December 2, 2024
“The darkness has RULED for many years as the Church became INGROWN, POWERLESS, and APATHETIC to the places I planted them to be SALT and LIGHT. THAT IS ALL CHANGING! My Remnant responded to My call to AWAKEN, to DRAW NEAR to My heart, and to FIGHT for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE to be restored. I AM now responding to your cries for EXPOSURE of those partnered with darkness, for an END to their DEATH AGENDAS against you, and for true JUSTICE and FREEDOM to be RESTORED. My great Rescue Operation will be COMPLETED, and you will SEE ALL your PRAYERS ANSWERED. You will be like those who have DREAMED of promises FULFILLED and then AWAKEN to find it is a REALITY. SUDDENLY and OVERWHELMINGLY the Light of My GLORY will FLOOD the darkness, and EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE WILL BE CHANGED. You have learned to TRUST My PROMISES and My HEART towards you. This will carry you SAFELY, SECURELY, and with NO WAVERING of FAITH to the day of SHINING VICTORY. Let your CONFIDENCE be in My promises and DECLARE with Me that EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE WILL BE CHANGED.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
Excerpted from: Abarim Publications' Biblical Dictionary
The verb חנה (hana) means to decline or camp down; to contract one's range of activities and settle in a secluded spot. Noun חנות (hanut) means cell. Noun מחנה (mahaneh) means camp, and noun תחנה (tahana) means encamping or encampment.
The odd one out is the noun חנית (hanit), which is one of a few words for spear. Why a word for spear derives from a verb that means to camp isn't clear, but perhaps a wandering warrior would thrust his spear into the ground to mark his flopping spot. See full dictionary article
Right before Jacob names the region Mahanaim, he is met by angels of God. That motivates him to say, מחנה אלהים וה ("This is God's camp"), using the word מחנה (mananeh).
Mahanaim meaning
BDB Theological Dictionary, NOBSE Study Bible Name List and Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names agree: the name Mahanaim means Two Camps. Jones adds Two Hosts, apparently assuming that a camp is full of people.
I love this. . .let God's ruach word/ rhema word be where I confidently camp and rest .
DeleteThank you for the rich word study. (and our weapon is still nearby and at the ready.)
How do you do a word study? I need help with this.
DeleteAnd the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.
ReplyDeleteAs the water covers the seas
DeleteWell this is music to my ears. I've been in a battle at the front lines for a long time. I told our Father last night it's time for it to end. I need a breakthrough at the battle lines. He woke me up about 5 years ago in the middle of the night with just His hand extended to me. I woke up extending my hand back to Him. I really had no idea what He was saying , I was was taken by the beauty of His extension to me and now i know that He was saying, 'take My Hand, you're going to need it' , of course that's what I keep feeling and telling myself. He gave me another night vision just a couple months ago with His arm from elbow to closed fist and it was wrapped with a wrist watch. It's time for His strong right arm. I'm praying for a mighty breakthrough in this area He's placed me. Wow He showed me things I was utterly clueless to and talk about using the simple to confound the wise, you can't make this stuff up!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Love it!
DeleteTHIS! It’s so beautiful and touches my heart. Bless you ❤️
DeleteLord , we will keep praying so you can keep working !
ReplyDeleteMy Prayer Journal
December 02, 2024
For the enemy is working hard to take his control back and one way he is using is by a certain movie called Wicked. For this movie is a powerful weapon that the darkness is using against America and all that see it, for spells will be cast while the viewers watch it~among other things so My Army of Light—you must pray against this movie for there is a lot of evil attached to it as a means to counter what I want to do at this time. Now pray accordingly—I Declare and Decree that the church of Jesus Christ is given an anointing of discernment and are being shown Not to see this movie—in fact they are convinced of its evil intention. Then declare and decree that the powers of darkness are null and void including all forms of sorcery, divination and witchcraft! Declare that I AM Removing witchcraft from America—like Andrew Whalen said. Declare that Light Overcomes Darkness!
Psalms 107:14 “He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.”
I DECLARE AND DECREE that the church of Jesus Christ is given an anointing of discernment and are being shown Not to see this movie—in fact they are convinced of its evil intention.
I DECLARE AND DECREE that the powers of darkness are NULL and VOID including all forms of sorcery, divination and witchcraft!
I DECLARE that I AM is Removing witchcraft from America.
I DECLARE that Light Overcomes Darkness!
I declare, decree, believe and receive all this in Jesus‘ Holy Name. Amen.
Yes!! Agreed!! Amen & Amen 🙏
DeleteI hosted Thanksgiving and most of my extended family was there. My niece and my sister were talking about the movie Wicked. They were planning on going and asked me if I wanted to go. I didn’t know much about the movie but the title told me “stay away “. I told them no. Now that the Lord has brought this up, I plan on letting them know they should not go either.
DeleteYes, Lord, and we pray for Supernatural Protection for the ignorant, the blind and the young exposed to this movie, "stars", ads and trailers. Even conversations about it.
DeletePlace an impenetrable barrier and hedge around them in the spirit until they Awaken and Know better. Increase the Discernment in parents at this time.
Let the wicked's intended audience be "too busy", not interested, every which way Unengaged and able to Avoid this trap. Amen and So-Be-it in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
Prayed in agreement with you. Amen.
DeleteI declare with YOU LORD, everything and everyone will be changed! Tears of joy streaming down my face right now. I am so very thankful Lord for hearing my prayers!!❤️❤️ HALLELUJAH!! GLORY TO GOD!! 💯❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteToday's blog " everything and everyone will be changed " is just what was written 2500 years ago and preserved in the 1611 KJV Apocrypha . I am the old engineer that has been with Diana's blog since it started . A riddle was shown and being an engineer I just had to solve it . This riddle is recorded in 2 Esdras [ Ezra ] 14:10,12 ] . I found after I had already published a book titled " The Apocrypha Timing ", world meant a Changed World and not the end of it .I repent. Here is the riddle----" For the world has lost his youth , and the times begin to wax old . For the world is divided into twelve parts and ten parts of it are gone already , and half of the tenth part ."After much study , these pieces fit ----this word was given to the arc angel URIEL in 459 BC and one PART was the time of Adam to the flood of NOAH or 1656 years . With these clues [ not quite that simple ] ----the time of the great changes would be in the middle of May 2026 .It looks as if we are right on schedule for this massive amount of change to happen !
ReplyDeleteThe study was done from 2008 to 2009 when the book was published .
DeleteAnother addition ----Ezra of the bible , was told by the angel Uriel that good things would come to pass---Evil would be out , deceit quenched , faith flourished , corruption overcome ,and truth declared .
DeleteEngineers are a Special Gifting.
DeleteJohnny Enlow put out a little booklet in 2020 (2020 vision) : The End of the World as we know it. 'A Prophetic Word for Entering the New Era.'
Confirms 11:31. A CHANGED World and not the end of it.
Just As believers are Born Again and made NEW creatures.
2020 was also, BTW , the Luciferian Globalists "color revolution" Launch to take down
America. They had practiced all over the world .
US was last.
A Bit of an unforeseen Glitch occurred however
having run into the Plans and Purposes of the Living God and His Forces.
They have Lost, WE Have WON !
DeleteHonestly I'm praying for an immediate change in my present situation. Th ulitmate fulfillment maybe by the middle of 2026.The death agendas are taking a huge toll on my mental physical health.
DeleteDitto for me. We need help NOW.
DeleteComment 12:30 God hears you. He knows the timing to change your situation. Evernote if it’s the 11th hour, IT WILL COME!! Begin thanking Him. Your answer snd help are already on the way. I will be praying for you. Just stay encouraged ❤️❤️
DeleteWe won't have to wait for 2026 for things to improve greatly---I am 11:31 . That appears to be the time the swamp is entirely cleaned out . be cool , big changes are to come very SOON ---yes help is on the way !
DeleteHallelujah! Our God knows we need rescue ASAP! My son is dealing with a chemical imbalance. All the doctor does is give him medication. IT DOESN’T WORK! I’ve prayed over him for healing, but it hasn’t happened yet. I know Gods timing is perfect.
DeleteYes, Help is on the way! I believe this is confirmation @ 3:08. our Heavenly Father gave me a song "Help is on it's way" by the Little River Band (notice the 'river' in the band's name). God is all over everything! even things we would consider secular! Hang on! help is on it's way! Praise Your Mighty Name!
DeleteAmen and Amen 🙏
ReplyDeleteThank you Father that Your mercies that never end and Your love never a fails. Hallelujah!❤️❤️Praise the Living, One True God🥰
ReplyDeleteIf you don't mind me posting, Prophet Charlie Shamp just realized a powerful word for the Body of Christ.
ReplyDeleteReleased *
DeleteThank you, Abba Father for Your mighty Strong Right Arm. We need You. Our families need You. The whole world needs You. Thank You for hearing our prayers. 💝
DeleteComment 12:40 please post Charlie Shamp.
DeleteThank you Father! Amen and amen.
ReplyDelete10:17 reminded me of two open visions and a physical event that happened a little over a year ago ---it might help someone in the same need . I had been drinking a fairly large amount of gin at "happy hour" every night . Then one night I saw an open [very clear] vison of a bottle half the size as the one I usually bought . Lesson---cut down ---I didn't . Then a day or so latter my good ear started to vibrate [for 2 hours] . Lesson ----you are not listening ---starting to get my attention . Then another open vision at night---trying to pour gin into only a small bottle to keep drinking but only a small amount. A hand came out and squeezed the neck of the bottle shut. Lesson----quit drinking alcohol-I did !
ReplyDelete5:12 that is such a Beautiful story - how He personally gets involved in our personal struggles. Tearing up now. can't see the keyboard. . .
DeleteBeloved one, thank you for your beautiful prayers led by Ruach Adonai!! Thank you! Thank you! Praise Adonai! Amen and amen! We SHOUT ALL of THESE WORDS UNTO ADONAI! Abba, thank you for these words are established in the blood of Yeshua and in Yeshua's name! We thank you for the victory has already been won by the Seh ha Elohim We honor you Lord and we thank you for your body and your blood! Through your sacrifice the victory is guaranteed! Hallelujah! Ayeh asher Ayeh never loses!!
ReplyDeleteWhere is the verse that Johnny Enlow has quoted multiple times on ES, “Everything, everywhere, all at once”? Cant find it…..
ReplyDeleteThus is 10:10. I think this is the verse:
ReplyDelete““Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills. I’ll make everything right again for my people Israel: “They’ll rebuild their ruined cities. They’ll plant vineyards and drink good wine. They’ll work their gardens and eat fresh vegetables. And I’ll plant them, plant them on their own land. They’ll never again be uprooted from the land I’ve given them.” God, your God, says so.”
Amos 9:13-15 MSG
This is sooo good.