO, there is strength in numbers. It doesn’t take a lot of numbers to increase your strength. In verse 12, Solomon focuses on a cord of three strands. A cord of three strands speaks to the interweaving of three cords into one. This symbolism is used in some marriage ceremonies. One strand represents the bride, one represents the groom, and the other represents God. These three strands are then intertwined into a braid that is not easily unraveled. The braided cord is much stronger and harder to break than the three individual cords separately. (The imagery here can really apply to any close relationship.)
GOD said, “WORSHIP Me with all your STRENGTH”
SCRIPTURE: Joshua 6 (many lessons in the battle of Jericho)
God said, “we are going to SURPRISE them with an ALL-OUT WAR INVADING their camp.”
(One example in Scripture: Judah, Simeon and God – what a powerful team!)
Judges 1:1-4
After the death of Joshua, the people of Israel inquired of the Lord, “Who shall go up first for us against the Canaanites, to fight against them?” The Lord said, “Judah shall go up; behold, I have given the land into his hand.” And Judah said to Simeon his brother, “Come up with me into the territory allotted to me, that we may fight against the Canaanites. And I likewise will go with you into the territory allotted to you.” So Simeon went with him. Then Judah went up and the Lord gave the Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hand, and they defeated 10,000 of them at Bezek.
Dearest Diana and Army of Light, I want to say this column has been a tremendous inspiration and support to me. I’ve learned so much and gained the three-cord strength from God’s messages and the Army’s resilience. Have a Blessed Journey as we MARCH FORTH.
Proverbs 27 :17
“As one piece of iron sharpens another, so friends keep each other sharp.”
In Jesus’ Holy Name,
HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.
Amen it is done 2🌺✝️❤️🙏