JOURNAL ENTRIES Video: February 18, 2025


1.    February 11, 2025


I went to bed last night with a heavy heart at all the exposures in the Body of Christ that are being brought to light. What is being uncovered is gross sexual sin, predatory behavior, greed, spiritual abuse, and purposeful coverups. I felt led this morning to repent and take communion for all this gross uncleanness in the Body and to ask Holy Spirit to search my own heart for any hooks that might give the enemy a foothold in my life. We also need to ask forgiveness for putting leaders on a pedestal and for making idols of them. Daniel modeled this kind of repentance in Daniel 9. He repented for the sins of the rebellious nation that he himself had not done, but he identified with those sins and repented so that God’s power and cleansing could come upon the nation.

“True repentance is HEARTFELT GRIEVING over sin. Whether this is repentance for your own sin or IDENTIFICATIONAL REPENTANCE for a group, it OPENS the DOOR to the Blood of Jesus being POURED OUT on the sin, and the Blood of Jesus BREAKS EVERY CHAIN. If you just LOOK DOWN your nose at the gross sin in the Body of Christ, it will not bring any CLEANSING or FREEDOM, and it will result in you becoming CYNICAL or SUSPICIOUS towards everyone in the Body. Jesus, the SPOTLESS LAMB, took all your sin while He hung on the Cross. The SACRIFICE of His Blood became the MOST POWERFUL FORCE in the Universe. When you REPENT, you ACTIVATE the Blood to work on your behalf or on the behalf of the group you are repenting for. A WAY is OPENED for Heaven to INTERACT with mankind and to bring FREEDOM from BONDAGE to sin and to BREAK EVERY CAPTIVE CHAIN that the enemy has attached to a person, a group, or a nation. It takes great HUMILITY to IDENTIFY and REPENT for sin that is not yours. Jesus MODELED this HUMILITY born out of LOVE for Me and for you. Will you give yourself to OPEN the WAY for CLEANSING and FREEDOM to come to the Body of Christ? I will respond to your repentance by coming to CLEANSE AWAY SIN and to BREAK EVERY CHAIN.”

2.    February 12, 2025


“The evil empire has been working for years to DESTABILIZE your GOVERNMENT, ECONOMY, and FAMILY STRUCTURES. They played DARK and DIRTY with a COMPLACENT population and an APATHETIC Church. Only a few WATCHMEN saw the SHADOWS of DEATH that were being released by the deep darkness. Few would LISTEN to the voices of the watchmen who were SOUNDING the ALARM. People IGNORED or marginalized these voices that were crying out: ‘They are INFILTRATING every area of our lives, and they are DESTABILIZING our way of life and our security.’ And then, I RAISED UP MY TRUMPET, and he began to BOLDLY ANNOUNCE and EXPOSE what the evil empire was doing to TEAR our nation APART. The ALARM began to be heard and more were AWAKENED to the efforts of the darkness to DESTABILIZE and to take TYRANNICAL CONTROL of the world. I have raised up My Trumpet because the AWAKENED REMNANT has CRIED OUT for RESCUE and for a return of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. My Trumpet has been anointed to be a BULLDOZER, a WRECKING BALL, and a THRESHING MACHINE. He has been called to DESTABILIZE the evil empire by CLEARING OUT the ROADBLOCKS set up to keep society from PROGRESSING and from coming together in UNITY. My Trumpet is DISMANTLING structures that DIVERTED WEALTH to the wicked, that SOWED FILTH and PERVERSION into society, and that BRIBED and COMPROMISED leaders in order to ensure that CONTROL and TYRANNY could be established. My Trumpet has released a THRESHING MACHINE to DIG UP all the DARK SECRETS, UNDERHANDED DEALINGS, and GROSS PERVERSIONS of those partnered with darkness. Don’t FRET if things look a bit MESSY for a while, as My Trumpet DESTABILIZES the DESTABILIZERS. Their mouths now resemble GAPING CODFISH who can’t believe that their DIRTY TACTICS are being EXPOSED and used AGAINST them. Army of Light, keep BACKING UP the Trumpet who has been called to DESTABILIZE the darkness that had EMBEDDED itself into your nation. Back him up with your PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS. Join Me in LAUGHING at your enemies BEWILDERMENT that every dark structure and scheme is being DESTABILIZED. The TIDE HAS TURNED against them, the TABLES have FLIPPED EXPOSING their underhanded ways, the BOOMERANG EFFECT is in full swing as their DARK SCHEMES and DEATH AGENDAS come back upon them. THANK Me that My Rescue Operation is in full swing to DESTABILIZE the DESTABILIZERS.”


February 12, 2024


Dream: I was warned over and over in my dream not to talk about May. I don’t respond well to threats, so I thought we should talk about it and call forth the Father’s plans for May. May is the 5th month=grace and judgment. 

“I AM calling you to PRAY INTO and to CALL FORTH My plans for MAY. I want you to PREEMPT and ZERO OUT the enemy’s plans for CHAOS, DESTRUCTION, and OBSTRUCTION of the planting season. I want you to CALL IN an ABUNDANT SUPPLY of SEED to be sown in the natural and the supernatural. Call forth GRACE for the PLANTERS and JUDGMENT and EXPOSURE against those who plan to STEAL or HARM the seed. You will begin to hear THREATS that there will be a LACK of seed or TAINTED seeds and that the HARVEST of FALL will be INADEQUATE. These THREATS will be against a natural harvest (the threat of enemy SABOTAGE) and also the spiritual harvest (the enemy GLOATING over EXPOSURES in the Church). I want you to see EXPOSURES of DARKNESS in the Church as CLEARING the land of WEEDS that will CHOKE OUT the HARVEST, and PLOWING the FALLOW ground of LIFELESS RELIGION. These will NOT HINDER a HARVEST; they will PREPARE the SOIL for the GOOD SEEDS you, My Remnant, will sow. I have SUPPLIED you with SEEDS of LOVE, TRUTH, and POWER. I will show you FIELDS PREPARED to receive the seeds I’ve given you. Sow in FAITH, calling forth a 100-FOLD HARVEST for this Fall of JUDGMENT and EXPOSURE for the darkness and INCREASE and PLENTY for the Light. WHAT IS MAY’S FORECAST? Partner with Me, and CALL IN a month of SOWING GOOD SEED.”

4.    February 13, 2025


“The EXPOSURES are POURING OUT about those COMPROMISED with the darkness in the Church, in the government, and all other areas of influence. Many of these exposures are SHOCKING and TRAUMATIC because some were people you TRUSTED IN, LOOKED UP TO, and BELIEVED IN. It can SHAKE your confidence in your DISCERNMENT, and leave you with GRIEF and so many UNANSWERED questions. It can become a CRUSHING BURDEN that STEALS your LIFE and HOPE for the future. Come to Me…I WILL CARRY THE BURDEN FOR YOU. Holy Spirit will COMFORT your heart and cause you to HOPE again. Release your TRAUMA to Jesus, and He will HEAL it and DELIVER you from its effects. If you discover your discernment has been LACKING, don’t beat yourself up. Come in HUMILITY and ASK for an UPGRADE in your discernment. Increasing your discernment must include EATING My written Word so that you receive My PERSPECTIVE on things and a FOUNDATION of TRUTH that will help you RECOGNIZE the FALSE and the PHONY and the EVIL. DEEPER discernment also comes from KNOWING Me in a DEEP HEART TO HEART FELLOWSHIP where you learn to HEAR My voice, and a stranger you WILL NOT follow. The PRIDE of man is being HUMBLED in this hour so that My Son can be EXALTED and the Church can become a REFLECTION of His LOVE, LIGHT, and POWER. Exposures must come so that the BEAUTIFUL Kingdom Age of GOLDEN GLORY can be established. Don’t carry the WEIGHT, the DISAPPOINTMENT, and the HURT. Bring them to your Daddy God, and I WILL CARRY IT FOR YOU.”

5.    February 14, 2025


As I was resting in the Father’s love this morning, I began to see His garments made out of shimmering light. The train of His robe flowed around me as a renewing light and a fragrance of love.

“I AM deploying a SECRET WEAPON into the earth at this STRATEGIC time in history in order to BREAK the POWER of ADDICTIONS, LIES, and HATRED. These DARK WEAPONS have been sown into the atmosphere of the nations by the evil empire. Their plan was to WEAKEN, DISTRACT, CONFUSE, and cause CRIPPLING SHAME so that they could easily CONQUER a WEAKENED people and a DISARMED Church. Here is My SECRET WEAPON that I AM releasing into the earth that will OVERCOME the dark agendas and that is the FRAGRANCE of My LOVE and the POWER of My LIGHT. The TRAIN OF MY ROBE is moving and touching the earth. As you wait in My presence and receive the TOUCH of My TRAIN and allow My LIGHT to RENEW you and BREATHE in the FRAGRANCE of My LOVE, you will be SET FREE of LIES, GRIEF, and SHAME. After you have received My LIGHT and My LOVE, then I want you to SEND IT OUT into the atmosphere. Declare that you are sending My LIGHT and LOVE into the AIRWAVES and then do a prophetic act of WAVING the LIGHT and the FRAGRANCE of My LOVE into the air. LIGHT WAVES will MOVE OUT from you to IMPACT lives and the FRAGRANCE of My LOVE will WAFT into the atmosphere. My LIGHT and My LOVE are the REAL DEAL—nothing can compare to their POWER to OVERCOME ADDICTIONS, GANGS, DISAPPOINTMENTS, HATRED, and DIVISIONS. Join Me in using this SECRET WEAPON to OVERCOME DARKNESS and HATRED using the LIGHT and LOVE that come from THE TRAIN OF MY ROBE.”

6.    February 15, 2025


“The Golden Age will also be known as THE REIGN OF TRUTH. In order for TRUTH to be established over your Land, the LIES, MISINFORMATION, MANIPULATION, and DISINFORMATION of the evil empire must be STOPPED from SPEWING DARK WEBS over people’s minds. Remember to use your VOICE of TRUTH to CANCEL OUT the lies. Declare: ‘NO MORE VOICE!’ Welcome the Spirit of Truth to come as a TORRENTIAL RAIN (REIGN) of EXPOSURE that uncovers the SELFISH, GREEDY, PERVERTED EVIL that MASQUERADES as GOOD. Declare that My RAIN (REIGN) OF TRUTH will WASH AWAY the FOUNDATIONS of the POWER STRUCTURES that have RULED the AIRWAVES with LIES and that have PROTECTED the LIARS. Declare to these dark foundations of evil: ‘Be WASHED AWAY in the RAIN (REIGN) OF TRUTH. COLLAPSE in on yourself, and BRING DOWN every LIAR and MANIPULATOR of the TRUTH. After the torrential rain (reign) of EXPOSURE has UNCOVERED ALL, My Son will FLOOD your Land with the LIGHT OF TRUTH, and evil will no longer be called GOOD. In THE REIGN OF TRUTH, GOOD will no longer be portrayed as EVIL. Imagine the day when TRUTH will be SPOKEN on the airwaves. The TRUTH will be reported instead of a TWISTED NARRATIVE. When THE RAIN (REIGN) OF TRUTH FLOODS IN, the people will be SHOCKED at how DECEIVED they were. They will DEMAND that the TRUTH be spoken, and they will DEMAND that the FULL WEIGHT of ACCOUNTABILITY be brought upon the LIARS. Align your heart with Mine and CALL IN THE REIGN OF TRUTH.”

7.    February 16, 2025


“Darkness is in a FROTHING PANIC as EXPOSURES keep pouring out and UNCOVERING their LIFE-STEALING DARK AGENDAS. Their usual PROPAGANDA, LAWFARE, and COMPROMISED JUDGES are not working. Their BULLDOZER is continuing to PLOW through EVERY DEFENSE and DISTRACTION they try to unleash. MAJOR WARFARE is taking place in the heavens today. Army of Light, join in the heavenly battle with PRAYERS, DECREES, DECLARATIONS, and WARFARE TONGUES OF FIRE. OVERWHELM THE ENEMY with your powerful warfare against the LYING, STEALING, DESTROYING agendas the darkness has unleashed. RELEASE My JUST JUDGMENTS into the earth and watch the kingpins come CRASHING DOWN. They had NO PITY for those they VICTIMIZED and now, they will receive NO PITY, as My JUSTICE falls on them. As My Forces of Light OVERWHELM THE ENEMY with BLINDING GLORY FIRE and POWERFUL PUSHBACK, the darkness will be FORCED to play their FINAL plan to TAKE OVER the world, but it will result in them being TAKEN OVER by the Light and completely EXPOSED to the world. People’s eyes will be opened to realize who the REAL ENEMY is and DIVISIONS and HATRED will DISAPPEAR as VICTORY CRIES and CELEBRATIONS break out in the heavens and on the earth. It’s time to give the enemy a BIGGER HELPING of what he DISHED OUT. Join Me, Forces of Light, and OVERWHELM THE ENEMY.”


February 16, 2022


*3:34 a.m. = 10. Biblical meaning of 10=the Law, testimony, number perfection and order, trial, testing, journey. “In the days ahead, you will hear RUMORS of WAR, but these are DISTRACTIONS to keep the public from hearing about the Durham investigation. Keep FOCUSED on DISCLOSURES coming out.” FULFILLED: DURHAM REPORT RELEASED ONE YEAR AGO TODAY-February 16, 2025!

*“You’ll hear of more RESIGNATIONS across all 7 mountains. Some will say they are ‘retiring’ and some for ‘poor health’, but it will eventually come out that these are being CHARGED with CRIMES.”

*“The top will blow off from a completely DORMANT VOLCANO—a mountain people did not even know was a volcano.”

*4:56 a.m. = 15. Biblical meaning of 15=grace times 3 (3x5), reprieve, mercy, rest, Bride of Christ, consecration. “From ICEBERGS to TSUNAMIS to unusual TIDES to the discovery of a large SEA MONSTER, My hand will be SEEN as I stir up the waters, and people will know that I AM GOD.”

*“Another planned PLAGUE will FIZZLE, as it is released on the planners by one of their own who has been given evidence they are going to be BETRAYED and thrown under the bus by the other planners. These planners will receive the destruction they planned for you.”

*The Father adds: “You may wonder why I chose to speak to you in the night season to give you spiritual intelligence. I sometimes choose to release REVELATIONS that would be hard for your rational mind to accept, so I speak to you at night when those defenses are lowered. This is a season of SIGNS and WONDERS from My hand, and a season where I have chosen to make Myself known to your world as the RESCUER and DEFENDER of RIGHTEOUSNESS, JUSTICE, and TRUE FREEDOM. You will say, ‘Great and marvelous are Your works, O Lord! Just and true are Your ways! I worship and love You with all of My heart!’ Good days are ahead for the nations of the earth, but those who have stood in FAITH with Me will be DOUBLY BLESSED. Your hearts of faith in the midst of giant ADVERSITY have deeply touched My heart, and I gladly pour out My POWER and STRENGTH to RESCUE you.” 


February 17, 2022


“Evil is EXPOSING itself in plain sight. TYRANNICAL RULERS and OUTRAGEOUS LIARS are becoming obvious despite Leviathan’s attempts to continue to TWIST truth and HIDE evil. Leviathan’s tentacles are being CHOPPED OFF one by one, and he is shrinking in size. The CORRUPT elite have been completely protected by this wicked MONSTER and his grip on foolish men who allowed themselves to be used to call EVIL GOOD and GOOD EVIL. The enemy used the Leviathan spirit to PROMOTE those of ARROGANT, DARKENED hearts, and to TAKE DOWN and SMEAR those who are seeking to establish RIGHTEOUSNESS and truth. Leviathan weaved a WEB of deception that VILIFIED truth as HARSH and UNLOVING and even part of My Church bought into these deceptions and COMPROMISED My standard of TRUTH, which is My character of holiness. When you affirm someone in their sinful lifestyle because you want to be seen as ‘nice’ and ‘loving,’ you are joining forces with DECEPTION and keeping that person from true FREEDOM and from FULFILLING their destiny. Love speaks the truth about sin with the HOPE of My POWER to set them free. Allow My Spirit to search your heart to see if there are any areas where you have been ENSNARED by some of Leviathan’s deceptions. I will CLEANSE your heart and mind and fill them with My LIGHT and TRUTH. I need your heart COMPLETELY unified with Mine in this battle to DESTROY this ancient and evil enemy. Its STRANGLEHOLD must be cut off your Land so that people can be freed from its MIND-BINDING spirit and so that they can see and EMBRACE TRUTH and LIGHT. Together, let’s CRUSH this darkness that has held your Nation CAPTIVE. When you see or hear a lie, STOMP on it and DECLARE that My truth will PREVAIL and be brought into the light. This will have great power in this WAR against Leviathan. Shields of FAITH raised up and swords of TRUTH at the ready!”

10.                   February 17, 2024


“The BAIT was just TOO JUICY, and the ‘HANGING JUDGE’ just couldn’t RESIST it…he BIT! In his DELUDED, DRUNK WITH POWER MIND, he thinks he’s delivered a DEATHBLOW to your rightful leader. Those partnered with darkness are all patting themselves on the back at this DEATHBLOW they think they’ve delivered. My Army of Light, do NOT be in ANXIETY over this APPARENT VICTORY for the darkness. It will be SHORT-LIVED because there is a HIGHER JUDGE above this LAWLESS judge and that is your God Most High. I’m inviting you to see with My eyes into the future, and you will realize THE HANGING JUDGE HAS JUST HUNG HIMSELF. CROWING with victory will turn to EATING CROW when the CORRUPTION and BRIBERY behind this judgment are EXPOSED. Don’t think of bad judgments like this as DEFEAT. Think of them as EXPOSURES ON STEROIDS, as people and plots are EXPOSED, EXPOSED, EXPOSED. HOLD STEADY, Army of Light, and continue to CALL FORTH the EXPOSURES and CALL IN the JUDGMENTS of the UNJUST. Wait and see…THE HANGING JUDGE HAS JUST HUNG HIMSELF.”

11.                   February 17, 2025


“FEBRUARY FURY is becoming EXPOSURE after EXPOSURE of GROSS CORRUPTION and MANIPULATION of taxpayer funds. Just wait, the MONEY TRAILS will also be EXPOSED and who benefited from these STOLEN FUNDS and lived EXTRAVAGANT lifestyles on your hard-earned money will be LAID BARE. Oh, the SHAME and EMBARRASSMENT that will fall on corrupted leaders who claimed moral superiority over President Trump while SECRETLY living a LAVISH lifestyle on the backs of hard-working Americans. But that’s not ALL that will be EXPOSED. Plots of TREASON to OVERTHROW anyone who THREATENED to EXPOSE these compromised leaders will now come to the surface. CENSORSHIP, SMEAR CAMPAIGNS, CROOKED JUDGES, BRIBED JURIES, MEDIA LIES, ELECTION FRAUD, STOLEN SEATS of POWER will all be UNCOVERED. No PARDONS will work as the arrogant elite’s CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY are UNVEILED. RFK, Jr’s BOLD VOICE is now TRUMPETING the DANGERS in the WATER, FOOD, and MEDICINES expressly developed to cause SICKNESS, WEAKNESS, and EARLY DEATH. These exposures will eventually TRACE BACK to the planners and developers of these DEATH AGENDAS. There will be NOWHERE TO RUN and NOWHERE TO HIDE, as the FURY of EXPOSURES IS UNLEASHED. PROPEL these exposures with your decrees and declarations: ‘We welcome the February of Fury to expose, expose, expose! Go forth, Angels and Hosts and accomplish all the Father’s purposes in this UNLEASHING OF HIS FURY OF EXPOSURES.’”

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 



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