*We are to be on watch with our swords sharpened and set on fire to take out the lies, the smear campaigns, and the desperate measures the evil empire is launching to try and stop the flood of truth and exposures. We are not to back down or to give in to fear but stay tuned to the Holy Spirit and follow His strategic commands. Don’t let distractions deflect you from this place of needed warfare—let the Father carry the distractions. We must strengthen ourselves in Him daily and remember His promises of a glorious future.
*Our assignment is to pray for wisdom for world leaders to deescalate tensions and threats. Release Heaven’s spiritual intelligence through the prophets and intercessors to these leaders to help guide their decisions and to give them inside information about the enemy’s plans. We are to be flexible as we pray and flow with what He is asking us to target with our whack-a-mole hammers. We can preemptively strike plans before they ever get launched. Declare: “You will not reach the fullness of what the enemy has planned for death and destruction.”
*The best way to prevent fear and anxiety is to begin our day with the Father, drawing on His strength and His perspective.
*We are to slow down, breathe in His presence, let His wrap-a-round love fill us body, soul, and spirit and we will know that He is enough.
*We are to partner with the Father in the major overhauls He is doing in our society. Call in the overhauls, release Angels and Hosts to assist in uncovering corruption and in cleaning out these areas. Welcome Holy Spirit’s searchlight and pruning of our own hearts, as it will yield a harvest of fruitfulness.
*As all the darkness is exposed we need to bring the weight of it to the Father who will carry it for us. Partner with Heaven in calling forth solutions of cleansing, justice, recompense, and restoration. Fight valiantly for the exposures to come but keep in mind that something better is ahead, and He will be faithful to bring it to pass.
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
Diana, thank you so much for all that you do for us. We appreciate you more than you know. God Bless You!
ReplyDeleteThank you and doing so now! Just heard your message! Amen and Amen! Love you and congratulations on your book!!!! I have been writing down your word for years! Let’s Roll!!!! Hallelujah
ReplyDeletePsalm 149.9 He executes judgment to honor His saints.
ReplyDeleteMore on Psalm 149: Message bible: "Brandish their swords in the wild sword dance-
Deletea portent of vengeance on the God-defying nations, a signal of punishments coming:
their kings chained, hauled off to jail and their leaders behind bars for good." AMEN!
Many leaders of other nations will be hung or firing squad for Treason against our nation. Not jailed.
DeleteThe weight of the darkness: unnecessary wars, bloodshed, depressions, medical treatments denied and diseases Caused. Thank you Lord we call forth solutions and Breakthru to Righteous govt.,
ReplyDeletebusiness and education and entertainment.