November 12, 2024
DREAM: “THE YELLOW STOREHOUSE” This morning (11/12/24=11) I awoke at 6:14=11 (11:11!) after a short dream. In the dream I was wandering around a store and realizing that everything in the store was yellow. The primary positive meaning of yellow is: HOPE. Interpretation: The primary thing the Father wants to supply us with in this ever-changing season is HOPE. Hope that is based in Him and given freely by Him.
“In this tumultuous, war-torn season, I AM laying open before you a STOREHOUSE of HOPE. In this storehouse is HOPE for EVERY area of your LIFE, your NATION’S LIFE, and the FUTURE of the WORLD. I AM supplying you with YELLOW COLORED GLASSES so that your VIEW of the future is COLORED BY HOPE. I mean for you to have HOPE in EVERY situation and circumstance that you are facing. HOPE for still ASLEEP family and friends. HOPE for unbelieving children and grandchildren. HOPE for the deceived and the addicted. HOPE for those sick in body and for those wounded in their souls. HOPE for restored freedom in your nation. HOPE for financial abundance and for being debt free. HOPE for healthy foods and medications. HOPE for true justice and for righteous leaders. Is this TOO MUCH to HOPE for? Don’t you see that I have an UNLIMITED SUPPLY of HOPE that is waiting for you to receive? Come, enter My STOREHOUSE of HOPE and TAKE ALL you need so that you are seeing a future COLORED BY HOPE. HOPE in Me, HOPE in My faithfulness, and HOPE in My power WILL NOT DISAPPOINT. Can you see it now—a future COLORED BY HOPE?!”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
Hope is what has kept Your children going these past several years and we see results from holding on to that hope. We aren’t out of the woods yet but GOD. Despite the rhetoric of the left, we carry that hope of total restoration in our hearts every day. Thank You, Father, for this message. May it resonate in our hearts and souls this day. Amen.
ReplyDeleteWe aren’t out if the woods yet but we have hope and His promise to deliver us. That’s so good ❤️
Delete“I Trust in God” by Elevation Worship. The song and the video uplift me and fill my heart with strong hope. God is so good to us!!!
DeleteProverbs 13:12 AMPC
Delete[12] Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life.
My HOPE is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness!
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful hymn. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!
DeleteAll other ground is sinking sand ❤️❤️
DeleteIn Christ ALONE, my HOPE is found ๐ another great hymn
DeleteGrateful Heart for AWJ's watchmen maintaining this Refreshing Oasis in Peace and Safety.
ReplyDeleteThank you for keeping the comment stream Undefiled and Pure.
Yes Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. ❤️
ReplyDeleteWoah, I didn’t know numerology has ties to the occult! May we be on guard and put on the FULL ARMOR of GOD.
DeleteThis is not numerology. There is no power from Heaven given to numbers. Matthew 28:18 and Jesus came and spake unto them, saying All power is given unto me in Heaven and in earth. The Bible has a lot to say about numbers. There is power in Gods word and numbers are a valuable part of His incredible lingo. When God uses numbers to speak there is incredibly power in it. God speaks through other ways also like parables.
DeleteCan you point me to a verse in Scripture where God uses numbers to speak?
DeleteComment 11:04. There are MANY scriptures where God uses numbers. You don’t have to go far to see God loves numbers and uses them. How many stones did David use to kill Goliath? Numbers That Preach is an excellent resource to start you off in the right direction.
Delete11:30 Got Answers is a great reformed resource to help us discern scripture, and is very trustworthy.
Delete11:38. You mean Got Questions
DeleteOh yes, the Bible is full of different numbers and as I am still learning, everything has a purpose. For instance, this month., I learned that Noah’s Ark had 5 components. 5 is the number for Grace which just so happens to coincide with the Hebrew calendar year 5785 that we have already entered. Look ๐ — there are 2 5’s. Double Grace!! There’s so much more! God is so good!! ๐
Delete“Not numerology” ๐คฆ๐ฝ♂️๐คฃ๐บ
DeleteComment 1,22 should read “it’s biblical numerology “.
DeleteThank you Father!!!๐ฅฐ
ReplyDeleteI had an 11:11 night vision a while back. Hope is what I've been hanging onto, recompense and reward.
ReplyDeleteYesterdays comment on 11:11 was Isa 11:11KJV " And it hath come to pass , in that Day , The Lord addeth a second time His power to get the Remnant of His people " The first is Moses with Egypt and now the second time Trump with America . Timothy Dixon and other Prophets have said this is a second Exodus . 11:11--2:2--22 the number of Sons of Light or Sonship [Secrets of Time--STEPHEN E. JONES ] . America could be considered as an Island at the time of Moses .
DeleteNow Diana sees 11:11 as significant . does not look like a mere chance !
DeleteHeavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.
ReplyDeleteFather, we THANK YOU for Your Words through Diana Larkin, “In this tumultuous, war-torn season, I AM laying open before you a STOREHOUSE of HOPE."
We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.
WE DECREE our God has an unlimited supply of HOPE that is waiting for us to receive for every area of our Life, our Nation’s Life, and the Future of the World.
ABBA, we step into (make a prophetic act) Your Storehouse of Hope and we RECEIVE all You have for us. . .
HOPE for still asleep family and friends.
HOPE for unbelieving children and grandchildren.
HOPE for the deceived and the addicted.
HOPE for those sick in body and for those wounded in their souls.
HOPE for restored freedom in our nation.
HOPE for financial abundance and for being debt free.
HOPE for healthy foods and medications.
HOPE for true justice and for righteous leaders.
ABBA, we THANK YOU that Your warehouse has an Unlimited Supply of Hope that is waiting for us to receive. We THANK YOU and PRAISE YOU for giving us HOPE in EVERY situation and circumstance that we are facing.
And now, ABBA, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
• WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
• WE CALL FORTH Boomerangs of Judgment and Justice.
• We CALL FORTH our Nation to Resurrection Life.
• WE CALL FORTH the Season of Seedtime and Harvest.
• WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
• WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
• WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
• WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Era.
We have the Victory, and the Triumph of our God is sure!
This is America’s Day!
LORD God, we THANK YOU for being our HOPE.
We HOPE in You!
We HOPE in Your Faithfulness!
We HOPE in Your Power!
We HOPE in Your Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
ABBA, we TRUST in You. We BELIEVE You will NOT disappoint and that we have an amazing Future Colored by Hope!
We PROCLAIM Psalm 33:20-22 (NLT)
“We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone.”
Father God, we give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise. We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
“THY KINGDOM COME, on earth as it is in Heaven!”
In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!
Mighty Hosts, thank you for your loyalty and obedience to LORD SABAOTH, our KING OF GLORY. We appreciate all you are doing for us. WE COMMISION you to destroy the enemy with our declarations; fulfill our prayers of faith; and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.
Warrior Hosts, as you proceed, SHOUT . . .
Warrior Hosts, GO FORTH NOW!
HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.
Thank you and blessings prayer poet❤️❤️
DeletePrayer poet. We LOVE you and how you put Gods words from Diana into a prayer ❤️❤️❤️❤️. It’s a wonderful blessing to use every day!! So awesome of you Prayer Poet! God will richly bless you for this divine writing gift you have. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️๐
DeleteHoly Spirit says, "Carry on Soldier"
Delete๐ฏ% in agreement with 5:12. Please continue your prayers and decrees, Prayer Poet. They are very helpful to those of us who are not quite so eloquent or gifted in carrying out our Heavenly Father’s directives for making decrees and declarations according to the words He is giving us through Diana Larkin and Patti Teichroew. Thank you! ❤️❤️
Delete4:30 PM God has directed us to declare and decree and doing so collectively affects the outcome. Prayer Poet’s responses to God’s words also acknowledge Him and thank Him for what he is doing for ALL of “us”. I just read today’s prayer slowly but powerfully out loud and it took 4 minutes. I pray the other posts as well, but if I only prayed this one, imagine what those 4 minutes did in the spirit realm. I still have 23 hrs. 56 minutes left in my day. Hmmmmm!
DeleteGod wants the Praise and we should be worshiping Him during those remaining 23 hours and 56 minutes. What’s left to say?
All Glory to God. Amen.
DeleteThank you Prayer Poet! I have learned so much in how to decree and war with the prophetic words from your Holy Spirit inspired prayers. I appreciate your time in writing them and posting them to bless, inspire and encourage us all. Thank you to Miss Diana and the team also for their hard work.
DeleteCleanup on aisle 4:30 Critical spirit. You are Not welcome in this place.
DeleteWe DECREE God will cause a Blanket of Peace and Security to Fall on America and people from all walks of life and beliefs will sigh a sigh of relief and they’ll say in their heart—so this is how a President is supposed to lead our country!
ReplyDeleteAll Praise, Honor and Glory to Almighty God!
Are these words used to manifest realty?
ReplyDeleteI always knew there was a reason why yellow is my favorite color.
ReplyDelete๐OK, Prayer Warriors, ALEX JONES Needs our Prayers! Julie Green gave had a word of prophecy on June 2, 2024
Date Word Received: June 2, 2024 (First Prophecy) by Julie Green Ministries
Alex Jones: My son, I have not abandoned you. I have not left you to be destroyed by the Marxists in your Nation, the Deep State, or anyone after you. They will regret their next moves. I am moving on your behalf, and all that you have lost will be given back to you. I am not done using you as a truth vessel for this Nation. Trust Me that I will set you free, saith the Lord.
๐My Prayer๐
WE pray for ALEX JONES! Lord YOU choose who YOU use & how YOU use them! TRUTH TELLERS you say! I have MY truth Tellers EVERYWHERE! LORD, I have SEEN this man on his LIVE broadcast, honor you! He ISN'T ashamed of his RELATIONSHIP with YOU! HE speaks your name UNASHAMED! LORD, WE are asking for FAVOR in whatever position YOU have given Him! WE Thank you that NO man can take AWAY from him what YOU have GIVEN to him! We say ANYONE that tries will FAIL! We come the AGAINST the DISMANTLING of INFOWARS! LORD, you given this man ALEX JONES a mandate, a mandate to expose the NWO and the only thing you want dismantled is the NWO! Thank you LORD, that YOU will bring him THROUGH this and YOU will show the WORLD who he is and what YOU have for him! In Jesus name, AMEN!
Declared with you. Amen.
DeleteThank you 12:02 ๐❤️
DeleteI always thought of Alex Jones, like a Sampson! He has a mighty ROAR, He loves the Lord & has declared it LIVE on air! He has faced the DS head on and has paid the price for it! He has been in my prayers for some time now!
ReplyDeleteAmen 10:58 in agreement with the DECREE!๐❤️๐
ReplyDeleteTo 10:58 am … THATS AWESOME ! I just screen shot that to say as a decree ! Very Good ! TY !!๐๐ฅฐ๐
ReplyDeleteHow about we all ignore any snark comments from any commenters who are just trying to get a rise out of people. Obviously it’s a prayer decree declaration and those of us here for real communication and support know this . So if we all ignore the s … stirrer (s) they will get bored and go away or just talking to themselves . ๐
ReplyDeleteOnly God can decree and use His Word for creation. “Depart from me, I never knew you”
ReplyDelete๐Something else We NEED to PRAY about & take ACTION!๐Contact your Senator & ask them about their choice, see below! Remember they represent YOU!
ReplyDeleteBenny Johnson
๐จ EXCLUSIVE: A GOP Senate Source has leaked the internal whip-count for the Leadership Vote. The final votes will be on a SECRET ballot Wednesday.
Here is where the race stands now…November 10, 2024 6:00pm
Cornyn (18)
Scott (11)
Thune (24)
Banks - Thune
Barrasso - Thune
Blackburn - Thune
Boozman - Cornyn
Britt - Cornyn
Budd - Cornyn
Capito - Cornyn
Cassidy - Thune
Collins - Thune
Cornyn - Cornyn
Cotton - Thune
Cramer - Thune
Crapo - Cornyn
Cruz - Thune
Curtis - Thune
Daines - Thune
Ernst - Cornyn
Fischer - Cornyn
Graham - Cornyn
Grassley - Cornyn
Hagerty - Scott
Hawley - Cornyn
Hoeven - Thune
Hyde-Smith - Cornyn
Johnson - Scott
Justice - Thune
Kennedy - Cornyn
Lankford - Cornyn
Lee - Scott
Lummis - Thune
Marshall - Scott
McConnell - Thune
McCormick - Cornyn
Moran - Cornyn
Moreno - Scott
Mullin - Thune
Murkowski - Thune
Paul - Scott
Ricketts - Cornyn
Risch - Cornyn
Rounds - Thune
Rubio - Scott
Schmitt - Scott
Scott (FL) - Scott
Scott (SC) - Thune
Sheehy - Thune
Sullivan - Thune
Tillis - Thune
Thune - Cornyn
Tuberville - Scott
Vance - Scott
Wicker - Thune
Young - Thune
~I have to say that I was SURPRISED that my senator, who claims to be a MAGA Republican is NOT voting for Rick Scott! Why do they get to vote in SECRET?? WE, The PEOPLE pay their salaries, NO SECRET VOTING, We have a RIGHT to know!!!
In case you want to read more about why Rick Scott is the MAGA pick
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteLord, have your way in this election. Turn hearts to elect your choice to save this nation.
DeleteWe say "NO!" to the scheme to elect a RINO to this position!!
DeleteRemember that God is not limited to elections to accomplish His will or His plans. He has more amazing plans for us, we will be so amazed !!
DeleteI decree that all evil activity be exposed. Expose Expose Expose! I decree everything to be legal and select whom YOU want Lord as Senate Majority Leader! I decree every evil plan will be stopped and YOUR will be done on earth as it is on Heaven! We release the frequencies of TRIUMPH to paralyze the enemy and send shockwaves of confusion into their camp. Let YOUR fiery judgements fall on the wicked, and the traitors!
DeleteEven Satan disguises himself as an angel of light
DeleteYes comment 9:18. I see quite a few of them on the list above!
Delete๐❤️๐Wow! PRAYERS answered! One of my Senators just made an announcement that she is NOW voting for Rick Scott! The other Senator already said he would vote for Rick Scott! She said, I'm going to listen to my constituents! ๐❤️๐
Deleteat 12:22 PM
ReplyDeleteI agree with you 100%. It's a waste of words - my suggestion is to ROAR and speak your response into the atmosphere - - the spirit will receive it. Do not be tempted to comment on the blog.
Use this precious space to praise and give Glory to God.
Or maybe, at 12:22 and 1:04 they will leave on their own accord since the Bible tells us to not cast our pearls before swine
ReplyDeleteComment 1:04. I say AMEN!! It’s pretty easy to pick out the snark comments.
ReplyDeleteAmen and Amen
ReplyDeleteElvis is easy to spot---clank knows
ReplyDeleteWell , I just decree that the Deep States powder is WET and of no use !
ReplyDeleteYellow has always been my favorite color ๐
ReplyDeleteHope is a confident expectation in God's love, power, and goodness to bring about His best possible outcome for every situation.