HURRICANE prayer rewritten as a hurricane rather than a tropical storm!!!

Brett and Janice Cairns

Lord, you gave us authority over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing in any way shall harm us (Luke 10:19). I take authority, and use our power, over Hurricane Milton, this man made-storm scheme of darkness, and I defeat it in the name of Jesus, and by the power of the Blood of Jesus. We use that authority, call down, bind, disallow, and destroy the power of Hurricane Milton that is heading to Florida. I choose as an act of my will, to call on the Angel Armies to come down, be my weapon, and fight for me. I call on as many Hosts as needed to go meet that storm, bring reinforcements as required, redirect it to the open ocean, neutralize it, and to bring it to nothing, and to no effect. We declare, and decree that this man made-storm created by the enemy will cause no death or destruction to the United States. I speak to the storm as Jesus did (Mark 4:39) and rebuke Hurricane Milton, and say Hurricane Milton “Hush now! Be still (muzzled)!”

Diana Larkin 

A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Excellent , just like a wet wick on a firecracker Milton will fissel out

  2. Thank you so much for this! I prayed against the last one and wondered if there was something more I could say - This is absolutely wonderful!

  3. All praise to the Blood of Jesus and the calling to nothing this man made storm. We claim the authority we have because of Jesus!

  4. Thank you to Brett and Janis Ciarns for the written prayer to hinder Hurricane Milton and to you Diane Larkin for your daily posts. Though I am one of your silent followers, I read your posts every day and watch you on His Glory Channel and on YouTube. I am so appreciative for all of you here who open your hearts to others, providing your amazing prayers and decrees so we can add them to our prayer time, standing in agreement with you while we join forces with God and His Warrior Hosts to call down the enemy's plans together!

  5. Remember God telling us "Don’t get whimpy on Me now! Well after decreeing this, I heard HIM say put on your favorite Worship music & Praise ME like it's ALREADY DONE!! Hallelujah
    IT IS DONE!!! πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ™

  6. I would like to declare the posts that were made earlier today and removed would remain valid against this hurricane Milton and all its power becomes UPLUGGED .

  7. AMEN and AMEN.... declared it from NZ.... be at peace one and all and keeping fighting the good fight of faith... Glory be to God... Amen...

  8. You fake storm Milton , you will run out of power in the Gulf and turn into a low wind ! Our Lord Jesus has all your power in His Hands !

  9. Amen And ⬇️ Patty's Prayer Journal confirms it!!
    Patty’s Prayer Journal
    Under Your Feet!
    October 07, 2024
    So—the devil is using the deep state again I see stirring up another hurricane to wreck havoc and devastation on you again. But I Say To You My Army of Light, we are going to wreck havoc on them! So declare this~Hurricane Milton I Deny You Access to Be—I DECLARE YOU ARE FALLING APART NOW BY THE POWER AND BLOOD OF JESUS! I DECLARE AND DECREE THAT YOU DISINTEGRATE INTO NOTHING AND I DECREE THAT I (GOD) SUPERSEDE ALL OF HELL’S POWER AND RENDER THEM NULL AND VOID! For today, THIS DAY I WILL CRUSH SATAN UNDER YOUR FEET!

    Romans 16:20 “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

    1. Yes , 185 mph winds down to less than 40 mph ! Out of juice .

    2. Don't get wimpy here and talk about " what if we lose ? "

  10. Look here Milton , you are no more than a joke like comedian Milton Berle ! Hot air that is cooling down rapidly .Elohim is the real power here !

  11. Donna Rigney shared that in her time with Father, he showed her his hand on FloridaπŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™πŸ»❤️

    1. He..His πŸ™ŒπŸ»

    2. Great time for God's hand to be applied .

  12. We stand in total agreement with is prayer and bind ours to theirs! Cease and Desist hurricane Milton ! God set your boundary waters. You must obey them in the name of Jesus Christ we take authority over you and give God all the glory!!

  13. In the name of Jesus I ask the hosts of Heaven to throw their fiery arrows at the storm and fizzle it down to nothing. I cover Florida, the people, and the areas to be impacted in Jesus’s Blood in his Holy Name. Nothing can penetrate His precious blood.

  14. Thank you, Brett and Janice, for this prayer. It adds to what I have already been praying. My niece lives in Orlando. I have been praying for her safety and salvation.


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