JOURNAL ENTRIES for Video: HOPE FOR THE NEW YEAR - December 30, 2024


1.    December 23, 2024


“The enemy HATES this time of year when My Son is CELEBRATED and LIFTED HIGH as a Light of HOPE for the world. What is a TACTIC that the enemy uses every year to STEAL the JOY out of the season? He sends SICKNESS into families. DON’T RECEIVE IT! Don’t say to yourself, ‘Well, sickness always comes around in this time of changing seasons.’ I want you to WAKE UP and REALIZE this is a PLANNED TACTIC of the enemy—it’s NOT JUST ‘HAPPENING.’ Therefore, DO NOT RECEIVE SICKNESS in yourself, your family, or your friends. Put up a RESISTANCE and REFUSE to RECEIVE the enemy’s DEVICES to SPOIL this time of celebration. Do you feel SYMPTOMS coming on? Do you see someone else showing SIGNS of developing sickness? REFUSE to RECEIVE the SYMPTOMS and REFUSE the SICKNESS. PUSH IT BACK, PUSH IT BACK, PUSH IT BACK out of your body and do this for others as well. PUSH IT BACK out of your body and BIND to yourself HEALING and DIVINE HEALTH that came from your Savior’s SUFFERING, DEATH, and RESURRECTION. Declare that the POWER of the BLOOD is STRONGER than any sickness and REFUSE the enemy’s TACTIC to bring you or your loved ones down. Keep PUSHING IT BACK until the symptoms LEAVE and then REJOICE and GIVE THANKS to a Savior who HEALS and has given you WHOLENESS in the Blood Covenant. No more PUTTING UP WITH SICKNESS—PUSH IT BACK!”


December 23, 2022


“I have dispatched COVERING ANGELS over your homes during this season to PROTECT you, to DEFEND you, and to PRESERVE the PEACE I have released to you. It is My PEACE that will CRUSH Satan under your feet (Romans 16:20). The CELEBRATION of My Son coming to the earth as the LIGHT of the world and your DETERMINATION to stay in My PEACE are your WEAPONS of warfare right now. EMBRACE this gift of CELEBRATION and PEACE because you are DESTROYING the works of darkness with your JOY and your HOPE in Me. This is a very STRATEGIC and IMPORTANT part of the battle of the LIGHT over the darkness and that is why I have released My Host to DEFEND, PROTECT, and PRESERVE your HEART and your HOME. I know that you have not seen the FULFILLMENT of all I have promised you for your Nation, but I say to you, ‘LET FAITH ARISE!’ I AM a God who keeps His PROMISES. Meanwhile, I have GIFTED you this season of LIGHT and PEACE to REFRESH your heart and to LAVISH My love on you. The BONUS is that while you are being refreshed and loved, it will serve to DEMOLISH enemy strongholds and to COLLAPSE their plans of destruction. Welcome My COVERING ANGELS and REJOICE in Me.”

3.    December 24, 2024 (PHOTO)


“CELEBRATE the Son of God who came to LIVE FOR YOU, to SUFFER FOR YOU, and to DIE FOR YOU. He was BORN to BRING HOPE to a HOPELESS WORLD. He was BORN to BRING HEALING and LIGHT to a SICK and DARKENED WORLD. He came to die your death, and He rose again so that you could LIVE FOREVER. He TOOK your SIN so that you could be declared INNOCENT and so that you could come HOME to the Father’s HEART. My Son did all this because He wanted to RESTORE you to My HEART. I LONGED for you to be with Me again, and Jesus MADE A WAY WHERE THERE WAS NO WAY for you to be declared INNOCENT and FORGIVEN. HE DID IT ALL FOR LOVE—LOVE for Me and LOVE for you. CELEBRATE, BE THANKFUL, and FULL of AWE and WONDER at SO GREAT A SALVATION COME TO THE WORLD.”


December 24, 2023


“You are entering a season of THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. This is My GIFT and My PROMISE to you today—just as I AM coming to DELIVER you from your enemies, so just as surely I AM coming to RESTORE ALL THINGS in your life that have been STOLEN, LOST, BROKEN, or DAMAGED. This includes a RESTORATION of RELATIONSHIPS, WEALTH, HEALTH, DESTINIES, FREEDOM, and RIGHTEOUS RULERS across all seven mountains of society. I will RESTORE UNTIL YOU CAN HOLD NO MORE! Your FAITHFULNESS, your PERSEVERANCE, and your HOPE will be REWARDED and GREATLY VINDICATED. Everyone will know that you are Mine because you are so HIGHLY FAVORED. Do you want PROOF of My PROMISES? Meditate on the MIRACULOUS BIRTH of My Son in a humble stable and realize that through His SURRENDERED will to Me, the world became BEFORE JESUS and AFTER JESUS. He gave the GIFT of ETERNAL SALVATION to the world, and He USHERED in the KINGDOM ERA. You are living in the day when My KINGDOM as it is in Heaven is being ESTABLISHED on the earth. Jesus is PROOF I can CHANGE a human heart from DARK to LIGHT, and now you are helping USHER IN My KINGDOM of LIGHT on the earth, as it VIOLENTLY pushes out the darkness. This will pave the way for THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. Be JOYFUL, GIVE THANKS, and CELEBRATE as you look for THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS.”

5.    December 25, 2024 (photo)

A BRILLIANT, DAWNING LIGHT—my verse for the new year of 2025!

2 CORINTHIANS 4:6 (TPT) “For God, who said, ‘Let brilliant light shine out of darkness,’ is the One who has cascaded His light into us—the brilliant, dawning light of the glorious knowledge of God as we gaze into the face of Jesus Christ.”


6.    December 26, 2024


“Don’t be AFRAID to HOPE FOR YOUR NEW YEAR. Leave the past BEHIND with its INTENSE STRUGGLES and UNRELENTING WARFARE. I want you to KNOW in the DEPTHS of your being that the SLOW and ARDUOUS BUILD-UP to VICTORY is NEARLY OVER, and I want you to SEE that the FIRST RAYS of the NEW DAWN are SPLITTING the DARK STORM CLOUDS. The WINDS of CHANGE are PICKING UP, and you will see the storm clouds NO MORE. HOPE FOR THE NEW YEAR includes an OPEN HEAVEN that has been created by the FIERCE BATTLES that have been fought by the Forces of Light. Your FAITH, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS have EMPOWERED the Host to their FULL FIGHTING STRENGTH. The Forces of Light have now attained AIR SUPERIORITY, and the heavens are being CLEARED of demonic STRONGHOLDS and demon FORCES. The atmosphere has SHIFTED as these dark forces are OVERCOME by FAITH, PERSISTENCE, and POWER, and you will BREATHE FREER AIR and you will see My GLORY FALL. An OPEN HEAVEN will result in many LONG-AWAITED ANSWERED PRAYERS, HEALINGS will MANIFEST, TERRITORIES will be TAKEN BACK, and VICTORY AFTER VICTORY will be seen. Come to My SAFE ARMS and We will pour over you with HEALING, LOVE, and COMFORT to WASH AWAY all the HOPE DEFERRED. You will ARISE with PEACE, STRENGTH, LIGHT, and HOPE FOR THE NEW YEAR RESTORED. BREATH in the WINDS OF CHANGE and be REVIVED—HOPE AGAIN!”


 December 26, 2022


“Your FAITH is a STEEL-EDGED WEAPON that DESTROYS lies and doubts, and it WHACKS off the heads of GIANTS. This is why I have told you to PROTECT and GUARD your FAITH—it is one of your most POWERFUL WEAPONS. This is why the enemy works so hard to DISCOURAGE you and to get you to believe it’s taking TOO LONG for My PROMISES to be FULFILLED. If he can get you to DOUBT My FAITHFULNESS, then he can DAMAGE and WEAKEN your FAITH. If you are having major trouble BELIEVING in My PROMISES because they seem to you to be DELAYED, this is a sign to you that you should be asking My Spirit to SEARCH your HEART for UNHEALED DISAPPOINTMENTS and BITTERNESS because they are FAITH-KILLERS. I’m NOT angry with you—I AM inviting you to seek Me for My PERSPECTIVE on your DISAPPOINTMENTS and to receive My Spirit’s COMFORT and the BLOOD of My Son to HEAL those areas. Then get rid of all BITTERNESS that you are holding onto where people have failed you. You may need to FORGIVE ME because the enemy has TRICKED you with LIES about something that happened to you or something that did not come to pass as you thought it should. When you allow Me to CLEANSE and HEAL your HEART, you will find your SPIRITUAL EYES are OPENED UP, and you will see what I AM doing, and you will BELIEVE My PROMISES. Your STEEL-EDGED WEAPON OF FAITH will SLASH your way through OPPOSITION and bring you to GREAT VICTORY.”

8.    December 27, 2024


“There are many plots being launched to PREVENT the inauguration of President Trump. These schemes WILL NOT PREVENT My CHOSEN and ANOINTED leader from taking his RIGHTFUL place in the RESTORATION of your Republic. In fact, these plots will end up BACKFIRING on the schemers who will be EXPOSED and REMOVED from their places of leadership. I AM calling you to PARTNER with Me in CLEARING the PATHWAY to the PRESIDENCY for DJT. Release Host who will CIRCUMVENT (go around) the plots and schemes of the darkness. Release EXPOSING Host who will HIGHLIGHT plans made in SECRET to cause CHAOS and DESTRUCTION. Commission these Host to not only HIGHLIGHT the dark plans but to also HIGHLIGHT the MAKERS of these schemes. Release Host to DEMOLISH, BREAK APART, and DESTROY all enemy OPPOSITION to My plans of RESCUE, REDEMPTION, and RESTORATION. Understand that My Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom and My Mighty Host are MUCH MORE POWERFUL than the LIARS and CHEATERS. Together, we will CIRCUMVENT, HIGHLIGHT, and DEMOLISH the enemy opposition. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT I HAVE SET IN MOTION.”

9.    December 28, 2024


“I have PROMISED you that I AM coming with JUDGMENT and JUSTICE for the evil empire and that they will be CRUSHED, CONQUERED, and SWEPT AWAY into the dustbin of history to become a CAUTIONARY SAGA of what happens to those who OPPOSE Me and try to CONTROL you. An important aspect of My SEVERE judgment and justice is that it will bring THE FEAR OF THE LORD back over your nation. Fear of Me means that you will RIGHTLY DISCERN My TRUE CHARACTER—both My KINDNESS and My SEVERITY. The fear of the Lord will SHAKE AWAKE those still on the fence of IDOLATRY with the world and REBELLION from My ways and from STUBBORNLY REFUSING to ACKNOWLEDGE who I AM. Those who are RUDELY SHAKEN AWAKE by My MASSIVE judgments and who TURN to Me will be SURPRISED and their hearts will MELT when they receive My MERCY, BEAUTY, AND LIGHT. They will come to their senses and realize that they were believing LIES about Me, and they will GLADLY RUN to the CROSS to have their sins COVERED and CLEANSED. My Son’s love is MERCIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, and full of LIGHT, and I will POUR IT OVER THEM from an OPEN HEAVEN that has been CLEANSED by the REMOVAL of EVIL and the DAWN of the Kingdom Age RUSHING IN to LIGHT the skies and to fill hearts with HOPE, RESTORATION, and PEACE. (This morning as I took Communion, I saw the Blood of Jesus with rainbows in it—full of covenant promises.) GRATEFUL WORSHIP will ascend from a people WASHED by the Blood of Jesus and BATHED in My MERCY, BEAUTY, AND LIGHT.”

10.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 December 28, 2022


“The darkness has a last-ditch EVIL PLAN of great destruction that they believe will bring the world under their CONTROL. I have a DIFFERENT PLAN! Get ready to hear THE SOUNDS OF HEAVEN, as I activate My Host, My Army of Light, and My strong right arm. What are these SOUNDS OF HEAVEN? You are going to hear the sounds that SHAKING, RATTLING, and ROLLING produce. I AM going to SHAKE every evil throne those partnered with darkness have OCCUPIED, and you will hear them come CRASHING DOWN. Oh, that sound of RATTLING you hear is Me UNLOCKING every HIDDEN SECRET contained in laptops, secret recordings, and hidden underground stashes. When Heaven’s Army touches the earth in GREAT POWER, you will hear THE SOUND of ROLLING earthquakes as the earth responds to Heaven’s power. When you hear THE SOUNDS OF HEAVEN, you will know that My RESCUE OPERATION has come to the earth. Remember, I AM your SHELTER and your STRONG TOWER, and My ARMS OF LOVE are wrapped around you.”

11.                   December 29, 2024


“I AM announcing to you that the KING OF GLORY IS AT THE GATES.” PSALM 24: 9, 10 (TPT) ‘So wake up you living gateways and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here He comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. You ask, who is this King of Glory? He is the Lord of victory, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible Commander of Heaven’s Host! Yes, He is the King of Glory!’ “COMMAND GATES and DOORS to OPEN before the AGELESS and ALL-POWERFUL KING! First, command the GATES of YOUR OWN HEART to OPEN and ALLOW Me ACCESS to every area of your life. I will bring My GLORY and My VICTORY into every area of STRUGGLE and SHAME. I will FIGHT for you until every area of your heart and life REFLECT the KINGDOM and bring forth HARMONIOUS LIFE and FRUIT. Now, COMMAND the GATES and DOORS of every MOUNTAIN of society to OPEN before the King of Glory. DECLARE: we WELCOME You to ENTER every GATE and DOOR to FIGHT until the VICTORY is WON, and to ESTABLISH Your KINGDOM RULE and REIIGN through Your Sons and Daughters of Light. All of 2024 has been a PREPARATION for this announcement: THE KING OF GLORY IS HERE! FLING WIDE EVERY GATE AND DOOR, and you will see VICTORY AFTER VICTORY. Let the REJOICING BEGIN!”

12.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

December 30, 2023


“I AM visiting the earth with a season where I will DISPLAY My GLORY FIRE, WIND, AND COLD. My FIRE will act as a PLUMB-LINE of righteousness, My WINDS will EXPOSE evil, and My COLD will FREEZE ASSETS and HIDING PLACES of the darkness. My FIRE is a SPIRITUAL BURNING that will RESET a STANDARD of My RIGHTEOUSNESS in the earth again. No more calling GOOD evil and EVIL good. STUBBORN WILLS, PRIDEFUL THINKING, and SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS will be BURNED by My FIRE. If REPENTANCE does not come, My FIRE WILL CONSUME them. My Spirit WINDS will come to EXPOSE HIDDEN SIN, GREED, and PERVERSION . My WINDS will EXPOSE everything that has been keep SECRET and that has DEFILED My Church and the world. My COLD will be seen in the natural as unusually LOW TEMPERATURES. Some of these places that COLD will descend upon are HIDDEN UNDERGROUND HIDEOUTS of the evil, and I AM going to SURPRISE them by FREEZING THEIR ACCESS to these places. My COLD will bring layers of THICK ICE that CANNOT be PENETRATED. I will also FREEZE the ASSETS of the wicked and of those who HELPED and ENABLED their DARK SCHEMES for their own SELFISH GAIN. Their money supply will be FROZEN SHUT, and they will find themselves OUT IN THE COLD. I will DIVERT these FROZEN assets to My people so that they have an ABUNDANCE to meet their needs and to SHARE with others. My GLORY FIRE, WIND, AND COLD will SWEEP AWAY UNCLEANNESS, DECEPTION, and THEFT. This will CLEAR THE WAY for a GREATER measure of My GLORY being released as SALVATION, HEALING, and RESTORATION.”

EZEKIEL 28:22 (TPT) “with these words: Lord YAHWEH says to you: Behold, I am against you, Sidon; I will manifest My glory in you when I bring My judgment upon you! Everyone will see My display of holiness and they will know that I am YAHWEH!”

13.                   December 30, 2024


“As we look back over 2024, I have many COMMENDATIONS to give to My Army of Light. You have done SO WELL! You have HELD THE LINE of FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS in spite of SETBACKS and continued CHALLENGES in your personal life and in your national life. You have come to believe that SETBACKS are SET-UPS to VICTORY and that CHALLENGES position you for more Angelic ASSISTANCE and an UPGRADE in GIANT-SLAYING POWER. The fact that you are still in the battle with Me, BELIEVING My PROMISES of BREAKTHROUGH and VICTORY, THRILLS My heart, and I want to hand out COMMENDATIONS and PROMOTIONS to My FAITH-FILLED, FAITHFUL Army of Light. I want to COMMEND Patty, Ash, Callie, Scott, Brett, Janice, Janet, Amy, Debra, Alicia, LaKiesha, Joann, Prayer Poet, John, Brian, Eliana, Aaron, and (insert your name!). Receive My THANKS and My STRENGTH to FINISH your assignments and ask Holy Spirit to PREPARE you for your coming PROMOTION. Not only will you be PROMOTED, you will also be REWARDED. I AM a faithful God, and I HONOR your FAITHFULNESS.”

14.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

December 26, 2023


“You are on the PRECIPICE of a season of GREAT CHANGE. As the darkness and the Light CLASH in the days ahead, remember that you have been TRAINED for this day, and together we will fight VALIANTLY and we will TRIUMPH. It will be important for you to DRAW AWAY into My PRESENCE. Feel My hand on your shoulder IMPARTING STRENGTH to you. BREATHE IN MY PRESENCE, and you will be QUIETED in My LOVE and be RENEWED by the BREATH of My Spirit. When you BREATHE IN MY PRESENCE, you are breathing in the Spirit of LIFE, REFRESHING, RENEWAL, STRENGTHENING, and My DEEP and ABIDING PEACE. BREATHING IN MY PRESENCE will EQUIP you to FIGHT another day, to BELIEVE in the promised VICTORY, and to SEE the FUTURE through My eyes. I AM the future, and those who DWELL in Me will walk into the GOLDEN PROMISES that will fall on your life as FAITHFUL FOLLOWERS of Me. I will CARRY you when you are WEAK and TIRED, and I will FILL you with My LIFE and STRENGTH, as you BREATHE IN MY PRESENCE.”

ZEPHANIAH 3:17 (NKJV) “The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”






  1. No sickness---No bird flu either . Bird flu you just fly away---The Blood of Jesus says so !


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