October 18, 2024

I asked Father if I could speak to Enoch because he saw this day that we are living in, and I wanted to know any wisdom he might have to share with us. I immediately found myself with Father in the Garden of Life, and we were joined by Enoch. I said to him that he had seen the day we are living in and what counsel would he give us that would help bring in the victory. He told me to be a CONDUIT OF LIGHT and LOVE. He said that combination is very powerful. We shine truth but coupled with loving well those who can’t see that truth yet.
The Father speaks:
“My friend, Enoch, was speaking to you about being a CONDUIT OF LIGHT. I AM the Father of LIGHTS, and I DELIGHT to SHINE through My Sons and Daughters. Jesus came to be the LIGHT of the world and because you are JOINED to Him in His DEATH and RESURRECTION, you also become LIGHTS to the world. As you SURRENDER to the Holy Spirit’s work of TRANSFORMATION in your life, your LIGHT SHINES more BRIGHTLY and becomes more BEAUTIFUL. My LIGHT is always married to My LOVE. Love makes a PATHWAY for the LIGHT of truth to travel on. If you will learn to LOVE WELL those who OPPOSE you, who DISAGREE with you, and who think you are NUTSY, you won’t have to INSIST on the TRUTH or try to SHOVE it down people’s throats. My LOVE through you will OPEN them up to receiving the CONDUIT OF LIGHT that flows through you. There are some you will have to love from AFAR because they are too TOXIC to allow near you. But your love from afar will send LIGHT FREQUENCIES that will OVERCOME the darkness they have allowed to take residence in their hearts. Never underestimate the POWER of My LIGHT and My LOVE. Let it FLOW through you UNHINDERED. Be My CONDUIT OF LIGHT AND LOVE.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Declarations to yesterday’s “SUMMARY JUDGMENT” entry were posted this morning.

    1. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.
      Father, we THANK YOU for allowing Diana Larkin to speak to ENOCH about what counsel he could give that would help bring in the victory.

      ABBA, You expounded on Enoch words about being a CONDUIT OF LIGHT. As I spoke Your Words this morning, my heart was filled with emotion. You said, “I AM the Father of LIGHTS, and I delight to shine through My Sons and Daughters. Jesus came to be the LIGHT of the world and because you are joined to Him in His Death and Resurrection, you also become LIGHTS to the world.”

      ABBA, I SURRENDER to the Holy Spirit’s work of transformation in my life. Cleanse me. Mend me. Mold me. I allow You to create a new person in me, and I PRAY for my LIGHT to shine more brightly and become more beautiful. I am Yours, do with me according to Thy Will. Amen.

      THANK YOU for Your Words, “LOVE makes a pathway for the Light of Truth to travel on.”
      I DECLARE and DECREE I will learn to love well.
      I DECREE YOUR LOVE through me will open up those who oppose me to receiving the CONDUIT OF LIGHT that flows through me. And, even my love from afar will send light frequencies that will overcome the darkness they have allowed to take residence in their hearts.”

      THANK YOU for telling us, “Never underestimate the POWER of My LIGHT and My LOVE. Let it FLOW through you UNHINDERED. Be My CONDUIT OF LIGHT AND LOVE.”
      I graciously RECEIVE Your Light and as a conduit of Your Light and Love, I will allow it to flow through me unhindered.

      We will NEVER underestimate the POWER of Your LIGHT and Your LOVE. We give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise. We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

      “THY KINGDOM COME, on earth as it is in Heaven!”
      In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!


      HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    2. Thank you Prayer Poet. God bless you. And thank you Diana. God bless your commitment to the Father for us.

  2. Our God controls and maintains even every grain of sand on the earth by lively atoms spinning around . Therefore He has such power and control that making us to be a conduit of life and love is a guarantee .

  3. In the coming days we will prosper as never before and benefit from the good of the land. We shall walk with the Lord and in unity with each other. We shall live in harmony and love. We will walk in the Presence of the Lord always. The Lord will shower us with His benefits, provisions and blessings of His Great Salvation plan. It's very windy where I am today. I perceive a great and mighty change is soon to take place in this earth. The winds of change are approaching, and a great change in the way The Church, The Kingdom Church will operate as the Body of Christ here on this earth. Armor up, the enemy is fighting this change. But he cannot stop what God is doing! Remember God is moving through His Church to accomplish this great and mighty change. Together, United we must stand!

    1. Last year I heard the Holy Spirit say “ God is doing a new thing, the devil is trying to steal it”
      God is so great and so kind to tell us anything! He gives us hope and allows us to partner with Him through prayer. So much power in our prayers!

    2. We won’t let the devil steal the Father’s gift to us. I declare the gates of hell WILL NOT PREVAIL! In Jesus name.


    October 18, 2024

    For the deep state has, over the years, worked Very Hard to Erase this country’s History and Heritage! But I Will Change All That too! For even Now I have people doing research to return and bring to life hidden manuscripts that were put away and stories of America’s past that need to be understood and even taught in public schools and colleges and universities as well. And behold there will be classes and books written that will reveal these hidden treasures and I even have people that are going to create programs on TV of America’s True History! Rejoice for these things are in your future and My Plans Never Fail!

    1. Our Christian Heritage taught to all people , what a wonderful undertaking !

    2. I’m loving that! Hallelujah Father God. The truth will be told to our children.

  5. Amen, I receive this word of God's light and love flowing through us to reach all those lost and blinded by the darkness and those that are still deceived and controlled by the media, big Pharma etc...although I have not arrived I bare witness that when I humble myself to allowing God's light & love and truth to flow through me as I minister or share although they may not agree or see what I am saying there is a kindness and gentleness and a great big hug at the end that they extend to me with a joyful thank you and I truly feel their appreciation!!
    I also bare witness with Anonymous 11:14 AM with the winds of change happening all around us that we can discern it is changing the atmosphere for sure!!! The other night it was a beautiful evening outside and the Lord prompted me to go outside and sit on the patio and enjoy it as I
    have been praying for this beautiful cool air. I immediately went out onto the patio and kept thanking God for a while verbally and looking up to the night skies, my husband also joined me, when all of a sudden this HUGE WIND comes through, it was so refreshing like such clean air hitting my face and whole body even my hair flew back it was wonderful, I closed my eyes and said thank you God for the winds of change are here and I recv it all!!
    I have felt the winds of change a few months back in a smaller scale however this one was HUGE and there was a spiritual knowing inside of me that a MIGHTY CHANGE was on its way that would impact us all In a good way!! God bless everyone, have a great weekend.

      I have a witness to this word. Have you all noticed that the news cycle is moving very rapidly! By the next day, what you heard even a few hours ago is "old news". I believe that's because the SPIRITUAL is now catching up to the natural! The prophetic words that we heard are coming to pass or are being seen in the natural realm now, due to our Prayers, decrees and declarations!! I went back to my journal to see where I had written this - On 1/16/23 I said- I walked my dog early this morning to avoid the rain that was coming! As I walked, I PRAYED! It's usually a 45min - 1hr walk, so a great opportunity to PRAY! I prayed about everything going on in t/world, especially about SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE. As I was PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT, I heard the sound of WIND BLOWING, BUT THERE WAS NO NATURAL WIND BLOWING! It happens in the spirit FIRST I thought, then it will come to PASS in the natural! Iheard these words CHANGE IS COMING!! Then again on 7/10/24 "EVERYTHING is about to change!"

  6. May we all see the Truth the Way and the Light 🕯️ God is Love 😘 Love is in the air 😊

  7. We know the Lord sees the future and He sees Victory for the body of Christ . I was wondering if what He sees are our payers also now and in near future and they bring victory . We can not stop praying and ju

    1. and just set back !

    2. With prayers and boots on the ground we will press on and press through !

    3. Remember, the Father knows what we need even before we ask. He knows what our prayers will be in the future. He knows our hearts. What a wonderful God we have. So kind even when we don’t deserve it.

  8. Hey, I've been noticing the number 40 A LOT lately, at least once an hour, especially on the clock. But I also saw the number 25, but less frequent.
    About the number 25, one of the reasons is probably because we're about to enter into the year 2025. Am I the only one here?

    1. Whenever I see or hear something, I write it down & pray about it! I always ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what it is He wants me to see, know, or understand. In other words, Lord, why do I keep seeing these numbers? Is there a message here? Of course, this is just what I do. Sometimes, I'll have to wait a while before He will reveal why he is drawing my attention to something, such as numbers on a clock. I've also heard others say, look at bible verses with the numbers corresponding, if that applies. If I don't get an answer, then I continue to pray about it & then leave it in the Lord's hands. He will bring it up again & maybe He will reveal more to you. I've also heard others say He will use things in the natural, such as numbers on a clock, to tie it to something in the spiritual. Just a thought!😊

  9. Today’s post, Conduits of Light, reminds me of a night vision/dream I had that changed my life. In the dream, Jesus walked into the church where we were worshiping in song. Suddenly the pastor leading the singing groaned as he sensed God’s presence and became a mere silhouette as Jesus stood behind him, like trees do at sunset. Along with everyone, I dropped to my knees and recognized the God of Glory, Jesus! Heavy conviction grasped my heart, but some how, The Lifter of my Head enabled me to look up and see Him. What a glorious sight. Absolutely beautiful. What love, what peace, unbelievable acceptance. All around Him radiated the light of His glory in brilliant, multicolored, living, shining rays. The light literally shone through His face and robes. As I focused on His face-oh the beauty and purity of it- the light radiated through it. It was like looking at an X-ray or porcelain figure with a bright light inside. The light of His Glory was literally shining through Him. I suddenly realized how much He loved me, even though He knew me inside and out. How could I refuse to serve Him, or do His will because of the grace He was showing me. When I awoke, I was trembling within and continued to tremble for days. This happened in 1985. I am still looking for Jesus to walk into His Church, with all His Glory and Grace.

    1. Amen, thanks for sharing this! Yes, I agree, so many are hungry & thirsty for more of His presence!! Your night vision/dream describes something similar that I experienced. It's so sad because we were once a church that believed & allowed the Holy Spirit to flow freely! One morning when The spirt was moving & God was touching people! Suddenly I heard from the platform, We need to move on, it's time to get to the next thing on our agenda! That's when I felt it, as I was standing there, worshiping the Lord, I felt a wind rush by me & then it was gone! I knew it was the Holy Spirit, I was crushed! Then they shut it all down because they couldn't control it! That's when we said, we are done, & we left! Unfortunately, we would discover that many other churches were doing the same thing! Many listened to their board members & folded! They decided they would rather not offend people & just Do church😡 I'll never understand it, there is NOTHING more precious then the PRESENCE & POWER of the Lord!!

  10. Yes Lord Amen so be it!

  11. I was surprised you asked God to speak to Enoch, when God was there present with you. Who could be a better source of wisdom than He?


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