February 14, 2025


As I was resting in the Father’s love this morning, I began to see His garments made out of shimmering light. The train of His robe flowed around me as a renewing light and a fragrance of love.

“I AM deploying a SECRET WEAPON into the earth at this STRATEGIC time in history in order to BREAK the POWER of ADDICTIONS, LIES, and HATRED. These DARK WEAPONS have been sown into the atmosphere of the nations by the evil empire. Their plan was to WEAKEN, DISTRACT, CONFUSE, and cause CRIPPLING SHAME so that they could easily CONQUER a WEAKENED people and a DISARMED Church. Here is My SECRET WEAPON that I AM releasing into the earth that will OVERCOME the dark agendas and that is the FRAGRANCE of My LOVE and the POWER of My LIGHT. The TRAIN OF MY ROBE is moving and touching the earth. As you wait in My presence and receive the TOUCH of My TRAIN and allow My LIGHT to RENEW you and BREATHE in the FRAGRANCE of My LOVE, you will be SET FREE of LIES, GRIEF, and SHAME. After you have received My LIGHT and My LOVE, then I want you to SEND IT OUT into the atmosphere. Declare that you are sending My LIGHT and LOVE into the AIRWAVES and then do a prophetic act of WAVING the LIGHT and the FRAGRANCE of My LOVE into the air. LIGHT WAVES will MOVE OUT from you to IMPACT lives and the FRAGRANCE of My LOVE will WAFT into the atmosphere. My LIGHT and My LOVE are the REAL DEAL—nothing can compare to their POWER to OVERCOME ADDICTIONS, GANGS, DISAPPOINTMENTS, HATRED, and DIVISIONS. Join Me in using this SECRET WEAPON to OVERCOME DARKNESS and HATRED using the LIGHT and LOVE that come from THE TRAIN OF MY ROBE.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


    We love you, Father Son and Holy Spirit.

    Valentine's Day was most likely created to overpower the pagan holiday, Lupercalia.
    Although the exact origin of the holiday is not widely agreed upon, it is widely recognized as a day for love, devotion and romance.
    Whoever he was, Valentine did really exist, because archaeologists have unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient church dedicated to St. Valentine. In 496 AD Pope Gelasius marked February 14th as a celebration in honor of his martyrdom.
    St. Valentine is the Patron Saint of affianced couples, bee keepers, engaged couples, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, happy marriages, love, lovers, plague, travelers, and young people. He is represented in pictures with birds and roses and his feast day is celebrated on February 14.


    + The Prayer Poet

    * * * * * * *
    The Untold Story of Saint Valentine: Love & Ultimate Sacrifice | The True Meaning of Valentine's Day

    1. thank you, prayer poet for this historical information, really awesome as are you!

  2. I declare the train of the Fathers Robe will also reach into the underground tunnels !

    1. Lord , Your Love and Light along with 100,000 angels will flood the tunnels and somehow free these captive children !

    2. The power of Gods' light both high and low . Lord light up these dark tunnels as well as the atmosphere .

  3. As I was receiving the Father's Love I entered into the train of Hiis robe. I was whirled around and around in His beauty gently and lifted up! It was magnificent! I then released His light and love over my state of Colorado and the states where my adult children reside, some of whom are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and are running away from the Lord. Oh praise the Lord God Almighty who reigns in love.
    Thank you my dear Diana!

    1. Thank you for your sharing your experience. Beautiful!

    2. I too released this over the Front Range of Denver, CO this morning! Especially charged angels to usher it into a meeting that our Gov. Polis is holding with 500 transgender youth today. I LOVE this weapon! It made me think of the woman with the issue of blood touching the hem of Jesus robe. But here, the Father is swooping in , covering the atmosphere and touching with His Love and Fragrance!
      Holy! Holy! Holy!
      Praises to Our God!

    3. Amen. I LOVE this weapon too! I thought of her as well. She knew the scripture. Malachi 4:2 “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings,” she knew if she could touch the hem of The Son of Righteousness's wings she would be healed. Now...The Father is moving and touching the earth with His train. Isaiah 6 The whole earth is filled with his glory!”
      "Here we are! Send us!"
      Thank you Father for these words of Love to Diana to share with The Army of Light. As I touch Your train and allow your light to renew and heal me with Your light and LOVE. I will then send it out into the atmosphere. “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies!

    4. I also thought of people touching the hem of Jesus' robe . North Carolina

  4. * * * * * * *
    💕Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.
    Father, THANK YOU for Your Sweet Message through Diana Larkin, “A SECRET WEAPON: THE TRAIN OF HIS ROBE.”

    We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    Loving Father, THANK YOU for telling us, “Here is My Secret Weapon that I AM releasing into the earth that will overcome the dark agendas and that is the Fragrance of My LOVE and the Power of My Light.” . . . “Join Me in using this secret weapon to overcome darkness and hatred using the Light and Love that come from THE TRAIN OF MY ROBE.”

    ABBA, THANK YOU that The TRAIN OF YOUR ROBE is moving and touching the earth.
    I come before You and prayerfully wait in Your presence.
    THANK YOU for touching me with Your Train.
    I ALLOW Your Light to renew me.
    I BREATHE-IN the Fragrance of Your LOVE.
    THANK YOU for setting me free of lies, grief, and shame. Amen.

    ABBA, THANK YOU for inviting us to join you in using your secret weapon of Light and Love to overcome the darkness.

    We DECREE God’s Light Waves and Fragrance of Love released into the atmosphere will powerfully overcome addictions, gangs, disappointments, hatred, and divisions.

    I DECLARE . . . I am sending God’s Light and Love into the airwaves.
    (prophetic act)

    We PROCLAIM 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 (CEV)
    “I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume. In fact, God thinks of us as a perfume that brings Christ to everyone. For people who are being saved, this perfume has a sweet smell and leads them to a better life.”

    Father God, we give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise. We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    on earth as it is in Heaven.”
    In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!


    HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    * * * * * * *
    + The Prayer Poet +

    1. Releasing Heavenly Father’s Light and Love everywhere we go! Let’s do the wave! 🌈🕯️💝 Love sweet Love

    2. Sir I've done surgery on many cancer patients and I never one time found a parasite when we cut into the cancer. And it's not pus it's hard but your able to cut into it. Look and feels like a chicken breast after broiling it in the oven till it done. But it doesn't tare like chicken.

    3. Also not did we see them in the slides at pathology where it was biopsied. We saw the the cells. So if there were parasites we would have seen them. Just want you to know whoever put that out was incorrect.


    MCHUGH 1016 on J. Green’s website. (I don’t post there.)

    Cancel surgery and try the IVERMECTIN protocol. Cancer sacs/tumors are parasites!

    Research Dr. Bryan Ardis website on how to get rid of parasites.

    1. Also apricot seeds proven to destroy cancer

  6. I have been waiting for this message from our Father for so long ~ My beautiful son Michael is a Veteran and is battling alcohol addiction for the last 2 years.He is filled with pain and darkness. I cry every day and bind the spirts of darkness; I declaring and decreeing his deliverance. The demons are many and I tried and tried to cast them out. Please pray for him and pray God release his Love over him and he is supernaturally healed. God has spoke to him many times and I know he has plans for him. Scripture says don't be moved by what you see and he is healed by your stripes. Farther I TRUST you will deliver Michael from the Darkness into the Light. Praise you and I give you all the Glory ~ Amen

    1. Lifting Michael up to our loving God in prayer. You can't do this alone. Is there AA where your son lives? It helped a loved one of mine tremendously.

    2. AA helped my dad and then [ way latter ]a fellow a dad's funeral told me dad thru AA had saved his life by leading him there and taking him to meetings .

  7. Buttercup Elvis last post. Like Jesus he knew when He wasn’t welcome and would move on. Good luck ya’ll! Praying for you and that someday the depth of Gods love will sink into your hearts. Peace ✌️

  8. THANK YOU FATHER for your words through DIANA for us .AMEN ♥️🙏🙌

  9. * * * * * * *
    God’s Prophetic Word taken from PATTY TEICHROEW’S Prayer Journal.

    Posted by: + The Prayer Poet +
    * * * * * * *

    February 14, 2025

    For I AM your Life-Giver! For I have Everything you need to have life that is Abundant! For I have said that I will bring justice and that I will Right the Wrongs. Now let Me explain that it doesn’t just go to those that need punishment—for there are two sides of justice—for in a trial, if the jurors find that the evidence against the accused is not valid and not viable for a conviction, the accused is set Free and that is their Reward! So, Justice has a scale, one for guilty=punishment and a possible loss of funds (if they are being sued) then on the other side is a scale showing not guilty=freedom and reward (as in a lawsuit when they are awarded money for showing cause). And I say Justice Is About To Be Played Out as in the time before the Red Sea crossing when the Death Angel came and took down the first born in all of Egypt including the animals, But I Protected the Israelites from death, those who had put the lamb’s blood on their doorposts and I also Rewarded them with health and wealth and so Shall It Be Again! For the Death Angel has determined who is guilty and All Will See My Power and My Justice At Work!

    Isaiah 61:8 “For I, YAHWEH, love fairness and justice, and I hate stealing and sin. I will rightly repay them because of my faithfulness and enter into an everlasting covenant with them.”

    1. Oh man, could many of us use a boost in health !

    2. "Mercy" to the guilty is Cruelty to the wronged Innocent.
      We must have God's Righteous Justice at this time to move forward.

  10. A lesson : Have you noticed how Diana spends time with the Father ---resting in His Love ! just beautiful !

    1. Yes, she inspires me to take time to rest in the Father's love. Thank you, Diana! :)


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