October 5, 2024


“THE FACE OF EVIL MUST BE FULLY EXPOSED to the world to JOLT people AWAKE and to MOVE them from DECEPTION and COMPLACENCY into INFORMED and ACTIVATED for the Light. Because I have given mankind FREE WILL, I must have their AGREEMENT that they want to live in My LIGHT instead of the SHADOWS of COMPROMISE with the darkness. It will be PAINFUL to watch parts of the GREAT AWAKENING but keep in mind that I AM always ready to COMFORT and to RESTORE, and I will give you the JOY of PARTNERING with Me to bring COMFORT and the HOPE of RESTORATION to those who REFUSED to be AWAKENED. Don’t fall into the TRAP of believing I DON’T CARE or that I don’t have the POWER to STOP the darkness or that your PRAYERS aren’t EFFECTIVE. Any of these TRAPS will WEAKEN your FAITH and your RESOLVE, SO DON’T TAKE THE BAIT! I will only allow what is necessary to AWAKEN the masses to the EVIL trying to CONSUME them. As the SHOCKED AWAKE people look for HELP and ANSWERS, I will REVEAL Myself to them and RELEASE VISION for a future of HOPE and FREEDOM. I will use you to SHINE for Me and as people see your LOVE, your PEACE, and your HOPE in Me, they will be ENCOURAGED and HOPEFUL for a future of FREEDOM from the COMPROMISE and the CONTROL of EVIL. Do you understand why it is so important that THE FACE OF EVIL be EXPOSED? Do you see the importance of NOT becoming OFFENDED with Me when HARD things are allowed to happen in order to UNCOVER THE FACE OF EVIL? I AM asking you to TRUST that My KINDNESS and My MERCY are behind everything that I allow in this war season of dark to Light. Remember that there is NO LOSS that I cannot COMFORT and RESTORE and cause to work for people’s GOOD. Stay with Me, My Army of Light, as I UNCOVER THE FACE OF EVIL. It will make a way for the DAWN of the Kingdom Age of FREEDOM, PEACE, and PLENTY.” 
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal 

ISAIAH 14:3-7 (TPT) “In that day when the Lord Yahweh has given you rest from your pain, trouble, and cruel bondage, you will jeer at the king of Babylon…Your oppressor has been stilled and your onslaught is over! The Lord Yahweh has shattered the staff of the wicked…(their) unrelenting persecution. But now the whole earth rests and is at peace. It bursts out with singing.”


  1. OK , it is past time to expose the evil that is done in underground tunnels right under our feet . Let's just pick on a Halloween special for example . Some will say this is Too evil to even speak about , but we can't stick our heads in the sand on this ! Children are being tortured for sex and their blood which is then called ADRENOCHROME which people like some of those in Hollywood use to get high and "healthy" on . Halloween is Satan's big celebration and you will see missing children on milk bottles . Please make Decrees against these HEINOUS acts !

    1. Would you believe CANNIBALISM ?

    2. This not only at Halloween ,but year around .And also other fiendish activities are done .

    3. Yes I’ve heard of the cannibalism; prominent people; albeit demonic, partaking in the heinous crimes against humanity

  2. Yes. It is happening. See my comment on yesterday’s post 6:01 and 6:13. (October 4). You are right. We CANNOT stick our heads in the sand. These little ones desperately need our prayers & decrees every day, 3xs a day like Daniel prayed!! Please pray for them.

    1. Also , not only on Hollywood but in our government!!

    2. That is correct !

    3. DEREE ,DECREE This evil activity will be stopped ----NOW !

    4. LANNA, please read Psalm 43 and see if this would help in your life.

    5. We decree and declare that all child sacrifice and sex torture will be exposed and completely demolished. And those partnered with this evil will also be exposed and brought to justice and or eliminated entirely, along with all pornography and evil associated with these demonic deeds. All world wide will be exposed along with these evil demonic schemes perpetrated by the darkness . Be eliminated permanently in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

    6. Yes!! yes!! yes!! LORD

    7. Good words : The Lord said right here in this blog ---These MONSTROUS EVIL deeds must be EXPOSED ---- Not tolerated !

    8. IAANNA:
      What has helped me so much with this warfare is something the Father showed Kat Kerr to decree: In the name of Jesus, Father I choose with my will LOOSE from my soul all (unclean spirits of) strife, Unforgiveness unloving, lying, control, witchcraft, confusion, abuse, despair, condemnation, rejection, oppression, vengeance, anxiety, and any others that come to your mind she is projecting on to you (mirror) with the (smoke) of her words- remember Diana’s recent word on smoke and mirrors. Then firmly say “I LOOSE you from my soul!!”
      Lastly pray: in the name of Jesus, Father I choose with my will to BIND to my soul Your peace, Your love, Your forgiveness, Your mercy, Your long suffering, Your light, Your wisdom, Your joy, Your clarity, Your valor... Ianna, any other of His beautiful character ... Then say Father, I BIND these to my soul.
      I usually take the opportunity the evil gave by bringing up this persons words to bless those who curse Luke 6:28.

    9. You are more than a conqueror!! God is always leading you into triumph!

    10. Kat says she does this daily for an uncluttered soul.

  3. Hello team, I was wondering if you would mind praying for me. My name is lanna, and I have been struggling with mental attacks. I have a family member who has brought a lot of strife into our family lately, and whose children have been poisoning our children’s minds. She won’t allow us to discuss with her and because of that, I have shared with many the struggles. I have repented but I feel like I haven’t heard the Lord speak to me clearly in a while.. and there are thoughts in my head that have been telling me that I lost my open door and I’m screwed now. I miss the father and so badly want to hear his voice again. Please pray for me. Thank you.


    2. Hello Ianna. I bring the blood of Jesus over you and these mental attacks and with power and authority of Jesus I command them to be gone right now. I call forth the peace of our Mighty Savior to fill your mind and I decree that you will keep you mind on HIM at all times. I cover your children with the BLOOD of Christ and I cover their minds against any evil trying to get in. I bring this entire situation to the throne and I ask God for His mighty intervention upon your WHOLE family. I command HIS illumination Angels to surround this family member trying to wreck havoc and surround them with Gods truth. We love you and will keep praying. God bless you and your children.

    3. Thank you so very much! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

    4. Hi Lanna, no weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises up against you He shall condemn. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is faithful. He who began a good work in us will see it to completion. I too have been in similar situation and I want to encourage you, God will restore and He is still speaking and working. Blessings sweet courageous Lanna!

      MAY I ADD TO SPEAK PSALM 91 over YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN DAILY . It’s VERY HEALING & VERY POWERFUL . WRITE IT DOWN & keep it with you or put in bathroom bedroom kitchen car office wherever you can see it and go read it out loud with Authority and remember … GOD SAYS MY PEACE I LEAVE YOU , I GIVE YOU MY PEACE …. And JOHN 14:27 … LET NOT YIUR HEART BE TROUBLED NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ’•✝️
      ❤️❤️❤️…. Ps … let us know how you are doing as we go along together in GODS army of light✨✨πŸ™πŸ’•HUGS TO YOU SND YOUR CHILDREN ! πŸ€—πŸ™❤️

    6. Thank you all for your very kind words and prayers, they bring tears to my eyes. I love you all! This is a wonderful family to be part of ❤️

    7. Dear Ianna, I come against the darkness and the lies of the enemy, and I bind all strife and division that has come against your family, in Jesus' name. I bind all lying, deceiving, and accusing spirits in Jesus' name. May you be blessed with a heart of thanksgiving and the joy of the Lord !!

    8. Dear Ianna, as mentioned above a soul cleansing would be a wonderful thing to do. Google Kat Kerr Soul Cleansing YouTube. It is important to do this if you can every day. Very helpful. Also, reread Diana’s post on a Glory Bath from the Heavenly Father. September 14,2024. “Draw away with Him”. Put on some good soaking music. I like William Augusto. Google him on YouTube. All his music is beautiful. The one I usually listen to when drawing near to the Father is “The Way Back Home”, but there are sooo many others he does that will draw you closer and just soften your heart to the Father. This music brings you into His presence allowing your soul to drink up what the Father has for you. And, HE has a lot for YOU❤️❤️

    9. Thank you for sharing the soaking channel. I’ve been wanting to find a good one that ushers in the presence. I also love Kat kerr, thank you for the reminder.

    10. Thank you all for sharing these helpful tools with us!

  4. To this word I sing this song ~ AMEN (God Your will be done) |™King of Kings | Nikos & Pelagia Politis

    1. I listened to this today. It is so beautiful and powerful. I just love and enjoy all his music. Thank you for sharing this one❤️❤️

  5. πŸ™πŸ‘‘πŸ€Ί✝️⚔️πŸ›‘OUR roar is FIERCE like the LION of Judah, our SWORDS are battle READY & We are ACTIVATED, by the LORD!!Let's GO, Army of Light!

    We DECLARE & DECREE that These roads WILL be cleared in E. Tennessee & N. Carolina & SUPERNATURALLY rebuilt, where there are no roads! LORD, people are BRINGING supplies & they are ONLY able to get so FAR before they get to a WASHED away roads! Lord, make a WAY where there is no way! Lord we COME against the EVIL intentions to WITHHOLD, STOP or STEAL the supplies that are NEEDED! WE know LORD that you are the God of ELSHADI! We speak to the enemy & we say HANDS OFF OUR LAND! Its our LAND not YOURS, LEAVE NOW! You prepare a TABLE in the PRESENCE of our enemies! Lord, NOTHING is too difficult for YOU! Lord, WE THANK YOU you for those that are STEPPING UP and WILLING to donate or bring supplies! Lord, WE ask for PROTECTION of those that are BRINGING supplies from THIEVES & SCAMMERS! LORD, make these VEHICLES invisible to those that WANT to cause HARM! To those that are still WAITING to be rescued, SEND the RAVENS like you did for ELIJAH to BRING them whatever THEY NEED! LORD, whatever EVIL intentions the ENEMY had are NOW NULL & VOID!
    Lord, you spoke to me about The WRECKING BALL OF EVIL! I DECLARE & DECREE that WRECKING BALL of EVIL to be sent BACK to WHERE it came from, to CONSUME, DESTROY & ANNILATE the enemy's camp! Lord we also know that WHATEVER WE bind on EARTH shall have been BOUND in heaven; and WHATEVER you loose on earth shall have been LOOSED in heaven. LORD, we BIND the enemy’s plans! We loose the plan of GOD, The POWER of God & the AUTHORITY of God! WE bind the EVIL intentions that the enemy has & call it NULL & VOID! WE loose SUPERNATURAL PROVISION & Warrior Angels to bring to those in NEED! THANK YOU LORD, we know that YOU hear OUR prayers, DECREES AND DECLARATIONS, We LOVE you, WE TRUST you and have FAITH in what your WORD SAYS will be DONE! WE seal this PRAYER in Jesus name, Amen! πŸ™πŸ‘‘πŸ€Ί✝️⚔️πŸ›‘

    1. Amen and AMEN!!
      Thank you Father God for caring for Your people and Your creation.
      Thank you for making away when there appears to be no way!!! We Praise You for Your Faithfulness!!! You are Holy, Holy, Holy!!!

    2. Thank you prayer poet! How did your doctor appointment go on the 3rd? We continue to pray for you!!❤️❤️

    3. AMEN & AMEN !!! πŸ™❤️πŸ’•✝️πŸ₯°✨✨✨

    4. Patty has a powerful Word today as well and the Lord is speaking about the rescue operations!

    5. Where can I find Patty's word? Thank you.

    6. Oops, I see it, thank you.

    7. I believe someone posted it below this. Comment 1:24. You can also google Patty Teichroew blog spot; titled Patty’s Prayer Journal

  6. Hello, mental attacks are a way satan seeks to victimize n seclude. You are not a victim! but a victor! don't believe the lies. Times of silence is normal, remember it's a faith walk. Your father just needs you to draw closer get intimate no matter weather you feel or hear anything at all. Strife is able to be sent back for judgement and replaced with resteration, love, n glory. Bind strife send it away bound hand foot n mouth. loose it from all assignents. burn its connections to alies that would come in its place. loose from heaven to you and loved ones resturation, love unity n truth to flood the situation n houeshold. Then rejoice in the victory. You may need to break generational curses n ask holy spirit to cleanse the blood of the family. Prophet Lovy Elise has a great teaching on that. Be of good courage you have not nor will you ever be abandoned by the one who loves you most!!!!!!!!

  7. Referring to the earlier remarks about ADRENOCHHROME , What if that was happening to your children , grandchildren , or greatgrandchildren ? PLease comment team , declare and make decrees against this almost unbelievable evil !

    1. Yes. Comment team keep conversation going with prayers and decrees until EVERY child is safe.

  8. My biological dad told me that my aunt (his sister) told him that their mom, 84 years of age, is in the hospital and that her organs are failing (I hope I hear him right). He told me that she might die today. So he's going to visit her today, and I told him I want to go with him.
    When I heard that she's in the hospital, I commanded the enemy and the spirit of death in the name of Jesus to get their hands off her, and that they CANNOT have her.
    Keep her in your prayers (if you feel led) that she would not die before her time.

    1. Jeremiah 17:14 says HEAL ME, O Lord, and I will be HEALED; Save me and I will be saved, FOR YOU ARE MY PRAISE.

      πŸ™Father in the name of Jesus, I lift up to you (name of person) & their family! In the name of Jesus, I come against every attack of the evil one! I speak life over their body & command every spirit of infirmity to go from them body now! Father, I ask that you give the doctors super natural wisdom & show them exactly what to do! Nothing more, Nothing less & Nothing else! May all the glory go to you, because you are the healer! According to your word & by your stripes we are healed! I command their body to be made whole, in Jesus name! Amen

    2. (I'm 1:02 PM) Thank you! By the way, her name is Doris.

    3. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ’ž

    4. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else. I like that! Amen & Amen!

    5. This morning my dad told me of what his sis told him over the phone at 8am that Doris (I realized she usually prefers to be called Faye) has just passed away. But at least yesterday I feel the Holy SpirI told her to get saved if she hasn't already, and to repent of any unforgiveness that she has. (and I told her regarding unforgiveness that if she forgives, then our Heavenly Father would forgive her, and if that she doesn't, He won't.)

    6. Sorry I meant to comment "...But at least yesterday I told her to get saved if she hasn't already..." on this part of my last comment.

  9. Patty’s Prayer Journal
    The Cleansing
    October 05, 2024
    For I AM going to make a way where there is no way! For the deep state has an evil and sinister plan for North Carolina but I Will Stop It! And as you continue to say the decrees—and if any of you have a shofar—Blow It! For you are Declaring War with the deep state and with that, I AM going to bring a Great Turnaround for My Plan Is To Save America, not to let her go down in ruin! For I have noticed many using their horses and mules to get the needed supplies to those in need! I told you there would be Rescue Missions! For yes many have died, but many will be rescued as well! For I say to you that it will come about that many miracles will be known as people share and give testimony for My ministering angels and warring angels have been very busy giving aide and supernatural help! For I myself will curse the evil plans of the deep state~but I AM also cleansing the parts of this area given over to witchcraft and sorcery. So I have a two-fold purpose here~to rescue those in need but also to cleanse the land of the blood~the innocent blood that was spilled. Now My Army of Light~come and hear ME for I want you to Declare that My Son’s Blood Cleanses the Blood of the Innocent that has Defiled this land! For the devil had a stronghold here and it needs to be Destroyed! For you My Army of Light are being used to rid this land of evil and to get her ready for the Kingdom to Flourish throughout America and soon the world!

    Numbers 35:33 “So you shall not pollute the land where you are; for blood defiles the land and no atonement can be made for the land, for the blood that is shed on it, except by the blood of him who shed it”

    II Corinthians 10:3-4 “For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have diving power to demolish strongholds.”

  10. πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ™Just a reminder that today is the day that DJT is speaking again in Butler, PA . 5pm E.

    1. Thank you or that reminder! We will cover him with prayers and the BLOOD.

    2. Thank you, lifting him & all those attending in prayer & sending protetive angels for all!

    3. Opps Protective

    4. Speaking again in Butler , you see what a real man President Trump is !

  11. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Father, we THANK YOU for Your Message on “The Face of Evil”. “The face of evil must be fully exposed to the world to jolt people awake and to move them from deception and complacency into informed and activated for the Light.”

    We DECLARE the BLOOD of Jesus cleanses the Blood of the Innocent that has defiled this land!
    We DECREE the Blood of Jesus rids this land of evil to get her ready for the Kingdom to Flourish throughout America and soon the world!

    We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    Thank You for telling us, “Because I have given mankind FREE WILL, I must have their agreement that they want to live in My LIGHT instead of the shadows of compromise with the darkness.” . . . “I will only allow what is necessary to AWAKEN the masses to the evil trying to consume them.

    Father, we understand that “it is important that the face of evil be exposed, and that “HARD things are allowed to happen in order to uncover the face of evil.”
    We “TRUST that Your KINDNESS and Your MERCY are behind everything that You allow in this war season of dark to Light.”
    We DECLARE UNCOVER the face of evil!
    We DECLARE we will STAY with You, always.
    We THANK YOU that in Your LOVE and Your Mercy “there is NO LOSS that YOU cannot comfort and restore and cause to work for people’s good.”

    Father, THANK YOU for telling us, “As the SHOCKED AWAKE people look for HELP and ANSWERS, I WILL REVEAL Myself to them and release vision for a future of hope and freedom.”
    THANK YOU that “You will give us the JOY of Partnering with You to bring comfort and the hope of restoration to those who refused to be awakened.
    THANK YOU that your LOVE, your PEACE, and your HOPE will SHINE in us so people will be encouraged and hopeful for a future of freedom.
    We TRUST in YOU and we THANK YOU for Your Trust in us.
    We DECLARE we will carry Your Light in humility and love for them. In Jesus’ name.

    And now, ABBA, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
    • WE CALL FORTH Boomerangs of Judgment and Justice.
    • We CALL FORTH our Nation to Resurrection Life.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Season of Seedtime and Harvest.
    • WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
    • WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
    • WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
    • WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Era.


    Father, we look forward to “the dawn of the Kingdom Age of Freedom, Peace, and Plenty.”

    “In that day when the Lord Yahweh has given you rest from your pain, trouble, and cruel bondage, you will jeer at the king of Babylon…Your oppressor has been stilled and your onslaught is over! The Lord Yahweh has shattered the staff of the wicked…(their) unrelenting persecution. But now the whole earth rests and is at peace. It bursts out with singing.”

    Father God, we give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise. We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    “THY KINGDOM COME, on earth as it is in Heaven!”
    In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!

    1. Response to Anonymous October 5, 2024 at 1:02 PM

      Thank you for asking about my wrist. I had the wrong date for the cast removal – it’s Oct 11 instead of 3rd, so I have a few days yet.

      If we go into lock down, I’m prepared – bought Heavy Duty Trama Shears and a wrist brace!


    2. Thank you prayer poet. How did your appointment go on the 3rd? Did the rest of the cast come off?(I posted this above but I think I had the wrong prayer poet) We continue to pray for your wrist mobility and the challenges you have currently. We call upon the Great Physician to heal you speedily and leave you better than before ❤️

    3. Opps. Just read what you posted before me!! So we pray NO LOCKDOWNS!! But I see you are well prepared anyway. Keep us updated ❤️❤️

    4. This comment team moves faster than chat box πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

  12. As a last comment , don't forget to pray and decree for the children that are in the hands of the evil FIENDS .

    1. And take out their weather manipulating equipment !

    2. Yes. I’m praying for all the children to be rescued ❤️❤️

  13. Hey y'all πŸ‘‹ Just a heads up if you are donating or buying items for hurricane relief its best to get can goods that have pop/pull tops. Reason being no one has can openers! Just a thought that I've heard to pass along! BTW, everyone is commenting how greatful they are that others are praying for them! πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ™

  14. I was thinking about this word, and it made me realize why God has led me to write stories that deal with war and sex trafficking, it's to be a reminder of the past age and destruction caused by evil, and why clinging to God in the Kingdom Age will be so necessary for everyone. Never Again!


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