December 3, 2024
ROMANS 13:12 (TPT) Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes. And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon.
“As I bring the darkness DOWN and put it UNDER YOUR FEET, A NEW DAY OF DESTINY WILL DAWN. It will be a season of LIGHT, LOVE, PEACE, JOY, CREATIVITY, and TRUE JUSTICE. It will be filled with ABUNDANCE and the FULFILLMENT of your LIFE’S PURPOSE. The DOWNFALL of the darkness is happening and NOTHING WILL STOP ITS COMPLETE COLLAPSE. A NEW DAY OF DESTINY for My Royal Priesthood will DAWN. How do you PREPARE your HEART for this COMPLETE CHANGE from dark to LIGHT? Allow My Spirit to SHOW you any areas of DARK SHADOWS in your own life so that you can bring them to the Light by CONFESSION and REPENTANCE, and WELCOMING the Light of HOLINESS to CONSUME any areas of DARK SHADOWS in your heart. Be FREE! It was for FREEDOM that Christ set you FREE. A LIGHT-FILLED LIFE is very POWERFUL in My Kingdom, and it REFLECTS My HEART to the world. Your light-filled life PIERCES the darkness, and it is a WEAPON that DEFEATS darkness. It DRAWS men to its brightness—like a LIGHTHOUSE or a CITY on a hill. Behold, A NEW DAY OF DESTINY DAWNS.
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
Full Speed Ahead and God Speed ๐ !!! Our future is looking very bright ๐
ReplyDeleteYes, LORD, Restore, Revive, Renue, Thank you for your PURE LOVE ๐
ReplyDeleteMy Prayer Journal
December 03, 2024
For today I want to make things clear to you My Army of Light. Do Not Test ME. Do not say that you love ME, go to church and then commit idolatry by seeing the movie Wicked. For in so doing you are playing the harlot~loving ME and then opening your heart to darkness! Why would you do that to our relationship? For I have said that I AM a Jealous God and I have also said that you cannot serve two masters. For the enemy is putting this temptation in front of you to draw you away from ME. Will you take the bait? Who will you choose?
Exodus 34:14 “Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”
Why is God saying this? I’m a bit confused because I know I’m not testing Him.
DeleteActually this dabbling in the underworld has gone on for far too long. A lot of Christians don't understand spiritual warfare, the demonic realm, or even believe in Satan, our number one enemy . So they don't understand how it effects our lives on a DAILY BASIS. OUR enemy is fine with their naive understanding of magic
Deletespells and nasty demonic warfare. He has them right where he wants them, we want them back into the Army of Light.
So, He is not speaking to us, the army of light?
DeleteWe need to strip away the false teaching in the Christian Church now that we have more freedom to expose some major Cabal alterations . One evil introduction to the Church was the teaching that the Kingdom of God has been delayed until 1000 years in the future ---a future Kingdom --isn't that what the Jewish Religion says ? I don't remember the title of an old book [ antiquities +] but in contained the conversation between George Washington and Lord Cornwallis . Lord Cornwallis said within 200 years your Churches will be teaching the Jews religion and not even know that they are [ exactly what has happened with this future 1000 reign lie ] Of course the book has been taken away by the cabal . The Scofield bible and the Dake bible were brought out to promote what they called a failure by Jesus not to bring in the Kingdom .We are right now in the Kingdom Age and Christ brought it . Think how stupid it sounds to have a messiah on a physical throne and the Antichrist kicks him off to take over .
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I get some "me time" away from my job that I am hoping and praying God will prosper me enough to retire from, I am going to ask Holy Spirit to look at my heart and tell me what I need to repent for and bring it to the light, because this is the way I want to live the rest of my life on this earth. Thank you, Diana, for your incredible relationship with the Father and your obedience to His voice, and for sharing with us.
DeleteComment 11:09. Don’t put it off. It will only take a few minutes to do. On your way to work, or while cooking dinner or getting ready for bed at night, plead to the Holy Spirit to show you.
Deleteat 11:09 AM" God is giving instructions on "How to PREPARE our heart for this complete change from dark to light.”
DeletePREPARE is the key. (make ready)
Comment 11:09 yes it only takes a few minutes- I heard recently about unforgiveness I had to release in order for healing to flow through me. Julie green also had a great prayer today on her rumble channel about this same thing. I felt it down in my soul. Even though I thought I had forgiven someone who hurt me it never really fully went away. But I do feel free from it today. Amen
DeleteTo comment 11:09. I encourage you to read Luke 9:57-62. The cost of following Jesus. Your comment reminded me of this paragraph and this is a word from the Lord for you.
DeleteMatthew 6:33 (ERV) What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need.
DeleteWe need to prepare for Our King BEFORE He arrives. Have a clean house to receive fully Him.
I am 11:09.
DeleteThank you for all your comments.
I wasn't putting it off.
I just don't need to be among a bunch of people who are around me all day while I am working.
What I meant is that I need a private moment, which I will not have until I get off from work TODAY.
Understood! I know it’s hard to concentrate and connect with God with so many distractions. When I have distractions around me I put some worship music on low in the background. It helps me to keep some focus on God even with people around me, until I can get to a quiet place. I desperately need that or I would go CRAZY. Then when I’m in my quiet time it doesn’t take me long to soften up to hear the Father.
DeleteSuggest to review Journal entry: November 21, 2024
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Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.
Father, THANK YOU for Your Words through Diana Larkin “A NEW DAY OF DESTINY DAWNS.”
We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.
THANK YOU for telling us, “The downfall of the darkness is happening and nothing will stop its complete collapse. A NEW DAY OF DESTINY for My Royal Priesthood will DAWN.”
“Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes. And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon.”
THANK YOU for Your instructions on “How to prepare our heart for this complete change from dark to light.”
I come before You and rest in You.
I Allow Your Spirit to show me any areas of dark shadows in my life.
I bring them to the Light by CONFESSION.
In sorrow, I REPENT.
Jesus, I come before You on my knees and solemnly repent,
“Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world,” have Mercy on me, a sinner. In Your Mercy, please baptize me with the Holy Spirit that I may cleansed to do the Will of God, our Father.
Thank You, Jesus, for setting me free. Amen.
We PROCLAIM John 1:29,33 (AMPC)
“The next day John saw Jesus coming to him and said, Look! There is the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!”
“ . . .Upon Him Whom you shall see the Spirit descend and remain, that One is “He Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.”
ABBA, THANK YOU for Your Words, “Your light-filled life pierces the darkness, and it is a weapon that defeats darkness. It draws men to its brightness—like a Lighthouse or a City on a hill.”
I WELCOME the Light of Holiness to consume any areas of dark shadows in my heart.
I graciously RECEIVE a light-filled life to reflect your heart to the world.
I RESOLVE to carry Your Light with honor by not allowing sin to take root.
ABBA, with great joy, we THANK YOU for
. . . a season of Light, Love, Peace, Joy, Creativity, and True Justice, and
. . . that it will be filled with Abundance and the Fulfillment of our Life’s Purpose.
We call upon the angels assigned to us to magnify our declaration:
“THY KINGDOM COME, on earth as it is in Heaven!”
In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!
Father God, we give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise. We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.
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Illumination Angels, DELIVER Light Beams.
EXPOSE the darkness! GO FORTH, NOW!
* * * * * * *
Thank you prayer poet and also for your suggestion regarding journal entry November 21. I’m going back to reprint that to attach to this. You are helping me so much prayer poet❤️❤️
DeleteAmen and amen! Thank you Father for your words through Diana and the beautiful prayer composed by prayer poet.
ReplyDeleteWe rule and reign with Jesus---now !
ReplyDeleteI so love you Father and am so grateful!