September 20, 2024


“I want you to know that your Father UNDERSTANDS what you are going through. Not only has the WARFARE BEEN FIERCE and LONG but added to that, you have been DISCOUNTED and DISMISSED by family and friends. You’ve been labeled a CONSPIRACY NUT and told that you’re not SEEING REALITY. The media makes FUN of you and seeks to INTIMIDATE you or to SILENCE you. You’ve been SHUNNED, IGNORED, and GOSSIPED about. And yet, My FAITHFUL, BATTLE-SCARRED WARRIORS, you are still IN THE FIGHT. You are still PUSHING BACK the enemy, DECREEING and DECLARING, and BELIEVING that darkness will be EXPOSED and the TRUTH will be UNCOVERED. The DECEIVED and the SLUMBERING may not VALUE YOU or what you have to say, but I want you to know this: I VALUE YOU. I have RECORDED every PRAYER, every SIGH, every HURT, and your PERSISTENCE in partnering with Me until the world has AWAKENED and the VICTORY is won. All that you have LOST, all that you have WON as you FAITHFULLY WAGED WARFARE is noted in the Book of Records of the ‘GREAT WAR AND THE GREAT AWAKENING.’ YOU MATTER, YOU ARE VALUED, and YOU HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE. This is your VALIDATION from Me, and you will someday be VINDICATED. I VALUE YOU.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Wow just up and read this. I just telling our Father that I feel like I’m in the Lions Pit surrounded by ravenous wolves. I’ve been gang stalked poisoned had vicious ugly lies spread about me and I’m pretty sure I’ve been deep faked for ugly nefarious purposes. I lent a needy immigrant hundreds of thousands of dollars to open a business and he hired his mafia thugs to wage war. He’s been trying to kill me for a very long time; he had no intentions of repaying me. That’s just the short story. I told you I have a story no one would believe. I know I’m under His wings of protection but I’ve felt more like Job and Esther. I’ve told our Father my life is in His hands. Please pray for me.

    1. Prayers lifted for you.

    2. Thank you. I hope I didn’t scare you; I’m use to a form of religion that leaves out the power of the Holy Spirit; clouds w/out rain. I’m from generations of southern Baptist that probably meant well but I also knew it was seriously lacking . I left the physical church for 40 years but in 2013 the Holy Spirit drew me back in. I spend most of my days in my Bible prayer and meditation, the physical church is in a sad state of affairs but I think most of us know that. However I still don’t think most Christians have any idea especially in this country how evil has thoroughly infiltrated with massive corruption this beautiful Country of ours. I really appreciate Diana and Patty for their encouragement; it’s really mostly what I have as a body of the believers.

    3. I’ll answer my own comment. It’s all been worth it because my relationship with our Father Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit has grown well biblically. There’s a reason for all of this and as the war rages I know my Lord Jesus is in the fiery pit with me; I’m not alone. One day He will show me how when where and why all of this happened to be. I’ve been given prophecy by those that don’t me or know my situation so it was obviously from our Father. The scary part is feeling all alone in the natural as my family and friends have abandoned me. I don’t hold them accountable or responsible and if for some reason He has chosen me to get their attention I’m ok with that too. It’s not how you start it’s how you finish. I think Solomon said that in Ecclesiastes; the real winner comes out victorious through the power of the Blood of Jesus; and well that’s what’s warriors do. Hallelujah.

    4. Lord Love and Bless you! May you receive Grace, and Greater Grace. The Lord is the judge. HE will repay. The Lord knows your heart. He knows that the money you leant was through the great financial generosity of your heart to another to improve their life. He knew of your motive to be a blessing.. The Lord will make this right. He will hand out the rewards and the recompense to you and judgement to the ones who purposely used your gift against you and the Nation. I believe that every heartfelt action to help another has been written in the Book of Records. God sees all. Keep doing the right thing, but ask for discernment first... Keep your heart clean. Keep praying for these people who are lost. Keep believing in the Lord's promises of judgement and justice. Ask the Lord to blast this person and the thugs with the love of God so that they will be radically transformed; that all of their issue will be drawn to the Lord's side. What you did was a very generous, beautiful thing.. I know that it is a smack in the face. It is a betrayal. It hurts. It is hard to wrap your head around. I will pray for you for your health, for a hedge of safety and protection around you; that the evil influencing this person and his group will be revealed and removed to set these people free. You are not alone. It seems that EVERYONE who is standing, decreeing, and fighting for the Light in this season is being attacked, ridiculed, belittled, dismissed, stolen from, left out of family gatherings, mocked, are experiencing medical apartheid, and more . It is hard to stand and it is exhausting at times, but every day we have the strength to get up and fight another day. I once heard Andrew Womack say "any old dead fish can float downstream. It takes effort to go against the current." If you not a threat to Satan or bothering him , he will leave you alone!. Obviously you ARE a threat to to dark side!!!! Celebrate because you ARE standing and the Lord knows it. Hang on!!! We are closer and closer to seeing the end of this. There are SO MANY around the world fighting just like you; people you may never meet. We know how this ends. We win. They lose. The Lord said that if we could see what He sees that we would be already celebrating. We have the victory, we have the victory, we have the OVERWHELMING VICTORY.

    5. What a beautiful response; encouraging and helpful. I’m appreciate you very much, I’ll write this down.

  2. What a comfort that is.

  3. I know you mean "battle-scarred", not "battle-scared". Just letting you know the typo because there are two totally different connotations in those words. Love your ministry, thank you for speaking the Father's Heart. My relationship and intimacy with Him has grown by leaps and bounds because of it.

    1. On second thought, it’s possible “battle-scared” is accurate.

  4. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.

    FATHER, as I read Your Words today, I feel Your Arms holding me close to Your Heart, whispering words of comfort. As tears roll down my cheeks, and the aches and pain explode inside me, you reassure me, “THE BATTLE IS MINE!” “This is your VALIDATION from Me, and you will someday be VINDICATED. I VALUE YOU.”

    THANK YOU for Your Words, “I have recorded every prayer, every sigh, every hurt, and your persistence in partnering with Me until the world has awakened and the Victory is won. All that you have lost, all that you have won as you faithfully waged warfare is noted in the Book of Records of the ‘GREAT WAR AND THE GREAT AWAKENING.’”

    Loving God, I want to CONSOLE Your Heart as you console mine. BECAUSE OF YOUR GREAT LOVE, I WILL CONTINUE TO “PUSH BACK the enemy, DECREEING and DECLARING, and BELIEVING that darkness will be EXPOSED and the TRUTH will be UNCOVERED.”

    “THY KINGDOM COME, on earth as it is in Heaven!”
    In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!

    We pray, In Jesus’ Holy Name
    HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    1. *******

      September 19, 2024
      Let’s talk about My Grace~for My Grace Enables you to look past the hurt and pain that friends and/or family have caused in your heart. For Grace Abounded when My Son said on the cross~forgive them for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34) He chose not to take offense for He never sinned and He was always without fault (Hebrews 4:15). And you, My Army of Light can choose to make the same choices. For My Word shares a warning to you that you Must Take Heed. For the enemy, the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (I Peter 5:8). Will you be his next target? Or will you shut the door to your heart to him so that he does not have access to you? Why do you think I placed such a significant importance on Forgiveness in My Word when it says—For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matthew 6:14,15) For when you engage in the root of bitterness and do not forgive, you are an open target for the devil. And my question to you is—why would you choose to do that? Why would you forfeit My forgiveness and choose instead to be bound by a spirit of offense? For I want you to be FREE from being a target and I want you to Abide in ME. So lay aside every weight that entangles you

      (Hebrews 12:1) and choose ME over your right to hold a grudge~for I need you to have a heart that is pure in order for you to fight the good fight of faith.

      Hebrews 12:15 “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”

      Defile-to make unclean; to render foul or dirty; to make impure; to pollute, to make ceremonially unclean; corruption of morals, principals or character; impure, pollution by sin. (The Lord wanted me to look up the definition in my old Webster dictionary dated 1828.)

    2. You’re prayers are always so beautiful.

    3. Callie Simons - AWJ teamSeptember 20, 2024 at 12:01 PM

      Beautiful praise for our King. Hallelujah and Amen πŸ™

  5. Thank you very much.

  6. We have been owned by the Cabal Mafia one world Lucifer people for years and years .We do not own Washington DC or any thing else for that matter . Look at our dollar bill and note one world [ all seeing eye etc.] slogans around the pyramid . Our paper money has only the value that the deep state says it has . All this is what the Father is eliminating and at some point soon we will be exonerated !

  7. It's best to live for the Audience of the One and Only. His eyes on me alone is only thing that matters. When I got saved I "sent my heart on ahead."
    BUT Vindication ! I like the sound of that ! September 28 there is a movie about Trump with that word in the title. I saw a trailer the other day . . .it's powerful.

    1. Live for audience of ONE . That is good !

  8. Callie Simons - AWJ teamSeptember 20, 2024 at 12:04 PM

    Beautiful words for our God. Hallelujah and Amen πŸ™

  9. Tell someone that Trump will be in for another 4 years no matter what .-----then watch their eyes roll. They do think we are listening to a weirdo . little do they Know we are listening to God thru the prophets .----and you say this intel comes from prophets you are seen as even nuttier .

    1. Being a nut for Jesus will be hard for them to crack in the long run!

    2. My doctor went nuts when I told him to take nexium off my list of meds due to all the crazy sideeffects. Been on it like 20ish yrs.
      He wanted to know how I was trearing my Gerd.
      So now my medical records show up as.....
      "I ASK MY HEAVENLY FATHER TO MAKE THE STOMACH ACID STOP AND PUT IT BACK IN MY STOMACH. AND 98% OF THE TIME THE ACID GOES BACK." Most times it goes back within a minute. Other times I have to ask a few times before it goes away.
      Guess he is teaching me to rely on him.
      Sometimes it even works if I tell it too. But I prefer to ask Father.
      So I read my notes in my records and he indeed did put it in my records.
      I can't wait for the other doctors to see that.
      I never expected the doctor to write it in my records.

    3. We need to check with the Lord if a man made medicine is good for us .I have just refused to take something called Statin because The lord impressed on me that it was going to cause more harm than good .

    4. Good for you! My husband’s cardiologist put him on a statin. They wanted his cholesterol below 160! Insane. You need cholesterol to make necessary hormones, etc. He stayed on it for a few months when his leg’s started feeling very weak. It was having a negative effect on his muscles. We took him off right away after reading the side effects. Very bad drug ! Of course the cardiologist thinks we’re crazy since he’s the doctor and knows more than us. But, we have the Great Physician! The ONE who knows more. So, we took and continue to take the Great Physician’s advice on all the drugs they try to prescribe my husband right now. My husband has had 2 heart attacks and I believe these drugs do more damage than the heart attacks alone. Looking forward to the Kingdom Age when we will have doctors not ruled by pharmaceutical companies and money.

    5. Also, we did a big diet change. Healthy fats, grass fed meats, organics, non-gmo. Weston A Price.

    6. I took a statin years ago, I had such horrible muscle cramps. Every single muscle in my body was affected. I went off it and not going back.
      The same doc put my husband on one. They just keep adding meds. My husband just takes it on faith he needs this stuff. He is up to over 10 [big pharm] pills a day.
      Its tough when the both of us are on differemt paths with the Lord.

  10. Father thanking you for always being there for us, Amen and Hallelujah ❤️🌺✝️πŸ™

  11. What a beautiful and timely word today so like Father to see and know that we needed a word of encouragement ❤️

  12. Thank you for sharing these words Diana, I needed to read these precious words today it’s been an answered prayer for me!! Have a great blessed weekend everyone. 😊

    1. I also needed to hear this today! The Father is so good to encourage us.

  13. Amen Yes a timely word Thankyou GOD for the encouragement.Pushing away darkness.❤πŸ™

  14. I was just walking in the woods and thought no one could paint a flower as beautiful as the Lord has done . I then saw a fallen tree [like a fallen angel] and thought just like this tree will not remain : neither will the fallen angels remain to pester us once the Lord takes them out --- and we are VINDICATED !

  15. I know this is for me. I know it is. But, I am hurting so very much right now. It hurts to be discounted, dismissed and thought of as completely stupid, naive and nuts by those who are supposed to love you. Is it ok to lose your husband? Your parents? Your family? Your friends? I am living a double-life, trying to balance it and keep it all together and I am exhausted. I want to walk away from my family. Maybe that would wake them up. But, I can't afford to. I don't have anywhere to go anyway....I just keep trying to hold on. One day at a time. I keep standing on your promises GOD - I call them in. I need them now.

    1. Draw Them To ME
      September 20, 2024
      So yesterday I spoke of choices and how important it is to forgive and now I want to touch on how I want you to love. For I speak of the two greatest commandments in My Word—the first is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. (Matthew 22:37) And then the second is like it—to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39). Now, who is my neighbor you ask? Those who you are in contact with. Now let’s talk about how to love others and what better place to look than My Word and to refer to I Corinthians 13. For this chapter reveals that loving others has to do with putting others first. For it speaks of not being proud and not self-seeking but instead it always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. Love never fails. Now I can already hear people’s responses~but he/she doesn’t treat me right…I get no respect…Now, let ME say this—I gave people free will when I created them for I have many rebellious children and their choices will bring about consequences. But I AM asking you to Do Your Part Regardless of the response you receive. For My Son died for all. I didn’t ask for people to deserve it. So…I AM asking you to put on love~ask ME to fill your heart with My Love and let it flow out from you to others so that you can Draw Them to ME.

      I Corinthians 13:4-9a “Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”

      I John 4:16 “We have come into an intimate experience with God’s love and we trust in the love he has for us. God is love! Those who are living in love are living in God and God lives through them.”


    2. Above is Patty’s prayer blog

    3. Also as I was praying I felt God saying demand a seven fold payback for all the damage and all the enemy has stolen from you! Restore everything the enemy destroyed in your life, messed up in your life. A sudden swift sevenfold payback and restoration to EVERYTHING the enemy stole!!

    4. And I declare Exodus 34:14 over you. “The Lord replied, ‘MY presence will go with you and I will give you rest’ “

    5. Correction: Exodus 33:14

    6. I'm sorry you're hurting and feeling alone. We are all being considered but jobs so you are not alone. I learned years ago to stop trying to live 2 lives to keep the peace. I tried to explain to my 8 year old granddaughter what "walking on eggshells" is. She said "I get it. It's like just stomping all over bubble wrap!" Yup! Keep walking over the bubble wrap and don't let the noise bother you. Just be yourself as a child walking with God.

    7. Thank you all for these loving words and kindness. It means the world to me to know people I’ve never met are willing to pray for me and share words of encouragement. This is what being a Child of GOD is all about. We truly are family. I’m so thankful to be your sister! And I’m grateful to each of you. I follow Diana and have for a few years now. I’m so thankful for her bringing us all together! πŸ’•πŸ™

    8. Please get some help. I would encourage you to find a pastor in your local church or Christian therapist to unpack all this with. Connect with others and be curious why others see things differently

    9. Aww πŸ₯°! Your response is so precious. We will stick together and fight! And, don’t forget His promise to all of us: OVERWHELMING VICTORY!! Not just plain victory, but victory on steroids!!

  16. As I read this one, it was like I was checking off these things: DISCOUNTED and DISMISSED by family and friends, Yup! labeled a CONSPIRACY NUT and told that you’re not SEEING REALITY, Yup. The media makes FUN of you and seeks to INTIMIDATE you or to SILENCE you, Yup! SHUNNED, IGNORED, and GOSSIPED about, Yup! And yet, My FAITHFUL, BATTLE-SCARRED WARRIORS, you are still IN THE FIGHT.πŸ‘ˆ This made me cry but gave me hope at the same time! As I & my husband were out for our daily hike today, I was praying in the spirit! As I started climbing, my leg kind of froze. It was like my muscle was slightly weak & I needed an extra bit of strength to get that leg to step up to higher ground. I heard the Holy Spirit say " faith is like a muscle, when you don't use it every day, it becomes weak!" I also have a T-shirt that says "seven days without prayer makes one weak"!
    Faith is ignited by prayer, and this Army of light is running on an inferno! I am proud to be in this army, fighting alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ! Even though we've never met, we have a spiritual connection that is undeniable!!!πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ™


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