February 18, 2025


“Sharpen your SWORDS! Lift them high to Heaven to be set on Holy Spirit FIRE. Be READY, be WATCHFUL to wield that sword against the LIES, the SMEAR CAMPAIGNS, the DESPERATE measures the evil empire is launching to try and STOP the FLOOD of TRUTH and the EXPOSURES of CRIMES against humanity and DEEP CORRUPTION. Meet their desperation with SKILL, DETERMINATION, and the HEART of a WARRIOR that will NOT BACK DOWN and will NOT GIVE in to FEAR. Like never before, stay TUNED to My PRESENCE and My VOICE, and I will GUIDE your warfare and make it STRATEGIC. Even as you go about your daily duties, keep your spirit TUNED in to My Spirit. It’s like in Nehemiah’s day when the wall builders had a TOOL in one hand and a SWORD in the other. They built with SKILL and DETERMINATION, but they were WATCHFUL to SPY out the enemy, SOUND the TRUMPET ALARM, and be ready to DEFEND their work. The enemy will seek to bring DISTRACTIONS into your life in order to get your FOCUS off the battlefield that is at a very CRUCIAL STAGE. Bring the distractions to Me and ask Me to CARRY them for you and to bring about My RESOLUTIONS for you. I AM faithful. You must be STRENGTHENED in Me every day to FIGHT WELL and to be REMINDED that I AM with you and that My promises for a GLORIOUS FUTURE are SURE and TRUE. The pace is PICKING UP in this war from dark to Light, so I AM calling you to BE ON WATCH!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. Full Speed Ahead and God Speed 🚅!!! Show the whole world 🌎 Past present and future are colliding now 😊 God gets all the glory 😊 Our future is looking very bright 😎

    1. I like the sun glasses for the very bright future !o.e.

  2. To go along with Dianas'word . Last night Robin Bullock was on Elijah Streams and repeated a word that he heard from the Lord some time ago . The Lord said He will fix the situation that the world is now in because of a very weak Church----but don't ever let it happen again ! We need to use the power of the Blood of Jesus and the authority of Christ in us to make a strong church . We have everything and more than the 12 apostles had . o.e.

    1. Amen! I watched that episode. Very good.

    2. I watched it too, very good. We need to be in prayer these next few years for our Church leaders, that they have their blinders and distractions removed. We are all "priests, prophets, and kings" in the "priesthood of the believer," but we still need good leadership from our ordained shepherds.

    3. Amen to that. I love this song by ~ We The Kingdom – Don’t Tread On Me (Lyric Video)

  3. The Lord keeps drawing my attention to: 2 Thess: Rebellion and Lawlessness (secret power/demonic force) launched 5-25-20 ( B4 it's time), $320B in DEI (marxism tool) funding overnight, Defund the Police movement + BLM (Bullies launching Marxism).
    DC from overhead = a giant Masonic altar . . 40+ lodges in DC.
    Prince Hall Masons = Black "clandestine" masons.
    Motto= "Not Like Us". Also grammy song + Super bowl half time with lots masonic symbols.
    Bizarre: 1-19-25 "The Biden's" last day in office he was initiated
    into Prince Hall as a 33rd degree mason.
    Mpls = a sending state/ a sending anointing : lumber, IT, wheat, the gospel.
    USA also to Bless the Nations. Both highjacked for wickedness and perversions.
    Zeph 2: when He destroys all the gods of the earth time.

    1. Zeph 2 is also "for Gaza shall be forsaken, abandoned, deserted, destroyed,
      with no one left." "the fierce anger of the Lord" is highlighted.
      3. "Seek the Lord, it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord's anger."
      Serious times. No wonder so many prophetic voices warning, advising, getting us ready.

  4. How will we ever have a strong Church without the supernatural [as at the early time after the Cross] , After all God is Supernatural ! We need the promised Infilling of the Holy Ghost and Fire . People will fill the Church when there are healings , Demons cast out , prophesy , etc. No more Luke warm tea time ---but power in the Blood of the Lamb !

    1. YES ! 11:37 Pray and agree. Jesus said "don't believe me unless I do the works
      (the miracles only GOD can do.) John 10. 37-8.
      Cho in south Korea built largest church and was asked how did he do this : Cho's answer:
      "I pray every morning in tongues" and then his report was "I do this and something Supernatural Happen !"
      Bring it Lord: Only the supernatural that Our God can do.
      Make Your Name Famous in the Earth !

    2. Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, with all that that entails!

    3. I agree and decree it so in the name of Jesus Christ! Amen.

    4. THIS gospel of the Demonstrated, Supernatural kingdom is to be preached in all the world B4 the end comes.

    5. There is a revolution of the Gospel going around tge world NOW! Young people from every nation are being filled with the Holy Spirit and singing in the streets! Our God is an Awesome God!

  5. Bring the distractions to Me and ask Me to CARRY them for you and to bring about My RESOLUTIONS for you. I AM faithful.

    This is what stood out to me.
    I am surrounded by work distractions and someone in my building is operating in witchcraft.
    I can feel the vibrations.
    Lord, help me to surrender these distractions to You.
    They are more than I can handle.
    Thank you.

    1. 11:51 we pray and agree with you to have Him deal with the distractions and bring you Mighty and Perfect RESOLUTIONS to Every one.
      We are all in training and can expect to grow strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might as he proves His protection, provision and perfect plan for each of our lives as we live before Him. We Are weak, but He Is strong. Peace and LOL= Lots of Love.

    2. To the spirit of witchcraft operation in your building, we command NO MORE VOICE! Now your knee and go to the feet of Jesus! Thank You Jesus for the authority You have given us over principalities and powers. In the name of Jesus. Amen

    3. *Bow your knee *

    4. Thank you all so much!!! I am 11:51 and I so appreciate the prayers!! God Bless all of you!

  6. I don't know if this would help any of you--but it SURE HELPED me! In December I was told by the Holy Spirit, "STARE INTO THE LIGHT! BASK IN THE LIGHT! STAND IN THE LIGHT and FIGHT FROM THE LIGHT!" Holy Spirit also told me to GO and BUY PALM BRANCHES in a prophetic act--and I have several of them in a huge arrangement--to VISUALIZE HIS COMING VICTORY when we will SHOUT and DANCE and SING and "WAVE OUR PALM BRANCHES"!
    The other two "prophetic acts" I was told to do, was to make a SHIELD with Scriptural verses. I used a HUGE cardboard box, cut it up, spray painted it gold and put Scripture on it and a HUGE LION of the TRIBE of JUDAH FACE on it. Daily, I bring myself to to HIS SHIELD and consecrate the day to "push back the Battle at the Gates". He also told me to "make a SWORD". So I made one out of cardboard--sprayed it GOLD (for Heaven). The HILT has YHWH's Name and the blade is covered in both English and Hebrew-especially the battle phrases. I am an Issachar Watchmen, for both Israel and America, so the Holy Spirit will wake me up singing in Hebrew to draw me to Scripture and pray from the original context as He cross references Scripture and "weaves it over me like a prayer tapestry". God is doing amazing things--we just have to be WILLING TO RECEIVE it and serve according to our anointing! HalleluYAH!

    1. I am willing to receive it! Lord anoint me to serve You according to my destiny. Amen & Amen

    2. Thank you 12:o8 ! Tremendous intel, Thanks so much for sharing how He works with you.
      We all decree and declare: "We ARE willing to receive everything we need from heaven and we will serve according to our anointing and our assignments!"
      Help us Lord to be found faithful and fruitful, plugged into the Vine.

    3. Be careful of "stare into the light" this is how Witches and Masons start their initiations .

    4. How would a person know they are a Issachar watchmen ? Is the cardboard [wood] "shield" like a grove to worship Asherah---a Canaanite goddess ? The whole 12:08pm looks far away from anything Christian !


    5. at 8:56 PM - I hope this helps you.

      When God asks us to keep our eyes focused on him, are we not focusing on THE LIGHT? Haven't we recently been told to release (by prophetic act) His Light and Love into the atmosphere?
      When I read at 12:08 PM " I took it literally as a prophetic act - not a worship of cardboard. God gives visualizations that are absolutely amazing. Stop and think about this: As you are releasing God's Love and Light into the atmosphere, and someone "just happens" to see you doing your prophetic act, don't you think they might question your sanity? If they asked what you are doing and you respond that God said to do this, I'm sure you'd see "raised eyebrows" and hear them muttering "Coo-coo. Coo-coo!"

      Holy Spirit is not a "cutout" and neither are we. We are made in the image of God, but we are still unique.

      Final thought: Please don't grieve Holy Spirit. Follow Holy Spirit's lead for "you".


    6. P.S. at 8:56 PM
      In today's message, God said, “The pace is PICKING UP in this war from dark to Light, so I AM calling you to BE ON WATCH.”

      Back to what I perceived from 12:08 PM
      STARE INTO THE LIGHT! (keep focused on Him)
      BASK IN THE LIGHT! (soak in His presence)
      STAND IN THE LIGHT (His strength)
      FIGHT FROM THE LIGHT! (Sword of the Spirit)

    7. To respond to 8:56--

      You would know You have been called and anointed as an Issachar if you HEAR it from The Lord. I am consecrated to pray for 5 People Groups globally--two of which are the Jewish Harvest and the Arabic Harvest, which I believe is WHY He made me an Issachar. I did not ASK to be made one, I simply prostrated myself and thanked Him for a miracle He did for me and asked how I serve Him and bring Him pleasure? Was I serving Him according to His Will and what was in my Book of Life? That night a had a HUGE vision of the Lion of Judah and He turned and looked over the Encampment around the Tent of Meeting and He highlighted the SECOND TENT--the Issachar Tent. I heard Him say "Issachar!" And then He ROARED and it was GLORIOUS! After that the Holy Spirit starting leading me into deeper Scriptures, in the ORIGINAL TEXT in both Hebrew and Greek and started singing to be in Hebrew so I could understand it from its original context. This helps GREATLY for prayer strategies because He has reshaped my mind to SEE all His Templates, His Ways and the common threads of how COVENANTAL and unchanging He is!
      None of this is ashtray or witchcraft--and none of the prophetic acts which surround me as VISUALS are "weird". They are MY FAITH, put into immediate action and obedience. I often stand on the wall for 10 hours a day--so my home reflects that I am pouring my life out for His Service and that by in some small part, helping to bring in the Harvest of Souls, our future family members.

      Staring into the LIGHT, BASKING in the LIGHT and FIGHTING from the LIGHT came from several GLORY experiences in my prayer closet--when the GLORY fell and I was surrounded by His Light. He did that because He is preparing us to stand in dark times and for the ONLY THING TO MATTER--HE THAT HE IS OUR EVERYTHING and what does it matter when Jesus is SHINING for you?
      (So my focus on how He revealed His Glory in His Light is not "coo-coo", but rather how He is choosing to strengthen me so I can serve my 5 People Groups, whom I have grown to love!

      Expand your vision of how God can move--and He will move in and through you!


    8. Thank you "February 20, 2025 at 8:44 AM" for expounding on your experience. No one can offer a better explanation than the recipient.

      My comments were at 7:31 AM and 7:46 AM. I hope they weren't misconstrued. I was trying to give 8:56 PM a different perspective in using the recent example of what God told us to do.

      People, especially family, don't believe in revelation - they either think we are nuts, making things up, or listening to an evil spirit. I have been told that I needed "help" and also reminded to be careful of not being deceived. I will follow the three-in-one!

      Follow your heart, my dear, and thank you for sharing. I absolutely loved it! I am convinced God is using you for His Glory!

  7. We will fight in the spirit and fight in the land , we will never give up .

  8. A land fight [DOGE] . I had a husband named Doge and he was tough as nails . [DOGe] . Kitty

  9. * * * * * * *
    God’s Prophetic Word taken from PATTY TEICHROEW’S Prayer Journal.

    Posted by: + The Prayer Poet +
    * * * * * * *

    February 18, 2025

    For I the Lord God am going to Astound you in the coming days ~for I AM working with My David and he is putting the deep state on notice everyday as he works with Elon Musk to stop the flow of money into their pet projects of darkness. For even now the social security payments are coming under scrutiny and finding many checks going to people that are deceased! For so long you have been duped by your government believing that they are doing a good job in spending your tax dollars, when in reality it’s Being Wasted! And the many senators and congressmen have a net worth far above their means for that too will come to light! For what has been hidden is going to be Seen and Reported for All To See! For I AM bringing shame on the perpetrators of injustice in Washington DC but I will also visit every state and uncover theirs as well. For I AM Cleaning and Uprooting the evil agendas in America and then it will affect other countries as well. For I See All and when USAID is dismantled and done away with~Major Changes will be put in place to bring Freedom and No Longer to Control!

    Colossians 1:13 “He has rescued us completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved Son.”

    1. I have always liked col 1:13 because it proves we are NOW in the Kingdom !

  10. Team , we are helping to haul a huge load----keep your spiritual muscles strong !

  11. * * * * * * *
    💕Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.
    Father, THANK YOU for Your Message through Diana Larkin, “BE ON WATCH!” . . . “The pace is PICKING UP in this war from dark to Light, so I AM calling you to BE ON WATCH.”

    We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    ABBA, THANK YOU for telling us, “I will guide your warfare and make it strategic.” . . . “Stay tuned to My Presence and My Voice.”
    We LIFT our swords high to Heaven NOW to be set on Holy Spirit FIRE.
    . . . We will be watchful to wield our sword against the evil empire’s lies and smear campaigns.
    . . . We are READY.
    . . . We will NOT back down.
    . . . We will NOT give in to fear.
    . . . We will keep our spirit tuned-in to Your Spirit.
    We DECLARE we will FOCUS our warfare on the battlefield.
    We DECLARE we will bring any distractions of the enemy to You and ask You to carry them for us and to bring about your resolutions for us.

    WE SHOUT . . .
    BRING FORTH the Flood of Truth!
    EXPOSE the crimes against humanity!
    EXPOSE the deep corruption!

    Father, THANK YOU for Your Faithfulness.
    THANK YOU that You will strengthen us every day to fight well.
    THANK YOU for reminding us that You are with us and that Your Promises for a Glorious Future are sure and true.

    And now, ABBA, in obedience WE CALL FORTH Light, Peace, Power, Joy and Plenty.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Winds of Change.
    • WE CALL FORTH Boomerangs of Judgment and Justice.
    • We CALL FORTH our Nation to Resurrection Life.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Season of Seedtime and Harvest.
    • WE CALL FORTH the Golden Age.
    • WE CALL FORTH Your Ocean of Glory.
    • WE WELCOME the Frequency of Heaven.
    • WE WELCOME Your Tsunami of Truth.
    • WE WELCOME the New Kingdom Era.

    We have the Victory, and the Triumph of our GOD is sure!
    This is America’s Day!

    Father God, we give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise. We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    on earth as it is in Heaven.”
    In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!


    Mighty Host, thank you for your loyalty and obedience to LORD SABAOTH, our KING OF GLORY. We appreciate all you are doing for us. WE COMMISION you to destroy the enemy with our declarations; fulfill our prayers of faith; and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    Warrior Host, GO FORTH NOW!
    Illumination Angels, DELIVER Light Beams. ILLUMINATE!
    DRIVE OUT the darkness! GO FORTH, NOW!
    Angels of Deliverance, BRING revelation to the deceived. GO FORTH, NOW!

    HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    * * * * * * *
    + The Prayer Poet +

  12. Yes! Amen! Hallelujah!

  13. From 1862 until 1872, tax rates were nominal - 2% to 10% max - basically low flat rate. In the USA from 1873-1893, and 1895-1912 there were no Income Taxes. Why? Because the US Supreme court ruled that income taxes were unconstitutional. This decision stood until the ratification of the 16th Amendment in 1913. What happened in 1913? The establishment of the Federal Reserve - a PRIVATE banking cabal of thieves that have stolen TRILLIONS ad TRILLIONS from American citizens ever since. All that wealth should be stripped from these thieving scumbags and transferred back SEVENFOLD for every year they stole all this wealth.

    1. 6:50 pm ---great post , you are correct about the Federal Reserve ----maybe our biggest problem to solve for our wealth return .


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