December 3, 2024


1.    November 26, 2024


“What do I mean when I say in My Word (Acts 3:21) the PROMISE of a season of THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS? Does ALL THINGS really mean ALL THINGS? I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. You can EXPECT and join Me in CALLING FORTH THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. ALL THINGS!!! This means RESTORATION in your HEALTH. I AM REVERSING the CURSE of every DEATH AGENDA of Big Pharma. I AM RELEASING your bodies and your minds from the EFFECTS of drugs that were PURPOSEFULLY mixed with DEADLY SIDE EFFECTS. I AM RESTORING your AIR, your WATER, and your LAND so that they SUPPORT HEALTH and LONG LIFE instead of SHORTENING LIFESPANS. I AM RESTORING the CHURCH that has been COMPROMISED with FALSE doctrines regarding the SUPERNATURAL and the END TIMES teachings. These false doctrines have STRIPPED My Body of its POWER, its PURPOSE, and My PRESENCE. I will have a GLORIOUS Church that RULES and REIGNS with Me. I will RESTORE PROSPERITY, CREATIVITY, and INVENTIONS and CURES that have been withheld. I will RESTORE FAMILIES, RELATIONSHIPS, and those caught in the LIES and CONFUSION of gender identity and orientation. I will RESTORE the PURITY and POWER of the GOOD NEWS, the Gospel of My Son and many will come RUNNING into the Kingdom. I will RESTORE TRUE JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS as the FOUNDATION of your Nation. Say goodbye to LAW-FARE, BRIBES, CORRUPTION, and BLACKMAIL. Schools will be CLEANSED of FALSE IDEOLOGIES and FAKE HISTORY. I will RESTORE your true history and learning will be based in the FEAR of the LORD because that is the source of true WISDOM. This is what you have been FIGHTING for and this will be your GREAT REWARD—THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS.”


 November 26, 2022


“There has been a lot of speculation about a COMING TIME OF DARKNESS. I AM calling it A TIME OF DARKNESS because it will be a time of INTENSE EXPOSURE of those partnered with darkness and all of their evil DEEDS and PLANS. Looking directly at the UNCOVERING of such GROSS EVIL will cause A SHORT TIME OF DARKNESS, as people PROCESS with fear and trembling at how DECEIVED they were and at how CLOSE they came to LOSING their Nation and their FREEDOM. It will be a short time of CANCELING out the voices that are SPREADING LIES and DISINFORMATION so that people only hear the TRUTH that I AM revealing. There is no need to fear this SHORT TIME OF DARKNESS because I AM using it to AWAKEN the sleepers and to bring the TRUTH about who is serving DARKNESS and who is serving LIGHT. You’ll be SAFE, you’ll be KEPT in Me; and your job will be to HELP the startled-awake to PROCESS the EXPOSED DARKNESS and to SHOW them My PLANS for JUDGMENT, JUSTICE, and a PROMISED RESTORATION. A SHORT TIME OF DARKNESS will YIELD an amazing season of LIGHT, GROWTH, and FREEDOM.”

3.    November 27, 2024


Definition: a brilliant or heroic act

“I AM about to do EXPLOITS in the heavens, on the earth, and under the earth. My powerful right arm will move in STUNNING WAYS, and the people of the earth will be STUNNED, and principalities, powers, and rulers of the dark realm will be SHAKEN DOWN and their thrones DEMOLISHED. I AM doing EXPLOITS in response to the PRAYERS and FAITH of My Remnant and to prepare the way for the KINGDOM AGE to EXPAND and FILL the whole earth. (DANIEL 2:35) My Light is about to move in and ECLIPSE the darkness that has DEFILED My earth. I AM wielding My FLAMING SWORD against your adversaries in both the heavenly and the earthly realms, and NONE will be left standing. My EXPLOITS will cause SHOCK and AWE and no one will be able to DENY My POWER. I will become more than words on a page, as I show up with My EXPLOITS to RESCUE you from your DEFILING and HATEFUL enemy. As you follow My Spirit’s leading, you will also do EXPLOITS in SPIRITUAL WARFARE and in DEEDS of LOVE towards others. We will SHINE together as the HOPE of a dark time, and our EXPLOITS will SNATCH the world out of the GREEDY, GRASPING hands of the wicked and RESTORE it to My ORIGINAL DESIGN. It is a season of EXPLOITS, FREEDOM, and NEW LIFE.”

DANIEL 11:32 (NKJV) “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”

4.    November 28, 2024


“Since I AM the SOURCE of all LIFE, when you SURRENDER your life to Me through My Son, EVERYTHING IN YOU COMES ALIVE IN ME. True JOY, deep SATISFACTION, HEALING, RESTORATION, and FULFILLMENT all come ALIVE IN ME. When I give LIFE, I add NO SORROW to it—only BLESSING. Seeking these things in your OWN STRENGTH never works because they are meant to FLOW FROM My PURE STREAM of LIFE into you. When you try to live life without Me, it is REBELLION from the One who MADE you, and SIN always opens the door to SELFISHNESS, GREED, and ADDICTION. Don’t SUBSTITUTE these COUNTERFEITS for REAL LIFE in Me. I only have GOOD THINGS for you, so TRUST Me with it ALL because EVERYTHING COMES ALIVE IN ME.”

Everything Comes Alive, lyrics by Jonathan Clarke

Broken hearts mended and minds reinvented, whatever You breathe on is coming alive.

God you restore us, put glory before us, whatever You love on is coming alive.

Everything comes alive in You, You make us, You make us new.

5.    November 29, 2024


“2025 will be marked by EXPLOSIVE CHANGES. These changes will bring greater and greater levels of FREEDOM to you and your Nation. These MASSIVE SHAKE-UPS and CHANGES will RIPPLE OUT into the rest of the world. It is your ASSIGNMENT, Army of Light, to help DRIVE Heaven’s AGENDA of FREEDOM and VICTORY into its FULFILLMENT. I will supply the needed emotional and spiritual STRENGTH to see you through this war of dark to Light. You have many Hosts and Angels who have been sent to FIGHT with you and for you. Seek My Spirit to show you HOW TO WORK with the Armies of Heaven and how to use your Blood-bought AUTHORITY to ENFORCE Heaven’s VICTORY. This means declaring that ALL evil OPPOSITION and DEATH THREATS would be CANCELED against President Trump and those around him. Declare that President Trump would be put in place as the leader who will SET THE COURSE for GREAT FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE. This will also be a year of supernatural FAVOR for My Sons and Daughters, and you will THRIVE FINANCIALLY, RELATIONALLY, and SPIRITUALLY. Even as the systems of this world SHAKE and come down, you will experience FAVOR and GROWTH DIRECTLY FROM MY HAND. Heaven’s WEALTH is UNLIMITED, and you will KNOW I AM truly your PROVIDER. TRUTH and LOVE will partner in UNCOVERING and EXPOSING those partnered with darkness, and your RELATIONSHIPS will be RESTORED as people realize that you were SEEING and SHARING TRUTH. They will be SHOCKED at how DECEIVED and BLIND they were, and they will come HUMBLY to you for WISDOM and HELP. SPIRITUALLY you will be drawn DEEPER into My heart, and you will truly KNOW My LOVE and POWER, and you will REJOICE at our growing INTIMACY and PARTNERSHIP. 2025 will be a year that you ARRIVE at the FULFILLMENT of so many of My PROMISES. But know that even as you ARRIVE at promises of VICTORY, HEALING, and FREEDOM in your lives and your nation that it is just the BEGINNING. MORE is in store for the years following 2025: A YEAR TO DRIVE, THRIVE, AND ARRIVE.”

6.    November 30, 2024


PROVERBS 28:1 (NASB) The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are bold as a lion.

“Rise up, My Army of Light, My RIGHTEOUS ones covered by the BLOOD of the Lamb, and be AS BOLD AS LIONS! Do you not SEE that the WICKED are FLEEING the country even though no one is PURSUING them at this time? Have you not HEARD all the HASTY and STAMMERING WITHDRAWALS of UNJUST WITCH HUNTS and LAW FARE? Do you NOTICE how QUIET some of the most vocal LIARS have become? The darkness has felt the ATMOSPHERE CHANGE since the election. They see that JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS are ROLLING in like a THUNDEROUS TSUNAMI WAVE, and they are FLEEING even before anyone PURSUES them. Did you FEEL the atmosphere SHIFT from dark to Light? Realize that your enemies are FLEEING right and left and that it is now time for you to be BOLD AS A LION and PURSUE the darkness until it has been COMPLETELY CONQUERED and CLEANSED from the Land. Send out ROARS of AUTHORITY marking the territory for the Light. CONSUME and DRIVE OUT the darkness with BOLD TRUTH and HEARTFELT WORSHIP. You have been given the BATTLE ADVANTAGE. Now, PRESS IN and DRIVE the enemy from the nation. Remember that the darkness will not ESCAPE their JUDGMENT DAY. It will FIND them no matter HOW DEEP or HOW SECURE they think their HIDING PLACE is. BE BOLD AS LIONS, My Army of Light!”


 November 30, 2022


“Tomorrow begins a new month for you. A month that you have chosen to CELEBRATE the LIGHT OF THE WORLD coming to the earth. His coming CHANGED the course of history, and it CHANGED your life. When you SURRENDERED your life to Jesus and accepted His SACRIFICE for your sins, you TURNED THE PAGE and began a NEW LIFE. Such a SEASON is now upon your Nation. It is time for your Land to TURN THE PAGE and to be brought BACK TO LIFE, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Keep in mind that when Jesus came to earth, there was a DEATH before the RESURRECTION could happen. The MESS your Nation is in due to EVIL LEADERS and BLINDED eyes and STOPPED-UP ears of the people, seems BEYOND REPAIR. But God! I have promised a MIRACULOUS RESURRECTION for your Nation, and so it shall be brought BACK TO LIFE, FREEDOM, and ABUNDANCE. Your enemies will lay on the ground, TRAMPLED by your feet of VICTORY. Tomorrow I want you to TURN THE PAGE and begin declaring, ‘This is a season of NEW LIFE and LIGHT for my Nation!’ Let the NEW STORY begin for your Land.”

8.    December 1, 2024


Plumb line=a plumb line is a cord with a lead weight used by builders to be sure that walls are straight up and down.

ISAIAH 28:17 (NLT) I will test you with the measuring line of justice and the plumb line of righteousness. Since your refuge is made of lies, a hail storm will knock it down. Since it is made of deception, a flood will sweep it away.

“I have dropped a PLUMB LINE into every nation and into every mountain of influence. Everything that ALIGNS with My JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS will be PRESERVED and STRENGTHENED. What does NOT ALIGN with My PLUMB LINE and what INSISTS on continuing in CROOKED and LYING ways will be KNOCKED DOWN and SWEPT AWAY. Those whose PLUMB LINE is DARKNESS, GREED, and PERVERSION will be SWEPT AWAY in the FLOOD of EXPOSURES. Their EVIL PLATFORMS, their GATEKEEPERS of CORRUPTION, their UNRIGHTEOUS LAWS and TYRANNY will be KNOCKED DOWN and TRAMPLED under the feet of the Forces of Light. TRUE justice and righteousness will be established after My PLUMB LINE has dropped. The evil arrogant ones thought no one could hold them ACCOUNTABLE, but they did not know the POWER of My PLUMB LINE of JUDGMENT nor the POWER of My LIGHT that My Remnant is SHINING into the darkness. My PLUMB LINE of JUDGMENT will now do its work of ALIGNING nations and leaders with My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. Let My KINGDOM COME and My WILL be DONE on the earth as it is in Heaven.”


December 1, 2023


“I AM coming after your ENEMIES HOT AND HEAVY. Their carefully planned speeches filled with LIES and DECEIT will NOT have the effect they have always had in HOODWINKING the people. Instead of being received, their speeches will only get them into HOT WATER, as I UNCOVER the TRUTH they are trying to KEEP HIDDEN with their lies. Your enemy is used to BRINGING THE HEAT of THREATS, INTIMIDATION, and FEAR to make the people COWER and be COMPLIANT. I AM bringing My FIRE to BURN UP every new PLOT they try to launch. Your continued PUSHBACK on the darkness and your REFUSAL to BOW to their schemes has OPENED PORTALS for Me to LAUNCH FIRE MISSILES to EXPLODE and to BURN UP their evil plans. Your PRAYERS EMPOWER My Host to become the RODS OF GOD. The arrogant elite who thought they could use the HEAVY HAND of the LAW to DEFAME and DEFEAT those standing for righteousness, are about to FEEL the HEAVY BLOW of My HAMMER of JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. I don’t just make an ATTEMPT to STOP injustice; oh, no, I AM going to ANNIHILATE it with the BLOW of My HAMMER of JUSTICE. My HEAVY HAMMER will EXPOSE all their CROOKEDNESS and EVIL, and they will find themselves being the ones on TRIAL for BRIBERY, CORRUPTION, PERVERSION, and TREASON. Keep in your RANKS, Army of Light! Do not allow PETTY DIVISIONS or DISTRACTIONS to cause you to FALL OUT of your place in the BATTLE. CALL IN this season of My GREAT RESCUE, and watch Me come in HOT AND HEAVY!”

10.                   December 2, 2024


“The darkness has RULED for many years as the Church became INGROWN, POWERLESS, and APATHETIC to the places I planted them to be SALT and LIGHT. THAT IS ALL CHANGING! My Remnant responded to My call to AWAKEN, to DRAW NEAR to My heart, and to FIGHT for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE to be restored. I AM now responding to your cries for EXPOSURE of those partnered with darkness, for an END to their DEATH AGENDAS against you, and for true JUSTICE and FREEDOM to be RESTORED. My great Rescue Operation will be COMPLETED, and you will SEE ALL your PRAYERS ANSWERED. You will be like those who have DREAMED of promises FULFILLED and then AWAKEN to find it is a REALITY. SUDDENLY and OVERWHELMINGLY the Light of My GLORY will FLOOD the darkness, and EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE WILL BE CHANGED. You have learned to TRUST My PROMISES and My HEART towards you. This will carry you SAFELY, SECURELY, and with NO WAVERING of FAITH to the day of SHINING VICTORY. Let your CONFIDENCE be in My promises and DECLARE with Me that EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE WILL BE CHANGED.”

11.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 December 2, 2022


“This EPIC WAR that you are fighting for the LIFE of your Nation and for your FREEDOM has been a HIDDEN war. The battles are not out in the OPEN with troops and tanks, but it has been a war FOUGHT IN THE SHADOWS of HIDDEN meetings where arrogant, evil people planned your DESTRUCTION. The BATTLEFIELD has been the MINDS and HEARTS of a people. Who will they BELIEVE? Who will they SERVE? In the SHADOWS, LIES were concocted to FEED the people through the LYING media and the CORRUPT leaders that had TAKEN OVER CONTROL of all areas of your society. I AWAKENED My Remnant to what was happening in the SHADOWS, and I showed them how your FREEDOMS were slowly being CHOKED OUT and STOLEN. You, My Remnant, have GROWN to be My Army of Light, and by FAITH, you have joined Me on the battlefield fighting this HIDDEN, ENCROACHING enemy. You have fought by My side despite others’ DISBELIEF and the enemy’s MOCKING VOICE taunting you to GIVE UP and to not BELIEVE Me. This has been the most DIFFICULT season of your life with CONTINUAL BATTLES and with very little VISIBLE results. You have CONTINUED to TRUST Me and to place your HOPE in My PROMISES—it has not been easy, but it has resulted in you becoming a DANGEROUS WEAPON against the darkness and a TRUE Son or Daughter of My heart. Your FAITH, your PERSEVERANCE, your COURAGE are going to be REWARDED by a SOARING VICTORY! It is going to be a CELEBRATION of your FAITH, My POWER to DELIVER, and GREAT REWARDS to My faithful ones. It will all be worth it when you experience My SOARING VICTORY!”

Diana Larkin

A Watchman’s Journal


  1. Thank you, Diana and team, for all your work. I really appreciate the Journal Nuggets, showing how far we have come and how Father continues to give us encouragement. I've learned so much and I never get tired of hearing Father's Words. Thank you so much,!

  2. Yes I agree praise the Lord!!

  3. re: Journal Nugget (12/1/23):
    “Hot and Heavy”

    Jer. 23: 29
    Is not MY Word like as a Fire ? Saith THE LORD:
    and like a Hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces ?

    Yes and Amen !!!


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