February 26, 2025


“Fall in step with Me, Army of Light, and join Me in A MARCH FOR LIFE. The world has had ENOUGH of the arrogant elite’s DEATH AGENDAS. Together, let’s TRAMPLE OVER DEATH AND let’s MARCH FOR LIFE. Declare My LIFE into every area of society. Declare: ‘I rebuke death and death agendas, and I command you to give way to the MARCH FOR LIFE. Death agendas, we bury you under our MARCHING feet, and we call forth LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY into the atmosphere. We command LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY to fall from the atmosphere as SEED to be sown into the soil of our nation. We plant these Heavenly seeds with our MARCH FOR LIFE. Darkness and death, you have LOST YOUR REIGN over our land, and we declare a NEW DAY of LIFE, LIFE, LIFE!’ This life will SPRING UP and bring HEALING and WHOLENESS where there has been sickness, trauma, and deception. The DARK AGES are coming to a close, and a RENAISSANCE of NEW LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY is FLOODING IN. Do not put up with any LINGERING DARKNESS or LIES. Continue to declare to the DARK LIES and FEAR-MONGERING, ‘NO MORE VOICE!’ Let My JOY fill your heart, My HOPE shine forth from your eyes, and join Me in A MARCH FOR LIFE!”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. MAJOR MARCH 2/23/2024 ❤️

    1. 10:30. What does this date of 2/23/3024 mean?

    2. Sorry meant 2/23/2024

    3. The date is 2/23/2024 . It's is AWJ Nugget. Goggle it.

    4. Such a beautiful word. Thank You!

  2. I think we have had a very important piece of intel from Diana and Andrew Whalen in relation to the Death Agendas . The word from Andrew he received on 2/20/25 from the Lord was that a secret Military operation was finalized on that day [ game over ] What is so wonderful to me is that was on or very close to when Diana [ in Heaven ] saw Jesus in military dress and lightning sword on a White Horse and directed by The Father to go to earth . Does any one on the comment team know the date of Dianas' blog ? it had to be on or near 2/20/25 . WOW. o.e.

    1. WOW! It was 2/20/25. HALLELUJAH!!

    2. That’s is absolutely amazing! 😇

    3. Great catch!! o.e.

  3. What does o.e. mean, please?

    1. I'm guessing o.e. is our "old engineer" ? Just a guess.

  4. * * * * * * *
    God’s Prophetic Word taken from PATTY TEICHROEW’S Prayer Journal.

    Posted by: + The Prayer Poet +
    * * * * * * *

    February 26, 2025

    For soon the wealth of the wicked will be released and transferred into your accounts and you will know what the word PLENTY means. But again My Army of Light I have warned you that the love of money is a dangerous thing and draws many from My Side. So I want you to Plan Ahead of this coming to fruition by committing this money to ME~meaning that you give ME the right to counsel you and help you make Right Choices with this wealth. For My Heart is that you use it to build My Kingdom with it and also to pursue the dreams that I have placed in your heart. For I want this money to be a Blessing and Not A Curse. So use it wisely My Army of Light and Come To ME and ask ME and I will share great things and secrets that you never would have known.

    I Timothy 6:10 “Loving money is a root of all evils. Some people run after it so much that they have given up their faith. Craving more money pushes them away from the faith into error, compounding misery in their lives!”

    Jeremiah 33:3 “Cry out to me and I will answer you. I will reveal to you great things, guarded secrets that you never could have known.”

    1. * * * * * * *
      * * * * * * *
      💕Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.
      Father, THANK YOU for Your Message through Patty Teichroew.

      ABBA, THANK YOU for allowing me the honor to be a vessel to build Your Kingdom. I am so excited for this tremendous gift “to bless others as You bless me!”
      ABBA, I commit YOUR WEALTH to You, and I will allow it to pass through my hands. As YOUR benefactor, I desire this money to be a Blessing and Not a Curse.
      I promise I will come to You and ask You “where to SOW.”
      With You by my side, I cannot go astray.
      THANK YOU for placing dreams in my heart.
      THANK YOU, Father, that You will counsel me in making the right choices with this wealth to reflect YOUR KINGDOM here on Earth.

      THANK YOU that You will share great things and secrets that I never would have known. Father, my heart belongs to You. I ADORE YOU! I desire Your Heart and I will be wealthy enough!

      In Jesus’ Holy Name,


  5. Yes and Amen!!!🙏

  6. I speak life into this country.

    1. The soul of the country is to be returned ! Andrew Whalen

    2. God is taking care of everything! With all our intel from the Father, looking back it is so beautiful to see how He is taking us from dark to light. I knew my soul felt heavy and now I know why. I’m so grateful to hear this. We will have whole souls so we can prosper in every thing the way God intended. Hallelujah ❤️🙏

  7. In March we need to March For Life and make these declarations every day!!!

    1. Excellent idea! I am committed to making these decrees for March! 🥰🙏

    2. REPOST (Part 2) * * * * * * *

      ABBA, we give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise.
      “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”
      In Jesus’ Name, COME!

      We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

      Mighty Host, thank you for your loyalty and obedience to LORD SABAOTH, our KING OF GLORY. We appreciate all you are doing for us. WE COMMISION you to DESTROY the enemy with our declarations; FULFILL our prayers of faith; and BRING IN the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

      Warrior Host, GO FORTH NOW!
      Illumination Angels, DELIVER Light Beams. ILLUMINATE!
      DRIVE OUT the darkness! GO FORTH, NOW!
      Angels of Deliverance, BRING revelation to the deceived. GO FORTH, NOW!

      HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

      * * * * * * *
      + The Prayer Poet +

    3. Thanks prayer poet❤️❤️ blessings


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