December 28, 2024


“I have PROMISED you that I AM coming with JUDGMENT and JUSTICE for the evil empire and that they will be CRUSHED, CONQUERED, and SWEPT AWAY into the dustbin of history to become a CAUTIONARY SAGA of what happens to those who OPPOSE Me and try to CONTROL you. An important aspect of My SEVERE judgment and justice is that it will bring THE FEAR OF THE LORD back over your nation. Fear of Me means that you will RIGHTLY DISCERN My TRUE CHARACTER—both My KINDNESS and My SEVERITY. The fear of the Lord will SHAKE AWAKE those still on the fence of IDOLATRY with the world and REBELLION from My ways and from STUBBORNLY REFUSING to ACKNOWLEDGE who I AM. Those who are RUDELY SHAKEN AWAKE by My MASSIVE judgments and who TURN to Me will be SURPRISED and their hearts will MELT when they receive My MERCY, BEAUTY, AND LIGHT. They will come to their senses and realize that they were believing LIES about Me, and they will GLADLY RUN to the CROSS to have their sins COVERED and CLEANSED. My Son’s love is MERCIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, and full of LIGHT, and I will POUR IT OVER THEM from an OPEN HEAVEN that has been CLEANSED by the REMOVAL of EVIL and the DAWN of the Kingdom Age RUSHING IN to LIGHT the skies and to fill hearts with HOPE, RESTORATION, and PEACE. (This morning as I took Communion, I saw the Blood of Jesus with rainbows in it—full of covenant promises.) GRATEFUL WORSHIP will ascend from a people WASHED by the Blood of Jesus and BATHED in My MERCY, BEAUTY, AND LIGHT.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Hallelujah ๐Ÿ˜Š The glory is here, there and everywhere ๐Ÿ˜Š They can't hide from the glory ๐Ÿ˜Š Our future is looking very bright ๐Ÿ˜Ž Thank God for that!

  2. During this period of cleansing , The army of light is also being cleansed . Around 4 years ago prophet Timothy Dixon saw in a dream I think was a large mirror that we were to look into to see areas in our lives that needed correction . It affected me in that way and I'm sure many others also .

    1. 11:27 commenter: Thank you for that ! Just this morning the Lord "yanked my chain" and corrected in detail with chapter and verse an "unhelpful attitude and train of thought."
      It wasn't quite on a "whoopin from the Lord" level but I so appreciate His corrections, knowing from experience they are for my Good And Protection.

    2. Regarding this period of Cleansing Comment 11:27: In Deut 23.9 there is this Advice:
      "When the host - the armies of God go forth against thine enemies,
      and you are encamped in battle array against your enemies.
      Keep away from everything impure. Avoid anything offensive.
      Guard yourself from every evil. "

    3. Guarding against evil many times is guarding against sexual lust .

  3. I could not emphasize enough how much the Blood of Jesus IS FOR REAL !!!

    1. Like one of the Lord's main men [ Bobby Conner ] would say IAM TELLING YOU the physical Blood of Jesus ran down thru the earthquake crack unto the West side of the Mercy seat over the Ark of the covenant . Listen Iam telling you this whole shedding of blood was very physical and necessary that the physical blood superseded the goat's blood sprinkled by the High Priest one a year . Blood may or may not have been taken to Heaven and that is not said by Paul in the book of Hebrews . Paul said He could not talk about this Ark location under Golgotha . Whether He knew of the Ark's location we don't know . One day it will be shown in THE HEAVENS [ the literal translation ] . It doe's not say Heaven . Iam telling you this Blood is very Real and IT HAD TO BE . I stake my many years of engineering on this FACT.

    2. Ron Wyatt [ a self made archaeologist--with a huge amount of help from Jesus ] has found the whole shebang .

    3. I AM TELLING YOU 4:11pm is the truth ! Go ahead doubters have at it .

    4. Where can we listen to Bobby Connor talk about the blood of Jesus?

    5. Are there any books on this subject?

    6. WE are not saying that the Blood of Jesus is not also supernatural but it started out as very physical out of the side of our Lord .

    7. Books and Google search---RON WYATT ."Jesus blood on the Ark of the Covenant " The Ark and the Blood " "Ark of the Covenant Found " if the Deep State has not removed this material .

    8. I didn't say Bobby Conner talked about the Blood , Only That when he makes a point he does it in a very strong way------- I 'M TELLING YOU !!!

    9. 4:41 thank you for the book references. 4:46. Ok. My bad, I read it wrong. I like Bobby Connor a lot. I follow him on you tube and listen to him on Elijah Streams.

    10. Jesus shed a lot of blood while on the cross, and I'm sure some of it probably went through the crack in the earth caused by the earthquake. I believe He also took His blood to the Mercy Seat in Heaven.

    11. 1:44. According to Ron Wyatt that’s exactly what happened. Ron discovered the dried blood of Jesus.

    12. I’m just learning about the ark of the covenant. And the mercy seat that was on top of the ark of the covenant. What is the mercy seat in Heaven? Is that the actual mercy seat from the ark of the covenant that was built?

    13. 8:41. The tabernacle and everything in it is an earthly copy of what is in heaven. Read Hebrews 9

    14. 11:22. Thank you.

  4. THANK YOU, Jesus for your BLOOD, MERCY, FAITHFULNESS, PURE LOVE, THANK YOU for what you DO Every day for US.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™.

  5. Amen... Let your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.. amen so be it. Not long now. I just saw my unsaved family running to the alter. Beautiful...

    1. What a beautiful vision God have you. ❤️❤️

    2. That reminds me of a prophetic vision reported and delivered in fear and trembling:
      "Run to the Alter or run for your lives." This is that time.

    3. "Severe judgment and justice that brings the Fear of the Lord."

    My Prayer Journal

    Come Alive!!!!!
    December 28, 2024

    For I AM So Very Excited for you My Army of Light for it will be So Out of Your Ability to process it ~All that I have planned for you! You will think in your mind~how is this possible? Can this be Real? For as the deep state has tried to tear you down by causing disaster after disaster~like a tsunami of tragedies~I AM about to Come on the Scene and Do the Exact Opposite!!! For yes I will bring exposure BUT you will see the See the Arrests that your heart has longed for! For My Victorious Right Hand is being extended into the earth realm and will Complete My Justice to All that has defiled ME and you!! For you will say in your hearts—how can I handle all these blessings for my mind is being blown away more and more each passing day! For truly the Book of Enoch is about to Come Alive!!!!

    Isaiah 41:10 “fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.”

    Book of Enoch chapter 1vs 7b-8 “And there shall be a judgment upon all (men). But with the righteous He will make peace. And will protect the elect. And mercy shall be upon them. And they shall all belong to God. And they shall be prospered. And they shall [[all]] be blessed. [[And He will help them all]], And light shall appear unto them. [[And He shall make peace with them.]]


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