1.      January 21, 2025


“You must see the coming events in the world through MY EYES. I will TURN the evil plans of the darkness to SERVE MY PURPOSES so that the Kingdom Age is laid on a NEW foundation of JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, the FEAR of the LORD, and ABOUNDING LOVE. The evil empire is founded on the OPPOSITE of these LIVE-GIVING PRECEPTS, and it releases FALSE FOUNDATIONS that TEAR DOWN society and bring both SPIRITUAL and NATURAL DEATH. I have CALLED and CALLED to the SLEEPING, RELIGIOUS Church and to the DELUDED MASSES. Some have AWAKENED but many remain IGNORANT of the BATTLE for their MINDS, HEARTS, and their NATIONS. So the SHAKINGS will come in order to FULLY REVEAL the evil empire and all those partnered with it and to AWAKEN DULL HEARTS to My DELIVERANCE, My LOVE, and My GLORY. The still-sleeping people are being CHEATED OUT of the FULLNESS of life, and My heart is to see them AWAKENED and FREED from the TENTACLES and WEBS of the darkness. Keep in mind that your prayers, decrees, and declarations have taken much of the DESTRUCTION and DEATH out of the evil empire’s schemes. Their dark schemes and hearts will be FULLY DISPLAYED before the world. Technology that has been WITHHELD from you will be revealed. They have PERVERTED and MISUSED it, but I will TURN it to be a BLESSING to you. As the depths of DARKNESS, DEPRAVITY, and HATRED are EXPOSED in those who serve darkness, it will cause the masses to RUN to My RIGHTEOUSNESS and to VALUE TRUE LOVE and SACRIFICE for one another. Be prepared to WELCOME those RUDELY AWAKENED into My Kingdom of Light and Love through the Blood of My Son. The GOLDEN DAWN will soon ARISE and the battles and darkness will be left behind. See these days THROUGH MY EYES and My HEART. Partner with Me and live in My PEACE and My BLESSING.”

2.      January 22, 2025


“The season of SHAKING is HERE. You are witnessing the REMOVAL of TRAITORS and CORRUPT LEADERS from your government. Ties are being BROKEN with institutions whose real agenda has been to DEFRAUD and DESTROY you. You are going to HEAR a lot of THREATS being thrown out at you and your President because the darkness sees all their POWER and CONTROL SLIPPING AWAY and what they FEAR most—EXPOSURE—is breathing down their necks. Their THREATS are trying to create FEAR because if they can make you AFRAID, they can CONTROL you. I want you to realize that the BIGGEST DANGER you face right now is NOT from the enemy’s evil schemes or dark agendas. The BIGGEST DANGER you face is GIVING INTO FEAR. Fear DISARMS you and causes you to try and SELF-PROTECT rather than living from FAITH in a POWERFUL God and RESOLUTELY STANDING ON YOUR COVENANT PROMISES. Answer the threats of the enemy with your COVENANT PROMISES of PROTECTION, PRESERVATION, PROVISION, and PEACE. My COVENANT PROMISES to you were SEALED with the Blood of Jesus—the most POWERFUL FORCE in the Universe. This COVENANT was made before the world was created. Therefore, it is HIGHER than any created thing—including the enemy. DO NOT ALLOW FEAR TO KEEP YOU FROM STANDING ON YOUR COVENANT PROMISES. Stand firm and decree and declare that ALL THESE COVENANT PROMISES are yours.”

1 PETER 1:20 (TPT) “This was part of God’s plan, for He (Jesus) was chosen and destined for this before the foundation of the earth was laid, but He has been made manifest in these last days for you.”

HEBREWS 7:22 (AMP) “And so (because of the oath’s greater strength and force) Jesus has become the certain guarantee of a better covenant (a more excellent and more advantageous agreement; one that will never be replaced or annulled.)”


January 22, 2024 


*I smelled the sweet incense of the prayers of the Saints and saw its pink mist, dotted with small particles, and it carried me to the Council Chambers of Heaven. I stood behind my Elder and received his strength and tuned myself to the atmosphere of Heaven. I began boldly declaring: “This is the season for the exposure of all that is dark and corrupt and that has been hidden or disguised. Let it be exposed, exposed, exposed!” The Elders nodded in agreement and I heard a few “here, here’s” by them. I reversed the curse of all the agendas launched against our physical health. I then spoke words of worship and lifted my hand towards the Father, seated at the head of the table. I was aware of His white hair and saw a few flashes of blue fire from His eyes. I thanked the Elders for being faithful and true to the Father for so long a time, and told them I wanted to be like them—faithful, wise, and trusted counselors to the Father. The Elders impressed on me that my assignment for this year was to keep the people steady in the Father as His judgments hit the earth. I boldly declared, “Let His judgments begin now at this minute of time, and go forth to their completion!” I immediately  looked at my phone, and it was 9:09! (Twice is a witness that judgment and completion of its cycle have begun.) 

*The Father spoke: “MARK THIS DAY as the BEGINNING of a SERIES of CRUSHING JUDGMENTS that have been released against those partnered with darkness. Their THRONES will COLLAPSE under the WEIGHT of the DARK EXPOSURES that will be UNCOVERED of who they really are and what their death agendas are. Keep CALLING FORTH the EXPOSURES and MOW DOWN any RESISTANCE against FULL DISCLOSURES coming into the LIGHT. RELEASE COVERING ANGELS over whistleblowers and pray for My COURAGE and LIGHT to fill them. Their TESTIMONY will help the DECEIVED and DELUDED to AWAKEN to the TRUTH. Keep My Army of Light STEADY in their TRUST and HOPE in Me, and REMIND them to keep their eyes FOCUSED on Me. Then they will BRAVELY follow Me into the dawn of a NEW ERA.”

4.      January 23, 2025


“You have ENDURED great TRIALS, PERSECUTION, and TYRANNY from the evil empire. I commend you for continuing to STAND and for KEEPING ON in the pursuit of TRUTH and SPEAKING IT OUT. But now, THE TABLES HAVE TURNED, THE SCRIPT HAS FLIPPED, and A HUGE SHIFT has taken place in the atmosphere. Now is the time to PRESS OUR ADVANTAGE. It’s time to TURN UP THE HEAT! How do you partner with Me to TURN UP THE HEAT? Ask Me to TURN UP THE HEAT on the EXPOSURES of SECRET MEETINGS where destructive plans were launched. Declare that My HEAT will cause the TRAITORS to RISE to the SURFACE where all can see them. Declare that the time is now to TURN UP THE HEAT on the EXPOSURES of LIES and DECEPTION sown into the fabric of your nation. SO. MANY. LIES. Send My HEAT into the ground where the LIES were sown, and you will see the ground begin to SHAKE. A TSUNAMI will form that will bring EXPOSURE to LYING tongues and CORRUPT lives. TURN UP THE HEAT by praying in your spiritual language often. My FIRE will be released through these POWERFUL prayers, and they will TURN UP THE HEAT in the atmosphere and bring GREAT PRESSURE and BURNING FEAR to the darkness. The evil empire will be SURPRISED by the POWER of your ADVANCE. They will see LIE after LIE REFUTED, and the SOURCE of the LIES will be EXPOSED and DISHONORED. Hold your sword up to Heaven, and I will set it AFLAME with My FIRE. Everywhere you wield this sword, it will TURN UP THE HEAT. Press in and TAKE IT ALL BACK, My Forces of Light. I AM with you, and together, we will TURN UP THE HEAT!”


January 23, 2023


This morning, I began to hear the Father’s huge rumbling laughter rolling out of Heaven towards His enemies. The rumblings kept rolling and then increasing into a loud, threatening sound.

“I have released RUMBLINGS FROM HEAVEN against My enemies. They will BUILD into the LOUDEST THUNDER and the HUGEST STORM My enemies have ever seen. This MASSIVE STORM is not for My people who will be SAFE at My side, PROTECTED and KEPT. But this MASSIVE STORM will WIPE OUT your enemies who seek to CONTROL you, to STEAL your WEALTH, and to DESTROY your FAITH in Me. These ARROGANT ones who think they are gods are about to meet Me HEAD-ON in the BIGGEST STORM they’ve ever encountered. My LIGHTNINGS will EXPOSE all their hidden DARKNESS and PERVERSION. My CRASHING THUNDER will SILENCE the lying voices of their FALSE MEDIA PROPHETS. My STRONG WINDS will BLOW over their STRONGHOLDS that have been greatly weakened by your WARFARE, WORSHIP, and WONDER. My CRASHING RAINS will WASH AWAY the CORRUPTION and their TREASONOUS BACK-ROOM DEALS. When I come as a RUMBLING STORM from Heaven, it will crash down first on your Nation and then go SWIFTLY AROUND THE WORLD. The RAINS will be needed to wash away the STENCH of SELFISH GREED and SICKENING PERVERSION. STREAMS will be formed from the rains that DESTROY your enemies. These STREAMS will be PURE, HEAVENLY WATERS of BLESSING and REFRESHING. The air will be CRYSTAL CLEAR, and you will breathe in FULLNESS OF LIFE and BLESSING. Keep listening for the sound of the RUMBLINGS FROM HEAVEN. It will SIGNAL the DESTRUCTION of your enemies, and the release of BLESSINGS and a FRESH NEW BEGINNING for you.”


December 30, 2023


“I AM visiting the earth with a season where I will DISPLAY My GLORY FIRE, WIND, AND COLD. My FIRE will act as a PLUMB-LINE of righteousness, My WINDS will EXPOSE evil, and My COLD will FREEZE ASSETS and HIDING PLACES of the darkness. My FIRE is a SPIRITUAL BURNING that will RESET a STANDARD of My RIGHTEOUSNESS in the earth again. No more calling GOOD evil and EVIL good. STUBBORN WILLS, PRIDEFUL THINKING, and SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS will be BURNED by My FIRE. If REPENTANCE does not come, My FIRE WILL CONSUME them. My Spirit WINDS will come to EXPOSE HIDDEN SIN, GREED, and PERVERSION. My WINDS will EXPOSE everything that has been kept SECRET and that has DEFILED My Church and the world. My COLD will be seen in the natural as unusually LOW TEMPERATURES. Some of these places that COLD will descend upon are HIDDEN UNDERGROUND HIDEOUTS of the evil, and I AM going to SURPRISE them by FREEZING THEIR ACCESS to these places. My COLD will bring layers of THICK ICE that CANNOT be PENETRATED. I will also FREEZE the ASSETS of the wicked and of those who HELPED and ENABLED their DARK SCHEMES for their own SELFISH GAIN. Their money supply will be FROZEN SHUT, and they will find themselves OUT IN THE COLD. I will DIVERT these FROZEN assets to My people so that they have an ABUNDANCE to meet their needs and to SHARE with others. My GLORY FIRE, WIND, AND COLD will SWEEP AWAY UNCLEANNESS, DECEPTION, and THEFT. This will CLEAR THE WAY for a GREATER measure of My GLORY being released as SALVATION, HEALING, and RESTORATION.”

EZEKIEL 28:22 (TPT) “with these words: Lord YAHWEH says to you: Behold, I am against you, Sidon; I will manifest My glory in you when I bring My judgment upon you! Everyone will see My display of holiness and they will know that I am YAHWEH!”

7.      January 24, 2025


“As we enter the Kingdom Age, the New Era, you will need to ADOPT NEW MINDSETS as well. You will need to move from DEFEATING EVIL AGENDAS to EMBRACING THE NEW THINGS that I AM doing and releasing. Don’t AUTOMATICALLY CANCEL out technology that has been used for EVIL PURPOSES. Am I not ABLE to TURN what is mean for evil into WORKING FOR YOUR GOOD? If you REACT to everything new with SUSPICION and REJECT it because you don’t understand it, you will be CONDEMNING the GIFTS that I AM trying to give you. It is fine to SEARCH A MATTER OUT, and it is very IMPORTANT that you ask Me HOW I SEE a new idea or a person who is being placed into leadership. DON’T ASSUME or PRESUME something is EVIL just because it was used WRONGLY in the past or because it is something entirely NEW to you. PRESUMPTION CUTS YOU OFF FROM MY WISDOM and MY BLESSING. You must learn to LEAN on the UNDERSTANDING and WISDOM of the Holy Spirit and NOT on your own SHALLOW PERCEPTIONS. My Sons and Daughters of Light need to move with GRACE, DISCERNMENT, and EXPECTANCY of My GOODNESS in their lives. When you REACT out of SUSPICION and FEAR, it keeps you in TURMOIL and LOCKS you OUT of My blessings. BREAK FREE from PRESUMPTION and ENTER INTO the FREEDOM of Holy Spirit’s COUNSEL and WISDOM. He will ALWAYS lead you on GOOD PATHS of BLESSING and PEACE. Ask that FLESHLY SUSPICION would be REPLACED with GODLY DISCERNMENT, and a WHOLE NEW WORLD will OPEN before you. A NEW ERA CALLS FOR NEW MINDSETS. Be FREE to receive My GOOD PLANS for your lives and your nations.”



*After yesterday’s video, I experienced a lot of backlash stirred up by the darkness. (Can we say “over the target?!”) This morning I came to the Father and asked for the comfort and cleansing of the Holy Spirit. I then saw an angel with multiple filamenty wings hovering just above the floor in my sunroom. He was waving his wings back and forth, and I realized he was blowing something over me—healing, comfort, restoration. I asked who he was and heard the name Raphael, which means “it is God who heals.” I felt joy and wholeness return. Thank you Father! He then spoke this message to me:

*”I have MULTIPLIED the number of Angels and Host that are being ASSIGNED to My Blood-bought ones during this season of DARK to LIGHT. Because of the MANY DESTRUCTIVE schemes of those partnered with darkness that have brought SICKNESS, LACK, and DEFILEMENT, I AM releasing a FLOOD of MINISTERING ANGELS to bring HEALING, PLENTY, and DELIVERANCE to the heirs of salvation. When you RELEASE HEALING to someone, an Angel will DELIVER the HEALING POWER of Jesus to that person. When you CALL FORTH your COVENANT RIGHT of PROVISION and ABUNDANCE, Angels will SUPPLY FUNDS and MEET NEEDS SUPERNATURALLY. If you are CAPTIVE to DEFILING SINS and you REPENT and CRY for FREEDOM, I will dispatch Angels of DELIVERANCE to you so that the CHAINS WILL BE CUT, and you will be SET FREE. Then, I will send Angels of RESTORATION to give you back the gift of PURITY and to RESTORE all that has been lost. I have COMMISSIONED many Angels to bring the COMFORT of the Holy Spirit to My people during these days of UNCOVERING DARKNESS and SHAKING LOOSE their STRONGHOLDS. Even when you SIGH over the BROKENNESS that sin brings, I will send an Angel of COMFORT to you. Be AWARE of the MINISTRY OF MY ANGELS. WELCOME them and be GRATEFUL for their help. Here are some CLUES that Angels are near: a SUDDEN WARMTH in your hands or body, a small FLASH of LIGHT out of the corner of your eye, an internal TREMBLING as they bring the POWER of Heaven and the FEAR of the LORD. If you OPEN your spiritual eyes, you will see them. I AM moving all of Heaven to see you through this season as TRIUMPHANT WARRIORS and WELL-CARED for children of the Light. GIVE THANKS FOR THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS.” 



9.      January 25, 2025


“Today, the 25th, represents an ALIGNMENT of your nation to MULTIPLIED GRACE. Five is the number of GRACE, and 5x5 is GRACE MULTIPLIED. It is also used in communication to mean: message received LOUD and CLEAR. Receive My message to you today that I AM ALIGNING everything in your Nation with My JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Even the heavens DECLARE ALIGNMENT with planets in the night skies displaying their ALIGNMENT. The evil empire was so SURE that this was a SIGN of FAVOR for them and that their EVIL AGENDAS would be ALIGNED with SUCCESS. Ha! I laugh! They are so ARROGANT that they forgot I MADE the planets, and I AM in CONTROL of their PLACEMENT in the night sky. I declare to you that the planets are SPEAKING a message of ALIGNMENT to My RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. Your new President is BULLDOZING through mountains of CORRUPTION and DARK AGENDAS, and he is ALIGNING government systems with RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. JOIN him in CALLING FORTH ALIGNMENT in your Nation with My agenda for your Land. It is ALIGNMENT with My Kingdom WAYS and BLESSINGS. Just like the evil empire CANNOT CONTROL the ALIGNMENT of the planets, they will NOT BE ABLE to STOP the ALIGNING of My creation with My Kingdom Age of PEACE and PLENTY. Rejoice!”

10.   January 26, 2025


“I have called My Army of Light to REMAIN VIGILANT and to WATCH OVER the increasing FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and the EXPANSION of the Kingdom Age. I do want you to HOLD THE LINE for My BEST PURPOSES and PLANS to come forth and to be implemented through your new leaders. You can do this in the SPIRITUAL realm through PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS. In the NATURAL realm, ask QUESTIONS about things you don’t fully understand and let your voices be HEARD SUPPORTING RIGHTEOUSNESS and OBJECTING to any COMPROMISE with DARKNESS. I want you to MATURE in being My WATCHMEN and that means when issues arise, you RESPOND rather than REACT. Here’s how you tell the DIFFERENCE. REACTION carries FEAR and ANXIETY. It is a partner of CONTROL and UNBELIEF. Remember how the nation of Israel REACTED in the wilderness? Every time a CHALLENGE arose, they REACTED with FEAR and UNBELIEF, and they were ready to go back to their COMFORT ZONE even though it was SLAVERY. If you are REACTING to every NEW IDEA with FEAR and SUSPICION and you’re ready to THROW new leaders under the bus, understand that you need an UPGRADE in your FAITH and TRUST in Me. Have I brought you this far to ABANDON you and to allow your nation to SLIP BACK into DARKNESS? Do you not BELIEVE My PROMISES for a future of PEACE and PLENTY? I AM calling you to BREAK OUT of the old pattern of REACTING and to learn to RESPOND as a MATURING Son or Daughter of the Light. RESPONDING means ASKING for My PERSPECTIVE; it means SEARCHING a matter out; it means WISELY HOLDING OFF on a strong opinion until you have PROCESSED this with Me. To the MATURE, I will give WISDOM and INSIGHT, and I will show you HOW and WHAT to pray. I want to PARTNER with you in MATURING your FAITH, and I want you to be an EFFECTIVE WARRIOR and BUILDER who has learned not to REACT but to RESPOND. REACTING will cause you to be STIRRED UP, ANXIOUS, and saying FOOLISH things founded in FEAR. Choose to LEARN to RESPOND because that partners you with My heart and leads to DISCOVERY, WISDOM, and PEACE. I am CALLING you to be FIRST RESPONDERS and not FIRST REACTORS.”


January 26, 2022


“What is KNOCKING louder and louder on the door of your Nation? Hear it? It started in the last few years as a QUIET KNOCK to get your ATTENTION. Then it grew LOUDER in order to AWAKEN you. Now it is POUNDING on the door and DEMANDING entrance to your Land. Will you FLING OPEN the door and welcome RECKONING in to do its job of ACCOUNTING what the WICKED have done and demanding REPAYMENT and ACCOUNTING what the RIGHTEOUS have done and REWARDING them with RECOMPENSE. Make no mistake, this is still the SEASON OF THE ‘FALL,’ and you will SEE it with your own eyes. OPEN your spiritual ears and HEAR the pounding on the door of your Nation and FLING IT OPEN WIDE and welcome RECKONING in to do its good work of JUDGMENT, JUSTICE, and RECOMPENSE.”

Recommended reading: PSALM 37, PSALM 111


 January 27, 2022


“Someone with GREAT POWER and a SHARP-POINTED WEAPON has stuck a HOLE into the giant HOT AIR BALLOON of LIES that those partnered with darkness have PUFFED up with their multitude of FABRICATIONS, HALF-TRUTHS, DISTORTIONS, and outright LIES. It is I who stuck My weapon into this puffed up mass of DARKNESS and DECEIT, and the world will see the COLLAPSE of all their LIES, NARRATIVES, and COVER-UPS. As this mass of tangled lies and evil leaks out faster and faster, the world will be SHAKEN AWAKE and STUNNED at how deeply they were FOOLED and DECEIVED. This will cause a search for TRUTH, and you can help them find that truth in Me. They will see that you have built your life on a FIRM FOUNDATION, and they will be drawn to your STABILITY in Me. This GIANT COLLAPSE of LIES will pave the way for UNITY and a desire to REBUILD TOGETHER on TRUTH and LIGHT. Truth and light are only found in Me—let us REBUILD together as you witness THE COLLAPSE OF THEIR LIES.”

PSALM 5: 9, 10 “Their words are unreliable. Destruction is in their hearts, drawing people into their darkness with their speeches. They are smooth-tongued deceivers, flattering with their words. Declare them guilty, O God! Let their own schemes be their downfall! Let the guilt of their sins collapse on top of them, for they rebel against You.” (TPT)

13.   January 27, 2025


SMILE really BIG because WE ARE WINNING! So many evil laws and economy-killing restrictions are being WIPED AWAY. The evil empire is SCRAMBLING in DISBELIEF that they could be LOSING GROUND so rapidly and that all their evil agendas are being TRUMPED and DISCARDED.  The coming EXPOSURES threaten to DESTROY their POWER and CONTROL. The LYING FALSE PROPHET media is being UNCOVERED and ABANDONED as LIE after LIE and BIAS after BIAS is brought to the LIGHT. SEVERE CONSEQUENCES are being released to those who gained WEALTH from LYING, from targeted CHARACTER ASSASSINATION, and COLLABORATING with the EVIL AGENDAS. They valued their own MATERIAL COMFORT and POWER over TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUSTICE. All those partnered with darkness will have this saying, ‘Crime doesn’t pay,’ SLAPPED in their faces. They will watch their wealth be TAKEN and GIVEN to those they looked down on and felt so SUPERIOR to. The whole evil WEB of DECEPTION, FALSE PROMISES, and PROMOTION of EVIL is GOOD and GOOD is EVIL is UNRAVELING. You will see this WEB BURN UP, as they launch their final death agendas, and the Forces of Light DEMOLISH these evil plans with My POWER and My FIRE in their swords. The TIDE really has TURNED, and the BALANCE of POWER has SWUNG BIGLY in FAVOR of the Light. Stay ENCOURAGED, STRENGTHENED, and keep LIFTING your sword to Heaven to receive FRESH FIRE to meet every dark scheme of the enemy. Smell the BURNING and SMILE really BIG because WE ARE WINNING!”

Diana Larkin

 A Watchman’s Journal 



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