November 8, 2024
“I AM READY TO LAUNCH My Rescue Operation that has been going on behind the scenes OUT INTO THE OPEN where everyone will see it. You will see My FIERY JUDGMENTS fall on the WICKED, the TRAITORS, and those who TAKE INNOCENT LIVES. As these leaders are EXPOSED and BROUGHT DOWN, it will result in My FIERY JUDGMENTS going out all over the Land. These judgments will release the FEAR of the LORD across the Land, and the fear of the Lord will DESTROY the YOKES of BONDAGE to SIN and SHATTER the LIES that people have believed. My FIERY JUDGMENTS may seem HARSH, but RIGHTEOUSNESS must be RESTORED to your Nation in order to REMAIN FREE. Sin always produces BONDAGE and STRIFE, while righteousness always brings FREEDOM and PEACE. My FIERY JUDGMENTS will SHAKE many out of PERVERTED LIFESTYLES and into the BEAUTIFUL PURITY of a life YIELDED to My WAYS and My HEART. Will you stand with Me in this release of My FIERY JUDGMENTS? There will be GREAT LOSSES in people’s lives but realize these losses will BURN AWAY what DEFILES and MAKE ROOM for TRUE BLESSINGS. Be ready to COMFORT and to COUNSEL those who REPENT and come to Me through the Blood of My Son. Be ready to DISCIPLE them in My Word, My Ways, and My Heart. I AM READY TO LAUNCH My FIERY JUDGMENTS to CLEANSE and PURIFY your Land. Have FAITH that this season of fiery judgment will produce a GOOD FUTURE for people and for your Nation.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
ReplyDeleteAmen 🙏
DeleteGod's will be done 👍 Right these wrongs. So be it 😊
ReplyDeleteThat's right! 🙏
DeleteHey Team,
I just found out that my younger sister has been diagnosed with Advanced breast cancer with pathological femur fracture.
Please join me in praying for a notable healing miracle for her.
She's just 44 years old
Thank you and please pray for my soul to be at rest. It's been in turmoil and heaviness since I got the news yesterday. I tossed and turned all night even though I tried strengthening myself in the God's presence.
DeleteBlessings to all.
I will be praying for you and your sister! For complete healing and restoration and peace. I decree this healing into being. God told us to us to speak to mountains and tell them to move. I take authority over this Mountain of cancer and I tell it to MOVE!! In the mighty name of Jesus!! Also, check into Florida Sharkman protocol. It uses ivermectin and fenbendozole ( I think I spelled that wrong). I will continue to pray and shower you will Gods peace ❤️❤️
DeleteThe same way the Lord has been telling us to decree and declare things, I have been decreeing and declaring a second healing for my nephew who almost died from heavy metal poisoning and misdiagnosis and unneeded chemotherapy treatments from misguided doctors. The Lord showed me how he was re-exposed to heavy metals, after 26 years, and needed healing again. For your sister, who has breast cancer at 44 years old, ask her to make sure she is not holding unforgiveness towards anyone, because unforgiveness will prevent God's healing. If she is not, start decreeing and declaring that by Jesus's stripes she is healed from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. Decree and declare it in the earth and in the heavens, and DO NOT STOP until you see the manifestation of her healing. Go into the Courts of Heaven and ask the Lord to let her live her full life on this earth, as a healthy and whole woman. God Bless!
DeleteThank you Diana. I so appreciate reading and hearing what the Lord has told you. :)
DeleteI agree with your prayer for full healing and recovery for your sister. Lord, bring a healing miracle during this time for Your Glory! Amen 🙏
Delete🔶️If you are looking for a great HEALING Devotional, check out ⏬️ This book! It gives you Healing scriptures with a Devotional for 365 days! Its when you use God's words & put your faith in Him that your Healing will manifest itself in your body! I have this book & I've purchased many as gifts. It works because its His word!
Delete🟢 365 Days of Healing by Mark Brazee
DeleteMy heart is so much lighter now.
Anonymous 12:06pm and10:43am, thank you for the suggestions. It's actually confirmation for me as after I got the news, Ivermectin and 'bitterness'/anger were 2 things that came to mind.
I was able to look up the Florida Sharkman protocol. I even found a video on both meds on Rumble.
I must say that Abba knew what HE was doing when HE put this family of the Army of Light together. Simply reading your responses lifted the heavy oppression that the news brought.
Thank you.
May Elohim Adonai richly reward you all for your kindness towards me and my sister❤️❤️
My daughter had breast cancer besides the protocol she used castor oil on her breast every night and the cancer is gone! (It took a year but was worth it!) God bless and heal you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and His Blood that heals!
DeleteWOW...Praise God.
DeleteThank you for this piece of information ❤️
I just said prayers over you and your sister ! PRAISE GOD ! All these wonderful people here too with awesome suggestions ! Let us all know how you and she are doing like we want to be updated like Prayer Poet here does 🙏💕❤️🥰✝️🏹🛡️💖🎉✝️❤️❤️❤️MAY YOUR HEART NOT BE TROUBLED AS GOD SAYS . ALSO : HE SAYS MY PEACE I LEAVE YOU I GIVE YOU MY PEACE ! 🙏🎉✝️🥰❤️❤️❤️AMEN !
DeleteThank You sooooo much.❤️
DeleteReading your post brought tears of appreciation to my eyes 🥹
It is so comforting to have you warriors backing us.
I most definitely will keep you all posted.
Quick update-- I just got off the phone speaking with my siblings and mother and shared the suggestions. Also praying and sharing scriptures as Holy Spirit led. That is a testimony right there. God's presence was tangible.I praise Him for giving me the strength to call, encourage and pray with each one.❤️❤️❤️❤️
Some of this good future is said to be the reintroduction of the Gold standard for our money ---rather than the Feds worthless paper .
ReplyDeleteReal great news we be the elimination of the crooked and evil Federal Reserve , that is neither Federal nor does it have any reserves !
DeleteWith Trump settling in for His third term , we are now ready for the NESARA which some of us have heard about for some time now . Economic reforms for the United States . A great piece of news for our future . People will soon find out about this great news !
DeleteYes , Some more good news will be the elimination of the 3 letter agencies like the FBI and CIA which are not for the good of our country . The LORD will expose the evil they have been involved in !
DeleteConsider this: NESARA may not be God’s plan for “us.”
DeleteLet’s pray for God’s TRUE BLESSINGS and allow Him to take care of the rest, including our finances.
“The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.”
In Jesus name.
Won't it be wonderful! 🙏
Delete11:27am --Why would you say NESARA may not be God's plan for us ? Donald Trump has been for it all along !
Delete11:24am NESARA negative comment .
Deletep.s to my 12:18 comment. God's message today is about His Rescue Mission and Judgement . . . and TRUE Blessings.
DeleteGod is always the top , but Gold coming to the righteous is very welcome .
DeleteHa ha as Person above said Trumps Third Term ! 🎉I was JUST THINKING THST THIS MORNING !!!! So feel it’s not just me ! He’s been active all along the imposters in the White House past four years AND it WILL BE SHOWN 2019 election stolen … GOD IS GOING TO VINDICATE HIS DAVID !!! And OTHERS ! SMEN PRAISE GOD !!! 💕🥰❤️🙏✝️🙏🙏🎉🎉
DeleteI agree with his third term!! Maybe God will see to it he is coming back on Monday, Veterans Day due to the Brunson ruling❤️❤️
DeleteThank you, ABBA Father
ReplyDeleteWe have been waiting for this!! THANK YOUUUUU LORD!!
DeleteThank you, Papa for Your rescue operation.
DeleteRe: Word of the Lord (His Promise) from yesterday:
ReplyDelete"I will carry you through the rest of this battle on My Wings."
Gladys Aylward quote my meditation this morning: "The eagle that soars in the upper atmosphere
does not concern itself with how it will cross the raging rivers below."
Oh, Lord, keep us, your children, there with you with your altitude, view and perspective on all below.
Amen and amen. (Gladys was a 4' 10" missionary to China in very difficult times,
They called her The small woman with a Great God.)
This is beautiful. thank you for sharing! 💝
DeleteHeavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name. Father, we THANK YOU for announcing, “I AM READY TO LAUNCH My Rescue Operation.” We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.
ReplyDeleteABBA, THANK YOU for asking us, “Will you stand with Me in this release of My FIERY JUDGMENTS?”
Yes, we STAND with You and we SPEAK Your Words,
We DECREE God will launch HIS Fiery Judgments to cleanse and purify our Land.
We DECREE God will launch HIS Rescue Operation out into the open where everyone will see it.
We DECLARE. . . Let Your Fiery Judgments fall.
• FALL on the wicked. NOW!
• FALL on the traitors. NOW!
• FALL on those who take innocent lives. NOW!
• FALL on these leaders. NOW!
• EXPOSED them! BRING them down!
• BRING FORTH Your Fiery Judgments all over the Land.
• RELEASE the Fear of the LORD across the Land.
• DESTROY the yokes of bondage to sin.
• SHATTER the lies that people have believed.
• We DECREE God’s Fiery Judgments will restore Righteousness to our Nation in order bring Freedom and Peace AND to remain free.
• We DECREE God’s Fiery Judgments will SHAKE many out of perverted lifestyles and into the beautiful purity of a life yielded to His Ways and His Heart.
• We DECREE we have FAITH that this season of fiery judgment will produce a good future for people and for our Nation.
We THANK YOU for preparing us and enabling us to share Your Love, Your Goodness and Your Mercy.
• We are ready to comfort and to counsel those who repent and come to YOU through the Blood of Jesus.
• We are ready to DISCIPLE them in Your Word, Your Ways, and Your Heart.
And now, ABBA, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
• WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
• WE CALL FORTH Boomerangs of Judgment and Justice.
• We CALL FORTH our Nation to Resurrection Life.
• WE CALL FORTH the Season of Seedtime and Harvest.
• WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
• WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
• WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
• WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Era.
ABBA, THANK YOU for Your strategy to burn away “what defiles” and to make room for True Blessings.
We PROCLAIM Deuteronomy 7:9-10 (NIV)
“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. But those who hate him he will repay to their face by destruction;
he will not be slow to repay to their face those who hate him”.
Father God, we give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise. We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
“THY KINGDOM COME, on earth as it is in Heaven!”
In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!
Mighty Hosts, thank you for your loyalty and obedience to LORD SABAOTH, our KING OF GLORY. We appreciate all you are doing for us. WE COMMISION you to destroy the enemy with our declarations; fulfill our prayers of faith; and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.
Warrior Hosts, as you proceed, SHOUT . . .
Warrior Hosts, GO FORTH NOW!
HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.
“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”
It’s not a false idol when DJT is Gods chosen guy. He has been given pass for all sin if you read his secret laws passed. His blood spilled in PA freed our nations from sin and has set us on a path toward righteousness again
DeleteAmen 🙏
DeleteAmen and Amen.
Delete🙏OK Warriors, We have the Senate (R) WE have The House (R)! Also Kari Lake is in a battle for her race for US Senate in Arizona, they are still counting! The race is neck and neck! Please PRAY! 🙏
ReplyDeletePraying 🙏 🙏
DeleteThank you 1:34 🙏💞🙏
DeleteCalling into order each and every race that's still in progress. God's will be done! 🙏
DeleteThank you 🙏💞🙏
DeletePraying and thank you!!🙏
DeleteLooks like they are going to try and steal the Summit seat in Pennsylvania. All of a sudden, 100,000 ballots show up that were missed. It only happens when the Democrat loses
DeleteAs the MSM is having their super meltdowns, I'm also hearing them say, to get out in the streets! Sounds to me, like they are calling for Civil unrest!
ReplyDeleteWe bind any unrest or violence in the name of Jesus! It will not prosper 🙏
Delete🙏 Amen🙏
ReplyDeleteMatthew 18:19-20 ~[19] “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. [20] For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
DeleteOK I'm all for FREE SPEACH but using the "F" word needs to STOP! Moderators???
ReplyDeleteI’m not concerned about the language. DJT aka our messiah in the flesh is leading by example WWG1WGA
DeleteBut what if the f just stands for Fun?
DeleteThank you Callie, I wrestled with this all yesterday. I had decided I could not stand the mixture at this time and must eliminate comment section from my life, even though it had been a great blessing. This morning the Lord nudged me to check one last time.
DeleteBless you Callie and AWJ team.
Comment 2:03. DJT is not our messiah. He is a man God is using to fulfill His purpose. Jesus is our Messiah and will return to the earth to rule and reign some day ❤️
DeleteIs this the fiery judgement the Lord spoke of in Diana’s post of August 28, 2024? Darkness is Extinguished. God says the evil plans will explode in a HUGE flame, a scary flame.
ReplyDeleteDon’t think that’s how the verse actually reads?
ReplyDeleteWe've have ALL seen how Praying for People that God wants to use in His Plan & Purpose in the election of President Trump! We need people that will Stand for God’s plan & purpose for our FREEDOM, FAITH & FAMILY!
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to compile a list of names being considered or already placed for Trump's new administration! It's very important to PRAY for those that are being considered or our already in place & their family's. I'm going to PRAY for these people daily & any of my FELLOW WARRIORS that want to join me, I welcome your PRAYERS! I'am asking for God to bring RIGHTEOUS MEN & WOMEN of God who will put God's plan for this nation first & to REMOVE what doesn't belong! There are more than 4,000 positions to be filled across Trump's cabinet and White House, and across the federal government. We PRAY and God MOVES ! Thank you, for joining myself and others in what I feel is the next step in Making America GODLY again! This isn't a complete list & it may not be all correct, so feel free to add to it.
🟢Vice President
JD Vance
🟢Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Safety Administration (FDA)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr (I'm not what position or title)
🟢Chief of Staff
Susan Summerall Wiles
🟢Attorney General
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
Matthew Whitaker
Mark Paoletta
John Ratcliffe
Mike Lee
🟢Homeland Secretary
Tom Homan
Chad Wolf
Mark Green
🟢Secretary of State
Marco Rubio
Robert O'Brien
Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty
Richard Grenell
Scott Bessent
Robert O'Brien
🟢Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) chief
Kash Patel
🟢Possibility for major national security posts
Keith Kellogg
Mike Pence
🟢Federal Bureau of Intelligence (FBI) Director
Jeffrey Jensen
🟢Defence Secretary
Mike Pompeo
Michael Waltz
🟢Treasury Secretary
Robert Lighthizer
Scott Bessent
John Paulson
Jay Clayton
Larry Kudlow
John Paulson
Howard Lutnick
🟢Interior Secretary
North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum
🟢Press Secretary
Karoline Leavitt- Trump 2024 campaign's national press secretary
🟢Department of Government Efficiency?
Elon Musk
Thank you 🙏❤️🙏Prayer Warriors!
Yeah, pray for all the wolves, jackals, rats and snakes to be eliminated at ALL levels. Some of them are on the list you provided above.
DeleteI agree and that is why we pray so that God can remove what we can't 🙏😊
DeletePrayer can do anything God can do.
DeleteThere is no cause for celebration anywhere until we see JUSTICE. REAL JUSTICE. GLOBALLY. We want to see all the evil, demonic worshippers and partners with darkness - all the liars, thieves, murderers, traitors, and all kinds of evil entities that have relentlessly waged war against us not just past few years but for decades causing so much needless misery, chaos, death, destruction and they will NOT STOP until they are brought to justice. What will it take to stop them all? What did it take to stop Pharaoh of Egypt pursuing God's people? There's your answer. Same applies today. Nothing else will put a stop to these scum.
ReplyDeleteYes we can celebrate this first big win , even if more wins are to come .
ReplyDeleteNote who is put on the good guys side by 5:23 pm---MIKE PENCE . I have wondered from the 2020 affairs if he was actually on the side of the right to help with God's traps ! Has not any one on the comment team taken notice ?
ReplyDeleteNATIONAL SECURITY---very important post
DeleteOn the Julie Green website,there is a word regarding Mike Pence(dated 1/6/2022).
DeleteIn that word(8th paragraph), the Lord said we will see why things had to be the way they were(happened). That we would know what side he (Mike) is really on,
I have believed since the very beginning that Mike Pence was part of the plan. He may actually have been in on all of it. I’m still trying to figure out how JD Vance fits in. Could he be a placeholder for Mike Pence? I’m hoping we find out good things about Mike Pence because it would be very sad if he had really betrayed the nation
DeleteOne additional comment on that was had Mike Pence not certified the last election , none of this would have taken place and the American people would never have had their eyes opened. so much has been exposed over the past four years, much of which has come from the Lord himself
DeleteThis was truly a set up to bring down the evil and the wicked
I think so too.
DeletePray for th
DeletePray for the protection of Mike Pence and his family , he may be one of the heroes for the right !
DeleteJD Vance will be VP in 2025. If Pence was part of the plan and Trump returns before January, Pence being rightfully elected in 2020, should be VP at that time as well.
DeleteThis is what I also think would happen .
DeleteOne time in prayer the Lord made it very clear that many difficult contrary things we would see were Necessary and not to judge anything through natural eyes or reasoning.
ReplyDeleteI saw an item that turned the exact opposite. And He said many things that look one way are actually the exact opposite and will flip around. Trust The Plan. (Trust that there is a Plan.)
Yes, we've all heard the term stranger than fiction! Perhaps it will be like getting to the end of that political thriller and discover it was not that bad guy/girl you thought it was at all! You know that ending that you never expected!
ReplyDeleteAlso does anyone remember there was a post on TS, not sure when it was or exactly the date. It went something like this (if anyone knows exactly what was said, please share)
Trump has a way of of selecting people, then shoving them out into the spotlight to see if they will sink or swim. Ok, again I can't remember the exact quote, but it made me wonder 👀
We've also heard that God has infotraiters on both sides of the isle and some we would discover were really good guys acting as bad guys! We would also discover that there were people on the Red Team who we thought were good & were actors! It's going to be an interesting next couple of years!! Hang on prayer warriors I have a feeling that plot to that political thriller is slowly being revealed!
Right before election night I told my friends God is about to FLIP their script! Tonight is OUR NIGHT! They asked, how can you be so sure? I said FAITH!
ReplyDeleteYES !!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🙏✝️❤️❤️❤️
DeleteWow! I missed reading this post from Patty yesterday! More Confirmation of what God is saying & doing🙏💞🙏
Patty’s Prayer Journal
Sweeping Changes
November 08, 2024
For I hear the demon’s screeching as DJT continues to make announcements to America of the Sweeping Changes he will make from abortion, to transgenderism, to the foods you eat and the immunizations given to children for he has been planning these changes for years. For he has known the evil agendas of the deep state has had to bring sickness and disease and to also to break up families too. The MSM is used as well to bring their propaganda to cause division between the left and right, different races and even the vaxed vs. unvaxed for their evil plots against you are now ending because of DJT for he is here to fight for you and this nation of America and these sweeping changes that will take place will not just be for America but will spread throughout the world. For I AM dealing with the darkness and they’re going down. But do not think the deep state will just give up and wave goodbye. For they are making plans even now to bring chaos on the streets. But there is nothing to fear for I have infiltrators in these meetings and they will pay the consequences of their plans and actions. For America Is Being Saved!
Great news
DeleteYou gotta wonder, all these celebs coming out against Trump . . . What are they hiding! Why are they so worried about Trump's second term! Yeah, He said it, WE HAVE IT ALL!
ReplyDeleteYup, they know the day of RECKONING is HERE!!
Celebs are in big trouble for their evil .
ReplyDeleteYou might notice it wasn't quoting a particular verse. It's very appropriate to use it this way.
ReplyDeleteABSOLUTELY ! I agree ! I LOVED How you enhanced it and I’d like to think GOD is smiling ! We are using our GOD GIVEN AUTHORITY ! I like how the Holy Spirit moved you to say that ! I am screen shot it and using it myself to add to the Lord’s Prayer after I say it originally. TY 🥰🙏💕