September 23, 2024


“The dark and arrogant ones have A RISING TIDE of SCARE EVENTS and DESTRUCTIVE PLANS set to ROLL OUT. Their AIM is to TERRIFY people and COMPLETELY CONTROL them. Imagine their SURPRISE and SHOCK when YOU DON’T SCARE and YOU DON’T COMPLY. They will witness A RISING TIDE of FAITH and FAITHFULNESS coming from the Army of Light. They will ask, ‘Why aren’t they FALLING for the SCARE TACTICS? Why are they growing BOLDER and LOUDER?’ With RISING PANIC, they will say to one another, ‘But these are our BEST and DARKEST PLANS. Why aren’t they WORKING?!’ FINGER POINTING and LOUD ARGUMENTS will be heard in those SECRET MEETINGS and ACID will RISE in their throats. Hmmm…who’s SCARED now??? Army of Light, as you continue to STRENGTHEN yourself in Me, you will find that I AM releasing a NEW LEVEL of BOLDNESS to you, and I will be STRENGTHENING your RESOLVE to be FAITHFUL to Me and to your FELLOW WARRIORS. Remember that you have been launching STRATEGIC STRIKES against the DARK SCHEMES of the enemy, and they will NOT have the effect that they were meant to have. The darkness will be FURIOUS that all their schemes are FIZZLING OUT. Their RISING TIDE of SCARE EVENTS will FLATTEN before they ever reach you, but the RISING TIDE of your FAITH and FAITHFULNESS will become a TSUNAMI that OVERPOWERS their little waves. YOU are the RISING TIDE.”

Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal  


  1. Replies
    1. And raise a Hallelujah!

    2. It was Minneapolis the summer of 2020 between the scheduled Plandemic and the paid-for riots. Sirens went non-stop for two weeks.
      I was going to the post office meditating Proverbs 28.1 "the righteous are bold as a Lion."
      The Lord told me to flip it around to " when you see someone Bold as a Lion you will have seen one of My Righteous Ones."
      I pulled into the parking lot and there was a young man . His truck had Huge signs on both sides: "Today is the Day of Salvation." I waved and did the double thumbs up.
      He was Just AGLOW with the Glory of God and the Spirit of Peace; Relaxed andConfident.
      { the first part of Proverbs 28.1 has the poor willful wicked "edgy with guilt" fearful and fleeing with no one even visibly after them .}

    3. Devil don't mess with us

    4. That's right. . .who in their right mind would mess with a Strong Lion !?

    5. We will not be afraid. The lion has no teeth!

  2. Isa 26:3 lets keep our minds stayed on the Lord . If we keep a strong connection to God and the things above ,we will have boldness and resolve .

  3. Get ready with the Spirit of God in us because here they come !

    1. Absolutely, I've found myself becoming bolder and bolder speaking God's words telling family members that thinks i'm not speaking Truth as these days r passing.

    2. Daniel 11.32 Those that know their God (in all the power- of -the -resurrection -level -knowing), the spiritually mature, shall stand firm, fight back, prevail and succeed. They shall be found Being Strong and Doing EXPLOITS for HIM.

  4. Complete control over the comment team is not going to go as planned for our evil adversaries . We are asking to be full of the Holy Spirit and they will wish the had not picked on us !

    1. The devil is not used to being hit before he even starts !

    2. Amen, Devil your loosing .Thanks be to the Father for us ❤️🌺✝️🙏

  5. Another Healing Summit scheduled by Oasis Church on October 25, 2024!!


  6. ********

    Your Reward
    September 23, 2024

    Oh My Children, you are My Delight! For you have not wavered in your belief in ME and you have brought ME much joy~just like My Son when He was touched deeply by the centurion’s faith in Him as he said that He didn’t need to be present to heal his servant but all He needed to do was to speak the word and it would be done! (Matthew 8:8) And now I say your Faith and Belief in ME and My Words being shared by those who hear ME brings ME Joy! And I say to you this day that this faith and belief in ME will be Rewarded! For My Word says~without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11:6) And what is this reward you ask? I AM glad you asked! For this Reward is More~More of ME manifesting in your life. For this would involve you laying on of hands on others to bring them healing and when you pray~behold answers will be forthcoming and not needing to pray over and over before you receive a response. But before I grant this Reward, I say Ask For It! Ask for More of ME in your life and It Shall Be Granted!

    John 16:24 “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive and your joy will be complete.”

  7. That’s a beautiful revelation.


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