February 8, 2025


“Because this has been such a LONG and HARD-FOUGHT battle, you need to WATCH for SIGNS of BATTLE FATIGUE. You haven’t GIVEN UP on My PROMISES, but they seem to be TOO FAR AWAY—UNREACHABLE. This gives place to feeling HEAVY and not having as much STRENGTH and HOPE that you need to FIGHT another day. I INVITE you to COME and BE REFRESHED, REJUVENATED, and STRENGTHENED in Me. I always love it when you TURN ASIDE and let your spirit REST in Me. Ask for the Comforter to come and to pour His oil over your STRIFE with others who don’t yet SEE. Let Me UNIFY My heart with yours to FILL those places that you LONG to have UNION with those in your life that are still DECEIVED by Leviathan. STAY with Me until you FEEL My LIFE RENEWING your heart and mind and you can, once again, SEE the BRIGHT FUTURE and KNOW that I will move you and those you love into the Golden Age of My GLORY and GOODNESS. Keep coming to Me until you are REFILLED with HOPE and LOVE and your VISION is RENEWED. A COMFORTED heart is a STRONG heart, and you will EMBRACE LIFE and the FUTURE with JOY and HOPE. My prescription for BATTLE FATIGUE: MATTHEW 11:28 (TPT) ‘Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to Me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.’”

Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. The fact that we can come into the Lord's presence is so comforting . Christ [Holy Spirit] in us the hope of GLORY . I listened to prophet Mike Thompson last night saying much the same as today's blog [Don't we love Diana's blogs !]. The Glory , peace , and AUTHORITY is now on us !

    1. THANK, YOU, LORD,We need your REFRESHMENT, every split Second of my life 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  2. ""Let me unify my heart with yours" This is what was meant when yesterday we reported From Donna Rigney that Jesus will take a piece of the Heart of Jesus and place it into our hearts . The real prophets like Diana and Donna are "on the same page " o.e.

  3. I needed this Ifeel God wrote this for me…Love you Lord and you too my sweet Disna

  4. Does anyone know what the 7 spirits of God are? I think of revelation and truth. What are the others?

    1. Easily researched, researching is Fun.


    2. 1) The Spirit of the LORD
      2) The Spirit of wisdom
      3) The Spirit of understanding
      4) The Spirit of counsel
      5) The Spirit of power
      6) The Spirit of knowledge
      7) The Spirit of the fear of the Lord

    3. Isaiah11:2 Is pictured by the golden candlestick in the Tabernacle Holy Place. Hebrew tradition is the server candle, used to light the others, is in the center. Jesus is the greatest of all and servant of all. “And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;”

    4. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom...”-Psalm111::10 “Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding.”-Pr.4:7

    5. Thank you for the answer and the verses

  5. “In HIM are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”-Colossians 2:3

  6. Last week I did a research on Leviathan spirit (strongly attacking here last few days):
    1. King of the proud and full of self-righteousness.
    2. This spirit is masterful at twisting words and truth. Truth in fact bounces off of them.
    3. Wants to be in control. Attacks leadership.
    4. Mocks. Hates unity. Goal: discourage, cause people to quit. silence. divide.
    5. "His breath kindles coals." Attacks others in mean spirited way.
    6. You cannot reason with this spirit or present common sense or truth. They are blind + deaf.
    7. This spirit can only be overcome thru the supernatural activity of God's Spirit.
    Decree and declare: Time now of Exposures and rapidly following Judgments.
    In Jesus Name.
    His breath kindles coals means that it finds and exposes anything that can be set on fire in our hearts and kindles it into a flame: envying, self-righteousness.
    Soooo its all good and for His glory, keeps us clean, humble etc. No worries.

    1. We PRAY for the redemption of those "spewing poison" and rebuke the mocking spirit in Jesus Name.

      (How about we move on and let the sleeping dog lay. As we all know, it's bark is bigger than its bite. Please, no more on this subject, we get it! Bring it to the Lord. MUM's the word)

    2. "Let the sleeping dog lay." The book of Bossy: Chapter 1.verse 36 1:36.
      I thought the review 1:25 on the Leviathan spirit was helpful and timely : kind of 1st up in 2025 as it attacks especially in new times and transition times.

    3. good on you 1:25 ----I have run into this type of spirit before and at that time it was called "a religious spirit" , was a very mean attacking person with a metal cross hanging down over his forehead . This possessed person ran up and grabbed the microphone and completely disturbed the meeting [sound familiar ?] A famous preacher was speaking and said [after this person was taken to the ground] this type comes out only by prayer and fasting . The whole topic of that meeting was casting out demons . Derick Prince was the invited speaker .

    4. 4:07 cont. During this meeting I saw some of the people [some I knew] come up to theo.e. alter carrying towels and I wondered what that was about---I found out , when demons were cast out , the victims were foaming at the mouth ! some were screaming and I heard one saying " WE are not coming out ! " after a real struggle with praying , the demon came out and the persons came to their right mind and became very relaxed and peaceful . These are real experiences and yes healing was seen and verified latter .

    5. 4:47 came up to the alter

    6. Diana mentioned Leviathan specifically and here is "one of our own" supposedly (1:36) restricting, silencing "don't speak anymore, mum's the word".
      This exactly what this spirit does! They call it cancel culture.
      They also put pressure on you to SELF cancel!
      It's THE method of operation and control of Leviathan.
      ANTIDOTE: honor everyone's voice.
      Where the Spirit of the Lord is. . is Liberty.

    7. 4:07 Love Derik Prince, he was such a forerunner, so many good things, still on Utube.

    8. Yes , there have been good leaders in the past and many more are now coming to the front .

  7. God’s Prophetic Word taken from PATTY TEICHROEW’S Prayer Journal.

    Posted by:
    + The Prayer Poet +
    * * * * * * *

    February 08, 2025

    For the deep state is furious about USAID being uncovered and shown to the public where your tax dollars goes to. They thought they were hidden from the public and that there was No Accountability Whatsoever. It’s like they had a blank check to use for whatever they wanted and whenever they wanted. So now with this knowledge of how the liberal side of government is choosing to spend money and to put America into a deeper hole of debt, the public is getting the True Picture of Reality. For this will cause President Trump’s ratings of approval to go higher and the public will have an understanding that he truly is for the people. And I Love how My David is protecting the girls in their sports now for they will no longer be vulnerable, but to have their privacy—the way it should be! For My David Is Righting The Wrongs!

    1. We support God's David !

    2. I am so impressed at how many wrongs are being righted already , and it is just beginning to happen[ as has been said ] like lightning , and how long have we waited for these celebrations ! Don't even skip a beat if there is a glitch here or there---we are coming out on top.

    3. It appears that this money [if not diverted to the deep state people] went to the perverted "alphabet" organizations or under the fake global warming economy killer and other whirlpools.

    4. I just saw a report with the names of "politicians" who had received
      big $$ #'s from the Ukraine hoax/grift.

    5. I believe your report !

  8. I sure needed to hear this today there has been intense war going on in my household and I was so stressed out yesterday from the constant bashing and clashing. I choose to rest in the Lord today until I am refreshed in Him and pick up my sword and go back to the battlefield thanks Diana

    1. Pray and agree for 2:47 for Times of Refreshing in the Presence of the Lord.
      Restore, renew, fill up again with your Joy and strength. I hear the word "rehabilitate".
      Rehabilitate any area that they need help with. I speak comfort like a deep fresh snow over all the chaos and upsets.
      Thank you 2:47 for taking care of yourself so you can pick up your sword another day.
      Thank you for your battles you have engaged in and WON!
      Faithful soldier of the cross.

  9. O ABBA ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Once again, Thank You for a very timely COMFORTING word!

  10. Army of Light,
    Thank you for your patience. I was finally able to make a “couple of responses” to Diana’s Feb 6 REVELATION SECRETS message.
    + the Prayer Poet +

  11. To 1:25
    Thank you for taking the time to research Leviathan.
    I enjoyed reading your research, and learned a lot from it.
    God Bless.

  12. I keep stubbing my toe on this corner in my house. I’m convinced leviathan has possessed this corner and caused me to stub my toe all the time. I decree this corner to be rounded so I stop hurting my foot! Can I get an AMEN

  13. Thank you prayer poet. God bless you ❤️❤️

  14. We receive the comforting words of FATHER GOD.🙌♥️🙏


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