February 22nd Entries from past years:

February 22, 2020            

ISAIAH 22:22 The Key of David
“I have declared My Body to be the opener of My Kingdom rule and ways in this important hour. I have laid the authority of My Word and My ways upon you so that we partner together to bring about My Kingdom authority and rule at this time on the earth. You bear My name and you carry out My commands as My sons and daughters. This day you will help establish a new day of authority over sickness, war, and poverty—all the areas the enemy has sought to bring down the crown of My creation. What you bind and close off will be shut and locked and what you loosen and free will be
opened and no one will be able to shut. The key of David has now been given to those who look to Me with eyes of faith and who are not distracted by what the enemy is stirring up and flinging in their face to cause fear and anxiety. Keep focused on My face, My eyes, My voice, and you will triumph with Me.”                                                                                                                         
February 22, 2021
“Today is a day of WITNESS. I call heaven and earth to witness AGAINST My ENEMIES, EXPOSING them and POINTING them out; and I call heaven and earth to witness and to CONFIRM My MIGHTY DELIVERING POWER displayed among the nations.”
February 22, 2024
“My Army of Light, I want you to know that you have become ARMED AND DANGEROUS against the evil empire. Your WEAPONS are your FAITH in My POWER and My PROMISES, your DECLARATIONS and DECREES that act as SWORDS that CUT OFF the enemy’s plans, your WORSHIP that SHIFTS the ATMOSPHERE from FEAR and OPPRESSION to CONFIDENCE and FREEDOM, and your OBEDIENCE to My PROMPTINGS and LIVING OUT the WAY OF LOVE. These WEAPONS are TUNED to Heaven’s FREQUENCIES, and they carry My POWER and My GLORY. They are POWERFUL to DESTROY enemy FORTRESSES and enemy SCHEMES. They carry the LIGHT and GLORY of Heaven that EXPOSES the darkness, and releases HEALING and HOPE to the world. This is your day to RISE and SHINE over a dark and desperate enemy. Every time you come into My PRESENCE, SPEND TIME with Me, and allow Me to TUNE your heart to My FREQUENCY, the MORE POWERFUL YOUR WEAPONS BECOME. Know this day, Army of Light, that you are ARMED AND DANGEROUS against the darkness, and we will PREVAIL!”          
February 22, 2022
“Hell thinks it has GREAT and DESTRUCTIVE plans for this day, but I say HEAVEN IS ABOUT TO BREAK LOOSE into your world. My mighty right arm is SMASHING down on the wicked leaders and when it STRIKES like a huge HAMMER blow, the earth will SHAKE, and the wicked will SUDDENLY tremble in great FEAR and BEWILDERMENT. How did the tables get SUDDENLY TURNED on them? How did they go from being the POWERFUL HUNTERS to the ones now being HUNTED by a FORCEFUL POWER that strikes TERROR in their hearts? Who UNCOVERED their hidden SECRETS and who SHINED the blinding light of TRUTH on their multitude of LIES? I AM has met you on the BATTLEFIELD, and you corrupt and wicked ones are FINISHED. I have spoken, and I will do it.”
PSALM 22: 24, 30, 31 “For He has not despised my cries of deep despair. He’s my first responder to my sufferings, and when I was in pain, He was there all the time and heard the cries of the afflicted. His spiritual seed shall serve Him. Future generations will hear from us about the wonders of the Victorious Lord…And they will all declare, ‘It is finished!’” (TPT)
February 22, 2023
“CAN YOU STOP A ROARING WATERFALL? It THROWS itself over the edge of the cliff and ABANDONS itself to FALL and FALL until it CRASHES on the ROCKS below. This WATERFALL is a picture of My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE being POURED FORTH—NOTHING WILL STOP IT CRASHING DOWN ON THE HEADS OF THOSE PARTNERED WITH DARKNESS. Not only will My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE pour forth in an UNSTOPPABLE flow, it will also WIPE OUT and WASH AWAY any LIES or COVER-UPS the LYING MEDIA might attempt. The ROAR of My WATERFALL will begin to grow LOUDER and LOUDER in the ears of those partnered with evil. It will bring them CONFUSION, PANIC, and they will FREEZE IN TERROR. They will not ESCAPE My ROARING WATERFALL OF JUSTICE. It will STRIP them bare, and they will lose their WEALTH, their REPUTATIONS, their POWER, and their FREEDOM. Do not think that they will PREVAIL over you with all their dark and destructive schemes. THEY WILL NOT! There is a ROARING WATERFALL in their FUTURE and NOTHING will stop it from CRASHING over them. WATERFALLS are usually the most POWERFUL in the Spring. CAN YOU STOP A ROARING WATERFALL?” 
Diana Larkin, A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. John 15:5. Without You we can do nothing. Thank YOU, Oh God for giving us power and authority to bring Your Kingdom authority. We partner with YOU. GO Team God, Go!!

  2. From 2/22/22=10 Divine Order " I have spoken and I will do it ---wicked ones are finished "


  3. Amen PRAISE GOD.♥️๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™

  4. This is what I am here for.
    I have been waiting for this day ALL MY LIFE.
    His kingdom has come, in earth as in Heaven.

  5. We PROCLAIM Isaiah 40:10
    “Behold, the Lord God will come with might,
    With His arm ruling for Him.
    Behold, His reward is with Him
    And His recompense before Him.”

    HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.


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