1. September 24, 2024


“This Fall will be an INTENSE SEASON of the CLASH between the DARKNESS and the LIGHT. DO NOT SHRINK BACK from these FINAL BATTLES before the GLORIOUS VICTORY that I have planned for you. Remember that you are NOT fighting for JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS by yourself or in your own strength. I have BRAIDED My STRENGTH into you. All you need to do is LEAN INTO that STRENGTH. You are also HELPED and PROTECTED by your WARRIOR HOSTS who have been assigned to you. SURROUNDING you are My VAST ARMY of HOSTS and ANGELS who are WARRING with you. They are WAITING to RESPOND to the DECREES and DECLARATIONS that I have given you. They WILL NOT RESPOND to words of DOUBT, words of DOOM and GLOOM, or words of HOPELESSNESS. You have come this far in the battle so DO NOT DROP OUT or LOSE FAITH in Me and My PROMISES. If it LOOKS like the darkness is WINNING, declare: ‘You are being EXPOSED and your EVIL, STOLEN POWER is coming to COMPLETE and UTTER DESTRUCTION.’ Remember that this LAST HARD-FOUGHT BATTLE will lead to a season of REST and GREAT REWARD. Now is the time to PURSUE a HEART to HEART relationship with Me so that you REMAIN STRENGTHENED and SEE the future through My eyes. DO NOT FEAR THE INTENSITY OF THE FALL because it is a SETUP for VICTORY and TRIUMPH. “


 September 24, 2022  


PSALM 24: 9, 10 “So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here He comes, the King of Glory is ready to come in. You ask, ‘Who is this King of Glory?’ He is the Lord of Victory, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible Commander of Heaven’s Hosts! Yes, He is the King of Glory!”

“Fling wide the doors of your HEART, and welcome the KING OF GLORY to manifest His GLORY and STRENGTH through you. SPEAK to governmental doors that the darkness has SEALED SHUT so that their evil would remain hidden and COMMAND that they now OPEN UP. You are called to PREPARE THE WAY for the KING OF GLORY to come by your WORSHIP, your WARFARE, and your DECLARATIONS of what He has promised to do. The KING of the Ages will now come to your Nation as the MIGHTY KING OF GLORY. I AM dressed for battle, and I will MOW DOWN the enemy, and I will bring in a SPECTACULAR VICTORY for JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Lift up your eyes and your heart and LOOK AT WHO IS COMING—the MIGHTY and INVINCIBLE KING OF GLORY!”


September 24, 2023


“Across ALL areas of your society, I AM WEEDING OUT people who gained positions of leadership by CHEATING or by SELF-PROMOTION. This will happen in GOVERNMENT and in My CHURCH as well as all other areas of influence. This WEEDING OUT of FALSE, COMPROMISED leaders is being carried out by My REAPER ANGELS. This is a SEASON of WEEDING OUT the TARES so that the HARVEST of the GOOD CROP can be REAPED. Have you been FRUSTRATED with EARTHLY COURTS and GOVERNMENT BODIES that are supposed to be working to PROTECT the people from TYRANTS and EVIL-DOERS? My Reaper Angels carry GREAT POWER, and NO POWER of MAN or HELL will be able to STOP the SWING of their SHINING, RAZOR-SHARP SICKLES. Some ILLEGITIMATE leaders will REAP a harvest of DEATH, some PRISON, some EXILE—that is they will be BARRED from the group of people they USED to FEED their GREED and CORRUPTION. I AM also WEEDING OUT those WEALTHY ones who BRIBED leaders and PERVERTED JUSTICE. My Reaper Angels will MOW THEM DOWN, and the WEALTH of the BRIBERS will be given to the RIGHTEOUS in My Kingdom. Don’t be surprised that I AM also WEEDING OUT any areas of your HEART where you have AGREEMENT with the darkness because that could cause you to STUMBLE and FALL in the HEAT of BATTLE. Give the Holy Spirit PERMISSION to SEARCH your HEART and SURRENDER it ALL to Me. Don’t carry any OLD BAGGAGE from your life onto the BATTLEFIELD because it will SLOW you down, and it could cause you to TRIP and FALL. When you SURRENDER all to Me, you will not LOSE yourself. You will actually FIND ALL you were meant to be, and you will be FREER, LIGHTER, and FIERCER against the darkness. Watch in this WEEDING OUT season—leaders will continue to FALL to the RIGHT and to the LEFT of you. This is part of the RESCUE OPERATION—call in the WEEDING OUT season to complete its job of PREPARATION for the coming HARVEST.”

4. September 25, 2024


“Everything that is presented to the people by the evil empire is ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS. They HIDE who they really are behind the media SMOKE of LIES and HIDDEN AGENDAS. They MIRROR their own DARK HEARTS BACK ONTO those speaking TRUTH and FREEDOM. They PROJECT their own GREED for POWER and WEALTH on the leaders aligned with RIGHTEOUSNESS, and the PROGRAMMED people eat it up. RISE UP, Army of Light, and come AGAINST this dark scheme of SMOKE AND MIRRORS that hold people CAPTIVE to LIES. Take AUTHORITY over the SMOKE of DECEPTION and the MIRROR of PROJECTED LIES coming from the evil empire. BIND their POWER to release anymore SMOKE AND MIRRORS. RELEASE the Host and Angels to BLOW AWAY the SMOKE of DECEPTION and to SMASH the MIRRORS of PROJECTED LIES. RELEASE the PURE, CLEAN WIND of EXPOSURE so that everything the SMOKE has HIDDEN is REVEALED. BOOMERANG the character assassination of the MIRRORS BACK ONTO THOSE who have PROJECTED their EVIL onto the RIGHTEOUS. DECLARE, ‘SMOKE AND MIRRORS BE REMOVED and be REPLACED by CLARITY and TRUTH.’ Join Me in dealing a DEATHBLOW to the evil empire’s SMOKE AND MIRRORS. RELEASE ILLUMINATION ANGELS to OPEN people’s EYES to the DECEPTION and LIES. DECLARE that this is the END of LYING SMOKE AND MIRRORS and the BEGINNING of TRANSPARENCY and RIGHTEOUSNESS.”


September 25, 2023


“HEAVEN IS STILLED this morning. All is QUIET in the Throne Room. The only SOUND is from the RIVER OF LIFE flowing from the Father’s heart. All eyes are FIXED on the Father…WAITING for His SIGNAL. SOMETHING BIG is WAITING to be RELEASED into the Heavenly realm where the Host will CARRY it to the earth, and the world will SEE the POWER of the LIVING GOD. This day begins a SEASON of GREAT AWE upon the earth, as they see My Hand EXPOSE and BRING DOWN darkness and RAISE UP a LIVING EXPRESSION of My KINGDOM of LIGHT through My Children. STILL YOUR HEART before Me this day. ALIGN your THOUGHTS and PURPOSES with Mine. COVER your life with the ONCE and FOREVER SACRIFICE of My Son’s BLOOD and find your FREEDOM and STRENGTH in Me. Let the HOLY HUSH of Heaven FILL your spirit and CALM any fears. This is not some little RESCUE OPERATION. This will IMPACT the whole world. Be CLEAN before Me in the BLOOD of the Lamb. ASSEMBLE your WEAPONS and at My signal, DEPLOY them with FULL FORCE. WORSHIP, PRAY IN THE SPIRIT, DECLARE MY WRITTEN WORD, DECLARE THE WORDS I’VE GIVEN MY PROPHETS. CALL in My RESCUE, My PROTECTION, and My PROVISION. These are the days of AWE you have been WAITING for. The STILLNESS OF HEAVEN will come ALIVE with RAW POWER, GREAT SOUND and MOTION, and ALL HEAVEN will BREAK LOOSE upon the earth.”

6. September 26, 2024


PSALM 26:3-4 (TPT) “I will never lose sight of Your love for me. Your faithfulness has steadied my steps. I won’t keep company with tricky, two-faced men, nor will I go the way of those who defraud with hidden motives.”

“I AM in this day EXPOSING TRICKY, TWO-FACED MEN AND WOMEN. These are those who live a DOUBLE LIFE. They CONVINCE themselves and others that they have GOOD MOTIVES. They tell themselves that using DECEPTIVE and DESTRUCTIVE ways to achieve their motives is ACCEPTABLE and NECESSARY. They PRETEND to be HUMBLE and FOR the people but in reality, they think they are ABOVE the common people and that they DESERVE to be WEALTHY and POWERFUL. These TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE know how to say what you WANT TO HEAR but their HEARTS are FAR FROM you, and they really only CARE for themselves. BEWARE of these TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE because they will eventually cause great DESTRUCTION in your lives, your churches, and your nation. They will EAT YOUR LUNCH and STEAL everything you have in the name of their ‘GOOD’ cause. Ask for EYES to SEE and HEARTS that KNOW and RECOGNIZE these TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE. Don’t be TAKEN IN by their CHARM and their WORDS that seem ‘RIGHT.’ Don’t DISCOUNT that UNSETTLED FEELING you have with these DECEPTIVE people. It is My DISCERNMENT showing you HIDDEN MOTIVES and WARNING you to NOT BE TAKEN IN by these TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE. You can PRAY for them to be SET FREE but DO NOT ALLOW them to be in your CIRCLE of INFLUENCE. Pray that they will be EXPOSED, BLOCKED, and REMOVED from all areas of society. You must realize that the TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE are MORE DANGEROUS than the OPENLY EVIL ONES. If you are not discerning, they have the ability to GET CLOSE to you and to do GREAT DAMAGE in your LIFE and the life of your NATION. WALK CLOSELY with Me, and I will SHOW you who the TRICKY, TWO-FACED PEOPLE are. As these are SWEPT from your world, INSIGHT, WISDOM, and FREEDOM will GROW and BLESS ALL.”


September 26, 2023


“In the coming months you will see A CASCADE OF EVENTS pour out. One event after another will PLAY OUT in RAPID SUCCESSION. Those partnered with darkness will try SCHEME after SCHEME. Heaven will launch a COUNTERMEASURE to their scheme and then EXPOSURES will take place of WHO PLANNED and WHO tried to CARRY OUT these dark plans of DESTRUCTION. The ranks of darkness will start to THIN as one after another DOMINO FALLS through the EXPOSURE of their EVIL DEEDS. PANIC and TERROR will spread through the enemy camp, and there will be much INFIGHTING and BETRAYAL, as they try to SAVE themselves. Many well-known people will GROW QUIET and seem to DISAPPEAR, but I know where every one of them are, and they will be FOUND and BROUGHT to JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. Those not yet AWAKE will find themselves CONFUSED, UNSURE who to TRUST, and ANXIOUS about what to do. My Remnant will look on this CASCADE OF EVENTS and REJOICE that the Rescue Operation is in FULL SWING. You will be launching GLORY FIRE MISSILES at all the enemy SCHEMES and REJOICING when those plans IMPLODE in the FACE of EVIL. Your CONFIDENCE in My Mighty Right Arm and your FAITH in My PROMISES and My GOODNESS will help CALM people’s FEARS. HEARTS and MINDS will be READY to HEAR TRUTH. STAND STRONG in Me, EYES FOCUSED on My face and EARS OPEN to hear My voice, and I will GUIDE you through the CASCADE OF EVENTS with your FEET on the SOLID ROCK of your SALVATION.”

8. September 27, 2024


“Instead of being AFRAID when you HEAR THREATS of government controls and foreign armies ARISING AGAINST YOU, SEE these THREATS through My EYES and the FILTER of My HEART. Let Me ASSURE you that the SECRET MEETINGS of those who want to CONTROL the world and the WEALTH are TENSE and DEMANDING. The Puppet Masters are BARKING OUT OUTRAGEOUS ORDERS to the SECRETLY TERRIFIED Puppets. These dark hearted Puppets are in a PRECARIOUS position so DON’T BELIEVE their BOLD and THREATENING WORDS carried on the airwaves by the CORRUPT MEDIA. The Puppets are CAUGHT between the PRESSURE to PERFORM or be TAKEN OUT by the CRUEL Puppet Masters, and the REAL UNFOLDING THREAT of EXPOSURE from the Light. Puppets under this kind of PRESSURE make MISTAKES and LAUNCH PREMATURE PLANS. As long as you STAY OUT OF FEAR and ROOTED IN FAITH in My POWER and PROMISES, you will RELEASE POWERFUL PRAYERS for leaders of the Light to make WISE DECISIONS and COUNTERMOVES that will SECURE a VICTORY from the JAWS of DEATH that the enemy has planned for your nations. My hand is on the rightful leadership of your Nation, and Heaven’s mighty Warriors and resources are DEPLOYED on your behalf, so DO NOT BE TROUBLED in your hearts, but be full of VALOR and EXPECTATION of a SPECTACULAR RESCUE and VICTORY. Read between the lines of LYING Leviathan and FILTER the voices of his THREATS through My MIGHTY HEART. SEE and HEAR the PANIC, DESPERATION, and CHAOS that are BEHIND the THREATS being unleashed, and DO NOT FEAR a CORNERED and DYING animal. BIND the LIFE of your God, the LOVE of your God, the POWER of your God, and the PROMISES of your God to your HEARTS, and be at PEACE in the SHELTER of My wings.” 

PSALM 27:2,3 (TPT) “When evil ones come to destroy me, they will be the ones who turn back. My heart will not be afraid even if an army rises to attack. I know that You are there for me, so I will not be shaken.”  Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


September 27, 2022


“My people are COMING ALIVE in My Spirit! They are ARISING as My blood-bought Sons and Daughters who are coming to know My POWER and the POWER that dwells in them because they are Mine. The very power of the RESURRECTION is in their spirits, and it flows out of their DECREES, their WORSHIP, their BOLD FAITH in My promises. The SOUNDS My people are making, the blowing of the SHOFARS are releasing the SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH into the atmosphere, and you will see the VICTORIES MANIFEST in the natural realm. These SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH, released BEFORE you see them manifested in the natural realm, are FREQUENCIES of FAITH that SHATTER dark strongholds and BREAK fear off your own lives. The darkness SHUDDERED and COVERED THEIR EARS at these SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH, and quite SUDDENLY, they felt themselves DISLODGED from long-held places of power. Great PANIC and DESPERATE CLAWING swept through the ranks of darkness, but they could not regain their places of power because the SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH kept coming in WAVE AFTER WAVE. Watch, and you will see this PANIC and DESPERATE CLAWING in the natural realm, as leader after leader FALLS. Keep making THE SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH, My people, and watch your FAITH BECOME FACT. The FREQUENCIES of My people are now TUNED to the FREQUENCIES of HEAVEN, and GREAT POWER is being released on the earth for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE.”


September 27, 2023


“As I bring DOWN the CORRUPTED seven mountains of society and REBUILD them on a foundation of RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE, I AM at the same time RAISING UP THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD. What is the MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD, you ask? It is My ETERNAL KINGDOM coming into DISPLAY on the earth. The seven mountains of society will be RAISED UP to ENCIRCLE the MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD, and My Mountain will GROW until it FILLS THE WHOLE EARTH. All creation has been GROANING for this day, and it will SATISFY the LONGING in you for a TRULY SIGNIFICANT LIFE filled with LOVE, PEACE, and JOY. WELCOME the RISING of THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD. Every time you ALLOW the Kingdom to RULE in your life, you cause THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD to GROW. The Kingdom RULES in you when you make Me FIRST in your life, when you OBEY My promptings, when you WORSHIP and THANK Me, when you FREELY GIVE, and when you FORGIVE as you have been forgiven. This is ALIGNING your heart with My heart and when many begin to do this, THE MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD will FILL THE EARTH.”

MICAH 4:1 (AMP) “But it shall come about in the last days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest and chief of the mountains; it shall be above the hills, and people will flow (like a river) to it.”

DANIEL 2:44 (NASB) “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a Kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that Kingdom will not be left for another people, it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.”


September 28, 2024


"We (the 3-in-1), have DEEP and POWERFUL EMOTIONS and so do you, because you are made in Our image. Without EMOTIONS you would be ROBOTS in a life with NO TRUE MEANING. EMOTIONS are Our GIFT to you as part of your FREE WILL. it is true that the enemy can DISTORT and TAKE ADVANTAGE of EMOTIONS but that does not mean you should INVALIDATE all EMOTIONS. Many good things are ROOTED in THE GIFT OF EMOTIONS. DEEP LOVE, LOYALTY, DELIGHT, THANKSGIVING, JOY, AWE, and WONDER. The enemy tries to SABOTAGE your EMOTIONS with NEGATIVE EMOTIONS like FEAR, DOUBT, ANXIETY, RAGE, DEPRESSION, CONFUSION, and LIES. While EMOTIONS are a GREAT GIFT, they must be GUARDED and BALANCED by the TRUTH of what I SAY and WHO I AM. As soon as you realize you are not in the PEACE of FAITH and not RESTING in My GOODNESS and POWER, ask Holy Spirit to SHOW you where you are being INFLUENCED by the darkness. Let My Spirit SIFT your EMOTIONS and show you WHY you are CAUGHT in NEGATIVE THINKING and FEELING. He will show you areas of UNBELIEF, UNHEALED TRAUMA, UNFORGIVENESS, and DISAPPOINTMENTS that need to be processed in light of My WORD, My CHARACTER, My PROMISES, and My LOVE. Effective Warriors have a whole range of HEALED and SET-FREE EMOTIONS. Healthy and faith-based EMOTIONS in a Warrior produce COURAGE, LOYALTY, BRAVERY, and ENDURANCE. Come to Me, and I will HEAL and BALANCE THE GIFT OF EMOTIONS in your life."


September 28, 2023


“You have begun to see BIG NAMES ‘RETIRING’ from their places of POWER. More and more of these ‘RETIREMENTS’ and ‘RESIGNATIONS’ are coming. You will find MANY people in positions of POWER are MISSING IN ACTION. The MEDIA will try to NORMALIZE these that are now MISSING IN ACTION, but I want you to know I AM REMOVING these CORRUPT people by My mighty right arm. They have been presented IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE of their CRIMES against humanity and of their SICKENING PERVERSIONS, and they are being FORCED to STEP DOWN. You will see the SHOCK on some of their faces because they were DECEIVED into believing they were UNTOUCHABLE. They believed in the POWER of darkness and in the LYING media’s ability to COVER them. They are SUDDENLY SHAKEN to their CORE as everything they TRUSTED in is CRUMBLING, and the THREAT of EXPOSURE hangs over them like a HUGE HAMMER ready to drop. Don’t allow your faith to go MISSING IN ACTION because it seems like they are being allowed to FADE AWAY from public view and from consequences. I have PROMISED FULL EXPOSURE and that is coming. PRAY for those who are being SHAKEN to their CORE with their DIRTY LAUNDRY about to be EXPOSED. Pray that they will TURN to Me in DEEP REPENTANCE and find SALVATION in the BLOOD of My Son. Then they will not be SEPARATED from Me forever. They will still have to FACE the CONSEQUENCES of JUDGMENT and JUSTICE here on the earth, but they will not be MISSING IN ACTION throughout eternity.”


September 28, 2021


“I have prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies, and I will require them to WATCH as I BLESS, PROTECT, and PROSPER you through the coming days of EXPOSURE and RADICAL CHANGE. Man’s systems are going to FAIL and FALL but there is no need to FEAR because I TAKE CARE of My own, and My PROVISION comes from a Kingdom that CANNOT BE SHAKEN. The evil are set to suffer great loss but My people are set to know Me in a DEEPER, SUPERNATURAL way as their PROVIDER and DEFENDER. Choose to ALIGN yourself with My Kingdom resources—they will NEVER FAIL YOU. I want your SECURITY firmly planted in My Kingdom and not in depending on man’s systems. I will be FAITHFUL to GUIDE you in this process off of dependency to man’s systems and onto My system of provision. I only know how to set a BOUNTIFUL TABLE.”

PSALM 147:5, 6 “How great is our God! There’s absolutely nothing His power cannot accomplish, and He has infinite understanding of everything. Yahweh supports and strengthens the humble, and the ungodly will be brought down to the dust.” TPT  

14. September 29, 2024


"As the SHAKINGS INTENSIFY, it is VITAL that you remember that I AM WITH YOU AND THAT I WILL RESTORE. Remember that the SHAKINGS are NECESSARY to AWAKEN those still SLEEPING under the SPELL of Leviathan's LIES. Any LOSS that you experience in this season of the UNVEILING of DARKNESS will be RESTORED to you by My Hand and My Power. It will not just be REPLACED, but it will be RESTORED WITH MORE. More than you THINK or IMAGINE. People need to see the UGLINESS of evil power used to gain CONTROL and WEALTH through FEAR and DESTRUCTION. A STRONG RESOLVE to NEVER ALLOW EVIL and IDOLATRY to OVERTAKE your Land again must form in the hearts of the people. Preserving your customary way of life is NOT Heaven's PRIORITY right now. Much of it is ROOTED in systems that must be REPLACED because they have EVIL ROOTS. TRUST Me that what I have for your future is SO MUCH BETTER, SO MUCH MORE FULFILLING, and it will BLESS EVERYONE. Take your eyes OFF temporary losses and look into My eyes of FIERY LOVE. Allow Me to be your SOURCE and your GOAL. Watch Me PROVIDE for you and even PROSPER you in a season of SHAKING. Transfer your TRUST in worldly systems to My Heavenly, UNLIMITED RESOURCES. You will find yourself in a place of GREAT FREEDOM with no ANXIETY from trying to PROP UP what needs to FALL. You will live in supernatural PEACE that I AM WITH YOU AND I WILL RESTORE...MORE!"

15. September 30, 2024

DON'T LISTEN TO THE RULE KEEPERS—"There has never been a more important time in your history than NOW for you to KNOW My CHARACTER and My HEART for you. If you allow anything to CHIP AWAY your VALUE and My ACCEPTANCE of you, it will throw you into DOUBT about My WILLINGNESS to PROTECT, DEFEND, and PROVIDE for you in this TUMULTUOUS season of dark to Light. DON'T LISTEN TO THE RULE KEEPERS (the modern-day Pharisees) who tell you, for example, that I won't be pleased with you unless you use a specific name for Me or unless you do communion a certain way. See these LEGALISTIC RULES from My perspective. I LOVED you so much and DESIRED an INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP so DEEPLY that I GAVE My own Son to SUFFER and DIE a cruel death in order to MAKE A WAY for you to COME HOME to My heart. It was the GREATEST PRICE ever paid for LOVE. Does it make sense that I would now develop all kinds of RULES that would BLOCK you from RECEIVING that LOVE and so GREAT A SALVATION? These RULE KEEPERS SPOUT such NONSENSE that is rooted in their own SPIRITUAL PRIDE. They feel quite SUPERIOR being part of their RULE-KEEPING CLUB, but their hearts are FAR from Me and they are STUMBLING BLOCKS to those who really want to DRAW NEAR to My heart in LOVE and HUMILITY. The 3-in-One are called many DIFFERENT names and titles in the Word because just one name is NOT sufficient to REVEAL our MULTIFACETED, MULTICOLORED NATURES. When you use a new name, it will open up REVELATION of that part of Our character and Our hearts. I INVITE you to call Me ABBA--the most INTIMATE name between a father and a child. I will invite you to call Me YAHWEH and LORD OF HOSTS, describing My ETERNAL nature and GREAT POWER. My Son is BROTHER, SAVIOR, HEALER, DELIVERER, REDEEMER, and the BETROTHED of the Bride. My Spirit is FIRE, WIND, WATER, EXPLOSIVE POWER, COMFORTER, and COUNSELOR...just to list a FEW of Our names. DON'T LISTEN TO THE RULE KEEPERS because I have called you to LIBERTY, FREEDOM, and BEAUTIFUL INTIMACY with Me. Choose LIFE not RULES.” 


 September 30, 2022


“My FINAL COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN against the partners of darkness—those who allied with the enemy in order to ENSLAVE you and to STEAL from you and to DESTROY you. When MY COUNTDOWN reaches zero, their EVIL EMPIRE that took centuries to build will COME DOWN IN A DAY. It will IMPLODE from within and it will receive a MASSIVE EXPLOSION from without. It will CRUMBLE within because they will TURN AGAINST each other in desperate attempts to save themselves and their evil plans to rule the world. As they CRUMBLE from WITHIN, I will STRIKE them with My DEATHBLOW and judgment and justice will be released in FULLNESS against them. My DEATHBLOW will UNCOVER all the HIDDEN EVIL, and a CRY FOR JUSTICE will fill your Land and ECHO around the world. Your PRAYERS, your TEARS, your DECLARATIONS of My promises, your WORSHIP WARFARE have made a way for Me to come and RESCUE you from the CREEPING DARKNESS that was covering your Land. NOTHING WILL STOP My FINAL COUNTDOWN against the darkness. You will see their DESTRUCTION, their JUDGMENT, and then, you will SEE THEM NO MORE. Let the CELEBRATIONS begin of My POWER to RESCUE and to DELIVER and to REBUILD, RESTORE, and PROSPER. Watch ALL My PROMISES come true and know that MY COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN.”


September 30, 2023


“Do not look at the SHORT TIME of DARKNESS that is coming with FEAR. Think of it as a COVERING of COMFORT, PEACE, and PROTECTION that I will drop on you as the MASSIVE CLEANUP of WICKED people is carried out by Heavenly and earthly MILITARY FORCES. When the darkness LIFTS, you will SEE, HEAR, and SMELL FREEDOM RETURNING. You will see DARK leaders GONE and RIGHTEOUS leaders REPLACING them. You will HEAR the PROMISES of RESTORATION that are coming to you. You will SMELL FREEDOM in the air because the air will be CLEANER after the STRONGHOLDS of darkness are REMOVED. Because I love My Army of Light and I want you to stay STRONG and ENCOURAGED, I will give you GLIMPSES of the coming FREEDOM, you will HEAR of events that let you know the TIDE is TURNING, and you will catch WHIFFS of the coming FRESH AIR of LIFE. These SIGHTS, SOUNDS, and SMELLS will become STRONGER and STRONGER and will eventually FILL your VISION, HEARING, and SMELLING as My RESCUE OPERATION moves into FULL swing and reaches its DRAMATIC CONCLUSION. Ask Me to TUNE your SENSES to Heaven’s FREQUENCIES, and you will experience the SIGHTS, SOUNDS, and SMELLS OF FREEDOM.”

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 


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