1.    January 7, 2025


“It is so important that you carry the BALANCE of WARFARE AND REST in this intense season. If you FOCUS SOLELY on WARFARE, you will become BURNED OUT and WEAK. When you make it a PRIORITY to ENTER INTO MY REST, it will REFRESH you and it will REMIND you of what you are fighting for. WARFARE is a place where I display the STRENGTH of My Right Arm through you to ANNIHILATE the enemy. But ENTERING MY REST is also a place of GREAT STRENGTH because it says that your TRUST is in Me to bring the VICTORY, and it is QUIET CONFIDENCE in My POWER that all My PROMISES will be FULFILLED. It is a SWEET SURRENDER of FAITH that RESTS in Me to set the RHYTHM of your life between WARFARE AND REST. Never feel GUILTY for RESTING in Me or obeying the prompting of Holy Spirit to DRAW AWAY with Me. This includes doing things that bring you LIFE and JOY because these will RESTORE your soul and the JOY of the Lord is your STRENGTH. TRUST Me as I draw you into WARFARE, and I draw you into REST. ENJOY the very LIFE and FREEDOM that you are fighting for.”


I have sensed the Father wants me to seek Him in new ways in this New Year and season. As I yielded to that and rested in His goodness, I smelled smoke and then saw the Father by a blazing campfire roasting marshmallows for S’mores. I am delighted and say I like my marshmallows slightly burned. He smiles and builds me a S’more to enjoy the hot, gooey, delicious mess. Our fellowship is just as sweet. No Throne Room glory or the intensity of the War Room or the Council Chambers but an everyday, simple fellowship and union around a campfire. The sky had more stars than I have ever seen. He was enjoying Himself immensely, and I felt loved and cherished by Him.




2.    January 8, 2025


“I spoke to you yesterday about allowing My Spirit to MOVE YOU between REST and WARFARE. Well, I AM putting you on ALERT that you are being called to the FRONTLINES RIGHT NOW! Take a DEEP BREATH of My PRESENCE, take your PLACE on the BATTLEFIELD, and TAKE HEART that the THRILL of VICTORY is coming VERY CLOSE. READY? WE’RE GOING IN! Advance into the enemy’s camp with the HIGH PRAISES of your God on your lips! Declare that I AM your ROCK, your FORTRESS, and your DELIVERER. Call forth CLOAKING ANGELS to HIDE you from the enemy. Launch these declarations against every scheme of darkness: ‘I take AUTHORITY over every DARK and DESTRUCTIVE plan of the enemy, and I DEFEAT it, I DEFLECT it, and I DIMINISH it in the mighty name of King Jesus!’ I will direct the Warrior Host to COMPLETELY DEFEAT some schemes, to DEFLECT some plans off their INTENDED TARGET and to SEND IT BACK into the evil camp, and to DIMINISH the affects of the plots that will be allowed to LOOK DANGEROUS but most of their POWER has been REMOVED. The DIMINISHED schemes will be used for My purposes of AWAKENING people to the DECEPTION they have lived under and to FULLY EXPOSE every dark or compromised person. Your real enemies in the spiritual realm will also be UNMASKED, EXPOSED, and BROUGHT DOWN. Mankind’s AGREEMENT with these dark entities will be LAID BARE, and the world will REJECT their EVIL RULE. My SUPERIOR FORCES will bring them CRASHING DOWN and their HIGH PLACES will be REMOVED. Its time to WIPE the SMUG, SUPERIOR EXPRESSIONS off of the ARROGANT ELITE’S FACES. READY? WE’RE GOING IN!”

PSALM 123:4 (TPT) (I can’t tell you how many times I have seen the numbers 1:23 or 12:34!!!) “For we’ve had more than our fill of this scoffing and scorn—this mistreatment by the wealthy elite. Lord, show us Your mercy! Lord, show us Your grace!”

ISAIAH 2:12 (TPT) “The Lord of Angel Armies has a day of humiliation in store for the high and mighty, for all who are proud and self-exalting. They will be brought low.”


3.    January 9, 2025


“Pray that the plans of darkness would be UNCOVERED, brought to the LIGHT, and LAID BARE before the world. This is a STRATEGIC STEP in PREPARING people before the arrogant elite launch their major DECEPTIVE, DESTRUCTIVE plan. If some of their past schemes are LAID BARE before the world and people SEE the DARKNESS and DEPRAVITY of their hearts, their FINAL PLAN that they launch will be QUESTIONED and NOT SWALLOWED by those who have SEEN behind the enemy’s DECEPTIVE VEIL that he has CLOAKED the world with to HIDE their EVIL DEEDS and HEARTS. So many TRAGEDIES, WARS, and SICKNESSES were PLANNED by, PAID for, and CARRIED OUT by the arrogant elite and their minions. Now is the time that I AM CALLING you to CRY OUT that those who PLANNED, PAID FOR, and PERPETRATED evil schemes and LIES would be LAID BARE before the world. COMMAND that their MASKS would be REMOVED and that their EVIL PLANNING SESSIONS would be REPLAYED to the world. I have COMMISSIONED you to declare EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE and now I AM CALLING you to partner with My STRATEGIC timing and CRY OUT, ‘Let the darkness be LAID BARE before the world!’ Together, we are building a SURE ROAD TO VICTORY!”

LUKE 12:2 (AMP) “But there is nothing (so carefully) concealed that it will not be revealed, nor so hidden that it will not be made known.”

4.    January 10, 2025


“Most of you have been WAITING a long time for My PROMISES to be FULFILLED in your own lives and in your nations. DO YOU TRUST ME to fulfill these promises at JUST THE RIGHT TIME? Did you know that the SOURCE of ANXIETY is BEING AFRAID SOMETHING WON’T HAPPEN WHEN YOU THINK IT SHOULD HAPPEN? Anxiety and a lack of peace are SIGNS that YOU ARE TRYING TO CONTROL THE OUTCOME OF SOMETHING. As a good Father, I want you to know that you can COMPLETELY TRUST My TIMING and My WAYS. I also know that this has been an INTENSE war season and it has served to BRING TO THE SURFACE areas where you do not really TRUST ME. I know that this is an UNCOMFORTABLE PROCESS when these areas are exposed, but My GOAL is to bring you into a place of GREATER TRUST and REST in Me. When you are at rest and in peace in your heart, your TRUST in Me will SHINE OUT of your EYES and people will be DRAWN to My HEART. Anxiety is an AWFUL WAY to live, and I want so much MORE for My Sons and Daughters. It’s been a tough battle against all the schemes evil has launched at you. If you don’t really TRUST ME to bring about VICTORY in MY TIMING, your ANXIETY will WEAKEN your WARFARE. That is why I call you to COME CLOSE to My heart and to get to KNOW Me and My WAYS so that you get BRAVE enough to SURRENDER the TIMING of events and promises to Me. Remember that I see the END from the BEGINNING, that My LOVE for you is UNMATCHED and UNENDING, and that My TIMING is always PERFECT. When you LET GO of INSISTING that I OPERATE on YOUR TIMING, you will enter a place of DEEPER FAITH and REST. Your UNION with My heart will be SWEET and POWERFUL, and you will find that YOU TRULY TRUST ME.”

5.    January 11, 2025


“Let Me assure you in this season of LOSSES, of DESTRUCTION, of THREATS from the enemy that I AM ABLE. I AM ABLE to COMFORT every LOSS, no matter how GREAT because My LOVE is better than life. I AM ABLE to RESTORE MORE than before. I AM ABLE to REBUILD BETTER than you can IMAGINE. I AM ABLE to TURN the THREATS of the enemy BACK UPON THEM, and they will REAP what they have SOWN. Do not try to PROCESS these INTENSE days on your own. Process them with the Holy Spirit, as He is the GREAT COMFORTER, GUIDE, and GIVER of HOPE. Speak to one another KINDLY and TENDERLY because you will be SHOWCASING My HEART for people. Pray off SHOCK and TRAUMA and release the PEACE of Heaven—My SHALOM. As people receive My COMFORT and PEACE, they will be RESTORED until NOTHING IS MISSING and NOTHING IS BROKEN. Release My COMFORT, PEACE, and RESTORATION to the BROKEN. I AM ABLE to TURN their darkness into LIGHT and to bring them into the DAWN of the KINGDOM AGE UNFOLDING on the earth. Losses can be difficult to work through, but they do not COMPARE to the PROMISES of the New Era. I AM ABLE.”


 January 11, 2023


“You have an expression, ‘You ain’t seen nothing yet!’ I AM saying this to you—the world is going to see MIGHTY EXPLOSIONS OF MY POWER burst upon your world. Mankind has not seen this kind of POWER released from Heaven since the first EXODUS of My nation Israel. This DISPLAY of POWER and RESCUE will be GREATER because it is a WORLDWIDE EXODUS out of the SLAVERY and BONDAGE to the ARROGANT ones partnered with darkness. You know that it is My KINDNESS that leads to repentance, but when that kindness is SCORNED, the wicked will only learn from My judgments. ISAIAH 26:9b-11 (AMP) ‘For (only) when Your judgments are experienced on the earth will the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness. Though the wicked is shown compassion and favor, he does not learn righteousness; in the land of uprightness he deals unjustly, and refuses to see the majesty of the Lord. Though Your hand is lifted up (to strike), O Lord, the wicked do not see it. Let them see Your zeal for Your people and be put to shame; indeed, let the fire reserved for Your enemies consume them.’ Therefore, you are about to witness a display of MIGHTY EXPLOSIONS OF MY POWER, and the world will learn I AM a POWERFUL JUDGE and JUST RULER. I will LIFT UP the downtrodden, and I will TEAR DOWN the Taskmasters who have exalted themselves. Remember, as EXPLOSIONS fly, I AM your HIDING PLACE and your REFUGE of DIVINE IMMUNITY is in the SHADOW of My WINGS, close to My heart. The world will SHAKE under My MIGHTY EXPLOSIONS OF POWER.”

7.    January 12, 2025


“There are CHANGES coming to EVERY AREA of your lives. The CONDITION of your HEART will determine how you NAVIGATE these WIDESPREAD CHANGES. If you don’t COMPLETELY TRUST Me and you are still trying to CONTROL the outcome of things and you find your SECURITY in following a SET WAY of doing life, then these CHANGES will be DIFFICULT for you. You will find yourself in TURMOIL and trying hard to HOLD ONTO ways of the PAST. When you are in STRIFE and TURMOIL it BREEDS ANXIETY, and it SEPARATES your heart from My heart and that GRIEVES Me. My HIGHEST GOAL for you is that you would COME TO KNOW ME in the DEPTHS of My being because that will create UNSHAKEABLE FAITH, ENDLESS HOPE, and FULLNESS of LIFE. If you really come to KNOW My HEART and My LOVE, you will not FIGHT CHANGE and My PLANS for you. This is why I speak to you often of SURRENDER—surrendering your WAYS and ALIGNING your HEART with My HEART. This will lead you into My STILL WATERS and PATHS OF PEACE, and you will NEGOTIATE the CHANGES with GRACE and JOY. Flowing with My Spirit is so much easier than you FIGHTING CHANGE and trying to HOLD ONTO the PAST. I AM a TRUSTWORTHY Father, and no one LOVES you more than I do. Rest in that love and SET YOUR HEART TO FLOW WITH THE COMING CHANGES.”


January 12, 2024


“DO NOT FEAR when darkness DISPLAYS itself. I have DRAWN IT OUT into the OPEN where ALL will be able to see its TRUE CHARACTER and MOTIVES. SELFISHNESS, PRIDE, and GREED are behind all the SIN and DARKNESS of this world. When My people’s LIGHT GROWS DIM and is COMPROMISED by TOLERATING these sins, then darkness TAKES OVER UNCLAIMED TERRITORIES. But I have AWAKENED an Army of Light, a Faithful Remnant, who have ARISEN with the POWER of My LIGHT and My Spirit and have declared with Me, ‘ENOUGH!’ Now is the SET TIME for My Kingdom to INVADE and DISPLACE the darkness.” PSALM 75:2 (ESV) “At the set time that I appoint, I will judge with equity.” “As darkness DISPLAYS who they really are and My Children of LIGHT DISPLAY who they are, people will be DRAWN to the LIGHT and the LOVE that FLOWS through you, My BLOOD-bought Sons and Daughters.” 1 SAMUEL 12:24-25 (AMP) “Only fear the Lord (with awe and profound reverence) and serve Him faithfully with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you. But if you still do evil both you and your king will be swept away (to destruction).” “As more and more FLOOD into the Kingdom of LIGHT, there will be A GROWING DISPLAY OF MY LIGHT that will overcome the darkness.”

9.    January 13, 2025


As I sat with the Father this morning, I began to hear a huge jangling noise and realized it was many alarms going off at the same time. I asked the Father what are these alarms? He responded:

“The ALARMS that you hear RINGING are for those partnered with DARKNESS. They have discovered that their SECRET COMMUNICATIONS have been BROKEN INTO, and their schemes of DESTRUCTION BLUEPRINTS have been EXPOSED to the Light. PANIC! SCRAMBLING! ANGER! TERROR! They did not believe that their CAREFULLY HIDDEN PLANS could be REVEALED—including pointing the finger at those who planned these plots of death and destruction. Some of these EXPOSURES were done by your Military, some were BREECHED by My Warrior Hosts, and some were REVEALED to My prophets in the Army of Light who have gone BEHIND ENEMY LINES in the Spirit and have HEARD and SEEN the DARK PLANS. The darkness is FRANTIC—how do you STOP this THREE-PRONGED ATTACK when it’s done COVERTLY and INVISIBLY? Join Me in hearing these ALARMS RINGING and declare: ‘EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE!’ Three ‘EXPOSES’ for this three-pronged UNCOVERING operation. This is going to cause the darkness to PREMATURELY launch their attacks, and they will be easier to DEFEAT. The Forces of Light have been given an ADVANTAGE, so RENEW your COURAGE in Me, PRESS IN and PUSHBACK the darkness until they are completely DEFEATED. Take heart, ALARMS ARE RINGING FOR THE DARKNESS!”

10.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

January 13, 2024


“I have declared this Rescue Operation as a JOINT VENTURE between Heaven and earth. The spiritual realm is JOINING FORCES with you, My Army of Light, to WIN this war against the darkness. You have allowed me to TRAIN you, to REFINE you of impurities, and to DEEPEN your TRUST and FAITH in Me. You have individually WON the INTERNAL WAR against darkness, and you now SHINE for Me.  I want to DISPLAY before the world a people who TERRORIZE EVIL and who LOVE and RESTORE the LOST and the BROKEN. This is the DREAM of My heart to have a FAMILY who will UPHOLD JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS with Me. This JOINT VENTURE between Heaven’s Armies and My Army of Light will result in a STUNNING DEFEAT for the darkness and a RADIANT VICTORY for TEAM LIGHT. Those who have said ‘yes’ to this JOINT VENTURE will be VINDICATED and their JOY in the VICTORY WILL BE FULL. They will receive the SPOILS of WAR and will STEP into places of RIGHTEOUS LEADERSHIP. They will CAREFULLY WATCH over the newfound FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS to PRESERVE and EXTEND it for many generations. This is an EPIC JOINT VENTURE!”

11.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

January 9, 2023


“You have been walking through A SEASON LIKE NO OTHER. Intense, unrelenting WARFARE has met you every day. You’ve become AWARE of DARK AGENDAS and a FORMIDABLE enemy who seeks to DESTROY you. These last few years, as I have EXPOSED the darkness to you, I have also shown you what is in YOUR OWN HEART and let you see where your FAITH LEVEL was in Me. My Army of Light, you responded by DRAWING CLOSER to Me and SEEKING Me like never before. You have LISTENED for My VOICE to give you COUNSEL, DIRECTION, HELP, and ENCOURAGEMENT. You’ve SEARCHED My Word to see My PATTERNS of how I’ve operated in the past and to BUILD your FAITH in who I AM and in what I have been PROMISING to do. You have learned to VALUE My prophetic voices speaking for Me to give you glimpses of a GOOD FUTURE and to give you BATTLE STRATEGIES to win this war from DARK to LIGHT. Many of you

have wondered why it has taken so long for Me to FULFILL My promises concerning your Nation. I want you to EVALUATE where your FAITH was five years ago, and I want you to REALIZE how much your FAITH has GROWN and DEEPENED during this INTENSE SEASON. You have become a BATTLE-HARDENED, FAITHFUL, WELL-TRAINED Army who will be MATURE and ready to fill LEADERSHIP ROLES in your new Nation. FREEDOM must be MAINTAINED, and those who have paid the price to attain it, will be the best ones to WATCH OVER IT and PRESERVE IT. You are coming through a DIFFICULT SEASON LIKE NO OTHER into a SEASON OF VICTORY and PROSPERING LIKE NO OTHER. Let PEACE and JOY fill your hearts at My WISDOM WAYS and My FIERCE LOVE for you.”


Diana Larkin

A Watchman’s Journal


  1. Diana, I’ve been following you for several years and felt compelled to write and tell you what your ministry has done for me. For the past 4 years, after the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit woke me up, I’ve been running faithfully after Him in prayer, listening to Him through your prophetic voice, and faithfully reading His Word. I’ve read thru the entire Bible many times in the past 4 years and my relationship with Him has deepened and strengthened exponentially. That is until 2 months ago. Suddenly, my desire to spend time with Him drastically diminished and I felt exhausted, lethargic and weak. I found myself just dreading my usual daily time with Him. I prayed for His patience and understanding and thanked Him for His forgiveness, but I truly didn’t and still don’t fully understand what happened to me. Then as I listened to your journal entries today for the past week, I felt as though He was speaking directly to ME! I felt His understanding and NOT His judgement. I felt as though He was wrapping His arms around me, soothing my weariness and encouraging me to draw close and not give up. I say all this to let you know how valuable your ministry is and to thank you for your faithfulness in delivering His Word to His children. Thank you so much for your inspiration and devotion to do what the Father has called you to do. You are a true blessing and I pray for strength and encouragement as you continue in your amazing ministry. I apologize for the length of this message. I just had to write and tell you. Blessings on you, your ministry and your family.
    In Him,
    Deb Mainard
    Twain Harte, CA

    1. I could ditto most of this, Thank you, Deb, for doing the typing for a lot of us!

    2. Thank you Deb. I know you speak for me as well as others probably. Thank you for your words and ministering to my spirit. God bless you.

    3. THANK YOU DEB ! Your post inspired me,and I am sure people who will find and read it ! GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART ! 🙏💖❤️🥰✝️🧸

  2. Thank you Deb, I have gone through this as well. Our God is so merciful! I will pray for all of us!


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