October 9, 2024


“I have told you of the many DARK and DESPERATE schemes that the darkness has planned for your world. Do you just stand HELPLESSLY on the sidelines watching those plans UNFOLD and cause CHAOS and HARM? Your WORDS and your PRAYERS have great AUTHORITY because you are Sons and Daughters of My Kingdom. Begin right now to SOW SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION into all the enemy’s EVIL schemes. RELEASE My Host to PLANT these SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION deep into those dark plans. These SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION will SABOTAGE the schemes from the inside out. CRACKS will appear in the BLUEPRINTS of these dark agendas that will not be noticed by the darkness until it is TOO LATE and the plans SPLIT APART and FAIL or FALL SHORT of their intended DAMAGE and LOSS of life. Get behind the plans of Heaven to EXPOSE the dark liars and to LAUNCH the Rescue Operation. SPEAK LIFE TO THESE PLANS, RELEASE WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING to those planning the rescue. CALL FORTH SUPERNATURAL INSIGHTS and SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE into those fighting for JUSTICE and FREEDOM. RELEASE DREAMS, VISIONS, and ENCOUNTERS that will REVEAL the enemy’s plans so that COUNTERMEASURES can be put into place. My Army of Light, I AM calling you to SOW SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION into the enemy camp and to SOW SEEDS OF LIFE into the plans of the Light.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Yes! 🙌

    Recent prophecy is indicating that internet will go dark in the next day. Be mindful of bird activity to indicate when the end is NEAR

    1. Can you be a little more specific? With the bird activity? How long are they saying it will be dark?

    2. Whatever happens it’s in Your hands Lord. I trust You to bring us safely through to a glorious conclusion.

  2. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Father, we THANK YOU for Your Words, “My Army of Light, I AM calling you to SOW SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION into the enemy camp and to SOW SEEDS OF LIFE into the plans of the Light.” Father, we know the importance of this time and we are responding immediately to Your Words. We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    Father, THANK YOU for telling us, “Your WORDS and your PRAYERS have great authority because you are Sons and Daughters of My Kingdom. Begin right now to Sow Seeds of Destruction into all the enemy’s evil schemes.” We do so now.
    We RELEASE Your Host to plant these Seeds of Destruction deep into those dark plans.
    We DECLARE . . . SABOTAGE the schemes from the inside out.
    BRING FORTH cracks in the blueprints of these dark agendas.
    EXPOSE the dark liars.
    LAUNCH the Rescue Operation.

    We DECREE life into these plans and the release of wisdom and understanding to those planning the rescue.
    WE CALL FORTH supernatural insights and spiritual intelligence into those fighting for justice and freedom.
    WE CALL FORTH the release of dreams, visions, and encounters that will reveal the enemy’s plans so that countermeasures can be put into place.

    We COMMISSION Angel Armies to protect Mar-a-Lago
    We COMMISSION Angel Armies to surround DC this weekend for the Esther March event and to keep them from harm so they are completely protected

    We PROCLAIM Philippians 4:6-7
    “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

    And now, ABBA, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
    • WE CALL FORTH Boomerangs of Judgment and Justice.
    • We CALL FORTH our Nation to Resurrection Life.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Season of Seedtime and Harvest.
    • WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
    • WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
    • WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
    • WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Era.


    Father God, we sincerely THANK YOU for calling us to be a part of changing history and bringing forth the Kingdom Age. We give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise.

    We PROCLAIM Philippians 4:4
    “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”

    We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    “THY KINGDOM COME, on earth as it is in Heaven!”
    In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!


    Mighty Hosts, thank you for your loyalty and obedience to LORD SABAOTH, our KING OF GLORY. We appreciate all you are doing for us. WE COMMISION you to destroy the enemy with our declarations; fulfill our prayers of faith; and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    Warrior Hosts, as you proceed, SHOUT . . .

    Warrior Hosts, GO FORTH NOW!

    HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    “St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

  3. We sow seeds of destruction into the world mafia's weather altering equipment ! This evil use of energy into the atmosphere is increasing storms intensities . Team this is real .

  4. Does global warming play any part in this trend of extreme weather?

    1. They don't even label it that any more. . They have gone to "climate change" for some time now. It's all BOGUS. A created fear mongering crisis for a global agenda.

    2. I would add there is also nothing to back up Climate Change/Global Warming. Like comment above said, it’s all fear mongering.

    3. "The most basic form of Mind Control is REPETITION."
      Powerful prayer against globalist Agenda Media . . .Let's Just Do It !

  5. To Anonymous at 1:10 pm

    December 3, 2023

    “There will be THREE DAYS of DEEP DARKNESS where it looks like the evil agenda has WON. I will use these three day to FULLY AWAKEN the sleepers and all will know that a WAR has been going on for their FREEDOM, and they were CLUELESS. The AWAKENING will be RUDE, and it will SHAKE them to the CORE. I will ALLOW the arrogant elite to THINK they have won and that they are now in CONTROL. They will STUMBLE ALL OVER EACH OTHER to REVEAL themselves to the world as those in POWER and CONTROL. The MESMERIZED world will be SHOCKED at the DEEP DARKNESS, HATRED, and DEPRAVITY that is displayed. Do you see that I AM using the APPEARANCE of WINNING to give them a FALSE SENSE of SECURITY so that they will TOTALLY REVEAL who they are? I AM letting you know about these THREE DARK DAYS so that you DO NOT PANIC or LOSE HEART. Keep in mind I have PROMISED a GRAND RESCUE, but a GRAND REVEALING must come first. On THE FOURTH DAY, your Nation will SUDDENLY BE RESURRECTED to NEW LIFE, as My MIGHTY OPERATION RESCUE WIPES OUT the darkness and BRINGS DOWN their CONTROL IN A DAY. A GREAT CELEBRATION will ERUPT as people realize I have RESCUED your Nation. I will use My Host, My Army of Light, and your loyal Military in a PERFECTLY EXECUTED PLAN that REMOVES the ARROGANT ELITE, and they are handed over for TRIBUNALS and JUDGMENT. You will experience, firsthand, the phrase ‘DARK TO LIGHT.’ Lazarus lay in the grave for THREE DAYS but on THE FOURTH DAY My Son called him FORTH TO LIFE. You keep speaking over your Nation and CALLING IT FORTH TO RESURRECTION LIFE, and it will rise again on THE FOURTH DAY.”
    There is a play on words in this message: the FOURTH day will become the FORTH day!
    Diana Larkin
    A Watchman’s Journal

    1. Thank you for that blog post. But how does the bird activity come into play?

    2. October 12, 2024 10-12-24 On My "Radar" continually lately:
      Day of Atonement "highest Holy Day"
      amillionwomen.org "An Esther Call on The Mall"
      Trump Rally in "Liberal Land" Coachella, CA 130 miles from LA
      huge polo field location.
      Locations: Asuza Street Revival was LA. Jesus People Movement same.
      Jesus People was "a million praying mothers" Francis Frangipane.
      10-12-1492 : Columbus landed in the Americas for Jesus.
      10-12-1901 : The "Executive Mansion" in DC was renamed "The White House"
      10-12-539 BC : ARMY of CYRUS Takes BABYLON.

    3. I’m sorry. I’m very confused by your comment. I don’t understand what you are saying. What does this have to do with the bird activity? Would you mind giving me an explanation for Dummies 101? Thank you!

    4. Are you referencing those dates of above events to possibly coincide with the dates of internet going dark? Those dates above must be significant?

    5. 5:59 comment is NOT addressing a bird or internet issue or question.
      It is just a "report" from a prophetic intercessor to other intercessors . . . It's
      Kind of "as the Lord leads and as seems good to you" for prayer intel, etc.
      Your spirit will either get a witness or dismiss it. . if not for you.

    6. Thank you comment 9:22. I appreciate your input. It helps explain things to me. I’m getting it.

  6. The enemy is being DECIMATED right now! He is realizing that We, The Army of Light, are DESTROYING his plans! As we see the Category numbers go down & down for Hurricane Milton, lets SHOUT & keep our DECREES and DECLARATIONS coming because it is WORKING!!🙏🧡🙏

  7. All Mighty God❤️ Thank you for downgrading Hurricane Milton. We have made You our dwelling and depend upon Your promises. You NEVER FAIL! Forgive me for the doubts that popped into my head on occasion as I watched till the 11th hour for You to make Your move. Forgive me for the worry that I allowed to occupy my mind. You are an amazing God that we can TRUST in every situation because You love us with an everlasting LOVE. You do not fail and You always deliver. Praise and honor and glory to You Father!!❤️❤️⚔️

  8. Patty’s Prayer Journal

    Missions of Victory!
    October 09, 2024
    For the deep state is full of fear that My David will win on November 5 so they are👉 pulling out all their tools to bring chaos and distraction but you My Army of Light are👉 learning to fight back and I want to say how far you have come from the time of Covid when you submitted yourself to everything the WHO was saying to you by putting on masks, being six feet apart and staying at home. For you have learned not only who you are~sons and daughters of the Lord Most Hight but your calling too—to occupy till I come! (Luke 19:13). 👉And now with this most recent storm called 👉Milton, you are learning to decree against it and to call forth My Angelic Army to disintegrate it and to downgrade it to a normal storm. 👉For the 👉MSM is working hard to push fear and trepidation regarding this storm for they want you to view yourself as a helpless victim and unable to do anything about it. Now pray My Army of Light and send My Angel Armies to protect👉 Mar-a-Lago for again the deep state sees My David as such a threat that they want to bring him harm any way they can. But I say 👉Do Not let fear have its way in your mind for 👉My Word says do not be anxious about anything but 👉instead to 👉pray and be thankful and then you will have peace. (Philippians 4:6-7) 👉For I want you to know My Army of Light how important you are and the high position you hold in the battle of the ages. 👉For I have told you of the constant spells and incantations that the darkness uses against you and all the more in the month of October~but your saying the👉 decrees, along with quoting My Word and now we have the Esther 👉March in DC happening this weekend as well. And I say that My Ekklesia rising up and meeting this challenge that hell has brought forth will send My Angel Armies to engage in battle with the enemy over America and you will see A Shift from darkness to light. Now My Army of Light 👉pray also for My Angel Armies to surround DC for this event and to keep them from harm so that are completely protected for you are on the front lines of this battle, sending My Angel Armies on their Missions of Victory

  9. Yesterday while listening to the WEATHER Channel as they were giving updates of Milton I kept hearing them say the word "but"! I thought to myself, its changing, the storm is being downgraded and it's almost like they are not wanting to report it. So I said, LORD keep downgrading the storm & if necessary let it prove that the ENEMY is a LIAR & he is using the MSM as his mouth piece! Now, I understand many are without Power today, so I DECREE AND DECLARE that power to come back on! ~I pray you & your families are all safe!🙏♥️🙏


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