1.    October 8, 2024


Resilient: capable of withstanding shock, recovering from difficult situations, adjusting to change.

GALATIANS 5:25 (TPT) “If the Spirit is the source of our life, we must allow the Spirit to direct every aspect of our lives.”

“My Army of Light, in this final season of FIERCE BATTLE against the TYRANNICAL DARKNESS, there will be much UPHEAVAL and CHANGE. The darkness is FRANTICALLY throwing out schemes of DESTRUCTION to cause GREAT LOSS. I AM telling you that the OLD SYSTEMS rooted in GREED and SELFISHNESS must FALL to MAKE WAY for FREEDOM and PLENTY. I want to assure you that all these LOSSES will be TEMPORARY and that I will RESTORE, RESTORE, RESTORE. I would like to give My people a SUPER POWER that will see you through the TUMULT of CHANGE and TEMPORARY LOSSES. I AM giving you the POWERFUL GIFT of being RESILIENT. Being RESILIENT BELIEVES that it will not always be the way it is right now. Being RESILIENT is founded on KNOWING My HEART for you, My POWER toward you, and My ABILITY to RESTORE MORE. Being RESILIENT is willing to LET GO of THINGS and MAN’S SYSTEMS, and looks with eyes of FAITH at the things which CANNOT BE SHAKEN. It finds its STRENGTH in knowing that I AM a GOOD, GOOD Father who GENEROUSLY GIVES, HEALS, and COMFORTS. Being RESILIENT believes that the future will be BETTER and FULLER because that is what I have PROMISED: THE BEST IS YET TO COME. The enemy will be CONFOUNDED by this SUPER POWER of RESILIENCY. They will knock you down with their dark plans and then you will see their BIG BUG EYES when you BOUNCE BACK UP in My STRENGTH and COMFORT and HOPE. Your SWORDS will still be in your hands, and the enemy will RUN from the presence of FIERY FREEDOM SHINING from your eyes. Come to Me, and I will make you RESILIENT.”

2.    October 9, 2024


“I have told you of the many DARK and DESPERATE schemes that the darkness has planned for your world. Do you just stand HELPLESSLY on the sidelines watching those plans UNFOLD and cause CHAOS and HARM? Your WORDS and your PRAYERS have great AUTHORITY because you are Sons and Daughters of My Kingdom. Begin right now to SOW SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION into all the enemy’s EVIL schemes. RELEASE My Host to PLANT these SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION deep into those dark plans. These SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION will SABOTAGE the schemes from the inside out. CRACKS will appear in the BLUEPRINTS of these dark agendas that will not be noticed by the darkness until it is TOO LATE and the plans SPLIT APART and FAIL or FALL SHORT of their intended DAMAGE and LOSS of life. Get behind the plans of Heaven to EXPOSE the dark liars and to LAUNCH the Rescue Operation. SPEAK LIFE TO THESE PLANS, RELEASE WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING to those planning the rescue. CALL FORTH SUPERNATURAL INSIGHTS and SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE into those fighting for JUSTICE and FREEDOM. RELEASE DREAMS, VISIONS, and ENCOUNTERS that will REVEAL the enemy’s plans so that COUNTERMEASURES can be put into place. My Army of Light, I AM calling you to SOW SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION into the enemy camp and to SOW SEEDS OF LIFE into the plans of the Light.”

3.    October 10, 2024


PSALM 10:15 (TPT) “Break the power of the wicked and all their strong-arm tactics. Search them out and destroy them for the evil things they’ve done.”

“You are well aware of all the EVIL SCHEMES those partnered with darkness are PUMPING OUT and how they are intending to BRING FEAR and CHAOS in order to CONTROL you. What you don’t see are the CLOSED-DOOR MEETINGS and the individual SECRET PLANS that are being formed for their ESCAPE to REMOTE HIDEOUTS in case their EVIL is EXPOSED to the world, and their GREED and CORRUPTION are LAID BARE for all to see. If they are EXPOSED, their plan is to DISAPPEAR into their ELABORATE HIDEOUTS and to LAY LOW until things die down and are being FORGOTTEN. Then, they will REINVENT themselves and CUNNINGLY move back into positions of POWER. They have done this throughout the ages, and they expect it to work again. NOT THIS TIME! This FIERCE BATTLE you are fighting is to DEAL a DEATHBLOW to the arrogant elite so that they will ARISE NO MORE. I have SPECIAL FORCES Host whose assignment is to SEARCH AND DESTROY these arrogant, blasphemous ones. They will be FOUND—no matter how DEEP or REMOTE their hideout is—and they will be brought to JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. CALL FORTH and RELEASE My SEARCH AND DESTROY Hosts to find ALL the HIDDEN evil ones and to bring an END to their DARK SCHEMES and DOMINATION. JUSTICE, FREEDOM, and PEACE are on their way to take the place of the evil one’s TYRANNY and DESTRUCTION. It is the season of SEARCH AND DESTROY.”


October 10, 2021


*I was unexpectedly taken again to the War Room of Heaven. I am ushered in and take my place behind one of the 24 Elders. The Elder reaches back to pat my hand, and it melts my heart. Quiet, serious conversation is heard but undergirded by confidence in the Father’s plan that is unfolding. The Father speaks:

+“The SHAKINGS in the natural and in the spiritual realm will increase from this day forward. When My people see shakings in the natural, they will know that a shaking is also taking place in the spiritual realm. The whole demonic structure hell has built has already been shaken and damaged, but even GREATER DESTRUCTION is being unleashed against them that will bring the whole structure DOWN INTO RUINS. What they have sowed into your Nation—FEAR, TRAUMA, TERROR, SICKNESS, LOSS—will now be REAPED by them in full.” 

*A murmur of agreement and support rises from the Elders. The Elder I am standing behind speaks:

+‘This is the perfect time for a Harvest Season, and the Reaper Angels have been dispatched to harvest your Land, and they will gather the evil to receive JUDGMENT and JUSTICE, and they will gather those whose hearts are ready to be brought into the Kingdom.’

+The Father adds: “Tell My people to WELCOME the Reaper Angels and to support My plans by WORSHIPING Me and DECLARING My power and goodness and STAND FIRM in My promises to you and your Nation. I AM arising to perform My word.”

Read Psalm 34 aloud to the Father today—powerful!

5.    October 11, 2024


As the Father spoke the word “RUMBLE” to me, I began to sense a  rumble coming from deep within the earth. I was actually shaking inside. I also sensed a counter rumble coming from the heavens.

“The evil empire is in FULL-BLOWN PANIC MODE which will lead to their DESTRUCTION because of FOOLISH and SELFISH decisions they make in this state of PANIC. While this panic is a SIGN of their END, it is a time for you to remain ALERT in your spirit to the LEADING of My Spirit, who will POSITION you to be FULLY PROTECTED, PROVIDED FOR, and KEPT in My PEACE. The RUMBLE you sensed this morning was the darkness RAMPING UP their DARKEST and DEADLIEST SCHEMES. They are LASHING OUT like the WOUNDED, DYING animal that they are. Their schemes will FEEL POWERFUL, and they do contain chaos and destruction. However, you are NOT A DEFENSELESS VICTIM; you are an EMPOWERED WARRIOR and you are being RAISED UP to ENFORCE My PROMISED VICTORY. TUNE YOUR SPIRIT now to the heavens, and you will FEEL and HEAR another RUMBLE being RELEASED from My Throne. My Throne of SUPERIOR POWER, STRATEGY, and WEAPONS. I DON’T MISS and I DON’T LOSE. The RUMBLE from Heaven is backed by the ROAR of the Lion of Judah, and He is coming to TAKE BACK His land. NO SCHEME of man or hell can STAND before Him. This is the time to walk more CLOSELY with Me than you have ever before and to STAY ALERT to My LEADING and GUIDANCE. Your Warrior Hosts and your Guardian Angels will HELP you STAY in this place of NEARNESS and SENSITIVITY to My Spirit. You will walk through the RUMBLE of the darkness in My path of PROTECTION, PEACE, and PROSPERITY. Call forth the RUMBLE from Heaven to EXPOSE the TREACHERY of the dark RUMBLE, to BRING DOWN their places of POWER, and to put them under My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. It’s time to RUMBLE!”

PSALM 50:3 (TPT) “With the rumble of thunder He approaches; He will not be silent, for He comes with an earsplitting sound! All around Him are furious flames of fire, and preceding Him is the dazzling blaze of His glory.”

6.    October 12, 2024


I briefly met with Enoch this morning. He looked me deep in my eyes and told me how the whole of history is watching the Remnant battle to defeat the darkness and to bring in the Light of the Father’s life. Enoch said that he and all of the Great Cloud of Witnesses are interceding for us to surrender to His ways and His timing and to not give up and don’t give out before the promised victory is won. I felt such an intensity from Enoch and the desire of all of history that we would prevail with the Father.

“My Army of Light, it is going to SEEM like MOUNTAIN after MOUNTAIN appears on the ROAD to VICTORY. Don’t let that OVERWHELM you but realize you are DEFEATING the darkness that has RULED from all seven mountains of society—one mountain at a time. Heed the EXHORTATION from Enoch to STAY STRONG until the end and HEAR My COUNSEL to you: ‘DON’T GIVE IN, DON’T GIVE UP, and DON’T GIVE OUT.’ DON’T GIVE IN to DISCOURAGEMENT when it will APPEAR that the darkness has WON. Remember that this MISPLACED CONFIDENCE on their part will OUT all the MASKED TRAITORS who pretend to be GOOD but are really SERVING SELF and the DARKNESS. DON’T GIVE UP because the battle is going LONGER than you ANTICIPATED. You will AVOID that TRAP if you stay SURRENDERED to My WAYS and My TIMING and KEEP COMING to Me to be STRENGTHENED and ENCOURAGED—that is to keep RENEWING your COURAGE. DON’T GIVE OUT by fighting in your OWN STRENGTH because this is a TURNING POINT in history, and it will only be accomplished by SUPERNATURAL MEANS. You must really believe that I AM the God of the IMPOSSIBLE and that I still PART the RED SEA of ADVERSITY and DEATH AGENDAS of the darkness. Remember that you ARE NOT in this FIGHT ALONE. You have the ANCIENT OF DAYS, the Warrior Host of Heaven, the Angelic Divisions, and the Great Cloud of Witnesses by your side. Therefore, My Beloved ones, DO NOT GIVE IN, DO NOT GIVE UP, and DO NOT GIVE OUT.”

7.    October 13, 2024


“You can LOOK for and EXPECT THE RETURN OF THE KING in both SUPERNATURAL and NATURAL REALMS. I AM the RIGHTFUL KING of My creation, and I AM coming in a STRONG DISPLAY of SUPERNATURAL GLORY POWER to TAKE BACK all the land the enemy and those partnered with him have STOLEN. This is not the promised physical second coming of My Son to the earth, but it is the ESTABLISHMENT of the KINGDOM AGE through Our Sons and Daughters who will RULE and REIGN under Our AUTHORITY, ANOINTING, and POWER. THE RETURN OF THE KING will first be in the HEARTS of My Remnant but as I SHOW UP and SHOW OFF in a POWERFUL RESCUE OPERATION, many will welcome Me to be the KING of their hearts. My GLORY POWER shone forth in THE RETURNING KING will TOPPLE EVIL THRONES and EXPOSE every darkness. My Sons and Daughters will ARISE and SERVE as LIGHT-FILLED leaders who rule in RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. THE RETURN OF THE KING in the natural will be the setting in of your RIGHTFUL leader whom I have APPOINTED and ANOINTED for this position to GUIDE the transition from dark to Light. Keep it simple—WORSHIP Me and SUPPORT him. THE RETURN OF THE KING in both realms will signal an EPIC TRANSFORMATION of your world from TREACHEROUS, CORRUPT, and PERVERTED leaders to the re-establishment of the foundations of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Your world will go from CHAOS, DARKNESS, and DESTRUCTION to LIFE, FREEDOM, PEACE, and PLENTY. Call forth THE RETURN OF THE KING in both the natural and supernatural realms. You are preparing the way for THE RETURN OF THE KING by your WARFARE DECREES and DECLARATIONS, your FAITH in My PROMISES, and your LOVE for Me. You will see THE RETURN OF THE KING in both the natural and supernatural realms.”


October 13, 2020


“This year will be remembered for the ‘GREAT FALL.’ Your Nation will stand as a witness with Me, as you see My hand ORCHESTRATE the fall of the evil plotters and schemers who carefully planned to DESTROY your Nation. They will see their plans, their darkened hearts, and their lives of perversion totally LAID BARE and exposed before the world. There will be NO PLACE left for them to run or hide and NO ONE anywhere who will continue to support them. Those on the outskirts of these evil ones who have defended and protected them will SHRINK BACK in horror when they see the full depravity of these selfish, arrogant people. It is in this place of fear, loss, and total humiliation that some of these evil ones will come to know Me and will be saved from eternal punishment. However, they will still bear the full weight here on earth of judgment and justice. Do not fear for NOTHING CAN STOP the great fall from occurring because I have declared it will happen. Trust My ways and My timing. Prepare to see the great fall of 2020.”

Micah 3...A brutal exposure of wicked leadership.

9.    October 14, 2024


I found myself in a heavenly place walking beside the Father. This was not our normal slow and peaceful stroll. He was striding with great purpose, and I was half-walking, being carried along. I asked where we were going? He replied, “The Unrolling Room.” We arrived at a vast room full of the scrolls of destiny for everyone, but His focus was on one section of leadership scrolls. He would nod His head or speak a word, and an Angel with large scissors would cut off the scroll. I understood that their destiny had been cut short and would no longer roll out. I saw our rightful leader’s scroll of destiny, and his began to rapidly unroll, as his destiny came into its time. The Father shared:

“I have taken you to the UNROLLING ROOM in Heaven to show you what is NEXT on My agenda. I AM releasing the HARVEST of the RIGHTEOUS and UNRIGHTEOUS RULERS. For the righteous, their destinies will come out of the HOLDING PATTERN they have been in and will now RAPIDLY UNFOLD to FULFILL ALL I have called them to BE and to DO. This includes your rightful leader and leaders across ALL the mountains of society. For the unrighteous leaders, their SCROLLS of destiny will now be CUT SHORT. You will see them FALL and be REMOVED from their positions of POWER, and they will be held ACCOUNTABLE for partnering with darkness to fulfill their destinies. Their GREED and SELFISH AMBITION will be on FULL DISPLAY, and the world will TURN AWAY from them. I AM asking you to JOIN Me as a WITNESS of the righteous moment in time to UNROLL the DESTINIES of the RIGHTEOUS LEADERS. Partner with Me in declaring: ‘UNROLL NOW destinies of the RIGHTEOUS, CHOSEN LEADERS. ARISE and SHINE for our Great God and FULFILL all you’ve been made for to BE and to DO.’ I AM also asking you to join in calling for the UNRIGHTEOUS LEADERSHIP SCROLLS TO BE CUT SHORT. Declare: ‘Now is the time to CUT the unrighteous leaders SCROLLS SHORT and to REMOVE their INFLUENCE from the earth.’ The Lord of the Harvest has spoken, and it shall be done.”

10.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

October 14, 2023


“WORKERS OF DARKNESS—people, leaders, movements, organizations, governments, and nations—HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD. You have been WEIGHED in the PERFECT SCALES of JUSTICE in the Courtroom of Heaven, and you have been found GUILTY of LYING, GREED, HYPOCRISY, MURDER, TREASON, and DESTRUCTION. You did these things for SELFISH GAIN. You WORSHIPED DARKNESS in order to gain POWER over the people and to PLUNDER them to SATISFY your LUSTS. You REJECTED My LOVE and REFUSED My offer of FORGIVENESS through the BLOOD of My Son. In the STILLNESS of the night, DARK DREAMS and TERRORS have come upon you to WARN you that you were on a PATH of DEATH and DESTRUCTION. Now, what you FEARED will COME UPON you, and you will FACE it ALL ALONE because darkness DESERTS those CAUGHT in My JUDGMENTS. You could have chosen LIFE and the JOY of GIVING, but you chose to SERVE DARKNESS for what it would give you. You thought you could USE darkness, but it has USED YOU, and you will now be a PAWN, TOSSED ASIDE, and you will BEAR your PUNISHMENT ALL ALONE. Oh My people, when you see the DESTRUCTION of the wicked, know with everything in you that I AM the WAY of LIFE, LOVE, PEACE, PROVISION, and JOY. My ABUNDANCE and FAVOR rest on those who have GIVEN their lives BACK to Me through My Son. If only those who PARTNERED with darkness had BELIEVED that I FREELY GIVE GOOD GIFTS to My own. Remember: ‘It is the blessing of the Lord that makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it.’” PROVERBS 10:22 (NASB)

PROVERBS 1:29-33 (TPT)

11.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 October 14, 2022


“In all the history of creation, there has never been a time like this time. NEVER BEFORE SEEN things will happen that could only come from My hand. They will be POWERFUL and SUPERNATURAL, and man will not be able to EXPLAIN IT AWAY as a natural occurrence.  You will watch with WONDERING EYES as I REMOVE evil leaders, monuments, and buildings in a day. Instead of their plans of DESTRUCTION for you succeeding, My plans to DESTROY THEIR EVIL EMPIRE will go forth, and My plans will be completely FULFILLED. NEVER BEFORE SEEN SUPERNATURAL ACTS will take them down, and you will experience SHOCK and AWE. They were sure their final plan would work, and it would bring GREAT DEATH and DESTRUCTION on you and bring America to her knees. They did not see that a REMNANT in America was ALREADY ON THEIR KNEES—not in defeat, but waging a POWERFUL SPIRIT WAR that set in motion the darkness’ DOWNFALL, and a VICTORY for My faithful Army of Light. DEATH and DESTRUCTION will come to them in NEVER BEFORE SEEN WAYS. They will be SILENCED and BEATEN, and you will arise TRIUMPHANT and SINGING.”

12.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

October 14, 2021


“There may not be troops and guns and tanks lined up against each other, but this is still a very real WAR with CASUALTIES and WOUNDED.  This war is being fought for the MINDS and HEARTS of a Nation using LIES (Leviathan), THREATS (Jezebel), and BIOLOGICAL and PSYCHOLOGICAL warfare (the Destroyer). This is a war of FAITH OVER FEAR and TRUTH OVER DECEPTION. This is cunning, underhanded warfare that seeks to CONTROL and that PUNISHES all who speak out against them. They are a RUTHLESS enemy who have lost the ability to have natural affections, and their hearts are HARD and DARKENED. You must be just as DETERMINED to defeat them as they are to TRAMPLE you to the ground. This is the day for ALL-OUT warfare and PUSHING BACK the darkness and DECLARING the awesome power of your God to defeat His enemies and to TURN THE TIDE from darkness to light. You must RENEW your strength in Me daily so that you stand STRONG in this fierce warfare for the DESTINY of your lives and your Nation. You are not imagining the seriousness of the day nor the heavy warfare you feel. This is why I have continued to strengthen your FAITH and to draw you CLOSE to receive My love and My orders. Be faithful to DECREE what I have PROMISED and march forth with Me to PUSH BACK and to utterly DEFEAT the LYING, STEALING darkness. Make no mistake—THIS IS WAR!”

13.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 October 13, 2022


VALOR: courage, boldness, bravery, strength of mind in resisting fear 

“I AM giving My Army of Light a spirit of VALOR to carry them through the final days of battle. If you will receive this VALOR from My strong right arm, it will STRENGTHEN you to FINISH WELL in this war; and it will PROTECT your mind from FEAR, PANIC, and ANXIETY. Fear, panic, and anxiety are COURAGE STEALERS, and they CLOUD your spiritual eyes and keep you from seeing what I AM doing to FINISH this war and to bring in the VICTORY. Many of the THREATS facing your Nation may APPEAR right on the BRINK of happening, but I have already DEFUSED the plans of darkness to bring DEATH and DESTRUCTION. You will see areas of destruction, but this is MY HAND BRINGING DOWN what was built on the WORSHIP OF DARKNESS. The VALOR I AM offering to give you today will give you CLEAR VISION to see what are only THREATS from the darkness and to see where My hand is moving to DESTROY EVIL ROOTS and SCHEMES. VALOR will STEADY you through tumultuous days, and you will be an ANCHOR for the fearful and the terrified. Receive My SHINING VALOR and stand strong with Me. Your FINEST and BEST DAYS are ahead of you!”




Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 




  1. Excellent... and SO helpful! Thank you!!!

  2. we can't give up our freedom !

  3. Where can I find the updated post of Brett and Janice Cairns prayer decrees list?

  4. After reading this entry and going back to your December 3, 2023 journal entry The Fourth Day, I'm feeling in my spirit that we must stand and be ready for every and anything. We know satan is a liar and uses what he previously used to deceive people, so as impossible as we think it will be to do again, this includes stealing the upcoming election. God has been setting traps all along so letting them think they won again would be another trap, but this time in their pride they will expose themselves because this is all they needed for their Global plans to work.  They will turn on the people and tell them they have no choice, Trump lost and the people who supported him will be punished as traitors by death if they riot or fight back.  Then they will boast about their schemes and plots to assure their plans that America will now be under the control of a One World Order and then the people will finally see their evil plots, out in the open this time, then the Lord will take them all down on the fourth day when He (Jesus) comes fourth.  I think that Jesus comes forth is the play on words mentioned. I also am drawn to the part in that Word that says the people were MESMERIZED, this stands out to me, I think it is a reference to Revelation 13:3 (3 Third day/ 3 days of darkness), it says the whole world MARVELED after the beast. They couldn't fight the beast system anymore, it would now take over their nations and their lives. It would seem impossible for even God's people to win because anyone who fought them would be killed, as in treason against the One World Order (Beast system).  This is how he gets them that are not God's people to take the mark.  This is Satan's end time plan, but he can't have the harvest, he can't come before his time, so Jesus is coming forth to stop him and set His people ablaze with His Glory and Valor so that we, the chosen generation, can bring in the end time harvest, truly the best is yet to come!

    1. Only God knows exactly how His plan will unfold. We only know what the profits have shared with us. We know that there will be three days of deep darkness where it looks like evil has one. God uses those three days to awaken the sleepers, for a grand reveal. As we call forth our nation to resurrection life, on the fourth day our nation will rise again.

  5. Do you consider the kingdom GE THE 1000 REIGN OF Jesus ON EARTH OR IS IT BEFORE THEN?

    1. The Kingdom Age is not the 1,000 Year Reign. It is before the 1,000 Year Reign. Next in the prophetic timeline would be the Great Tribulation.

    2. Opps. I misspoke. I believe next in the timeline would be the second coming of Jesus, then the Great Tribulation. So sorry.

    3. From what I have heard Kat Kerr teach, the Kingdom Age will last many, many years.

    4. God has always protected His people in the earth through His judgements. In the great flood Noah and his family were kept safely here while the rest of the world was destroyed. When the plagues struck Egypt the Israelites were untouched in Goshen and walked through the Red Sea while the Egyptian army drowned. In Revelation 7 God’s people are marked with a mark and untouched by God’s judgements. The great cloud of witnesses were killed by people serving Satan, not by God’s judgements. In our time, God is causing our enemies attacks to fail.


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