1.    October 22, 2024


This morning, we went to the little walled garden of my heart in Heaven. As I looked around at the lush greenery, it became colorful Fall and then winter, as the trees became bare. This has never happened before in my garden. It made me a bit sad to see a winter, bare season but suddenly, the garden was full of beautifully decorated Christmas trees that brought a big smile to my face. The Father turned to me and said:

“THE SEASONS ARE CHANGING. Your Summer was a season to GROW your STRENGTH and DETERMINATION to FIGHT WELL to the end. Now that Fall is here, let it do its WORK of STRIPPING away what is from the OLD SEASONS of your life in order to MAKE ROOM for NEW and EXPLOSIVE GROWTH—both in your personal life and for the nations. THIS IS ALSO THE CHANGING OF THE SEASONS for those PARTNERED with DARKNESS. They will FALL, be STRIPPED BARE, and be CUT DOWN—REMOVED from their positions of POWER and WEALTH. The HARVEST of their EVIL, SELFISH WAYS will RIPEN to the FULLNESS of their DEPRAVITY, and the world will see their DEATH AGENDAS as the DARK FRUIT of their lives. Their DARK HARVEST will be FULLY EXPOSED to the world, and the world will DEMAND JUDGMENT and JUSTICE, and a RETURN of the people’s FREEDOMS. In the Winter season the darkness will be HEWN DOWN and REMOVED. The world will experience a STRIPPING AWAY of the OLD SYSTEMS, and it may look a little BLEAK. But know this—a Christmas season of LIGHT, PEACE, and QUIET BEAUTY will SOFTLY COVER your Land. Even though there will still be BATTLES to be fought and won, this Christmas season will bring a SWEET REST, a DEEP PEACE, a UNIFYING of HEARTS, and a HOPE for a BEAUTIFUL SPRING of NEW LIFE and GROWTH. THE SEASONS ARE CHANGING, GREAT SHIFTS ARE AHEAD, but they will all RESULT in the ESTABLISHMENT of My KINGDOM WAYS of LIFE, LIGHT, and BLESSING in the earth. FLOW with Me into THE CHANGING OF THE SEASONS.” 

2.    October 23, 2024


“Darkness is being EXPOSED LAYER UPON LAYER and is being REMOVED PIECE BY PIECE. This process began SLOWLY but is now PICKING UP SPEED. At first, LOWER-LEVEL people were being UNCOVERED for their CORRUPTION. They began to TURN EVIDENCE against those further up the CHAIN of COMMAND in order to save themselves. Now, you are seeing people in HIGHER POSITIONS of leadership and influence being EXPOSED, and the NET of EXPOSURES is WIDENING to ALL the LAYERS of the CORRUPT. A CEO of a large corporation has just been ARRESTED on TRAFFICKING CHARGES. A LEADING entertainment figure is EXPOSING so many LAYERS of CORRUPTION and ABUSE in that industry, but it is also EXPOSING leaders in the CHURCH, the GOVERNMENT, and the BUSINESS mountains. As the KINGPINS FALL, the DOMINOES of EXPOSURE will be SET OFF and ALL the LAYERS will be EXPOSED. Up to this point, removals have been PIECE BY PIECE but soon, there will be MASSIVE REMOVALS as ALL is UNCOVERED. When the darkness tries to PUSH this nation OFF the PRECIPICE to its DESTRUCTION, all those partnered with darkness will be EXPOSED, and they will be COMPLETELY REMOVED from their POSITIONS and their POWER. LAYER UPON LAYER and PIECE BY PIECE may seem TOO SLOW and FRUSTRATING for you but know that it is SETTING UP the BIG REVEAL and DOWNFALL of darkness. Also, I want you to realize that this SLOW PROCESS has brought TERROR and FEAR of EXPOSURE to the darkness, and it has WEAKENED them and set them up for FAILURE. Have CONFIDENCE that LAYER UPON LAYER and PIECE BY PIECE is My BRILLIANT STRATEGY for FLUSHING OUT all those HIDING behind FACADES and behind GATEKEEPERS. LAYER UPON LAYER and PIECE BY PIECE will RULE the day, and the FALL will be VERY GREAT as the evil empire IMPLODES from within and COLLAPSES from the FORCE of RIGHTEOUSNESS applied on the outside. Your prayers and warfare are EFFECTIVE, and you will see them DEMOLISH the darkness LAYER UPON LAYER AND PIECE BY PIECE.”

3.    Answer to why would I ask to speak to Enoch when the Father was standing right there?

God speaks to us directly and God speaks to us through people. God wants us to know Him intimately, but He also loves having a family and He wants us interacting with each other. That’s why God gives us pastors, leaders, prophets, teachers, etc. Remember that God wrote the Bible through men! They were inspired by the Holy Spirit but He wrote using their personalities. We are to encourage one another daily! Yes, we go first to our Father, but He wants us interacting with each other and encouraging and teaching one another. The important part is to be led by the Spirit. I felt led that morning to ask to see and talk with Enoch. Our lives and our testimonies matter, and He will use them to teach and inspire each other.

4.    October 24, 2024


“Do not be AFRAID of the DEEPENING DARKNESS. Their PANIC and DESPERATION will drive them to try and bring about TOTAL DARKNESS, FEAR, and CHAOS. Their plan is to HIDE behind this darkness that they cause and to SUBJUGATE all of you under their TYRANNY and LIES. But I tell you that the Light in you is continuing to GROW BOLDER and STRONGER, and it has the POWER to PIERCE THE DARKNESS of LIES, BETRAYALS, MURDER, and THEFT. PIERCING THE DARKNESS is what My Army of Light was raised up to do. As the world sees your Light, it will be DRAWN to the TRUTH it reveals and the SAFETY it provides. Do you feel like your Light shining all ALONE is TOO SMALL? Even the SMALLEST LIGHT can PIERCE the DEEPEST DARKNESS. Realize that when you WORSHIP, PRAY, DECREE, DECLARE that your words are LIGHT going out into the atmosphere and JOINING TOGETHER with the LIGHT words of My WORLDWIDE ARMY. These words of LIGHT form SWORDS, SPEARS, ARROWS, and MISSILES that are PIERCING THE DARKNESS. The evil ones think that they are going to bring about a darkness to the whole world, but I say that the DARKNESS and the LIGHT are MINE, and I will USE the darkness to CONCEAL TROOPS and RESCUE OPERATIONS that will serve to BREAK UP and EXPOSE all the EVIL SCHEMES and HIDING PLACES. Continue to FULFILL your ASSIGNMENT of SPEAKING WORDS of LIGHT because you are PIERCING THE DARKNESS. You will see the darkness EXPOSED and OVERCOME by My Light that is in you. GET READY because we are going to be PIERCING THE DARKNESS.” 

5.    October 25, 2024



“Heaven is announcing that there is A GREAT SHIFT AHEAD. A BIG REVEAL of CORRUPTION, BETRAYAL, and LIES is set to be UNCOVERED that will cause a DEVASTATING BLOW to those partnered with darkness. The darkness has released a DEATH SHROUD over your Land to BLOCK OUT My VOICE and My PRESENCE from My people. They want this SHROUD to WEAKEN your FAITH, to DISTRACT you from FIGHTING, and to KEEP you from HEARING My LEADING and My GUIDANCE. If they can make Me seem FAR AWAY, then they hope to DISTRACT you from CONCENTRATED WARFARE against the scheme of darkness they plan to unleash to DROWN OUT the BIG REVEALS that are coming. DO NOT ALLOW the DEATH SHROUD to REMAIN UNCHALLENGED over your life and Nation. DO NOT ALLOW it to DEADEN your WARFARE or your HOPE. Send the Host to CLEAR AWAY the DEATH SHROUD over your territory and your Nation. Declare: ‘I CHALLENGE this DEATH SHROUD with the LIFE of God, the BLOOD of Jesus, and the Spirit’s WIND to blow away this dark atmosphere. BE GONE! I release the LIFE of God, the LOVE of God, and the POWER of the GLORY into the atmosphere! Decree: ‘CLEAR the WAY for the BIG REVEALS! I CANCEL and DIMINISH the plans of darkness to take away the SPOTLIGHT from the BIG REVEALS.’ ‘I declare BREAKTHROUGH of the SHROUD of DARKNESS and OPEN PORTALS for GLORY, LIFE, and LOVE to pour through.’ Partner with Me in this, My Army of Light, because the BIG REVEALS will make way for A GREAT SHIFT from dark to Light.”


 October 25, 2022


“These are days of THE GREAT TURNING. The DIRECTION your Nation is now going will DRAMATICALLY TURN like a green tree whose leaves CHANGE to bright red in the Fall. Quite SUDDENLY, the path of complete DESTRUCTION your Nation is on will experience THE GREAT TURNING, and My LIFE and LIGHT will bring a NEW DAY, a FRESH START. As My plans for your Nation unfold, you will live in CONTINUAL SHOCK and AWE at My POWER to bring about THE GREAT TURNING. DARKNESS will give way to LIGHT, INJUSTICE will be replaced by My JUSTICE, LACK will disappear in the face of My PROVISION, WEAKNESS and SICKNESS will be replaced by My STRENGTH and My HEALING. Believe Me when I tell you that I AM going to show Myself STRONG on your behalf. THE GREAT TURNING will CRUSH all that were part of the evil empire, and it will DEMOLISH all their wicked agendas. This will not be the DARK WINTER they had planned for you. This will be a WINTER OF WONDER at My STRONG RIGHT ARM, and a season of DRAWING near to Me and to family and to friends in GRATEFUL THANKS for THE GREAT TURNING unfolding before your eyes. Spring will be the most BEAUTIFUL you’ve ever seen, as your Land, which has been FREED of darkness, brings forth GREAT BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE from the ground of RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. Stand with Me and call forth THE GREAT TURNING.”

7.    October 26, 2024



“All around you, people are caught up in THE FOG OF DECEPTION. They have been LIED to about who I AM, who THEY ARE, and who I raised up to LEAD your Nation back to Me and to My KINGDOM WAYS. I AM coming to DEAL with this FOG OF DECEPTION that keeps people in BONDAGE to LIES and PROPAGANDA. I AM calling you to PARTNER with Me in BREAKING THROUGH and BLOWING AWAY THE FOG OF DECEPTION. This FOG will NOT be PENETRATED by your LOGICAL ARGUMENTS because it must FIRST be DEALT with in the SPIRITUAL REALM. THE FOG OF DECEPTION releases EAR BLOCKERS so that people cannot hear the TRUTH. You must first BREAK the spiritual POWER of THE FOG OF DECEPTION before people can HEAR and RECEIVE TRUTH. Call for the WINDS OF CHANGE ANGELS to BLOW AWAY this FOG OF DECEPTION. Release GLORY FIRE MISSILES to STRIKE every LIE DOWN, and WELCOME the Spirit of Truth and freedom. The Spirit of Truth will MAKE A WAY for you to be able to SHARE TRUTH—with a heart filled with My love and NOT a fleshly ‘I’m right and you’re wrong’ attitude. TRUTH SHARED IN LOVE IS BEAUTIFUL, COMPELLING, AND FREEING. Join with Me in DISPERSING THE FOG OF DECEPTION. It will make way for My GLORY to FALL. FREEDOM, TRUTH, and LIGHT will fill the atmosphere.”

8.    October 27, 2024


“In this season of dark to Light, I have sent Angels to MARK those who SERVE DARKNESS and those who SERVE ME and MY KINGDOM. Those who have been MARKED as serving darkness will now receive JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. Those who are MARKED as serving the LIGHT have been MARKED BY MY LOVE. Those MARKED BY MY LOVE will receive FAVOR, VINDICATION, and REWARD. This MARKING of DARK and LIGHT has been COMPLETED, and you will see the effects of the SPIRITUAL MARKING become MANIFEST in the natural realm. You will find yourself receiving FAVOR and UNEXPECTED PROVISION. Those MARKED as serving DARKNESS will experience EXPOSURE and LOSS. These exposures will begin to pop up on ALL seven mountains of culture, and they may seem like ISOLATED CORRUPTION, but don’t be FOOLED, they are ALL CONNECTED by one LARGE WEB of DARKNESS and DECEPTION. Each exposure will serve to CUT A STRAND of this HUGE WEB of EVIL until it SUDDENLY COLLAPSES in on itself. The Rescue Operation is UNFOLDING with the RELEASE of My MARKING ANGELS. WOE to the WICKED but BLESSINGS to those who are MARKED BY MY LOVE.”


 October 27, 2022


“Now to the King of the ages (eternal), immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” 1Timothy1:17

“I AM the KING OF THE AGES, and I have WALKED the earth in this HARVEST season. I have put My MARK upon those who have chosen to serve the darkness and to further the EVIL AGENDA of the enemy. Don’t let the knowledge that these partners of darkness SEEM to still be in CONTROL and LEADERSHIP positions discourage you. Because they are MARKED by Me for REMOVAL and DESTRUCTION, it will SURELY TAKE PLACE. There is no LAWYER, no amount of MONEY, no BRIBE that will REMOVE this MARK from their lives because it has been put there by the KING OF THE AGES. What I have MARKED for JUDGMENT will be JUDGED FULLY and will result in JUSTICE for the people. Remember all the pictures I’ve given you of this RESCUE SEASON: an AVALANCHE, a TSUNAMI, a great SHAKING, a row of DOMINOES, a fallen HOUSE OF CARDS, a FLOOD, an empty CHESSBOARD. One day things will appear to be the same as always, and the next day, everything will be CHANGED. As I, the KING OF THE AGES, walked through your Land, I also MARKED those who are MINE and those who have STOOD with Me. They have been MARKED for BLESSING, REWARD, and RESTORATION. The darkness cannot REMOVE My MARK from you, nor can they STEAL the TREASURES OF DARKNESS I have set aside for you. REJOICE in your KING OF THE AGES!”

10.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

October 27, 2021


“The season of Fall is a good metaphor for what I AM doing in your Nation. The green trees CHANGE into the OPPOSITE colors of red, orange, and yellow. So it will be UNCOVERED that some people who portrayed themselves as UPRIGHT, FREEDOM LOVERS (green) will be shown for their true colors of SELFISH GREED and TYRANNICAL POWER-GRABBING (red). You will also discover that some you thought of as working for the enemy were actually PATRIOTS working UNDERCOVER, and as the other trees are STRIPPED of their leaves and left naked and EXPOSED, these patriots will stand TALL and STRONG like an EVERGREEN tree. O, the times they are a-changin’. I change seasons gradually in order to allow people to ADJUST and that is what I have been doing in your Land—giving people time to WAKE UP to the fact that your Nation is in serious jeopardy of DYING and that they must begin to fight for her. But a time is coming soon where things will begin to change so RAPIDLY that you will have to run to catch up with changing EVENTS and LEADERSHIP across your Nation. It will be like a SURPRISE BLIZZARD that buries a town UNEXPECTEDLY in the Fall—no one has their winter clothes or boots out, and the snowplows haven’t been brought out of storage. It brings about a shock and a flurry of activity to dig out of the avalanche of snow. I AM telling you ahead of time that an UNEXPECTED season like that is coming to your Nation. I AM commissioning you to be My SNOWPLOW and to help others who are completely unprepared for the AVALANCHE of DISCLOSURES and PROSECUTIONS. You be there to help clear a pathway through this season and get them to stable ground in Me because ‘The times they are a-changin’.’”

LYRICS from this 1963 song by Bob Dylan, “For the loser now will be later to win...and the first one now will later be last, for the times they are a-changin’.”

11.                   October 28, 2024


“Watch as the CORRUPT establishment and the LYING media THROW OUT every DISTRACTING and DESTRUCTIVE scheme they can think of. Don’t FIX YOUR EYES on these DISTRACTIONS or allow your heart to FEAR. They are desperate because THE THIEF HAS BEEN CAUGHT. As everything the darkness has STOLEN, KILLED, and DESTROYED comes SPILLING OUT into the open, PAYBACK will be DEMANDED by the people. A CRY will go up for ALL THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED and for REAL JUSTICE to be released to these who have committed CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and TREASON against their country. Even as many dark schemes come flying out of the enemy camp, have this CONFIDENCE, that BEHIND THE SCENES EVERY BIT of EVIDENCE NEEDED TO HANG the darkness has been UNCOVERED and ASSEMBLED. Pray for a release of My Host to CLEAR THE AIRWAVES so that this EVIDENCE can be MADE KNOWN to all. Take AUTHORITY over and DECLARE DEFEAT to every scheme of darkness and BOOMERANG it back into the enemy’s camp. Declare: THE THIEF HAS BEEN CAUGHT and you are being EXPOSED and you must PAY US BACK. RECOMPENSE is on its way to My Sons and Daughters, because THE THIEF HAS BEEN CAUGHT.”

12.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

October 28, 2023


“You will see the ARRESTS of many high-level CORRUPT leaders, politicians, heads of agencies, and those behind the scenes who PULLED PUPPET STRINGS and FINANCED EVIL SCHEMES. Much has already been REVEALED to you but even you will be SHOCKED at the DEPTH of the EVIL and CORRUPTION and how WIDESPREAD it is across all areas of your society. Some people you TRUSTED will be proven to be COMPROMISED and SECRETLY working for the DARKNESS. Do not allow DISAPPOINTMENT or BITTERNESS to lodge in your heart over these EXPOSED ones. Give Me your ANGER, BITTERNESS, and DISAPPOINTMENT, and I will COVER them under the BLOOD of My Son so that your heart stays FREE and UNSHADOWED by your reactions to SHOCKING DISCLOSURES. As ARRESTS take place all over the world of corrupt leaders, My Spirit will also be ARRESTING those who are CARELESSLY living lives of IDOLATRY, who are CONSUMERS of PERVERTED sexuality, and those who have REJECTED My offer of SALVATION through My Son.  My Spirit of FIRE and CONVICTION will ARREST them, as My JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS sweep across your Land as a ROLLING RIVER that NOTHING CAN STOP. As My ARREST stops them in their tracks and the LIGHT of My Spirit’s CONVICTION ILLUMINATES their lives, they will be FORCED to respond. Either they will choose to receive SALVATION, DELIVERANCE, and HEALING through the BLOOD of My Son, or they will FACE the CONSEQUENCES of their choice to continue to PARTNER with darkness. My RESCUE OPERATION is more than SAVING you from the TYRANNY of evil rulers. It is also about RESCUING those who live in the DARK SHADOWS of SIN and DECEPTION. Allow My Spirit to SEARCH YOUR HEARTS for any remaining DARK SHADOWS of AGREEMENT with evil or sin. My Son’s BLOOD will COVER it, DELIVER you from its power, and INSPIRE your heart to pursue RIGHTEOUSNESS and FREEDOM. Be sure your heart is free because ARRESTS ARE COMING.”

13.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 October 28, 2022


“When the SHINING FULFILLMENT of My PROMISES to you and your Nation come to pass, YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When you see the evil empire FALL—CRUSHED, their power BROKEN—YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When you see trials, imprisonments, and death sentences, then YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When you see My KINGDOM and My GLORY fall in your midst bringing HEALING, DELIVERANCE, and RESTORATION, then YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When the WEALTH of the wicked is given to the righteous, and you see DEBT CANCELED and ABUNDANCE released, then YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When you see leaders who partner with darkness and who are ILLEGALLY in their positions of power (across all seven mountains of culture) be REMOVED, and their evil platforms DEMOLISHED, then YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. When you see righteous leaders RAISED UP—those who have been prepared for this very day—and put into place as REFORMERS, YOU WILL KNOW THAT I AM GOD. Blessed are you who do not yet see these fulfillments but who take Me at My word and already see the fulfillments with the eyes of their spirit, YOUR REWARD WILL BE GREAT!”

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 





  1. I hope that our Lord Jesus come quickly!

  2. Lord God, THANK YOU for always being with us, ENCOURAGING us, LEADING us, STRENGTHENING us and LOVING US with YOUR EVERLASTING LOVE!

    Thank You, Diana for all your work! Blessings upon you for all the work you do!

  3. December 3, 2023

    “There will be THREE DAYS of DEEP DARKNESS where it looks like the evil agenda has WON. I will use these three day to FULLY AWAKEN the sleepers and all will know that a WAR has been going on for their FREEDOM, and they were CLUELESS. The AWAKENING will be RUDE, and it will SHAKE them to the CORE. I will ALLOW the arrogant elite to THINK they have won and that they are now in CONTROL. They will STUMBLE ALL OVER EACH OTHER to REVEAL themselves to the world as those in POWER and CONTROL. The MESMERIZED world will be SHOCKED at the DEEP DARKNESS, HATRED, and DEPRAVITY that is displayed. Do you see that I AM using the APPEARANCE of WINNING to give them a FALSE SENSE of SECURITY so that they will TOTALLY REVEAL who they are? I AM letting you know about these THREE DARK DAYS so that you DO NOT PANIC or LOSE HEART. Keep in mind I have PROMISED a GRAND RESCUE, but a GRAND REVEALING must come first. On THE FOURTH DAY, your Nation will SUDDENLY BE RESURRECTED to NEW LIFE, as My MIGHTY OPERATION RESCUE WIPES OUT the darkness and BRINGS DOWN their CONTROL IN A DAY. A GREAT CELEBRATION will ERUPT as people realize I have RESCUED your Nation. I will use My Host, My Army of Light, and your loyal Military in a PERFECTLY EXECUTED PLAN that REMOVES the ARROGANT ELITE, and they are handed over for TRIBUNALS and JUDGMENT. You will experience, firsthand, the phrase ‘DARK TO LIGHT.’ Lazarus lay in the grave for THREE DAYS but on THE FOURTH DAY My Son called him FORTH TO LIFE. You keep speaking over your Nation and CALLING IT FORTH TO RESURRECTION LIFE, and it will rise again on THE FOURTH DAY.”
    There is a play on words in this message: the FOURTH day will become the FORTH day!
    Diana Larkin
    A Watchman’s Journal

    Hello. I am not Diana but above is what Diana posted in December 2023. I hope this helps you. I have not heard of any prophecy that you speak if snout not going outside and not answering your door. Other comment team members might want to join in the conversation as I have only been following Diana a little over a year now. But what you speak of doesn’t sound like something that is truly from the Lord. I listen to the same prophetic words and people you do and have never heard that. Pray into it. God is not a God of fear. I hope this is helpful to you. Do not clear!

  4. Opps. Do not FEAR!!

  5. August 28, 2024


    “I spoke to you about the TIME OF EXPANSION of both the DARK and the LIGHT. I will ALLOW the darkness to FLAME UP in a SEEMING GREAT DISPLAY of DESTRUCTIVE POWER. Those who do not REALLY KNOW Me will be TERRIFIED. But NOT YOU, Army of Light. You know that I AM ALLOWING the darkness to FULLY EXPOSE themselves so that there is NO DOUBT about their EVIL PLANS, DARKENED HEARTS, and SELFISH GREED. Who serves the darkness and who serves the Light will be OUT IN THE OPEN FOR ALL TO SEE. The VOICE and POWER of Leviathan media will be COMPLETELY BROKEN because it will be REVEALED that they were the MOUTHPIECE of the darkness, spreading LIES and FEAR in order to CONTROL the masses. GREAT WILL BE THEIR FALL. As you see the evil plans of the darkness EXPLODE in a HUGE FLAME, know that I have given My Forces of Light the POWER and AUTHORITY to EXTINGUISH THE DARKNESS. When you see that SCARY FLAME fill the skies, TAKE AUTHORITY over that DARK FIRE and BIND its POWER to cause DESTRUCTION and FEAR. You have been given a FIREHOSE of POWER. AIM it at the FIRE and say, ‘The FLOOD of the River of Life is being POURED on you.’ We say, ‘The DARKNESS IS EXTINGUISHED!’ Watch, as the FLAMES DIE DOWN and only the ASHES of the evil empire will remain, and I will SCATTER these ASHES with the BREATH of My mouth. You will look around with WONDER and THANKSGIVING, and you will declare, ‘THE DARKNESS IS EXTINGUISHED!’

    Diana Larkin
    A Watchman’s Journal

    Also here is another post from Diana that might be helpful to you.

  6. Thank you so very much! When my sister heard that one man and soon after I heard that lady....which seeing both was by accident....or probably Satan trying to confuse us or make us afraid. But we talked about that we did not remember Diana or Julie or any of the others we listen to say anything about not looking outside or let anyone in. Thank you again for sharing those 2 prophecies from God through Diana...that has helped and encouraged me tremendously!!! God bless you and your family!!!


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