Updated Decrees and Declarations from Brett & Janice Cairns:

2024 Daily Decrees Example Oct 13, 2024 Modify as needed for your personal situation)


The Word of the Lord (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition quoted)

Holy Spirit, you are welcome here, in our home, our neighborhood, and in our nation.

Father God, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, we thank You for Your word which is truth (John 17:17) and that the truth will set us free (John 8:32). It says in Your Word:

• He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me and for My side scatters. (Matthew 12:30). Lord, we are with You. 
• Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I AM gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief, ease, refreshment, recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. (Matthew 11:29). Lord, we look forward to Your Glory on earth, and we seek to know you better.
• Death and Life are in the power of the tongue. (Proverbs 18:21)
• For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
• Man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)
• You always lead us in triumph in Christ. (2 Corinthians 2:14)
• The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who reverentially fear Him with obedience and He rescues each of them. (Psalm 34:7)
• No weapon formed against me shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17)
• When a thief is caught, he must repay 7-fold what he stole. (Proverbs 6:31)
• By Jesus stripes I AM healed. (1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:4-5)
• With long life I will satisfy him And I will let him see My salvation. (Psalm 91:16) 
• We are blessed and highly favored (Luke 1:28, Romans 4:8)
• Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)
• Again, truly I say that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in Heaven. (Matthew 18:19).
• For where two or three are gathered in My name, I AM there among them. (Matthew 18:20)
• Call on those things that be not as though they were. (Romans 4:17)
• If you belonged to the world, the world would treat you with affection and would love you as its own. But because you are not of the world [no longer one with it], but I have chosen (selected) you out of the world, the world hates (detests) you. (John 15:19)
• For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen on you. (Isaiah 60:2). 
• Submit to the authority of God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)
• have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me (Philippians 4:13)
• Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life (Proverbs 13:12)
• If you decree a thing it shall be established (Job 22:28)

The Armor of God

Today, we put on God’s whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God supplies], that we will be able to stand up against [all] the strategies and deceits of the devil. For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against princes of darkness, worldly governors and against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:11-12 from the 1599 Geneva Bible) Today we put on His armor of light. We wear the Golden Mantle. Lord, thank you for our two Warrior Hosts each, and for imparting your Glory Fire and Healing Anointing Oil. We receive your anointing that everything we touch comes alive. Lord, we ask for, and receive, your offer of a Glory Bath, and more of You in us.

We take the whole armor of God, to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

• We stand therefore, having tightened the belt of truth around our loins, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness and right standing with God.
• Our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
• Above all, we take the shield of faith, with which we will quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
• We wear the helmet of salvation, and we employ the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
• We pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. (Ephesians 6:13-18).


We receive by faith, the golden Glory, to protect our backs; for healing and increased power of our prayers. We are princes of the Blood Royal; Your kings, queens, and priests. A royal priesthood, a people set apart, and called before the foundation of the world. We are warriors in the Army of Light and as His royal children we cannot fail. Failure and defeat are not in our future! We expect our divine appointments to manifest in our lives.

Decrees Against the enemy

Father God, in reverence and obedience, knowing that life and death is in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21), we praise and worship You, we submit to Your authority, we give You an open door and the authority to move quickly in our lives. We have the strength to fight another day. We have favor with God and with man. 

Lord, You gave us authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses] and nothing shall in any way harm us. (Luke 10:19). We use that authority. We call down, disallow, and destroy all the lies, deceit, plans, and attacks of the enemy. We shout our enemies down! In Jesus’ name we bind them and drive them out of our minds, families, pets, homes, streets, cities, and nations. 

Expose! Expose! Expose every lie. Expose every demonic entity, effort, plan, action, and tactic. Expose every person. Expose all of the handlers and puppets. Expose all fraud, evil, and corruption. Expose all the stealing. Expose all the money trails. Expose all the foreign business deals. Expose all the weapons. Expose all the sabotage, evil plots, the injustice, blackmail, and insider trading. Expose all the bribes. Expose all war plans, direct energy weapons, chemtrail industry, and arsonists. Expose all the human traffickers. Expose them all that are against us. Expose all those against our nations. Expose the corrupt, the perverted, the infiltrators, and every traitor. Bring all of the evidence up, bring it out, and bring it forth! Expose it all! Expose the threats from below the surface of the earth, on the surface of the earth, skies, waterways, and oceans. We command that these threats be exposed, be dismantled, and that they backfire on the enemy. Expose, and bring forth, truth, hidden mysteries, cures, creativity, technologies, and discoveries!

In Jesus name, we rebuke and call down the cabal, all their false flags, terrorist attacks, black swan events, and ALL those who are against freedom, against God, and His children. We call down the corrupt, illegitimate governments of the US, Canada, and the world; municipal through federal. We demand governmental revival and purification. These enemies that we see we will see no more! They are destroyed. We plunder THEM of all that was stolen from us. We will witness their complete destruction. We call for the disempowerment of the enemies’ great evil schemes by the light of God within us. We call for the removal of the dark power behind the enemies’ plans. We call down their evil governments, systems, machines, structures, symbols, finances, and man-made storms and weather systemsRemove them all! 

We decree that only the rightful leaders of our nations will have any authority in our nations. We call down all those who are not rightful. 

In Jesus’ name we call down & bind the Red Dragon (CCP) and all of their operatives around the world. We call down and bind ALL paid insurgents, terrorists, traitors, CCP, and UN operators on US, Canadian, and foreign soil. We call down every ungodly ruler, ALL Socialists, Communists, Marxists, Nazis, Khazarians, evil secret societies, Zionists, occultists, pedophiles, human traffickers, mercenaries, Hamas, Hezbollah, wiccans, freemasons, illegal immigrants, and drug dealers. 

We call down Iran, Iraq, North Korea, the UN, the WHO, the WEF, all corrupt 3-letter agencies and all evil in the state department, ALL evil corporations, all evil government departments and agencies, ALL of the cabal puppets world-wide, ALL others who are evil, and those not rightfully in all levels of government and 7 mountains of influence around the world. We call down the globalist regime! We decree that the New World Order is Dead! The beast system and its’ currency is destroyed!

In Jesus’ Name WE CALL DOWN THE FIRE OF THE HOLY GHOST for God’s will to be done. We look forward to Your Glory, Resurrection Power, Goodness, Manifest presence, and Revival on this Earth. Lord, we use this authority and power, and in Jesus’ mighty name, we call down and bind all the enemy’s powerWE rebuke, bind, and DENY all the power, strategies, viruses, and attacks of the enemy. We render their power useless against us. 


We take authority over their submarines, poisons, viruses, plandemics, chemicals, bioweapons, sabotage and all war plans, including all evil political Bills and laws worldwide. They, and all their war plans and sabotage, are destroyed with the Lord’s lightning arrows. They blow up in the faces of darkness and they all come to nothing. We send God’s fire to burn up all rebellion and violence. 


We release Your perfect love into the strongholds of fear and deception of the enemy to pierce the hearts of the deceived and violent. LORD, YOUR WAR EAGLES WILL DESTROY THE DEMONIC POWERS INFLUENCING THIS WORLD. I declare and decree that God’s justice, judgement, power, and glory are coming to earth to destroy the works of the devil, to set the captives free, and to bring Heaven’s rule on the earth. Lord, we call in Your SUPERIOR COVENANT PROMISES through the power of the blood of Jesus to OVERCOME the enemies’ dark attacks and assignments. Enemies of Almighty God, FALL, FALL, FALL NOW! Your day, your hour, and your defeat have come! We have the Victory! We have the Victory! We have the overwhelming victory!!! Our nations will live and prosper!


Decrees Against the Enemy That Are Updated


Leviathan, your voice is now bound on the earth as it is already bound in heaven. We declare and decree that our voice of truth will now be louder, and more powerful, than the voice of lies, intimidation, and fear. We bind mind-binding spirits, silence their influence, and break apart the bars that are holding people’s minds captive. We loose the Spirit of Truth to blow mightily across the earth. Our nations are free! This is America’s day! This is America’s day! This is America’s day! 

We declare and decree that every dark arrow will fail and they will not reach their intended targets.

Satan, we use our Rod of Authority and declare and decree: No more! You will take no more territory in the lives of our families and nations. Your power is broken! Darkness, we command you to get off our land! We shatter the power of the lies that you have sown into the world of identity theft, false comforters, greed, and perversion. We release the fire of the Most-High God to consume these lies, and we speak the truth of the Power of the Blood to enlighten minds and hearts. We declare and decree that the Kingdom of God is arising in our families and nations, and that it will fill the whole earth with God’s Goodness and His Glory!

Lord, we release your war cry, dismantle all retaliation by evil and declare and decree that the circus will fold!

We reverse the curse of this death and health stealing agenda, and we release the power and the Life of our God into our bodies and those we pray for. We declare, decree, and proclaim its healing and restoring power over us and our families.

We declare and decree confusion and division into the camp of the enemy and that the abashments shall arise and that they destroy each other. We declare that the cracks of division will widen in the enemy’s camp and that their dark motives will be seen by the world. We declare that all Manchurian candidates will be exposed and brought down. 

We cancel and nullify these dark plans with our authority. We release the perfect timing and fulfillment over the plans of the Light and declare that the Lord will keep these plans hidden and protected until they are suddenly released.

Lord, we ask you to show forth Your power that will trample darkness, and that it will release true riches that bring people in to the Awe and Wonder of Your love.

I take authority over this scheme of darkness, and I defeat it in the name of Jesus. I remove its power to cause death and destruction by the superior power of My God. I release into the atmosphere COURAGE, PEACE, and LIGHT! Let it cover the enemy with SHAME and AWAKEN the sleeping world to a MIGHTY GOD who LOVES them and is FOR them. We speak life, and whatever we touch comes alive in God.

We pray for unity in the Body of Christ and our countries so that the prophets and politicians can bring God’s will to the nations. We call down the critical spirit influencing this world in the name of Jesus, and by the power of the Blood of Jesus. We speak resurrection life over our countries.

Lord, we declare, decree, agree with, and contend for Your promises to bring Your Kingdom to the earth and Heaven’s rule on the earth. Come now! Come now! Come now!

Lord, we come together and agree with Your awesome promise to deliver us from evil and the evil ones. We receive your supernatural rescue and your divine mission of mercy.

We declare, decree, birth, and contend for the following NOW:

The strings burn first. The fire of the Lord will come against those pulling the strings on government puppets. The handlers behind the scenes will be seen. Their strings and control will be broken and consumed by the Firey power of the Living God. The controlling demons will lose their control. Evil puppets will be removed and replaced with God’s righteous people. We stand against, and bind, all evil. The shaking will uproot all systems of evil. Bring it all down now. Destroy all evil connections, communications, and power. The puppets will collapse on the stage. Their influence ends and their strings are cut now!

We use our authority, and declare and decree: strings break and break now! Handlers be exposed and be exposed now! Your influence and power is destroyed by the Living God! Puppets of evil, be bound in Jesus’ name! We forbid your rule and your shadow government of oppression and evil. We close the door to your influence NOW! We lock them. We UNLOCK the doors for God’s leaders to come to power and use God’s will, God’s ways, and God’s plan on this earth. We declare that the evil one and his evil ones will no longer dance to ba’al. They will no longer dance in any of the 7 mountains of influence around the world. We agree that the evil kingdom will collapse on the stage of world history. Accelerate, accelerate, accelerate through the US, Canada, Australia, Britain, Venezuela, and the world!  

NOW! NOW EXIST! NOW BE! NOW MANIFEST. This word go forth and produce! We bind ALL strategies of hell! No weapon formed against us will prosper. Satan and all evil, you will fall, and you will fail. You are the forever loser! Holy Spirit, we believe You are calling foul and bringing penalties accelerated. You are refereeing a change in things and You are administering consequences. Evil, we forbid your rule over us!  Accelerate, and we say yes, DO SO NOW! Bring justice! Bring justice! Bring justice! Evil collapse Now! Now! Now! 

We bind, rebuke, and call down the evil plan for a world war, plagues, lockdowns, civil unrest, sickness, and financial ruin. They all come to nothing in the name of Jesus.


In the mighty name of Jesus, we call on the Hosts to take down all chemtrails in the skies and bring them to nothing. We further ask the Hosts to dismantle the mechanisms that allow the chemicals to be released in the air and that the chemicals borne in these aircraft backfire on the enemy; that they leak out in the hangars of the enemy. All chemtrail mechanisms are to be dismantled so they will work NO MORE! We further call on the tormenting spirit Hosts to visit the dreams of the pilotsground crew, and suppliers who are involved in this evil industry. We ask the Hosts to torment their minds to cause them to repent and become whistleblowers to take down the entire evil chemtrail industry.

We call down the evil flood of lies and scare events. We call in the Lord’s flood of truth exposure, judgement, and justice to turn back the enemies’ floods into their camp. We call in the season of Seed, Time, and Harvest for all nations!

We declare and decree the following:  that the deep state no longer has a voice, and is SPEECHLESS. Fear grips their mind where they become paralyzed and they cannot fulfil their function. EVERY PLAN the enemy has is null and void. We decree for the Angel of Death to come and make its appearance, for justice to rule in this country and the world, and for truth to be broadcast over the MSM. CERN is destroyed by the Angel Armies. The UN, WEF, and WHO are dismantled completely. The false Bible that China has written will be a curse to anyone who buys or reads it. There will be an instant realization of the lies within it and it will be a repulsion to the public.

We DECLARE A BOOMERANG will happen on all uprisings of chaos, violence, and destruction planned by the deep state! We Declare and Decree that the Lord’s Angel Armies will fall on these gatherings and that Holy Spirit Fire will consume them and that they will have an Encounter with God! 

We declare and decree that all spells, curses, witchcraft, incantations, and divination are completely null and void. Wpray for God’s Mercy to abound. We pray for all those who have used this evil warfare against us to have a Jesus Encounter and that they would be blasted by the Love of God.

We declare and decree that the wealth of the wicked will be released and transferred to us NOW in Jesus name. We now rejoice that this promise will soon be realized. We declare and Decree that we are Leaving our Troubles Behind. We are moving on and celebrating because we are on the Glory train.

Lord, we ask Your HOSTS TO reinforce OUR demands that the enemy RETURN what he has STOLEN from our life: our RELATIONSHIPS, our time, wealth, joy, CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN, our FINANCES, our HEALTH, the TRUTH about history and present-day circumstances, and the EXPOSURE of the DECEPTIONS and LIES that hold people in BONDAGE—GIVE THEM BACK NOW!

We declare and decree that the cell towers that the enemy created to kill us are rendered completely powerless against us by the Hosts, and that any adverse effect from them boomerangs on the enemy. We declare and decree against all disease, viruses, and sickness that the enemy wants to release and we take authority over them and render them All Null and Void! We pray against the spirit of violence and lawlessness and render them null and void. We declare that they Cannot Operate in the Name of Jesus! We also pray that the Lord sends the spirit of repentance on all those that would receive.

Lord, we ask for Your HELP in QUICKLY PROCESSING the further revelations of DEEP DARKNESS that are shown to us. We receive the Peace of Heaven to Heal our Hearts and Stabilize our thinking so that we can help those who have been severelybroken, shocked, and traumatized.

We declare and decree, in this time of Hayman, that ALL the enemies’ plans will come back and boomerang on them. We call on the Hosts to burn up and tear down all the enemies demonic alters, strongholds, and ruling platforms of darkness in the spiritual and natural realms

We send forth the Lord’s Boomerang to completely stop and nullify the sacrifice of babies. We loose upon the enemies the Fire of God so that they will know, in no uncertain terms, who the great I AM is.

We declare and decree the following: more CHAOS and CONFUSION into the enemy’s camp; foolhardy decisions into their camp. We ask the Angels to make the bait of foolhardy decisions irresistible. Arrows of fear and failure into their camp. DIVISION and SELF-PRESERVATION into their midst. We CALL FORTH the BUILD-UP to the OCTOBER RUCKUS. We DECLARE that many more BLIND EYES will be OPENED to the LIES and TREACHERY from CORRUPT leaders. We DECLARE that the Army of Light will become MORE FOCUSED and MORE UNIFIED around TRUTH, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. We PRAY that the BITTER PILLS of TRUTH and EXPOSURE coming out will result in MANY TURNING to the LIGHT, finding their ANCHOR in the Lord, and JOINING the ranks of the Army of Light. 


In the mighty name of Jesus, we declare and decree that any, and all plans of the deep state to use weather modification systems and to detonate an EMP burst over North America will be brought down, thwarted, come to nothing, and to have no effect. Hosts we ask you to go forth and detect these threats to North America, and to neutralize these threats so that they cause no harm to the population in any way. In this time of Hayman, we declare and decreeand we send forth the Lord’s boomerang to completely stop, and nullify these plans before they can be activated.

Lord, we call in the SWIFT and POWERFUL RELEASE of Your DOUBLE JEOPARDY against the evil empire. We RELEASE Your Special Forces Hosts who have been held back until this day to ENFORCE Your DOUBLE JEOPARDY against the darkness.

We ask the Hosts to SEND OUT SHOCK WAVES against the spirit of BEGUILEMENT that has been released by the spirit of Jezebel; to BREAK IT WIDE OPEN and to EXPOSE it for what it is. We DECLARE that BEGUILEMENT’S RAVENOUS DEATH FACE will be EXPOSED as HIDING UNDERNEATH its CUNNING, CHARMING MASK. We Send the Lord’s FIERY HOST to BURN UP the DECEPTIVE WEB that Jezebel is weaving. 

We DECREE: BEGUILEMENT, you will BOW before WISDOM and TRUTH. We send the Hosts to do the HEAVY WARFARE in BREAKING UP the SPIRIT OF BEGUILEMENT in the atmosphere, and to bring down this LAST-DITCH TACTIC of a DYING EMPIRE. This SPIRIT OF BEGUILEMENT will be TORN DOWN and TRAMPLED under our feet.    

Lord, Your Word in Isaiah 60:2 states: For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen on you. We declare and decree this verse to manifest on the earth.

We pray family, and friends’ hearts will turn and come to their senses. We release Your Great Light to penetrate them in the Valley of Decision.

We have the OVERWHELMING VICTORY! My God’s PROMISES are YES and AMEN! His POWER is FAR SUPERIOR to your hatred and destruction. You are UNMASKED, and you are GOING DOWN

Lord, as valiant warriors in Your Army of Light, we DEDICATE our SWORD, on our knees, to Your service. We SWEAR our ALLEGIANCE to You and to the Army of Light. We WORSHIP You with all our STRENGTH and we then LISTEN for SPECIFIC BATTLE STRATEGIES. We storm the gates of hell together, and strategically collapse the gates of hell that have ruled us, and our nations.


Lord, you gave us authority and power over all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing in any way shall harm us (Luke 10:19). I take authority, and use our power, over all manmade-storms and schemes of darkness to include manmade earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and I defeat them in the name of Jesus, and by the power of the Blood of Jesus. We use that authority, call down, bind, disallow, and destroy these storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. I choose as an act of my will, to call on the Angel Armies to come down, be my weapon, and fight for me. I call on as many Hosts as needed to go meet those storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, bring reinforcements as required, redirect them, neutralize them, and to bring them to nothing, and to no effect. We declare, and decree that these manmade-storms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions created by the enemy will cause no death or destruction. I declare you are falling apart now by the power and the Blood of Jesus. I declare and decree that you will disintegrate into nothing, and that God will supersede all of hell’s power and render them null and void. I speak to these storms as Jesus did (Mark 4:39) and rebuke them, and say storms “Hush now! Be still (muzzled)!”

For every plot and plan that the enemy creates, and tries, I declare and decree that every single one of their plans will backfire, and boomerang on them. For every lie, and twisting of facts they spew, I declare, and decree that they will backfire on the heads of the liars and schemers. I release Uncovering Angelsto bring the truth to light to expose all of the liars and schemers. All of their scripts will be flipped back on them and expose them for what they truly are.

We speak life into the plans of Heaven to expose ALL darknessWe sow seeds of destruction into all of the enemies’ plans so that they will be destroyed from the inside. We call forth spiritual intelligence and insights to those who are fighting for justice and freedom. We release visions, dreams, and encounters that will reveal all of the enemies’ plan so that effective countermeasures can be put into place to take down, and destroy these plans. 

Lord, we CALL FORTH ILLUMINATION ANGELS and ASSIGN them to go to (add the name of people you have been praying for to wake up here).

Lord, we pray that tricky two-faced people will all be exposed, blocked, and removed from all areas of society, and swept away from this world.

Lord, we ask for an impartation of your strength to sustain us through the heat of this battle.

Lord, we pray for the Leaders of the Light that they will hear You, listen to You, and follow Your guidance so that they will make wise decisions, and countermoves, that will secure our victory; our overwhelming victory. There will be no death, or destruction, except that which boomerangs on the enemy.

Lord, we call forth, and release, Your Search and Destroy Hosts to find all of the hidden evil ones, and to bring an end to their dark schemes and domination, tyranny, and destruction. Justice, freedom, and peace will take their place.

Lord, we call forth the Rumble from Heaven to expose the treachery of the dark rumble to bring them down from their places of power, and to put them under Your judgement, and Justice.

Lord, we call forth the return of the King in both the natural and supernatural realms to re-establish justice and righteousness on the earth.

We BIND the LIFE of our God, the LOVE of our God, the POWER of our God, and the PROMISES of our God to our HEARTS, and we will be at PEACE in the SHELTER of Your wings.

Prayers of Intercession

We pray for our strength and for all of the appointed leaders for this time, including JD Vance, and RFK Jr. We pray that President Trump will remain humble; for his strength and boldness. Lord, we pray for a hedge of Your protection around him; for Your rest and refreshment within him. We pray that he will seek and receive all of the supernatural strategies, ideas, wisdom, peace, discernment, revelation knowledge, and guidance that he needs to take down the evil forces; to remove those dangerous, traitorous, wolves from him who are falsely advising him and/or who are blocking others who need to provide him Godly counsel, safety, truth, and direction. We plead the blood of Jesus over President Trump and we pray that he will choose the right path; God’s path for a speedy recovery for the US and therefore, the world. We declare that President Trump will not be jailed or harmed.

We pray for the health and safety of president Trump’s family, his loved ones, his friends, staff, administration, his security, and all those who support him and are fighting around the world for freedom, including all of the whistleblowers and intercessors. We pray for all of the world leaders who are fighting alongside President Trump. We call for the Lord’s perfect timing of all things. In Jesus’ name we bind, rebuke, and destroy ALL illegitimate law suits and decisions against President Trump.

We pray for the protection of all children; for the innocence and purity within them. We call the children out of the darkness and evil places and, in Jesus’ name, command protection, healing,and restoration for them. We pray for all of the white hats, military forces, patriots, the remnant, and special forces who are partnered with the Lord. We pray for their protection, safety, strength, and wisdom. We pray for the perfect timing of the takedown AND on the timing of initiation of the trials for treason. We pray for supernatural protection for Jim Jordan, Peter Navarro, Tucker Carlson, James Okeefe, Josh Hawley, the Brunson Brothers, Tom Renz, Ted Cruz, Dr Bartlet, and Alex Jones.

We plead the blood of Jesus over us, (add those people you pray for here)

We pray for Dave Scarlet, Diana Larkin, Julie Green, and their teams; for their health, safety, and protection. We thank You for all of the true Prophets who impart Your revelation knowledge, words of encouragement, hope, direction, and strength. It is for us, manna from Heaven!

We pray for the US to stay strong; and to continue to stand and fight back against, and destroy, all this tyranny. We align with God. We have the victory because of Jesus. The battle is the Lord’s. God has got it. We claim our victory NOW! We are free! Thank you, Father God! These are the days of Jubilee! We look forward to Your Glory. We cast all of our cares [anxieties, worries and concerns] to You as discussed in 1 Peter 5:7. We decree that we are always in the right place at the right time (Eccl 9:11).

The Eagle IS rising! We call President Trump’s reinstatement to be seen and for President Trump to be seen in his rightful seat. We bless Israel, and we pray for the peace and freedom of Jerusalem, Israel, Canada, the US, and ALL nations around the world. Lord, Your Power and Your Glory will annihilate and eliminate ALL of our enemies worldwide. You, Lord, bring the council of the nations to nothing; You make the plans of man to no effect. (Psalm 33:10)

We declare and decree that the evil ones are being crushed by the Commander in Chief of the Forces of Light and His Host, and that every plan and scheme is brought to nothing by the power of the Blood of Jesus. We rebuke and call down transgenderism and death and every other life-stealing, freedom-stealing, health- stealing, perverted agenda. We declare and decree that the fall of evil has begun. In Jesus name, we take authority over all of the systems of weather modification, and call on the Angel Armies to render them inoperative, dismantled, and to completely remove them all.

We pray for those who are asleep and for those who refuse to awaken out of the darkness; especially those unbelievers in our own families. We pray for all those who have blinders on their eyes with medical/religious/political/social doctrines. We pray for their hearts and minds to change. We pray for those who are bound. We pray for this great awakening and ask that they be a part of it. We pray for every soul; that they repent. 

Gods’ army is innumerable, unstoppable, and undefeated. God always wins. We are blessed! Something good is going to happen to us TODAYI declare in Jesus’ name: VICTORY IN ALL THINGS. These are the days of Hayman; let the evil ones receive Hayman’s reward! Thanks be to God- Jehovah Nissi- our banner of victory! We look forward to the day the world stood still.

Personal Prayers and Decrees

Lord, we are listening and we trust, lean, and rely on You. We will not bow or comply with any of the enemy’s plans. We say yes to the Key of David. We laugh at the enemy and we look forward to Your sounds of freedom and a new era of awe, wonder, joy, peace, plenty, life, and light. Justice is being served. We have overcome! We are free! We are well! We are fighters, and we win! We choose to become part of the Family Business. We declare that we are free from the curse, and especially free from jealousy, a critical spirit, and unforgiveness. 


We surrender to the power of the Cross in our lives. We earnestly remember all that You have done. We resist and refuse all evil and darkness. We shall not lack. We will have more than enough – We believe and we receive our health, healing, restoration, wholeness, peace, joy, freedom, retroactive recompense, strength, supernatural wealth, supernatural abundance, and prosperity in 2024. We are blessed to be a blessing (Gen 12). His promises and blessings overtake meWe will be a distribution center to those who are in need with our abundance as in Elija with the widows in 1Kings 7, 2Kings 4, and Exodus 21:17. Lord, make me strong, brave!


We decree that we live under an open heaven. As joint heirs and rulers of this Earth with Jesus Christ, we call down the rain of Glory, joy, healing, and unlimited provision. Hold our enemies back! Lord, show us Your Glory; Your manifest power, presence, and goodness. Pour out Your gifts to us Lord. Open Your door to us! The glory of the Lord is upon us wherever we go. We ask for it and we expect it. Lord, we call down Your covenant promises today. We call on our blood covenant partner, Jesus, and the authority and power of the blood of Jesus, and the presence of Your Glory, for all of the following in 2024 and beyond as an expression of the hope and desires of our hearts: In Jesus mighty name, WE DECLARE AND DECREE the following:

(Personal prayers, requests, hopes, and desires go here)

We decree that any oppressive adversity that attempts to block, or hinder, our destiny and purpose, our future, or our hopes and dreams, will be bound and brought to nothing in the name of Jesus, and by the power of the blood of Jesus. I plead the power of the blood of Jesus over us, all of our needs, our beloved sons and daughters, our whole family, our home, our pets, our friends, loved ones; everything that we have and own. Our adversaries cannot pass that bloodline. 

I decree that I AM washed, delivered, protected, covered, saved, and healed by the Blood; You, devil, cannot defeat the Blood. I AM protected along with my family, pets, and all my money, finances, and property like a shield. satan, in the name of Jesus, you are denied access to us in any way; our bodies, our minds, our dreams, our home, our marriage, our finances, our family, our sons and daughters, their spouses, our grandchildren, and all of our pets.

We resist you and you have to flee. You are a liar and a thief.We have authority over you. YOU DO NOT have authority over us. I AM the head and not the tail; I AM above and not beneath (Deut 28:13)I have been translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Your Dear Son, The Kingdom of Light (Coloss 1:13.) We remind you of your defeat, satan, and that Jesus has brought you, the forever loser, to nothing!  Satan, and all evil, get out of the way!

We decree that we are redeemed from the curse (Galatians 3:13). We are living in the land of Goshen with increase and multiplication, and we are totally protected. (Genesis 47/Exodus 8). We are in the promised land! We are receiving and enjoying a supernatural abundance of health, supernatural immunity, wealth, fitness, provision, and wholeness. Nothing is impossible for El Shaddai, my God, who lives in me. 

The Glory of the Lord is upon me wherever and anywhere I go. God’s favor rests on me. We stand in agreement with God’s plans; God’s plan, God’s will, God’s way! We declare in Jesus’ name that strife has no place. We will remain united, undaunted, and we advance the line against the enemy and all of its evil. We win, Lord, because You reign! Enough is enough satan!! Stop it!

We pray for Psalm 91 protection over us, our pets, our family, our home, and everything that we have and own. Father, we ask specifically for (add the names of people you wish to ask protection over here).

• He who dwells in the shelter of the Most-High. Will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand.
• I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely]
• For He will save you from the trap of the fowler. And from the deadly pestilence.
• He will cover you and completely protect you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and a wall.
• You will not be afraid of the terror of night, nor of the arrow that flies by day
• Nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction (sudden death) that lays waste at noon.
• A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but danger will not come near you.
• You will only [be a spectator as you] look on with your eyes and witness the [divine] repayment (recompense) of the wicked [as you watch safely from the shelter of the Most-High].
• Because you have made the Lord, [who is] my refuge, Even the Most-High, your dwelling place,
• No evil will befall you, nor will any plague or calamity (danger/disaster) come near your dwelling For He will command His angels in regard to you, 
• To protect and defend and guard you in all your ways [of obedience and service].
• They will lift you up in their hands, so that you do not [even] strike your foot against a stone
• You will tread upon the lion and cobra; The young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.
• Because he set his love on Me, therefore I will save him; I will set him [securely] on high, because he knows [understands] My name [he confidently trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never abandon him, no, never].
• He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With a long life I will satisfy him And I will let him see My salvation.

Prayer to our Father

Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. 


Personal Prayers of Thanksgiving to our Father

Lord, as stated in Psalm 105:5, we earnestly remember the marvelous deeds that You have done, are doing, and will do – (Your miracles, signs and wonders, and Your judgments, and sentences upon Your enemies) -to free us from all the evil in the world, and to provide us with our freedom, healing, health, strength, wholeness, peace, retroactive recompense, joy, and prosperity.

Lord, we praise You for Your strength and Your ability; for Your written Word, for Jesus Christ and His blood covenant, for breakthrough; for You, El Shaddai, are all-powerful and because the battle has been won; the enemy is crushed and destroyed. You have broken All chains off of us right now. WE ARE SET FREE!! This is the end of agony, despair, and torment. We are no longer enslaved and subject to their regulations and Babylonian system. We thank You, Lord, for Your promise that 2024 is the year of the open door; a year for more, of great victory against the enemy, the year we have been waiting for; the fulfillment of everything we have been believing for, and standing for.

These are the days to thrive, not just survive! The days of supernatural youth, debt cancellation, and prosperity provided by Elohim Shomri, our protector, Jehovah Go’el, our Redeemer, Jehovah Raffa, our healer, Jehovah Jireh, our provider, Jehovah Shalom, our peace, and comforter, and Jehovah Perazim, our God of the breakthrough; our God who delivers. You, Elohim, are El Elyon, the Most-High GodEl Nekamoth, The God Who avenges, and Jehovah El Gemuwal, the Lord God of RecompenseYou are Yahweh, and Jehovah Tsebaoth (Lord of Hosts)

Thank you, Abba Father, for giving us the strength to persevere and that we will pursue, overtake, and recover all that has been taken from us including our promised inheritance, freedom, and territory. (1Sam:30-19) Lord, we receive your light, your gifts, your protection, your prosperity, and your revelation knowledge. We decree that we WILL fulfill the divine callings on our lives.Be it so, Lord, according to Your Word, and Covenant Promises.


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  1. 🙏👑🤺✝️⚔️🛡OUR roar is FIERCE like the LION of Judah, OUR swords are BATTLE ready & We are ACTIVATED, by the LORD!! Let's GO, Army of LIGHT!👑🤺✝️⚔️🛡

    Prayer using Job 22:26-28
    🙏WE have DELIGHT in the Almighty, and WE will lift up OUR face to God. WE will make OUR PRAYER to Him, and He will HEAR us, and WE will pay our vows. WE shall also DECIDE and DECREE a thing, and it SHALL be established for US; and the LIGHT [of God's favor] shall shine upon OUR ways.

    Prayer using Proverbs 18:20-21
    🙏Our [moral] SELF shall be FILLED with the fruit of OUR mouth; and with the CONSEQUENCE of our words, we MUST be SATISFIED [whether GOOD or EVIL]. DEATH and LIFE are in the POWER of OUR tongue, and IF we INDULGE in it, WE shall EAT the fruit of it [for DEATH or LIFE].

    Look at the WORDS of these verses! Read them AGAIN & use them as another DECREE & DECLARATION! Remember, the enemy ALWAYS looks for a way to DISTRACT us, DETOUR us, & ultimately DESTROY us!
    We know that it's always DARKEST before the DAWN! So, Learn to use the MEDIA because they are FALLING all over themselves to TELL you what they PLANNING! You may have to LEARN to read BETWEEN the lines & ask for God's DISCERNMENT but ultimately you will LEARN how to RESPOND to that RIGHTEOUS anger that RISES up inside of you! USE your RIGHTEOUS authority to SPEAK God's word over the ENEMY’S plan! That's going to be OUR victory! God Wins, but We, The Army of God, MUST take it to the FINISH line!

  2. I will be printing this one out! Thank you, Brett & Janice Cairns

    1. Is this the same one as the October 9th decrees?

  3. Thank you very, very, very much!!! Much love to you, Brett & Janice! As well as Diana and Patty!


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