1.    December 17, 2024


“The evil empire has been using MIND CONTROL for years to DUMB DOWN the population in order to make it easy for them to CONTROL the people. The darkness CONJURED up a MESMERIZING SPIRIT (mesmerizing: spellbinding, hypnotic, attracting and holding interest as if by a spell), and it was released into the atmosphere over the nations. My Church was called to be a LIGHT of TRUTH to the nations but her LIGHT became COMPROMISED and, in many cases HIDDEN. This VACUUM of the Church’s LIGHT in society gave ROOM for the MESMERIZING SPIRIT to come in and begin to RULE the atmosphere with MIND CONTROL. This MIND CONTROL has been so effective that GOOD is now called EVIL and EVIL is called GOOD. Many people are not even aware that we are in a WAR that will determine if the nations go into DARKNESS and TYRANNY or into the LIGHT of FREEDOM and JUSTICE. It is this MESMERIZING SPIRIT that convinces people to eat ALTERED FOOD that sickens their bodies, to take medicines that cause DESTRUCTIVE side effects, and to buy into CONTROL and LOSS of FREEDOM because of the FEAR that is released through the evil schemes set in motion by the darkness. It is this MESMERIZING SPIRIT that keeps people from being able to HEAR the TRUTH when you share it with them. It serves to LOCK their minds in a PRISON to FALSE NARRATIVES and to BELIEVING in a MANUFACTURED REALITY. As My Army of Light, My Remnant, has grown in POWER and AUTHORITY by partnering with Me and fighting for TRUTH and JUSTICE, the SMOKE and MIRRORS of the MESMERIZING MIND CONTROL has been PIERCED by My LIGHT shining through you. The DAM of MIND CONTROL is greatly WEAKENED and about to BURST as the world is SHAKEN AWAKE by the battle between dark and Light coming OUT INTO THE OPEN. As the last FOG of the MIND CONTROLLING, MESMERIZING SPIRIT is BLOWN AWAY, people will come to their SENSES and begin to SEE CLEARLY. Call in more WINDS OF CHANGE HOSTS to BLOW AWAY the MESMERIZING SPIRIT. Join them in releasing the BREATH of YAHWEH against this atmosphere of MIND CONTROL. Call in the FRESH AIR of FREEDOM and JUSTICE to DISPLACE the MESMERIZING SPIRIT. Watch as a FLOOD of EXPOSURES of evil are released, and the world AWAKENS and EMBRACES TRUTH and FREEDOM and welcomes in JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Say goodbye to MIND CONTROL and welcome in FREEDOM and LIGHT.” 

2.    December 18, 2024 (photo)


COLOSSIANS 4:12b (TPT) “His prayers are filled with requests to God that you would grow and mature, standing complete and perfect in the beauty of God’s plan for your lives.”

“Did you know that I planned for you to have a LIFE that REFLECTS My BEAUTY? You were made in My BEAUTIFUL image but because you live in a FALLEN world, ALL FALL SHORT of My GLORY and My BEAUTY. The enemy rejoiced when he CONVINCED man to SIN because it MARRED My ORIGINAL DESIGN of BEAUTY for you. But I AM a REDEMPTIVE God, and My Son’s Blood delivered you out of the darkness and into the LIGHT. Your spirit is ALIVE, CLEAN, and GROWING but your soul must be TRANSFORMED and your body HEALED from the EFFECTS of SIN. There are STRUGGLES in everyone’s lives because of this BATTLE between DARKNESS and LIGHT—both INTERNALLY and EXTERNALLY. I want you to realize that it is the STRUGGLES you go through that PRODUCE BEAUTY in your life. Consider a butterfly TRAPPED in its chrysalis. In the DARKNESS it is GROWING its wings, and it is in the STRUGGLE to BREAK FREE that those wings become STRONG and BEAUTIFUL. If you ‘HELP’ a butterfly break free, its wings will NOT DEVELOP THE STRENGTH THEY NEED TO SOAR AND BRING SUCH BEAUTY TO MY WORLD. View your own STRUGGLES through this lens—that they are producing STRENGTH and BEAUTY in you to OVERCOME and to SOAR. I may seem FAR AWAY when you are STRUGGLING in the dark, but I AM right there, CHEERING you on to BELIEVE My GOODNESS and My PURPOSES for your life. I AM watching over My Word to PERFORM it in your life. The VICTORIES that are WON in your STRUGGLES are HIGHLY VALUED and DILIGENTLY PROTECTED. When you REMAIN in FAITH throughout your STRUGGLES, GREAT BEAUTY and the FRAGRANCE of LIFE are produced. When you walk with Me through your STRUGGLES, it produces a GRATEFUL HEART and DEEP HUMILITY. You will REFLECT Me in A BEAUTIFUL LIFE.” 11 CORINTHIANS 4:17 (TPT) “We view our slight, short-lived troubles in light of eternity. We see our difficulties as the substance that produces for us an eternal, weighty glory far beyond all comparison,”

3.    December 19, 2024


“When My Son came to the earth, it ushered in A SEASON OF LIGHT, LIFE, AND HOPE. He came as the LIGHT of the WORLD, the RESTORER of ETERNAL LIFE, and the HOPE for a world LOST in deep darkness. When you chose Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you became My Sons and Daughters of LIGHT, you CALL others into UNION with Me and ETERNAL LIFE, and you CARRY the HOPE for the RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS. During this season when you celebrate IMMANUEL, you can feel the SHIFT in the ATMOSPHERE over your Nation, as the focus shifts to GIVING, SHOWING LOVE, TIMES of FELLOWSHIP, and Christmas WORSHIP songs filling the air. I want you to CARRY this ATMOSPHERE SHIFT over into your New Year of 2025. I want you to KEEP ALIVE LIGHT, LIFE, AND HOPE in your own HEART and HOME. WELCOME My Angels and Hosts to INSPIRE and PROTECT this ATMOSPHERE CHANGE, and you will see the world CHANGE because you are entering the DAWNING of a NEW DAY of FREEDOM and LIFE. Can you imagine living in this ATMOSPHERE all year? Welcome this atmosphere shift to LIGHT, LIFE, AND HOPE and PRESERVE it in your own HEART from now on.” 

4.    December 20, 2024


The Father took me briefly into space, and I saw meteorites fly by and twinkling stars. Then I heard a building roaring sound, and I ask the Father what I was hearing. It was an immense, powerful sound. He responded:

“What you hear BUILDING in the atmosphere is the ROAR OF RESTORE. It is all of Heaven’s POWER and AUTHORITY in MOTION to DELIVER, HEAL, and RESTORE the nations. It is the building sound of Heaven’s RESCUE OPERATION CONVERGING the Heavenly and earthly realms. EVERY EYE will SEE and EVERY EAR will HEAR THE ROAR OF RESTORE as it RIPS through the heavens and IMPACTS the EARTH, the SEAS, and the SKIES. AWE, WONDER, and the QUIETING blanket of the FEAR of the Most High God will descend. The darkness will try to HIDE but My Lights will FIND and EXPOSE them. My BEAUTY, My TRANSCENDENT POWER will be on display to a world UNDER SEIGE by the darkness. My ROAR OF RESTORE will FLATTEN Leviathan and CRUSH his LYING, DECEIVING heads. The clean air of TRUTH will rush in and eyes and hearts will be OPEN to the TRUTH. THE ROAR OF RESTORE will FLATTEN IDOLS and TOPPLE MONUMENTS and BUILDINGS dedicated to the darkness. It will SHAKE financial systems founded in CORRUPTION and GREED, and the WEALTH of the wicked will be released to the righteous. When THE ROAR OF RESTORE splits the atmosphere like a sonic boom, the earth will AWAKEN to the DAWNING of the Kingdom Age. It will bring My LIFE, My PEACE, and My PLENTY.”


 December 20, 2022  


PSALM 77:15a ‘By Your glory bursts, You’ve rescued us over and over.’ (TPT) “In their ARROGANCE, your enemies think they have WON. They think they are going to be successful in BRINGING DOWN your rightful leader using their CORRUPT SYSTEMS to accomplish this. After he is out of the way, they plan to launch DARK and DESTRUCTIVE schemes in order to bring your Nation DOWN and under their greedy, grasping CONTROL. BUT WAIT! Am I standing by with no plan to SAVE you? OH, NO! You are going to see My GLORY BURSTS light up the deep darkness EXPOSING all their CORRUPTION and hidden PERVERSION. I AM about to SHOW UP and SHOW OFF for you, My people, and to reveal My SUPERIOR POWER and GLORY to your enemies.” PSALM 77:18, 19 ‘Rolling whirlwinds exploded with sonic booms of thunder, rumbling as the skies shouted out Your story with light and sound and wind. Everything on earth shook and trembled as You drew near. Your steps formed a highway through the seas with footprints on a pathway no one even knew was there.’ (TPT)

“I have allowed the corruption and perversion of the darkness to OVER-RIPEN until it is a STINKING and PUTRID mess of evil that will DISGUST the peoples of the nations when it is revealed by My LIGHT and SOUND and WIND. Then, I will lead you out on a PATHWAY NO ONE KNEW WAS THERE. Just remember that as the darkness SEEMS to be even darker that My GLORY BURSTS will show up for all the world to see. I AM the God of GLORY, and My GLORY OVERPOWERS everything of darkness. Get ready to see My GLORY BURSTS!”

6.    December 21, 2024


2 PETER 2:20 (TPT) “Those who escape the corrupting forces of this world system through the experience of knowing about our Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Messiah, then go back into ENTANGLEMENT with them and are defeated by them, becoming worse off than they were to start with.” 

“ENTANGLEMENTS that are ALLOWED to CREEP BACK into a Believer’s life will take them even DEEPER into SIN than before they experienced salvation. The EXPOSURES happening in the Church right now are the RESULT of Believers COMPROMISING their INTEGRITY in order to BUILD a ministry and to GAIN WEALTH and PRESTIGE. When you COMPROMISE with EVIL, it will eventually OVERTAKE you and it will BRING YOU DOWN when it is EXPOSED. Many of these who have become ENTANGLED in the COMPROMISE of LUST for POWER and CONTROL are operating out of an ORPHAN SPIRIT. They did not draw CLOSE to Me to HEAL their hearts, and they did not SPEND the TIME getting to KNOW that I AM the DEEP JOY and SATISFACTION their hearts CRAVED. They fell into the TRAP of thinking that the GIFTS and ANOINTING on their lives ENTITLED them to fulfill their desires in COMPROMISED WAYS. Instead of these lives becoming LIGHTS that show the way of RIGHTEOUS LIVING, they became STUMBLING BLOCKS to those who are NEW to the faith or who are WEAK and IMMATURE. What is really SAD to My heart is that what all these COMPROMISED leaders WANTED I would GLADLY HAVE GIVEN at just the right time in their lives. I FREELY give FAVOR, WEALTH, and AUTHORITY to those whose hearts are SOLELY Mine. What will GUARD a Believer from RETURNING to ENTANGLEMENTS? Ask Holy Spirit to HIGHLIGHT for you any areas of your HEART that DO NOT BELIEVE that I AM who I say I AM. Any area of UNBELIEF is an area that SIN will come KNOCKING on the DOOR and will OFFER SHORTCUTS and LITTLE COMPROMISES to meet needs you DON’T BELIEVE I CAN MEET. Ask Holy Spirit and your Angels to GUARD your HEART against these SUBTLE ATTEMPTS to COMPROMISE your life. Pray that the FALLEN leaders in the Church will be RESTORED to My HEART and come to KNOW that I will NOT WITHHOLD any good thing from those who walk UPRIGHTLY with Me.”


 December 21, 2022



Father, speak to me about the “Fall of the Fall.” (Today is officially the first day of Winter.) He responded: “You don’t see what is happening BEHIND THE SCENES. Heads are ROLLING, INDICTMENTS have been handed out like CANDY, MILITARY TRIBUNALS are being prepared to handle the caseload of trials for TREASON, SEDITION, and DEEP CORRUPTION. The only leg left standing under this TOPPLING regime is the LYING MEDIA, and I AM about to KICK that leg down, and the HOUSE OF CARDS will CRUMBLE into a heap of FRIGHTENED, SCURRYING RATS. Those who thought they were so MIGHTY have FALLEN in a day.”


“This time that you are living in will be labeled an EPIC TURNING POINT for the world. It will begin in your Nation, but it will flow out into all the world. Believe Me when I say that the EPIC BATTLES you have fought will lead to EPIC REWARDS that are more than you can imagine. You will continually say, ‘Faithful, faithful God!’ The battles for FREEDOM, LIGHT, and JUSTICE will have been so worth it when you see the PEACE and PROSPERITY that righteousness brings. The LIES, the HATRED, and the DARK SCHEMES will be WIPED AWAY. There will only be enough memory of the days of TYRANNY to make you DILIGENT to GUARD the TRUTH and FREEDOM. My light is ILLUMINATING their darkness, and it will be severely JUDGED, PUNISHED, and SWEPT AWAY. Behold, a NEW DAY, a NEW BEGINNING for the Land of the FREE and the home of My BRAVE-HEARTED Warriors.”

8.    December 22, 2024


“There is often a PAUSE, a STILLNESS before a GREAT CHANGE happens. The world seems to HOLD ITS BREATH waiting to see what is coming next. Will darkness WIN or will the Light TRIUMPH? All of Heaven is ON HOLD, eyes FASTENED on the One on the Throne, WAITING for His SIGNAL to be given. The darkness MISTAKES the STILLNESS for WEAKNESS, and their evil plan is about to be released. For My Army of Light, TIME WILL SEEM TO STAND STILL as they wait for the FINAL CLASH to begin. Their eyes are FIXED on Me, My PROMISES REPLAY in their minds, and under their armor, their HEART BEATS AT THE SAME FREQUENCY OF HEAVEN. The darkness is so SELF-FOCUSED that they think the Army of Light has GIVEN UP, but they are not looking at the STEELY-EYED RESOLVE and TIGHTLY GRIPPED SWORDS. 

F L A S H ! ! ! R O A R ! ! ! The SIGNAL comes from Heaven and both armies CHARGE onto the field. Where STILLNESS REIGNED a second ago, the air is now FILLED with BATTLE CRIES, CLASHING SWORDS, and the ground is SHAKING as the Hosts of Heaven SLAM into the earth to FIGHT alongside the Army of Light. The evil empire is DESPERATE and RUTHLESS, but they are beginning to TREMBLE. They have never seen such a MASSIVE DISPLAY of Heaven’s POWER CONVERGED with the VALIANT BLOOD-BOUGHT WARRIORS who have laid down their lives to win back JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. The evil empire is being SURROUNDED and DEFEAT is near. A BURST OF LIGHT and CRIES OF VICTORY FILL THE AIR! And then, another STILLNESS comes but it is the stillness of PEACE. After My Army of Light SAVORS the moment, a GREAT TIME of CELEBRATION will arise. Then it will be time for SWEET VINDICATION and My REWARDS that will be given to My Beloved Army of Light.”

9.    December 25, 2024


2 CORINTHIANS 4:6 (TPT) “For God, who said, ‘Let brilliant light shine out of darkness,’ is the One who has cascaded His light into us—the brilliant, dawning light of the glorious knowledge of God as we gaze into the face of Jesus Christ.”





Diana Larkin 

A Watchman's Journal 





  1. Diana, thank you and your wonderful team for all that you do. Abundant blessings to you and your families, and to the Mighty Army of Light!

  2. Merry Christmas and a glorious New Year!


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