January 31, 2025 PROSPERING 3 John 1:2 (TPT) “Beloved friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health, just as your soul is prospering.” “Do you understand that My desire and My plan for your life is that you would become PROSPERING in every way: body, soul, and spirit. The mind of man CUTS MY GENEROSITY SHORT and thinks that you can only PROSPER in one area of your life, instead of EXPECTING ABUNDANCE and PROSPERING in EVERY part of you because that is My DESIGN and PLAN for you. I gave your body an IMMUNE system so that it could fight off disease, and I created your body to be able to HEAL itself at a cellular level. One of the evil empire’s death agendas has been to CRIPPLE mankind at a cellular level so that it SHORT CIRCUITS My ORIGINAL DESIGN of HEALING. That is why I have instructed you to REVERSE THE CURSE of this evil agenda and to SPEAK to your body—LIFE, PEACE, HEALING, and WHOLENESS. It is also My desire that you PR...
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January 30, 2025 BY THE TIME THE LILACS BLOOM As I sat with the Father this morning, I began to smell the beautiful fragrance of Lilacs. It was the smell of new life and hope. I heard Him say, “By the time the lilacs bloom.” I searched for when Lilacs bloom and found out that they begin to bloom from late April to June. “I AM giving you a MARKER in time to ENCOURAGE you. You are witnessing VICTORY after VICTORY but also the FRUSTRATION of those who STILL DO NOT SEE THE TRUTH but continue to BATTER you with their WARPED SENSE of REALITY and the media’s LIES. Have you ever wondered why they use the expression, ‘being LED AROUND by the NOSE?’ I see that as a picture of FALSE DISCERNMENT from the darkness that leads people into FEAR, ANXIETY, and WRONG CONCLUSIONS. Hold on because TRUTH and AWAKENING WILL COME IN LIKE A FLOOD. BY THE TIME THE LILACS BLOOM, there will be the beginnings of JOY, NEW HOPE, and GROWING UNITY. The future holds such SWEETNESS, and the FRAGRANCE of LIL...
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January 29, 2025 WHAT IS THE GOLDEN AGE? “The ADVANCING and EXPANDING Kingdom Era will be known as THE GOLDEN AGE. My GLORY is GOLDEN, and My GLORY will INHABIT the Kingdom Era. My GOLDEN GLORY will INVADE every dark scheme that has come to KILL, STEAL, or DESTROY. My GLORY is filled with My GOODNESS, a greater GRACE, My JUSTICE, and My RIGHTEOUSNESS. As My GOLDEN GLORY DISPLACES the darkness, the atmosphere will become CLEANER, PURER, and the skies will be BLUER. My GOLDEN GLORY will OVERTAKE CORRUPT, CONTROLLING, and THIEVING financial systems. The result of purified systems will be FREEDOM and UNHINDERED WEALTH. My GOLDEN GLORY will BURN through the PERVERSIONS and ADDICTIONS that were purposely sown into your societies. What took the darkness DECADES to introduce and what was meant to CONSUME your life with SHADOWS and SHAME, will be SWEPT AWAY by the PURIFYING FIRE of My GOLDEN GLORY. I AM not just coming to RESCUE your nations from TYRANNY and DESTRUCTION, I AM coming to ES...
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ACTION ITEMS: Video TURN UP THE HEAT! January 28, 2025 *We are counseled to see the coming events in our world through the Father’s eyes. He will turn the evil plans of the darkness to serve His purposes. Partner with Him in calling forth His goodness, a new foundation of justice, righteousness, the fear of the Lord, and abounding love. *The biggest danger we face right now is not from the enemy’s evil schemes or dark agendas, but it is giving into fear. Fear disarms you and causes you to self-protect rather than having faith in His ability to keep and protect you. Answer the enemy threats with your Covenant promises of protection, preservation, provision, and peace. Stand firm, decree and declare that all these Covenant promises are yours. *Keep calling forth exposures and mow down any resistance against full disclosures (think of the declasses that have been released) coming to the light. Release covering angels over whistleblowers and pray His courage and Light woul...
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JOURNAL ENTRIES: Video TURN UP THE HEAT! January 28, 2025 TURN UP THE HEAT! 1. January 21, 2025 THROUGH MY EYES “You must see the coming events in the world through MY EYES. I will TURN the evil plans of the darkness to SERVE MY PURPOSES so that the Kingdom Age is laid on a NEW foundation of JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, the FEAR of the LORD, and ABOUNDING LOVE. The evil empire is founded on the OPPOSITE of these LIVE-GIVING PRECEPTS, and it releases FALSE FOUNDATIONS that TEAR DOWN society and bring both SPIRITUAL and NATURAL DEATH. I have CALLED and CALLED to the SLEEPING, RELIGIOUS Church and to the DELUDED MASSES. Some have AWAKENED but many remain IGNORANT of the BATTLE for their MINDS, HEARTS, and their NATIONS. So the SHAKINGS will come in order to FULLY REVEAL the evil empire and all those partnered with it and to AWAKEN DULL HEARTS to My DELIVERANCE, My LOVE, and My GLORY. The still-sleeping people are being CHEATED OUT of the FULLNESS of l...
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January 28, 2025 FEBRUARY FURY Fury: extreme anger or force, a violent rushing “I AM unleashing a FEBRUARY OF FURY against the evil empire. These hard-hearted arrogant ones have plans of VIOLENCE for your destruction and to cause you GREAT FEAR. I AM ARISING in My Warrior strength, and I AM coming as a VIOLENT RUSHING FORCE that will bring DESTRUCTION and TERROR to those who continue to OPPOSE Me and My plans for the Kingdom Age. My FURY is being DEPLOYED because My Remnant have cried out for JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. You have fought valiantly; now, watch Me FIGHT FURIOUSLY FOR YOU. Let Me assure you that the evil schemes of darkness are NO MATCH FOR MY FURY. Their thrones of power, their bribed gatekeepers, and their stolen wealth will be WIPED OUT by My VIOLENT, RUSHING FURY. STAND with Me and CALL IN My FEBRUARY FURY against the darkness. REJOICE that My justice and righteousness will PREVAIL. They don’t stand a chance against My FEBRUARY FURY.” HEBREWS 10:27 (AMP) “but a kind of ...
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January 27, 2025 WE ARE WINNING! SMILE really BIG because WE ARE WINNING! So many evil laws and economy-killing restrictions are being WIPED AWAY. The evil empire is SCRAMBLING in DISBELIEF that they could be LOSING GROUND so rapidly and that all their evil agendas are being TRUMPED and DISCARDED. The coming EXPOSURES threaten to DESTROY their POWER and CONTROL. The LYING FALSE PROPHET media is being UNCOVERED and ABANDONED as LIE after LIE and BIAS after BIAS is brought to the LIGHT. SEVERE CONSEQUENCES are being released to those who gained WEALTH from LYING, from targeted CHARACTER ASSASSINATION, and COLLABORATING with the EVIL AGENDAS. They valued their own MATERIAL COMFORT and POWER over TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUSTICE. All those partnered with darkness will have this saying, ‘Crime doesn’t pay,’ SLAPPED in their faces. They will watch their wealth be TAKEN and GIVEN to those they looked down on and felt so SUPERIOR to. The whole evil WEB of DECEPTION, FALSE PROMISES...
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January 26, 2025 I COUNSEL YOU TO RESPOND AND NOT REACT “I have called My Army of Light to REMAIN VIGILANT and to WATCH OVER the increasing FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and the EXPANSION of the Kingdom Age. I do want you to HOLD THE LINE for My BEST PURPOSES and PLANS to come forth and to be implemented through your new leaders. You can do this in the SPIRITUAL realm through PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS. In the NATURAL realm, ask QUESTIONS about things you don’t fully understand and let your voices be HEARD SUPPORTING RIGHTEOUSNESS and OBJECTING to any COMPROMISE with DARKNESS. I want you to MATURE in being My WATCHMEN and that means when issues arise, you RESPOND rather than REACT. Here’s how you tell the DIFFERENCE. REACTION carries FEAR and ANXIETY. It is a partner of CONTROL and UNBELIEF. Remember how the nation of Israel REACTED in the wilderness? Every time a CHALLENGE arose, they REACTED with FEAR and UNBELIEF, and they were ready to go back to their COMFORT ZONE even though it...
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January 25, 2025 ALIGNMENT DAY “Today, the 25th, represents an ALIGNMENT of your nation to MULTIPLIED GRACE. Five is the number of GRACE, and 5x5 is GRACE MULTIPLIED. It is also used in communication to mean: message received LOUD and CLEAR. Receive My message to you today that I AM ALIGNING everything in your Nation with My JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Even the heavens DECLARE ALIGNMENT with planets in the night skies displaying their ALIGNMENT. The evil empire was so SURE that this was a SIGN of FAVOR for them and that their EVIL AGENDAS would be ALIGNED with SUCCESS. Ha! I laugh! They are so ARROGANT that they forgot I MADE the planets, and I AM in CONTROL of their PLACEMENT in the night sky. I declare to you that the planets are SPEAKING a message of ALIGNMENT to My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. Your new President is BULLDOZING through mountains of CORRUPTION and DARK AGENDAS, and he is ALIGNING government systems with RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. JOIN him in CALLING FORTH ALIGNMENT in yo...
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January 24, 2025 A NEW ERA CALLS FOR NEW MINDSETS “As we enter the Kingdom Age, the New Era, you will need to ADOPT NEW MINDSETS as well. You will need to move from DEFEATING EVIL AGENDAS to EMBRACING THE NEW THINGS that I AM doing and releasing. Don’t AUTOMATICALLY CANCEL out technology that has been used for EVIL PURPOSES. Am I not ABLE to TURN what is mean for evil into WORKING FOR YOUR GOOD? If you REACT to everything new with SUSPICION and REJECT it because you don’t understand it, you will be CONDEMNING the GIFTS that I AM trying to give you. It is fine to SEARCH A MATTER OUT, and it is very IMPORTANT that you ask Me HOW I SEE a new idea or a person who is being placed into leadership. DON’T ASSUME or PRESUME something is EVIL just because it was used WRONGLY in the past or because it is something entirely NEW to you. PRESUMPTION CUTS YOU OFF FROM MY WISDOM and MY BLESSING. You must learn to LEAN on the UNDERSTANDING and WISDOM of the Holy Spirit and NOT on your own SHALLOW...
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January 23, 2025 TURN UP THE HEAT! “You have ENDURED great TRIALS, PERSECUTION, and TYRANNY from the evil empire. I commend you for continuing to STAND and for KEEPING ON in the pursuit of TRUTH and SPEAKING IT OUT. But now, THE TABLES HAVE TURNED, THE SCRIPT HAS FLIPPED, and A HUGE SHIFT has taken place in the atmosphere. Now is the time to PRESS OUR ADVANTAGE. It’s time to TURN UP THE HEAT! How do you partner with Me to TURN UP THE HEAT? Ask Me to TURN UP THE HEAT on the EXPOSURES of SECRET MEETINGS where destructive plans were launched. Declare that My HEAT will cause the TRAITORS to RISE to the SURFACE where all can see them. Declare that the time is now to TURN UP THE HEAT on the EXPOSURES of LIES and DECEPTION sown into the fabric of your nation. SO. MANY. LIES. Send My HEAT into the ground where the LIES were sown, and you will see the ground begin to SHAKE. A TSUNAMI will form that will bring EXPOSURE to LYING tongues and CORRUPT lives. TURN UP THE HEAT by praying in your...
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January 22, 2025 STANDING ON COVENANT PROMISES “The season of SHAKING is HERE. You are witnessing the REMOVAL of TRAITORS and CORRUPT LEADERS from your government. Ties are being BROKEN with institutions whose real agenda has been to DEFRAUD and DESTROY you. You are going to HEAR a lot of THREATS being thrown out at you and your President because the darkness sees all their POWER and CONTROL SLIPPING AWAY and what they FEAR most—EXPOSURE—is breathing down their necks. Their THREATS are trying to create FEAR because if they can make you AFRAID, they can CONTROL you. I want you to realize that the BIGGEST DANGER you face right now is NOT from the enemy’s evil schemes or dark agendas. The BIGGEST DANGER you face is GIVING INTO FEAR. Fear DISARMS you and causes you to try and SELF-PROTECT rather than living from FAITH in a POWERFUL God and RESOLUTELY STANDING ON YOUR COVENANT PROMISES. Answer the threats of the enemy with your COVENANT PROMISES of PROTECTION, PRESERVATION, PROVISION,...
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JOURNAL ENTRIES: Video SURPRISED AHEAD - January 21, 2025 SURPRISES AHEAD 1. January 14, 2025 THE GIFT OF PURITY “I have a gift for My Army of Light and for the whole Body of Christ. It is THE GIFT OF PURITY. This gift has almost been LOST to My people because of the PERVERSION in your atmosphere, the COMPROMISE of My Word to make sin ACCEPTABLE, and GROSS SIN in the leadership of My Church. There is GREAT POWER and COMPLETE FREEDOM in receiving and living from THE GIFT OF PURITY. Living in PURITY GUARDS you from the debilitating effects of SHAME. Shame CLOSES YOU OFF from My HEART and My FACE. It BLOCKS My LOVE and My GRACE from flowing to you and through you. You keep Me at an arm’s DISTANCE so that I cannot draw you into INTIMACY with Me. Intimacy with Me brings complete SATISFACTION and FULFILLMENT, and it acts as a BARRIER to sin. What can you do to WIN this war against IMPURE THOUGHTS and ACTIONS? There are many areas that can bring IMPURITY: ...