November 7, 2024

Lyrics from Bill Wither’s song Lean On Me (1981): “Lean on me when you’re not strong and I’ll be your friend. I’ll help you carry on.”
SONG OF SONGS 8:5 (NKJV) “Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her Beloved?”

“The battle between the darkness and the Light is approaching a FIERCE CLIMAX. Are you feeling BATTLE FATIGUED and some WEAKNESS? The battle has been LONG and INTENSE and you have fought valiantly. You know you need to REMAIN STRONG as the PRECIPICE approaches. There is only ONE WAY now to pick up the STRENGTH and POWER you need to FINISH WELL and that is by COMPLETELY LEANING ON ME. This is a LEANING into My heart in the SURRENDER of INTIMACY, and I will FILL you with My STEADYING, RESTORING LOVE. I will STRENGTHEN your heart and REFILL it with COURAGE and PASSION. I will CARRY YOU THROUGH the REST of this BATTLE ON MY WINGS and NEAR My HEART. You will feel My GREAT POWER, as we SOAR ABOVE the battlefield, and I will CARRY YOU TO VICTORY SINGING and SHOUTING My PRAISES. You have fought so VALIANTLY and now, I AM telling you to LEAN ON ME, and I will CARRY you through to a STUNNING VICTORY. LEAN ON ME.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Thank you Diana, so encouraging

    1. "feet don't fail me now."

    2. If we don't take it, we don't deserve it back
      And six-thousand years done ran up, the kings of the earth is back
      Supreme mathematics, I'm on the right course
      Took the sword and knocked white Jesus off of that white horse.
      Gibbs 2:04


  2. I have felt a great oppression lifted off America like after ww2 . I am old so I was there and freedom is a great victory . Maybe more is to come but if we lean on Elohim we will be fine !

    1. Be Blessed Valiant Warrior. Thank you for the word of wisdom and encouragement.

    2. Wow! Thank you for sharing that this felt like after WW2. It’s felt so strange to be in a war where only half of us even recognize we are in one. I’ve often wondered what older people who have lived through WW2 would feel this is like in comparison. My grandparents are sweetly unaware of the depths of the war we are in currently.

  3. The next piece of cake will be even larger !!!

    1. Like how big and what flavor? Also anyone know what kind of cake god likes always been curious

    2. Chocolate and larger than it should be !

  4. Wow only God can so confirm the way HE does. Yesterday I too was tired from election night however excited praising God all day for rescuing us just like HE PROMISED!! Throughout day as I was on line working checking info etc..
    I kept seeing the titled song “ Lean on me” and I kept hearing the song in my head it occurred like twice. I even commented out loud I keep seeing Lean on Me that’s what we should all be doing is Leaning on God more than ever!! Thank you again Diana for sharing your are very much appreciated, God bless you and everyone on this blog. Have a great
    Day everyone 😊

  5. I am so grateful for each and every prophetic word, the Lord has brought forth through you and others who have remained steadfast before the Lord. What a gift, a strength, a source of insight and wisdom has been brought forth through the prophets. Through you Diana Larkin. We know the battle is not yet over, there is more to come as the

  6. Amen, Father God gave us a victory, but we still have to fight and have His power and strength to protect it and to protect our President. We need to lean on Him to get President Trump all the way in through January 20,2025 and safely through his new Four years. Thank you Precious Father God for your Mercy and Grace.

    1. See 11-6 AWJ comment 11:o1 PM. . . we may not have to wait.

    2. Last night I heard Johnny Enlow [ Elijah Streams ] Say that the supreme court could put Trump in office as early as Monday because of a decision they have made . This is not known for sure , but would eliminate much destruction by the Deep State . However, the Lord may have more exposure traps set for the next 74 days .

    3. That would be the Loy Brunson case that he was talking about. This may be the time for it to finally be decided on.

    4. Yes. I heard that. The Supreme Court has already made a decision on this case. The military was waiting for the right time to have the Supreme Court release this. Supreme Court ruling too soon might cause mass chaos. I’m praying Monday is the day, perfect for Veterans Day! Hallelujah Lord God of all Heaven and Earth. YOUR WAYS ALWAYS WORK! We are trusting in YOU and if this is Your plan we decree and pray it into being ❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸

    5. There are also Truth Bombs regarding 2020 yet to be deployed at a strategic time.

  7. A few years ago after a 3-5 am prayer session the Holy Spirit rewarded me with a delightful little diddy set to the tune and most of the lyrics of
    "My Boyfriend's Back" by The Angels. Get that!
    This morning it was going thru my head in a Fresh NOW way:
    "DJ's Back" :
    and you're in a lot of trouble,
    you see him coming, you'd better cut out on the double.
    DJ's Back !
    if I were you I'd take a Permanent vacation. (picture the biden on the beach)
    He's kinda big and he's awful strong.
    DJ's Back!
    he's gonna save our reputation. DJ's Back !!
    I sang that that morning for quite awhile before I wondered about the "J".
    That's when I learned it was Donald Trump's middle initial.
    If unbelievers only knew how much FUN God is !
    And His Heart is KIND beyond All Measure !

    1. So good! Love this!

    2. GITMO is waitin'. Your cell door is open.
      Hey, yah! Hey, Yah!
      DJ's Back!

      Justice is comin'. Ya better get ready,
      Hey, yah! Hey, Yah!
      DJ's Back!

    3. Yes , Navy Tribunals aboard ships as well as GITMO .

    4. Tribunal’s have already been happening. We have not had privy to this information as of yet. It’s not been publicly seen. But they have been happening.

    5. How do you know? What evidence do you have?

  8. Beautiful! HalleluYAH and Amen!

  9. This is so lovely, prayer poet. Thank for putting into works what me heart is feeling. Father God, thank YOU for your grace and strength. I am leaning in on YOU. Thank you for carrying me through to victory. ❤️❤️

  10. YOU ALONE ARE ALL I NEED. King of Kings Nikos & Pelagia Politis

  11. It would be wonderful if this message could be sent to President Trump. As I read it, I kept thinking it was for him!


    November 07, 2024

    For My people thought the words I gave to prophets in 2020 about the Red Tsunami was for the 2020 election. Although the 2020 election was stolen, the Reality of the Red Tsunami I spoke of is for the 2024 election. For my Words that I speak manifest when I choose to do so. Just like My Prophet, Kim Clement when he shouted Death to Debt and many called him a false prophet because it didn’t happen right away. How inappropriate for My Children to be so deceived by the religious spirit. For My Prophet, Isaiah prophesied unto us a child is born…in the years 739 to 681 BCE (Before the Christian Era). For My Children must learn to Trust in My Timing and even now My David’s timing to be President in 2025 is PERFECT! For in 2020 the deep state was still fully engaged but I will make a way where there is no way for My David for his enemies—foreign and domestic will be dealt with and he shall not be opposed and I shall bring healing to America for both sides of the aisle for the Restoration of America is in the works and shall occur! But first the cleansing will take place. Watch ME!

    1. So much has been revealed to us about the deep state since 2020. There are still some people who haven't seen it, but SOON they will . There will be a rude awakening for them. In these 4 years we have had Roe v Wade overturned, Elon Musk bought out Twitter, championing free speech. We have seen major corruption in judges and prosecutors as they tried to stop Trump. Yes, Lord, we will be watching You as deal with our enemies and heal and restore. God bless America!!!
      Thank you, Patti and Diana, for encouraging us, and thank You, Lord, for never leaving us or forsaking us. Our future is so bright, we are going to need sunglasses! God bless America!

    2. Sun glasses will be a blessing! For the last 3 years the planes have dropped so many chem trails here we could hardly see the sun! Thank you Abba for your great love for us and your workd!!

  13. Amen! Jesus I Trust in You!

  14. Regarding the journal entry on 11/3 - recent fire in Ventura, CA, a VERY ritzy area with huge celebrity homes. But only certain homes are burning - one here, one there. Very strange….

  15. ΕΛΘΕ MARANATHA | ™King of Kings | Nikos & Pelagia Politis
    "HOLY HOLY I will shout. As you come in clouds. Yeshua!!! Let Your GLORY come!!!"

  16. Has anybody heard any word about the gold distribution from the Fed’s?

    1. I dont know about the Feds but for the last 4 years there has been alot of talk about the deep states Gold being given to the righteous . Very Biblical !

    2. Any idea how this will happen?

    3. Watch Dr. Scott Young on Elijah streams today. He goes over that quite well. There may be a lot that will go over your head as it did mine But you will still get a lot out of it. I believe he is accurate regarding the printing of money because every time I order money from the bank where I work I am getting some of the worst ragged I have ever seen

    4. I listened to that. Most of it went over my head. I’ll have to listen again. But I was confused his definition of Nesara. I thought part of Nesara was a law that Trump put into place back in 2016 regarding taxes and our debt being paid back to us?

  17. Thank you Lord. And thank you Diana, we continue to be in sync so often. Interceding with you as always.

  18. Amen! And Amen! Thank You Father God! You are worthy of our praise!

  19. I woke up this morning feeling well rested😴, yesterday was hard on this o'l girl's body😵‍💫 but I made the choice to stay 🥱 awake & watch all of election night! So when I woke up this morning, I said, Good Morning Holy Spirit! Today is a new day, I heard these words "A cake half baked". I laughed, because I knew that meant, Its NOT done yet! OK, Lord I got the message! Warriors of God, He is calling us to stay committed to His Plan & Purpose! We must stay vigilant, prayed up and ready to battle! Lets GO!

    1. This smaller piece of cake was good but the next larger piece will be delicious !

  20. Wow!! Patty's blog post this morning was more confirmation as to what has happened to me in the past couple of days.>For my Words that I speak manifest when I choose to do so.<
    The Lord took me back to my journal entry in July of 2023. Election night he revealed to me that the word he gave me in 2023 was for election night 2024. I was like, wait, what, tonight Lord, tonight? Yes he said, Tonight! I still was in awe when they announced that President Trump had won! Now, it all made sense!

    Then I read Diana's post for today and I was like, yeah, I was really dragging yesterday, cause I stayed up to watch election night. However, I also felt like I had journeyed over many mountains of resisteance of this battle of Good vs Evil. Yesterday, I knew He was telling me to breath in his goodness and rest in Him. He will strengthen me for the battle ahead! And yes, I did a great deal of singing & worshipping that day! ~Thank you, Diana for such encouraging words!

  21. Amen and Amen 🙏 thank you !!!!🙏


  23. Anybody seen the Charlie meme from “It’s always sunny in Philadelphia”. Sums up this blog 🤣

    1. Mockers will be judged at this time. Fair warning.

    2. Still waiting…

  24. A vision happened while hearing words, as I was waking up this morning! Snow was gently falling, and people were coming out of their houses standing, looking up at the sky and letting the snow fall on them! There was a look of contentment & peace on their faces. They stood there, and they watched in amazement as the snow came down. Then I heard this
    Speak PEACE over their plans! Like SNOW that covers the ground on a winters day, let MY glory FALL like snow. Let MY peace reign down on THEIR plans to CALL to ARMS and to bring DESTRUCTION to the CITIES! Call down my PEACE, my GLORY and my REIGN.
    They want WAR, but I will RELEASE my Glory over cities and LIKE a new fallen SNOW it will COVER the earth! THOSE that will RECEIVE ME will find COMFORT in KNOWING that I AM here! Oh, YES, they have PLANS, but YOU call down my PEACE, my JOY and my RESISTANCE!
    John 14:27 ~[27] Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]

    So, out of what the LORD was saying, I wrote this DECREE
    ⚔️🛡❤️🙏We DECREE and DECLARE
    WE Speak PEACE over their plans! Like SNOW that covers the ground on a winters day, let HIS glory FALL like snow. Let HIS peace reign down on THEIR plans to CALL to ARMS and to bring DESTRUCTION to the CITIES! WE Call down HIS PEACE, HIS GLORY and HIS REIGN.
    They want WAR, but HE will RELEASE HIS Glory over cities and LIKE a new fallen SNOW it will COVER the earth and THOSE that will RECEIVE HIM will find COMFORT in KNOWING that I AM/HE is here! Oh, YES, they have PLANS, but WE call down HIS PEACE, HIS JOY and HIS RESISTANCE!

  25. Psalms 6 & 7 are particularly good for now. Especially in The Living Bible.


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