November 14, 2024
“I have told you that the evil empire has many PLOTS and SCHEMES they will try to release to keep your rightful leader from TAKING OFFICE. I DO NOT want you to be ANXIOUS or FEARFUL of these ATTEMPTS because NOTHING THE DARKNESS TRIES WILL WORK. My plans for this CHOSEN and ANOINTED leader WILL GO FORTH from My POWER and My PROMISES and NOTHING WILL STOP THEM FROM BEING FULFILLED. Does this mean you just SIT BACK and SPECTATE at the unfolding of this PIVOTAL TIME in history? No! I have made you to be KINGS and PRIESTS so that you can RULE and REIGN with Me. Stay FULLY ENGAGED in this battle and FINISH WELL! I AM telling you that your warfare will BULLDOZE EVERY EVIL, STEALING SCHEME over the PRECIPICE. As long as you continue to come to Me every day to be STRENGTHENED, you will NOT GROW WEARY in PUSHING OVER all the dark schemes that are tried. DO NOT DOUBT My POWER and My ANOINTING to keep you STRONG, FOCUSED, and FEARLESS. I AM allowing many of these schemes to be implemented in order to UNCOVER ALL who are part of or cooperating with the darkness. As their DARK, STEALING schemes are BULLDOZED away, it will EXPOSE ALL who were involved in PLOTTING the OVERTHROW of your leader and your nation. Some of the EXPOSURES will SHOCK you, as they PORTRAYED themselves as part of the Light while SECRETLY SERVING the darkness. Bulldozers also pull off FACADES, and these TRAITORS will be UNCOVERED. Remember that you are ENFORCING the VICTORY that has already been won and that NOTHING THE DARKNESS TRIES WILL WORK.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
Yes, yes and Amen!!
ReplyDeletePharoah (and his Captains), Haman and Goliath all on my mind this morning.
DeleteThey were all DRAWN out - Exposed before Destroyed.
Each of these examples were for The Whole Enchilada: (+ families and future) :
DeletePharoah was after his workforce and Egypt's treasure.
Haman was after annihilation of the Jews and confiscation of their property.
Goliath's and David's army and nations had vowed to serve the Victor.
Truly Serious Stuff like now . . . BUT GOD !!
Full Speed Ahead and God Speed π !!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Diana for your daily dose of "you've got this!!" I mean wow, a little bit like a roller coast ride. I mean I'm still human in this weak body in a weary dry land. Growing stronger everyday but some days are better than others. Thank you again to the powerful prayer warriors here .You're teaching us how to pray mightily.
ReplyDeleteThe Holy Spirit has really started to work with the comment team !
DeleteI watched Andrew Whalen on Elijah Streams last night and that probably brought on the dream , vision , and thoughts that I had . Weak weapons and illusion was the subject matter . I first had a dream [ or vision --don't know which ] of a person sleeping and being grabbed by the arm and shook awake . I remembered a vision of what was like an atom bomb , but with a weak [ not dramatic or colorful ] explosion that did not even destroy the trees I could see from an overhead view . The word Neutron came too me and I found that a Neutron bomb is not powerful [ Weak weapon ] but leaves much radiation--maybe meaning people could be saved from its effect by staying inside and taking small amounts of Iodine . Then I thought fear tactics could be brought about by projecting Holograms in the sky of a flying saucer attack or something like that [ Andrew Whalen's interview ]
ReplyDeleteI listened to that also. One word stuck out in my mind: Illusion. What we see will be an illusion or many illusions. As always, Gods got this. We just need to follow our marching orders.
Delete~ TIME to get out the bulldozers, WARRIORS! (Yesterday I saw a yellow bulldozer! A giant tree was on the ground uprooted and I knew God was showing me things are being uprooted in the spiritual realm)
ReplyDelete⚔️π‘❤️πWe DECREE and DECLARE
The evil empire has many PLOTS and SCHEMES they will try to release to keep OUR rightful leader from TAKING OFFICE. WE WILL NOT be ANXIOUS or FEARFUL of these ATTEMPTS because NOTHING THE DARKNESS TRIES WILL WORK. We DECREE and DECLARE HIS plans for this CHOSEN and ANOINTED leader WILL GO FORTH from HIS POWER and HIS PROMISES and NOTHING WILL STOP THEM FROM BEING FULFILLED. We DECREE and DECLARE we will NOT SIT BACK and SPECTATE at the unfolding of this PIVOTAL TIME in history! NO! HE has made US to be KINGS and PRIESTS so that WE can RULE and REIGN with HIM. We DECREE and DECLARE We will Stay FULLY ENGAGED in this battle and FINISH WELL! We DECREE and DECLARE our warfare will BULLDOZE EVERY EVIL, STEALING SCHEME over the PRECIPICE. WE will continue to come to HIM every day to be STRENGTHENED, We DECREE and DECLARE WE will NOT GROW WEARY in PUSHING OVER all the dark schemes that are tried. We DECREE and DECLARE WE will not DOUBT HIS POWER and HIS ANOINTING to keep US STRONG, FOCUSED, and FEARLESS. We understand that The LORD is allowing many of these schemes to be implemented in order to UNCOVER ALL who are part of or cooperating with the darkness. We DECREE and DECLARE As their DARK, STEALING schemes are BULLDOZED away, it will EXPOSE ALL who were involved in PLOTTING the OVERTHROW of our leader and our nation. We understand that Some of the EXPOSURES will SHOCK US, as they PORTRAYED themselves as part of the Light while SECRETLY SERVING the darkness. We DECREE and DECLARE Bulldozers will also pull off FACADES, and these TRAITORS will be UNCOVERED. Remember that WE are ENFORCING the VICTORY that has already been won and that NOTHING THE DARKNESS TRIES WILL WORK!
Amen. Thank you fir that prayer
DeleteYour welcome π I'm in WARRIOR mode this morning! ROOOAAAARRRR!!
DeleteI LOVE WARRIOR mode; feels like my Natural Habitat.
DeleteWe do work best in warrior mode, don’t weπ
DeletePatty’s Prayer Journal
The Transition
November 14, 2024
For I will protect My David from All Harm for My Plans for him and My using him to Restore America + more will Stand and Not Fail. For the powers of hell are No Match for My Heavenly Armies! For Satan was cast out of heaven by My Seraphim and if they can do that, can they not protect My David? So Do Not Fear but yes, it is good to pray on his behalf. Now~as I’ve mentioned you are on a roller coaster ride~some days there are good news and other days there is not but this transition from dark to light is a Process but there will be times when this process is accelerated. Now My vessel, Andrew Whalen spoke of events having an illusion and also a scare event for these things will surely happen but they will also be used to open the eyes of the blind and to waken them from their deep slumber. For things are going just as I have planned so Do Not Worry or Fret but Continue to Trust ME and Keep In Mind Proverbs 3:5,6.
Psalms 37
πWe will NOT become WEARY in the BATTLE, We will PRESS on! Good things are in store for those who PARTNER with The LORD!
ReplyDeleteπWE continue to pray for ALEX JONES!
πLORD what do YOU want me to SEE, HEAR, KNOW & UNDERSTAND! REVEAL it to me by the Holy Spirit!
The onion buying infowars π€£π§
DeleteClean-up on aisle 12:12: Mean-spirited Mocker: Access Denied ! !
Delete12:27, 12:12 is just reporting the news. Feels like a sandy hook victim revenge gone right because they funded it
DeleteYup you stinketh!
Delete11:46 thank you! Good stuff
DeleteThank you π Prayer Poetπ
ReplyDelete⚔️π‘❤️πWe DECREE and DECLARE - We are STRONG in the LORD, We are FOCUSED on His Plan, and We are FEARLESS in this FIGHT⚔️π‘❤️π
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones was ready when the Satanic Cabal that came after him! He was already set up on RUMBLE and will outlast anything the enemy throws at him! The LORD shows favor to those that honor Him!
ReplyDeleteJGM - Had a prophecy about Alex - Alex Jones: My son, I have not abandoned you. I have not left you to be destroyed by the Marxists in your Nation, the Deep State, or anyone after you. They will regret their next moves. I am moving on your behalf, and all that you have lost will be given back to you. I am not done using you as a truth vessel for this Nation. Trust Me that I will set you free, saith the Lord. your-enemies-are-about-to-take-more-bold-steps-against-you
The πΏπ want to SILENCE anyone that speaks TRUTH!
DeleteAnd if you want to continue to follow Alex Jones
Thank you
DeleteWe on the comment team know that the government and Cabal conspiracy is not a theory but is true and straight from Satan and His gang !
Delete12:29 Thank you for the research and reminder jgm news B4 the news regarding Alex Jones. Just saw over on Gateway Pundit : "RIGGED" Judge overseeing Infowars case orders hearing how Onion "won" auction.
DeleteSeems like swift vindications and truth revelations in this time and season.
ReplyDeleteJoshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Psalm 31:24
Be strong and let your heart take courage,
All you who hope in the Lord.
Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.”
Ephesians 6:10
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might
Love these scriptures!
DeleteAmen thankyou ... Blessings to Diana and Prayer Poet from NZ
ReplyDeleteSecretary of State Antony Blinken just announced "every dollar we have at our disposal will be pushed [to Ukraine] between now and January 20th" when Trump takes office.
ReplyDelete⚔️π‘❤️πWe DECREE and DECLARE YOU will not touch that money, that money is NOT YOURS! Hands off DEVIL!! π§¨π§¨π§¨
π§¨π§¨π§¨ = BACKFIRE
DeleteHeavenly Father-intervene. TRIUMP TRIUMPH TRIUMPH!!
DeleteAntony Blinken is perverted , The Lord will handle the justice required .
DeleteMoney to Ukraine has been suspicious all along !
DeleteBiden connection to Ukraine money has been evil for years .
DeleteYes , PUSHED to Ukraine like drugs and child torture !
DeleteUkraine is the back door Deep State money. One of many.
DeletePutin will go down in history as a hero.
He pulled out of WEF way back, got out of debt to the IMF, Putin was the only one standing when Bibi and The Donald were held back by the crooks from their rightful roles.
Vladimir Putin held the line against the Globalists and Deep State when needed and only he could. He will go down as preventing WW3.
I enjoy my morning coffee in a Warrior Putin mug and pray for the man.
I've always thought that Putin was being used by God! Also there is a video where Putin gives DJT a soccer ball & many believe it wasn't just a soccer ⚽️ ball! Tks for sharing this. ❤️π
DeleteFor 11:32 am.
ReplyDeleteI find that Diana's journal entry is sufficient.
I don't know why you insist on your long prayers.
“David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord’s battle, and he will give you to us!””
ReplyDelete1 Samuel 17:45-47(NLT)
Also look at the numbers! BOOM π₯
This is a descriptive passage of scripture used to capture a historical event in time.
DeleteFrom troubled waters , we can be healed ! Jhn 5:4
Delete2:42. Those numbers! Amazing!! 45-47!! Can’t get any clearer than that. That’s awesome π
DeleteWhich is cyclical
DeleteThank you 2:42. BOOM !! Love it.
DeletePest removal please 2:46: clueless legalistic intruder.
DeleteThere are actually two comments with timestamp 2:46. The pest removal request was for the shorter one NOT the right- on longer one below "OK fellow warriors".
DeleteFree Speech
ReplyDeleteOK fellow Warriors, is there anyone else here who has been keeping a journal of prayers, words, visons or dreams, beginning to see things happen that you wrote about 2 years ago? I'm seeing a pattern in my 2022 journal entries and over the past few weeks my "trigger" words have been constantly repeating! The word "mandate" especially!
ReplyDeleteMy trigger words last night were a twist of the arm to wake up the sleeping .
DeleteYes me too! It’s wonderful
DeleteDec before the J6 set-up I heard "Welcome Back".
DeleteThen I saw "the biden" saying "Welcome Back" to Trump at the WH just yesterday was it?
DeleteFree speech requires "speech."
ReplyDeletePrayer Poet- thank you for your prayers you give us. They are so helpful and awesomely endearing and wonderful!! When I’m so tired and weary and I can’t think straight, these prayers cover all I want to say. Blessings to you ❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteThey are exhausting and unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteThis scripture is for the Prayer Poet
ReplyDelete1 Peter 4:14
If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.
@4:12 COMPLAINING IS THE OPPOSITE OF THANKSGIVING. It doesn’t get more clear than this…
ReplyDelete1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NKJV)
… “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
The first word I had to memorize as a child was 1 Peter 4:16
ReplyDelete- 4:12 Complaining robs us of our strength. When we search the Psalms we find many examples of God’s people pouring their hearts out before Jehovah until they’re physically weak. When we’re so focused on self we forget to focus on Christ: the source of our strength.
ReplyDeleteDo not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door (James 5:9 ESV).
Let us Pray,
ReplyDeleteAlmighty God, we surrender this complaining spirit to You and pray that You’ll replace it with one of praise. Help us to praise you more for the things You have done for us and stop complaining when things don’t go the way we want them to go. Help us to take the attention off ourselves and stay totally focused on You and to remain strong in this battle. Help us to give honor and glory to your name. In Jesus Holy Name. Amen.
Prayer poet, your prayer energize me and open up my communication with the Lord, something that is so necessary during this time. Much appreciated ❤️❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDelete4:12. Are you having a bad day? Jesus said “Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden. I will give you rest “
ReplyDeleteProverbs 25:21-22; Romans 12:20
ReplyDeleteGreat and good Almighty God !
ReplyDelete2 Chronicles 20:21-22
ReplyDeleteAfter consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, SINGING to the Lord and PRAISING Him for His HOLY SPLENDOR. This is what they sang:
" Give THANKS to the Lord; His FAITHFUL LOVE endures FOREVER!"
At the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the Lord caused the start fighting among themselves!!!!!
I personally LOVE the "Prayer Poet's" service to our community! I believe and receive it as an enthusiastic service to benefit our warrior's hearts by transforming Diana's Word from the Lord into "spunky prayers"!πππ»π₯π₯π‘️ππ₯π₯π₯°πππ»π‘️
ReplyDeleteI am so humbled and thankful to have been led to this community--it is hard to find others who have the same level of passion for prayer. We truly are ONE IN THE SPIRIT!
My response to
ReplyDelete@2:02 PM
I find that Diana's journal entry is sufficient.
I don't know why you insist on your long prayers.
@3:42 PM
Free speech requires "speech."
@4:12 PM
They are exhausting and unnecessary.
@ 4:28 PM, 4:30 PM. 4:49 PM, 5:15 PM, 5:17 PM Scripture
@ 5:00 PM Prayer
Many are trying to help you; however, I am going to make a comment. I will be direct, but be assured, it’s out of love. Perhaps you should only read the Journal Entry if that is sufficient for you, instead of searching the comment section and tiring yourself out. Believe me, there are days we’re all mentally exhausted. When one is too weary to carry on, the rest of us ROAR and continue this spiritual battle. A little R&R never hurts anyone. Take a break. REST IN HIM. God has shared with us His Words through Diana numerous times to “come to Him for strength and to lean on Him.”
God’s Words today aren’t for appeasement. He is teaching us how to use our authority.
As far as the prayers are concerned, we create or cause His will to be done, to manifest. And one of the ways we do so is by DECLARING His Will and Word.
I don’t take any credit for it. They are His Words!
May God fill the Army of Light with His strength to live out each moment in joy and anticipation of His Glory on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.
The Prayer Poet -- for His Glory!
As I was Praying this morning & saying my decrees and declarations I heard this!
ReplyDeleteHAMAN'S LAW, HAMAN'S LAW, HAMAN'S LAW!! I believe that
When something is repeated 3 x in the bible its like God means business!!
Then when writing this I heard JUSTICE IS COMING!!
This bible verse explains what happened to Haman. ⬇️ Some might say thats Karma but as Christians we don't believe in Karma but we do believe in God's JUSTICE π
Esther 7:9-10 AMPC~
[9] Then said Harbonah, one of the attendants serving the king, Behold, the gallows fifty cubits high, which Haman has made for Mordecai, whose warning saved the king, stands at the house of Haman. And the king said, Hang him on it! [10] So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the king's wrath was pacified.