February 24, 2025


“Right now, so MUCH CORRUPTION is being EXPOSED all across your society. The corruption must be brought to the LIGHT to PROTECT and DEFEND the INNOCENT who are being preyed upon. Will you come to Me with all these MESSES that are coming into the light of exposure? I will help you PROCESS the darkness, and I will help you AVOID the HOOKS and DECEPTIONS of the enemy that could lead your heart away from Me and draw you STEP by STEP into the darkness. Let Me CARRY the WEIGHT of all this darkness because it is TOO HEAVY for you to carry. If you are continually GAZING on the UNCOVERED CORRUPTION, it will STEAL your JOY and your HOPE for the FUTURE. While I need you to SEE what has been HIDDEN in the darkness, I don’t want you to FOCUS ONLY on that. I want you to PARTNER with Me in calling forth Heaven’s SOLUTIONS of CLEANSING, JUSTICE, RECOMPENSE, and REFORMATION. You are to FIGHT VALIANTLY for darkness to be EXPOSED but, then, lift your eyes and see that SOMETHING BETTER IS AHEAD. I have PROMISED you the EXPOSURES, and they are happening. I have also PROMISED the ESTABLISHMENT of the Kingdom Age that will bring in the dawn of the Golden Era. I will FULFILL My promise to you. Don’t lose sight of the promise that SOMETHING BETTER IS AHEAD.”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. We ain't seen nothing yet ! It is going to get great !


    2. So do you think it's ok for trump to fire so many people?? Wait til this affects you and your loved ones. Wait til your children and grandchildren can find work. Who will you blame then? Biden? That's what trump will do. All these people getting fired. They will have to get other jobs, leaving your kids with no job. You need to quit dreaming and open your eyes. 👀

    3. Wait til they CAN'T find work.

    4. Without the things Trump is doing under God , we would all just be SLAVES .

    5. 6:19 How many people lost their jobs during Bidens administration when the pandemic hit and the fake jab was forced? Not only lost their jobs, but so many died. President Trump is anointed by God and he is doing exactly what God is telling him to do: drain the swamp.

    6. 6:19. What is your answer to all the corruption being uncovered by DOGE?

    7. 6:19 The amount of corruption and enslavement that "we the people" have been under and endured for the past few hundred years, needed to come to an end. The amount of people being fired were people using our tax dollars to fill their bank accounts, while ours is being emptied check by check. GOD IS OUR PROVIDER! I have watched people that I love be subjected to the unfairness of some of these systems and it is preposterous. Evil must be dealt with in order for the church to get prepared as His Bride! God will not be mocked and 90% of what we think we know, is all a lie! wait and see. Trust in the Father and keep a Firm Focus Foundation on the Father (JGM)

    8. 6:00 am. COVID-19 started while djt was still in office. He was the one who created warp speed to get the vaccine out there. He took the vaccine himself. People died because the vaccine wasn't created yet. Also some may have lost their jobs, but Biden created more jobs than any other president. As you see, trump is taking jobs from a lot of innocent people. Wait til your own are out of jobs. And djt is a hateful man and no way he was anointed by God. Trump is the devil in disguise, and is laughing at how he is fooling all of you.

  2. Our mind's stayed on God [pray] and trust HEAVEN"S SOLUTIONS !

    1. Yes, stay tight with The Father and have a wonderful peace.o.e.

    2. I so needed this today, truly a word in season.
      Lately in prayer/intercession it seems like an Unbearable Anguish is going to be disclosed.
      Knowledge of peoples pain and losses are just beyond these exposures.
      I determine to encourage myself in the Lord and His promises . . .

    3. I think He is talking about the children.
      Those who have been kidnapped, raped, tortured, ritually sacrificed, murdered.
      Unbearable pain.

    4. We are not in heaven yet , but there is a feeling of being at home with the Father now---SAFE.

    5. A couple of days ago someone posted about " why do bad things happen ?" ---a question most people ask . This is not the official answer but I was sitting by the lake a little while ago and thought this : I suppose you could blame Satan but that doesn't cover it all . I got, this is not heaven , but ON THE JOB TRAINING FOR IT !

    6. That's why we continue to pray for Presidant Trump to hear and be guided by the Holy Spirit; so those needing to be charged with treason will be, the corrupt that are complicit in the evil doings will be stopped, and the innocent will find retribution.

      If somehow, one of God's daughters or sons were caught in the net of losing their job, God saw them caught in unrighteous jobs and will take care of them as their Provider. Amen

    7. 11:09. Absolutely. Amen! God will provide for those who were in the wrong place. The corruption and evil runs very deep. President Trump is cleaning the house and restoring it to its original state, by obeying what God is instructing him to do.


  3. * * * * * * *
    God’s Prophetic Word taken from PATTY TEICHROEW’S Prayer Journal.

    Posted by: + The Prayer Poet +
    * * * * * * *

    February 24, 2025

    Come My Children and sit a spell with ME and let ME tell you a story. So there was a child ~ a child who was raised in a good family with parents that loved him and he was supported in everything he did ~ in sports, science fairs, chess club; anything he chose to get involved in but then he began to be pulled in a different direction than what his parents approved of ~ parties, drugs and alcohol. And his parents and him would argue about what he did with his time and there was a falling out with the son and his parents. So the son decided to leave and live with his friend instead. And the parents were heartbroken. Now, My Friends this is a Very Difficult Situation that I AM presenting to you but it is a Reality in many homes. But I want to bring Hope to the Hopeless and that I Can Be A Help to you in times of trouble! For I AM a Personal God and I say Invite ME to come and Be With You and Behold I will share with you how to respond to difficult situations such as these. So cast your cares on ME for I care for you!

    Psalms 46:1 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

    Psalms 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

    I Peter 5:7 “casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”

    1. Father remove the veil from their hearts and minds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. We take every rebellious thought captive and make it obedient to Christ to remove strongholds. Remove all human reasoning. Shield them from satans lies. Place Godly people in their pathway and we place the armor of God on every one of them. We proclaim: from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to GOD. And we bind everything that blinds them to the TRUTH! Amen & AMEN!

    2. Prayed with you. Amen

    3. Prayed with you in agreement. Amen & Amen! In the name of Jesus!!

  4. I haven't thought this before : Let's all give the Lord our VOTE OF CONFIDENCE . We believe He will do what He says He WILL DO ! o.e.

    1. dear 1:o2 that struck me as so powerful: Let's give the Lord our Vote of Confidence.
      We declare: "we believe He will do what He says He WILL DO !"
      YES we place our trust in Him firmly and will not withdraw it.
      We Will determine to cherish, rehearse and believe all of His precious promises and the intel He has granted us at this time.

  5. I still find myself feeling so humbled and grateful that the Father gives us His Words and Plans daily. Godly people like Diana and Patty and Julie Green have been valuable gifts to the Body.

    1. Yes 1:47 I agree and think the same. . . it's amazing to have access to heaven's intel.

  6. Father, Son and Holy Sprit- I have wrapped my heart with your and I am in tune with your every move!!!! I love you Lord! I will always earnestly remember your love for me!!! I want to be a blessing to all and walk in the purpose you have for me!!! Kingdom come now!!! Let your people GO!!! Love you !!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. Amen ❤️🇨🇦🙏


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