October 15, 2024

Sometimes all of the changes that need to take place to align governments and people’s hearts to our Great God can seem overwhelming. Two reminders have helped me: remembering how He has changed me in a radical, wonderful way; and allowing Him to expand my vision of His limitless power and majesty. I felt myself being propelled through starry skies far, far out into the heavens, and I caught a glimpse of His hugeness.

“Do you have DOUBTS and FEARS about how I will be able to bring about the PROMISED Kingdom Age of PEACE and PLENTY? How will I BRING DOWN CORRUPT governments and bring an AWAKENING and DELIVERANCE to all the people caught in the LIES of the enemy? Evil, powerful people have RULED the nations for centuries so how can I bring them down IN A DAY? People have turned away from cold, dead religion, but they have turned to FALSE COMFORTERS and FALSE GODS who have ENSNARED them into ADDICTIONS and FALSE IDENTITIES. Can I DELIVER such a people? Look at your own life and see HOW FAR I’ve brought you. Look around at My CREATION and remember that I brought it forth out of NOTHING. Let Me assure you that I AM THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, the GOD OF THE LIMITLESS, and the FIRE OF MY LOVE CAN BURN AWAY ANYTHING that blocks Me from reaching a heart. I AM able to CHANGE nations and people IN A DAY, so put away the DOUBTING and THROW the weight of your LIFE and HOPE on Me. IAM ABLE, I AM WILLING, and I AM POWERFUL. I will FULFILL all My PROMISES, and you will walk with Me into the new Kingdom Era. Come to Me, and I will EXPAND YOUR VISION of Me so that you remain in GREAT HOPE and look to the future with JOY.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Amen! Last night I was feeling a little overwhelmed with everything going on. At that time I began remembering all that our awesome God has brought me through! He is more than able!

    1. Yes and write your own Book of Remembrance. Your own God Stories and "Incidents".
      It will become your most valued treasure.

    2. Since I have been reading Diana’s post and also Patty’s, I have made copies and use them to see how far God has brought us. He truly is amazing, capable and limitless. The awesome power of our CREATOR.

    3. Please tell me how I can copy these..I am hoping a print shop can do it..I'm very NOT tech savvy

    4. Comment 2:58 how are you viewing this? On a computer/lap top or on a phone like an iPhone or android device?

  2. I choose herbal teas Purposefully.
    Chamomile for Sleepytime.
    Senna for "Smooth Moves".
    "Throat Comfort" after raucous Prayer sessions.
    Peppermint for tummy.
    Sooooo, what have I been steeping in?
    Agenda Media: get doubt-unbelief-lies.
    Word of God: get God's Own TRUTH.
    Prophetic Revelators: get God's own Ruach, Now, Living , Breathing Word of God.
    I can choose every day - ON PURPOSE - what to steep myself in.

    1. I love it when people make things real. For the love of goodness calm yourself down with some chamomile tea; shake it off, reboot, and get on with it and put that armor on; I love you !! Keeping it real soldiers. Abba has our back and if we perish we perish; angels will be clapping the whole way home. Y’all are the best. Ain’t no coincidence I’m here.

  3. Thank you for this gentle reminder. This has been the most spiritually, emotionally and psychologically challenging time of my life. Last evening my sister said something to me that I inwardly reacted to causing fear to try to get a grip on my heart. I spoke Father’s truth about what’s coming essentially rejecting what was said. I am reassured this morning by these words spoken today. Bless you for sharing what Our Father gives you.

    1. These Are INTENSE times.
      Charles Stanley had a helpful thing for Combat: HALT
      Beware of the enemy and your own flesh when Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.
      Have strategies for disrupting any downward spiral before it takes you too far.
      I like 10:20's story: she got out her Sword of the Spirit of Truth and Whacked that mole of fear. God Wins ! And we're with Him.

    2. I love this: HALT. Does Charles Stanley recommend any strategies to use?

  4. Our Father God is absolutely real with power way beyond our comprehension !

    1. Yes , Elohim [ Father , Son , Holy Ghost ] can do ANYTHING !!!

  5. In one day , you have been born again , into a Life with our Father !

  6. The power of God's Love can Melt our problems .

  7. God, your Glory will soon be displayed.
    So why should we worry and fret with dismay?
    You have placed Angels about us,
    Given us wisdom to pray.
    We are lead and directed by Your Spirit each day.
    The sufferings have come, and the trials have too.
    But, Oh, the wonderful Joy
    When you've brought us through,
    To share in Your Glory
    And become partners with You!

    1. I just read that poem (11:54) three times
      and now I'm going to print and "paste" it.
      (in my special "God speaks" book).

  8. I am Born for a time Like this my greatest privilege and Honor is Loving my ABBA Papa back

  9. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Father, we THANK YOU for your Words through Diana Larkin today. THANK YOU that You want us to Expand our Vision. We come before You and give You permission to EXPAND our vision of Your limitless power and majesty. Let it be so. Amen.

    THANK YOU for asking if we have “doubts and fears about how You will be able to bring about the promised Kingdom Age of Peace and Plenty, or how You will bring down corrupt governments, an awakening and deliverance.” THANK YOU for showing Your LOVE and concern. ABBA, we trust you and we DECLARE we have faith that You are changing our situation for Good.

    We PROCLAIM Job 42:2 (AMPC)
    I know that You can do all things, and that no thought or purpose of Yours can be restrained or thwarted.

    We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    We PRAY for the people that have turned to false comforters and false gods.
    We DECLARE . . .
    BREAK their shackles of addictions and false identities.
    OPEN their eyes.
    BURN away anything that blocks YOU from reaching their hearts.

    We PROCLAIM Ezekiel 36:26 (NIV)
    “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”

    THANK YOU for Your reminder and assurance, “I AM THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE, the GOD OF THE LIMITLESS.”

    We PROCLAIM Jeremiah 32:17 (CEV)
    “LORD God, you stretched out your mighty arm and made the sky and the earth. You can do anything.”

    We THANK YOU for Your Words, “I AM ABLE, I AM WILLING, and I AM POWERFUL. I will FULFILL all My PROMISES, and you will walk with Me into the new Kingdom Era.”
    We THANK YOU that You never change Your Mind, Your Character, Your Word, or Your Promises.
    We THANK YOU that You CAN change anything that involves us. You are able to change nations and people in a day.
    ABBA, You said, “Come to Me, and I will expand your vision of Me so that you remain in great Hope and look to the future with Joy.” I come before Your Throne in PRAISE and THANKSGIVING. THANK YOU for the Gift of an expanded vision of You. I CAST AWAY any doubts and THROW the weight of my Life and Hope on You.
    I RECEIVE this in Jesus’ name.

    We PROCLAIM Ephesians 3:19-21
    “And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”

    And now, ABBA, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
    • WE CALL FORTH Boomerangs of Judgment and Justice.
    • We CALL FORTH our Nation to Resurrection Life.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Season of Seedtime and Harvest.
    • WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
    • WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
    • WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
    • WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Era.


    Almighty GOD, we give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise.

    We PROCLAIM Your Sovereignty.
    Revelation 22:13 (NIV)
    “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

    We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    “THY KINGDOM COME, on earth as it is in Heaven!”
    In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!



      ASK ME!
      October 15, 2024

      Now My Army of Light, I want to Commend you for adhering to My Call as I have asked you Many Times to Pray and to Declare and Decree. And I want to say Ask ME—ask ME to show you through dreams and/or visions what effect your prayers and decrees had. For My Word says that the prayer of a righteous man/woman is powerful and effective. (James 5:10) So~come My Army of Light~come and ask ME so that I can show you what happened after you prayed and made the declarations and I will Show You and You Will Know!

      Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”

    2. Thank you Prayer Poet. Blessings ❤️

  10. Yes He can and He will and He is doing it! Thankful for all of your beautiful comments! Thank you Abba! 💝

  11. All Glory Goes To You Father ~ Please pray for my son who is battling alcohol addiction and mental health. He has so much love for you Abba I know you are with him. I take Authority of him and a Declare and Decree the Chains are broken today ..... In Jesus Might Name I pray ~ This Momma has shed so many tears I needed this word. Thank you Diana

    1. Dear comment 7:40. I have been where you are. I am praying for you and your son. You are describing my son exactly. I have cried many tears, said many prayers and God has brought me and my son very far over the last 3 years. My son has been to rehab twice and his wife divorced him while he was in rehab, taking their 2 small children and leaving him broken and traumatized. My son is working through this and has come closer to God. My son was touched by God during Tim Sheets Healing Summit recently. There will be another Healing Summit on October 25. Maybe your son could watch it? I KNOW God will deliver your son. That is Gods desire. I declare and decree with you. I will keep you all in my prayers. ❤️

  12. 🙏Psalms 126:1-6 ~[1] When the Lord brought back the CAPTIVES ones of Zion, We were LIKE those who DREAM. [2] Then our MOUTH was filled with LAUGHTER And our TONGUE with JOYFUL shouting; Then they SAID among the nations, “The LORD has done GREAT THINGS for them.” [3] The LORD has done GREAT THINGS for us; We are GLAD. [4] RESTORE our CAPTIVITY, O LORD, As the STREAMS in the South. [5] Those who SOW in TEARS shall REAP with JOYFUL shouting. [6] He who GOES to and fro WEEPING, carrying his bag of seed, Shall INDEED come AGAIN with a SHOUT of JOY, bringing his sheaves with him.

  13. 🙏WE Pray AGAINST the Attacks of the enemy, we pray AGAINST power OUTAGES they want to bring! NO Weapon Formed AGAINST US Shall Prosper and EVERY tongue that rises AGAINST us will be CONDEMNED! WE RELEASE God's Angel Armies to come against ANY & ALL opposition! WE call the 32 million Christians to the front lines that have NOT voted in the PAST, & say it is YOUR Duty & OBLIGATION to get OUT & VOTE! We do OUR part so HE can do HIS!! CHANGE only happens when WE, The Army of Light are WILLING AND OBEDIENT to do OUR Part! We come AGAINST the ATTACKS on OUR minds to say that OUR vote doesn't matter! It's a LIE from the PIT of hell & We REBUKE it now!! We take AUTHORITY over ANY & ALL cheating that they have PLANNED! We CURSE their plan & send it back into the enemy's camp!! EXPOSE EXPOSE EXPOSE!

  14. Early voting has already started in many states! Go vote!!

  15. Wonderful father, always by our sides Amen and Amen❤️🌺🙏✝️


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