February 23, 2025

“A MAJOR OVERHAUL is coming to ALL areas of your society. The most VISIBLE OVERHAULS right now are occurring in the GOVERNMENT and CHURCH mountains. In the government, the MASSIVE financial CORRUPTION is ERUPTING like a VOLCANO, but this is only the beginning of the DARK REVEALS of those partnered with darkness and those who were foolishly COMPLICIT with the EVIL AGENDAS. Coming ATTRACTIONS to the worldwide stage: HIGH TREASON, TREASON, MISPRISION OF TREASON, and SEDITION will all come into the GLARING LIGHTS of the public stage. Concurrent with the government exposures are the ERUPTIONS of CORRUPTION in My Church. MISUSE of spiritual POWER, POSITION, and WEALTH are surfacing. There is nothing wrong with My spiritual power, positions of leadership in the Body, or My abundance; however, when these are PERVERTED to FULFILL HUMAN LUSTS for FAME, POWER, and GREED, the sheep SUFFER ABUSE, POOR OVERSIGHT, and a LACK of DISCIPLESHIP. It all comes down to the MOTIVES of the HEART. Are you a SERVANT-LEADER who wants to BLESS My heart or are you a HIRELING working to FULFILL your own GREEDY LUSTS for POWER and WEALTH. A hireling uses CONTROL MECHANISMS to PROTECT their platform. They SQUASH anyone under them who looks like they might be MORE ANOINTED. Everything becomes about PROTECTING their EMPIRE BUILDING. JAMES 3:16 (TPT) ‘So wherever jealousy (implies an obsession to promote one’s self at the expense of others) and selfishness are uncovered, you will also find many troubles and every kind of meanness.’ JEALOUSY and SELFISH AMBITION open the door to DEVIANT sexual desires, and these CORRUPTED leaders ABUSE and DEFILE their sheep. Don’t FIGHT My MAJOR OVERHAUL of the Church. DO NOT put leaders on a PEDESTAL. True servant-leaders are OPEN to ACCOUNTABILITY and CORRECTION. Hirelings surround themselves with LAYERS of PROTECTION and SECRECY. I need you to PARTNER with Me in My MAJOR OVERHAULS that will come to every area of society. Call in My OVERHAULS and RELEASE My Angels and Hosts to assist in UNCOVERING CORRUPTION and in CLEANING OUT these areas. Allow My Spirit to SEARCH your own heart and to CLEAN OUT any area that would cause you to STUMBLE to CORRUPTION. Welcome My SEARCHLIGHT and PRUNING because it will yield a harvest of FRUITFULNESS.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. * * * * * * *
    God’s Prophetic Word taken from PATTY TEICHROEW’S Prayer Journal.

    Posted by: + The Prayer Poet +
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    February 23, 2025

    For the movie Wicked was the enemy’s tool for the church to agree that friendship with witchcraft is not only OK, but accepted and celebrated. But I need you, My Army of Light to Defeat this tool of the enemy for it is hindering what I want to do in My Ecclesia. So My Army of Light Declare and Decree that there will Never Be An Agreement of Friendship with the Darkness and/or Witchcraft. Declare and Decree that the Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against The Church! Declare and Decree that My Ecclesia will be Wholly Committed to ME and to Not Commit Idolatry but to have a Pure Heart. Also Declare and Decree that Any Agreement made with darkness will be countered with the gift of repentance! For in the coming days, My Kingdom will become more dominant as the light overcomes darkness and I need My Ecclesia to have a heart that is Totally dedicated to ME so that I can use you to hold and impart My Glory!

    Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

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    💕Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.
    ABBA, THANK YOU for Your Words through Patty Teichroew, “My Kingdom will become more dominant as the light overcomes darkness and I need My Ecclesia to have a heart that is Totally dedicated to ME so that I can use you to hold and impart My Glory!”

    We PROCLAIM Matthew 16:18
    “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

    In obedience, we speak the words you have given us to say.
    • We Declare and Decree that there will Never Be an Agreement of Friendship with the Darkness and/or Witchcraft.
    • We Declare and Decree that the Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against the Church!
    • We Declare and Decree that GOD’S Ecclesia will be Wholly Committed to HIM and to Not Commit Idolatry but to have a Pure Heart.
    • We Declare and Decree that Any Agreement made with darkness will be countered with the gift of repentance!

    We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    1. Thank you prayer poet for these prayers. ❤️❤️

  2. Many of us had dreams or visions of these overhauls of the evil ones 2 or 3 yrs ago and now it is happening ! For me it was a line of Dominoes falling in rapid succession . We have had power over these rats right along and did not realize our authority as we do now . Last night in a dream I could not find my car keys and after a long struggle found them right in my pocket . We have had the power and authority to unlock The Kingdom all along .o.e.

    1. The more I thought back on the Dominoes falling , it was a live vision and the Dominoes were set in a curve shape .

    2. I saw dominoes falling as well. Months ago.
      God is Awesome.

  3. 10:50 am
    That is a powerful word.
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. Thank you "prayer Poet" for all you do for the Lord, His kingdom advancement and this comment section/team. Have a Great Day!

  5. * * * * * * *
    💕Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.
    Father, THANK YOU for Your Message through Diana Larkin, “A MAJOR OVERHAUL is coming to ALL areas of your society.”

    ABBA, I prayerfully come before You and ask Your Spirit to search my heart and to clean out any area that would cause me to stumble to corruption.

    We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    ABBA, we ask You to continue to reveal the massive financial corruption.
    EXPOSE all those partnered with darkness and those who were foolishly complicit with the evil agendas.
    BRING FORTH the high treason, treason, misprision of treason, and sedition.
    We WELCOME Your Judgement and Justice.

    We CALL-IN the exposures of corruption in Your Church.
    • EXPOSE the misuse of spiritual power, position, and wealth.
    • EXPOSE the perversion to fulfill human lusts for fame, power, and greed.
    • EXPOSE the abuse, poor oversight, and a lack of discipleship.
    • Take the covers off. EXPOSE IT ALL!

    “So wherever jealousy (implies an obsession to promote one’s self at the expense of others) and selfishness are uncovered, you will also find many troubles and every kind of meanness.”

    ABBA, THANK YOU for Your Words, “I need you to PARTNER with Me in My MAJOR OVERHAULS that will come to every area of society.”
    We DECLARE we STAND with You “as one.”
    We will NOT fight Your MAJOR OVERHAUL of the Church.
    We will NOT put leaders on a pedestal.
    We CALL-IN Your Overhauls.
    We RELEASE Your Angels and Hosts to assist in uncovering corruption and in cleaning out these areas.

    ABBA, we WELCOME Your Searchlight and Pruning, and we THANK YOU that it will yield a harvest of Fruitfulness.” WE GIVE YOU ALL THE GLORY, HONOR AND PRAISE.

    We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    on earth as it is in Heaven.”
    In Jesus’ Name, COME, NOW!


    Mighty Host, thank you for your loyalty and obedience to LORD SABAOTH, our KING OF GLORY. We appreciate all you are doing for us. WE COMMISION you to destroy the enemy with our declarations; fulfill our prayers of faith; and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    Warrior Host, GO FORTH NOW!
    Illumination Angels, DELIVER Light Beams. ILLUMINATE!
    DRIVE OUT the darkness! GO FORTH, NOW!
    Angels of Deliverance, BRING revelation to the deceived. GO FORTH, NOW!

    HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    * * * * * * *
    + The Prayer Poet +

  6. Amen we partner with you FATHER in your major overhauls.🙌♥️

  7. For definitions of High treason , Treason , misprison of treason , and Sedition look above at one of the Feb 23 posts

  8. Here is a funny for ya.
    On 02/23/25 approx. 345-4am est.
    I was just getting to bed and praying in bed.
    My husband uses a cpap machine. He was making chofar sounds out of his air tube some how.
    He must of been sort of a sleep cause it would give short little toots.
    Then some longer ones till he woke a little again. I was asking, Lord does this mean something cause he never made those noises before , that I know of.
    I am serious it sounded like a chofar just short 10 second burst.
    I started laughing at the sounds, and then he rolled a bit and stopped.
    Maybe demons trying to get me upset, oh well.

    Sorry if not in line with Army regulations here, some of ya must of been a sergeant in the military boot camps.
    lol, chill, I come in peace.💗🤗

    1. I wear a c pap and I have made such loud noises it wakes my daughter in her room down the hall! I understand completely! Sometimes I think that noise keeps us from not remembering to breathe. So that is good! God works in mysterious ways!


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