October 17, 2024

I was taken to a Court Room in Heaven. The Father was seated on the bench. He declared: “I AM issuing a SUMMARY JUDGMENT against the enemy and all those partnered with him for all the LIES, THEFT, and DESTRUCTION against the people of My creation. I declare that the darkness is GUILTY and that they must PAY IT ALL BACK!” His gavel came down, and the sound echoed through the Court Room, and its vibrations reached the earth. Shakings began to hit the earth, and I saw hidden vaults of evidence opened, hidden supplies revealed, and stored up wealth released to the people. Definition of SUMMARY JUDGMENT: “In the legal world, summary judgment is a term used to describe a court’s decision to rule in favor of one party without a trial. This means that the judge has determined that there are no genuine disputes about the key facts of the case, and the law clearly supports one side’s position.” 
The Father speaks: “As SUPREME JUDGE of My creation, I have issued a SUMMARY JUDGMENT against your enemies. They have NO DEFENSE for their actions against you of STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING. Pure GREED, REBELLION, and HATRED have MOTIVATED these actions, and they have been JUDGED in Heaven and will now be JUDGED in the earth. Because there is NOTHING HIDDEN from My eyes, I know where all the EVIDENCE of their crimes and their STOREHOUSES of supplies and wealth are located. I AM giving the location of these HIDING PLACES to My PROPHETS, My DREAMERS, and My VISIONARIES. I AM joining together My chosen leaders in the governmental realm and My anointed prophetic people in the spiritual realm as a TEAM. As they work TOGETHER, the HIDING PLACES will be OPENED and will lead to JUDGMENTS against the darkness and JUSTICE and RECOMPENSE released to My people. Watch My SUMMARY JUDGMENT unfold, and the world will SHFT from dark to Light.”
DANIEL 7:27 (MSG) “But when the court comes to order, the horn will be stripped of its power and totally destroyed. Then the royal rule and authority and the glory of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the people of the High God. Their royal rule will last forever. All other rulers will serve and obey them.” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. A great victory like no other except the cross of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ has been given to us. Celebrations are in order

    1. Amen, and I either had a dream or vision about that a while back and wrote it down in one of my Journals I think; I know I wrote it down somewhere...LOL!

  2. Eat cake and celebrate! As Kat Kerr would say!

  3. One more thing about these hurricanes ; perhaps a summary judgment will be made against those amplifying their strength from airplanes above the storm's head or eye . I don't know any proof ,but seeing how evil this government is , could hurricane hunting planes be performing something evil while looking like they are helping ?

    1. We know the enemy has [ for years ] released CHEM TRAILS from airliners to poison us , So amplifying storms from planes is not out of the question for the Cabal Rats .

    2. I wouldn't doubt it at all. I have been watching those trails for like 30 years or so and I used to talk about how I felt while looking up and seeing them; how angry they made me and I just knew something was wrong. I also took pictures and sent them into a website which compiled them and put them online.

    3. We are dealing with true scoundrels !

  4. This goes with what I heard this morning while praying in the spirit "MISAPPROPRIATED FUNDS"!! πŸŽ‰πŸ’žπŸ™

    Check this outπŸ”½

    🟣Federal Election Commission | United States of America says - MISAPPROPRIATED FUNDS While the misappropriation of committee funds is not common, the Commission has encountered a number of cases where political committee staff MISAPPROPRIATED FUNDS. In addition to the difficulties committees face in discovering that funds are missing, misappropriations are often accompanied by the filing of inaccurate disclosure reports with the FEC, leaving committees vulnerable to FEC enforcement action and potential liability for those reporting errors.

  5. Satan you are in for big trouble , from God's team !

    1. " misappropriated right into Cabal storehouses "

    2. Found this on a lawyers web page
      The Crime of ‘Misappropriation of Funds’ – What You Need to Know
      If a person is entrusted with someone else’s money, property or assets but uses them for their own benefit, they might be guilty of misappropriation.

      Misappropriation refers to the intentional, unlawful use of another party’s property for purposes not authorized by the property’s owner. This includes the misuse of a company’s funds, trade secrets, data or other assets by an individual who has access to those things but does not have ownership of them.
      ⬆️ Yeah this sounds like what our government did with OUR money & possessions!


  7. Good ♥️πŸ™♥️Morning My fellow Warriors!! We are WINNING, WINNING WINNING!! The enemy is being DECIMATED!! JGM mentioned yesterday during her LIVE show that there is a JEZEBEL next to TRUMP! And the enemy is sending a WITCH & a WOLF to TRUMP! So, that lead me to continue praying for FULL EXPOSURE of ALL those around TRUMP & to rip the MASKS off of these infotraitors! Open TRUMP'S eyes & show him who they are!! Let them be REPLACED with RIGHTEOUS MEN and WOMEN of God!

  8. Good ♥️πŸ™♥️Morning My fellow Warriors!! We are WINNING, WINNING WINNING!! The enemy is being DECIMATED!! JGM mentioned yesterday during her LIVE show that there is a JEZEBEL next to TRUMP! And the enemy is sending a WITCH & a WOLF to TRUMP! So, that lead me to continue praying for FULL EXPOSURE of ALL those around TRUMP & to rip the MASKS off of these infotraitors! Open TRUMP'S eyes & show him who they are!! Let them be REPLACED with RIGHTEOUS MEN and WOMEN of God!

  9. Oops for some reason it posted twice!πŸ€”

    1. Posted twice to ensure that we get the message to pray accordingly. πŸ™ πŸŽ‰

    2. πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘♥️

  10. Patty’s Prayer Journal

    Importance of Family and Children
    October 17, 2024
    For I will Restore the Importance of Family And Children for these are My Plans As Well. And I Will Rid in this country, but also worldwide demonic mindsets of gender and immorality and I will Cleanse the hearts and minds of men, women and children for I will Do a Deep Reset and in fact I Will Erase the effects of demonic teachings, rituals and the like for this country was founded on ME and America shall BE MINE ONCE AGAIN.

  11. Diana - please tell me how you came to have this kind of relationship with the Father. I have had supernatural encounters as you do, but not as often, and not lately. He speaks to me, but you seem to have an intimacy that I can only dream about.

    1. I would love to hear Diana’s journey as well. I’m 67 years old, have been a Christian since the age of 17. I went to AOG churches all my life and I never knew a relationship with God like this ever existed before. It makes me sad that I missed out on so much, especially when raising my sons. But I get a second chance now with my 4 grandchildren.

  12. A word I heard this morning....I am your Lord. I am your God. You are the reason I Am. I will hold you and uplift you. I will tell you secrets and unfold mysteries to you. I will teach you my ways as you walk with me. I will reveal my plans to you. In these days of chaos and confusion I am keeping and sheltering you. Chaos and confusion are aimed for the enemy, not for you. My peace, rest, love and joy are for you. I give you grace and mercy for each new day. I am sufficient for you. The enemy has had my Precious Ones in its grip of wicked, perverse, unrighteous, demonic activity for too long. I am tired of it, fed up with it. I have had long suffering with those who will not heed to my voice long enough. I am moving to set you free from these chains that have bound you for so long. I am finished dealing with those who will not turn from the ways of the world and demonic activities. I am finished dealing with my children who will not heed to the voice of the Holy Spirit. There comes a time when dealing is over. That time is now. Now you will see my powerful, mighty hand move across the earth. I am righting all the wrong and bringing a change to my creation the earth and the world has never known. It's been happening and it is at the finish point. Stand firm. Do not take your eyes off me. I am your help, your source, your provider, YOUR DELIVERER! A mighty wind blows, and it will bring a change to life as never been seen on the earth before. I am preparing and making you ready for the greatest move I have ever purposed, planned and willed to set My People, My Precious Ones, MY FAMILY FREE!
    Psalms 25: 14-15,
    The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him,
    And He will show them His covenant.
    My eyes are ever toward the Lord,
    For He shall pluck my feet out of the net.

  13. Amen to that; and He has been giving me Scriptures concerning His "mighty right arm and powerful right hand!"

    1. Well Amen , We will continue to fight for freedom under GOD .

    2. The ride is promised to be rough for a while yet , but we have been supplied with good shock absorbers with Christ in us ! [sounds like a man's comment -- it is ]

    3. Comment 7:23😁

  14. They have done this for.hundreds of years. Lincoln stood in their r. Killed by KKK

  15. Trump is wearing a BOW tie tonight at the AL Smith Dinner! Ok, y'all what kind of message do you think he is sending us?🧐 I have never seen him in a bow tie! The funny thing is, Jim Gaffigen is being funny but he is actually bringing some REAL truth πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£ and at the same time getting in jabs! Go figure!

  16. Now Trump is speaking & he is ROASTING them with TRUTH!! πŸ˜‚

  17. Kaballa never showed, Surprise, NO not really!


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