*Exciting announcement: I’m writing a book!

*Several of you sent in confirmations of a journal nugget I read last week that was from February 16, 2022, and it mentioned a large sea monster would be discovered.

Dee shared that the skull of a huge sea monster had been extracted from the coast off Dorset, UK a year ago.

Carla, Sheryl, Suz, Trish, 7044, Vickie sent in the report that a Humpback Angular fish was caught on camera for the second time ever as this fish from the dark sea surfaced. This photo was taken on February 16, 2025—exactly three years after the spiritual intelligence from February 16, 2022!!!

*I’ll just mention that those on the mainstream media who were very busy canceling us in the last few years are now themselves being canceled. Another mainstream media show was just canceled. The Cancelers are being Canceled!

1.    February 18, 2025


“Sharpen your SWORDS! Lift them high to Heaven to be set on Holy Spirit FIRE. Be READY, be WATCHFUL to wield that sword against the LIES, the SMEAR CAMPAIGNS, the DESPERATE measures the evil empire is launching to try and STOP the FLOOD of TRUTH and the EXPOSURES of CRIMES against humanity and DEEP CORRUPTION. Meet their desperation with SKILL, DETERMINATION, and the HEART of a WARRIOR that will NOT BACK DOWN and will NOT GIVE in to FEAR. Like never before, stay TUNED to My PRESENCE and My VOICE, and I will GUIDE your warfare and make it STRATEGIC. Even as you go about your daily duties, keep your spirit TUNED in to My Spirit. It’s like in Nehemiah’s day when the wall builders had a TOOL in one hand and a SWORD in the other. They built with SKILL and DETERMINATION, but they were WATCHFUL to SPY out the enemy, SOUND the TRUMPET ALARM, and be ready to DEFEND their work. The enemy will seek to bring DISTRACTIONS into your life in order to get your FOCUS off the battlefield that is at a very CRUCIAL STAGE. Bring the distractions to Me and ask Me to CARRY them for you and to bring about My RESOLUTIONS for you. I AM faithful. You must be STRENGTHENED in Me every day to FIGHT WELL and to be REMINDED that I AM with you and that My promises for a GLORIOUS FUTURE are SURE and TRUE. The pace is PICKING UP in this war from dark to Light, so I AM calling you to BE ON WATCH!”


February 18, 2024


“Don’t get WORRIED or ANXIOUS as you see ATTACKS by the darkness MOUNTING against you. They are going to CONGRATULATE themselves on their plans to cause you FEAR, DESTRUCTION, and DEATH; and they are going to think their plans to CONTROL you with FEAR and CHAOS are going to be FULFILLED. What their PRIDE and ARROGANCE keep them from seeing is that I AM ARRANGING THE MEETING TO DESTROY THE DESTROYERS. They will become so CONFIDENT they are going to WIN that they will REVEAL who they really are. Even HIDDEN ones will COME OUT in the open because they want a PLACE of POWER when the darkness takes over. DO NOT FEAR, My Beloveds, because I AM answering your cries of ‘expose, expose, expose!’ You will now see people FOR WHO THEY TRULY ARE. There will be no more WONDERING whose side anyone is on. This is a season of REVELATION: who is of the DARKNESS and who is of the LIGHT. TRUST THIS CRUCIAL PART OF MY STRATEGY, as I DRAW all those partnered with darkness DEEP into My TRAP of EXPOSURE and JUDGMENT. The world will know that I AM God when I CLOSE MY TRAP, and the darkness is HUNG on their own GALLOWS. KEEP HEART as you TRUST My PLANS and POWER. KEEP STEADY in My LOVE, My PROTECTION, and My PROVISION for you. Let the enemy SMIRK and think they have won because you are assured that I AM ARRANGING THE SHOWDOWN.”

See Ezekiel 38, 39 for a pattern of this strategy. Think of Gog as a symbol for those partnered with darkness and see Israel as a symbol of a covenant nation like America.

3.    February 19, 2025


“Heaven is releasing BATTLE STRATEGIES to the Forces of Light to COUNTERACT the release of evil schemes by the darkness. I AM giving you SPIRITUAL INTEL so that you are not caught OFF-GUARD by what the enemy has planned. I want you to be aware that the darkness is planning to stir up a HORNET’S NEST among Hamas. The evil empire is scheming to start another world war. Your assignment is to pray for My WISDOM to be imparted to world leaders who will DEESCALATE the hornet’s nest with DECISIVE STRIKES that will CRIPPLE enemy operations. Release Heaven’s spiritual intelligence through prophets and intercessors to these leaders to help GUIDE their decisions and to give the INSIDE INFORMATION about the enemy’s plans. As you cover this area with your prayers, don’t let it CONSUME your WHOLE FOCUS because I want you to be AWARE of WHAT THE OTHER HAND IS DOING. They have MULTIPLE schemes they plan to launch while everyone’s attention is on Israel. Be FLEXIBLE as you PRAY and FLOW with what I AM asking you to TARGET with your WHACK-A-MOLE HAMMER. You can PREEMPTIVELY STRIKE plans just as they are beginning to surface and declare, ‘You will not reach the fullness of what the enemy has planned for death and destruction.’ Take great SATISFACTION in SMASHING DOWN the enemy plans. The darkness will be UNPLEASANTLY SURPRISED when you display the ABILITY to fight on MANY FRONTS. If you stay ALERT to My Spirit guiding your prayers and warfare and keep CLOSE to My heart, I will STRENGTHEN, ENCOURAGE, and give you SECRET INTEL about where to focus your LIGHTNING PRAYERS that STRIKE THE MARK and your WHACK-A-MOLE HAMMER to SMASH the EMERGING ATTACKS from the darkness. The enemy wants to start a war, but we will SURPRISE them with STRATEGIC WARFARE INSIGHTS fueled by FEBRUARY FURY.”


February 19, 2024


“You are entering AN AGE OF EXPANSION. As the DEEP DARKNESS is DRIVEN from much of the world, more and more of My LIGHT and My GOODNESS will FILL those places. This will result in a BETTER LIFE and a BETTER WORLD for all. When mankind is FREED of the SLAVERY to darkness and to DEFILING perversions, CREATIVITY will ABOUND and BEAUTY will INCREASE. FREEDOM and PURITY in the atmosphere will PROMOTE healthy and plentiful crops and animals. Music, arts, and entertainment will REFLECT My NATURE, My BEAUTY, and My HOPE. My Church will no longer be CONTAINED in a building, but it will be WOVEN THROUGHOUT all of society as a REPRESENTATIVE of My Kingdom. Government and media will TRANSFORM to SERVE the people and to SPREAD TRUTH. Did you know that your spirit can EXPAND, too? You will reach NEW HEIGHTS of REVELATION of who I AM and how much I LOVE YOU. I will REVEAL SECRETS of the Universe, and you will MARVEL at My MATCHLESS WISDOM and GLORY. Instead of FRETTING at the present shenanigans of those partnered with darkness as they FUTILELY try to STOP the AGE OF EXPANSION, start IMAGINING how GOOD, how FULL, how RICH, and how FREE life is going to be, as My Spirit POURS OUT on the world and the Kingdom Age flourishes. AN AGE OF EXPANSION is dawning over your world.” 

5.    February 20, 2025


PSALM 45:3 (TPT) “Now strap Your lightning sword of judgment upon Your side, O Mighty Warrior so majestic! You are full of beauty and splendor as You go out to war!”

I found myself in the Council Chambers of Heaven, standing behind my Elder. All the Elders arose as one, and they took off their crowns and laid them on the table. They looked beyond the Father, who had also arisen, with anticipation. Suddenly, Jesus appeared on a huge white war horse. Jesus and the horse were about eight feet off the ground, and He had a lightning sword strapped to His thigh. Even though it was sheathed, the sword gave off flashes of lightning power. The Father nodded His head to His Son, and the war horse took off with great power towards the earth. Awe, wonder, and anticipation filled the room. The Father speaks:

“I have released My Son with His LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT to visit the earth with TRUTH and JUSTICE. DO NOT FEAR any dark scheme of the enemy—no matter how POWERFUL it looks—because when My Son draws His LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT, TRUTH and JUSTICE will SHATTER and EXPOSE ALL the LIES and DECEPTIONS and ALL those partnered with darkness will be BROUGHT TO JUSTICE before the world. Let NOTHING MOVE you or SHAKE you from this vision of the Son of God as your Majestic, Mighty Warrior come to RESCUE your nation with His LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT.”

Biblical meaning of 45=PRESERVATION

6.    February 21, 2025


“I AM directing how your eyes should VIEW the coming days of the GREATEST TRANSITION from DARK TO LIGHT. First and foremost, you must begin each day by LOOKING UP to Me. You will enter into ANXIETY and FEAR if you SKIP spending time with Me so that you can receive My PERSPECTIVE on what is taking place as you LOOK OUT at the TUMULTUOUS events unfolding in rapid succession. When you LOOK UP at Me each morning in SURRENDER and THANKSGIVING, I will STRENGTHEN your FAITH and CREATE an UNBREAKABLE LOVE BOND between us. As we are joined together as ONE, you will see things from My perspective. Then, when you LOOK OUT at what is taking place in your world, you will see BEYOND the HYPE and FEAR that is being broadcast and you will DISCERN what I AM doing in and through what you see unfolding. When you have received My perspective by LOOKING UP, you will REMEMBER My words to you about SETTING TRAPS for the arrogant evil ones, and you will RECALL the DECREES and DECLARATIONS that you should release into what you see as you LOOK OUT. I then call you to LOOK FORWARD in FAITH to My PROMISES of PROTECTION, PROVISION, PRESERVATION, RESTORATION, and REWARD. If you LOOK UP, LOOK OUT, and LOOK FORWARD, you will remain in My PEACE with STRENGTH for each day and HOPE for the future.”


February 22, 2020            


ISAIAH 22:22 The Key of David

“I have declared My Body to be the opener of My Kingdom rule and ways in this important hour. I have laid the authority of My Word and My ways upon you so that we partner together to bring about My Kingdom authority and rule at this time on the earth. You bear My name and you carry out My commands as My sons and daughters. This day you will help establish a new day of authority over sickness, war, and poverty—all the areas the enemy has sought to bring down the crown of My creation. What you bind and close off will be shut and locked and what you loosen and free will be

opened and no one will be able to shut. The key of David has now been given to those who look to Me with eyes of faith and who are not distracted by what the enemy is stirring up and flinging in their face to cause fear and anxiety. Keep focused on My face, My eyes, My voice, and you will triumph with Me.”                                                                                                                         

February 22, 2021


“Today is a day of WITNESS. I call heaven and earth to witness AGAINST My ENEMIES, EXPOSING them and POINTING them out; and I call heaven and earth to witness and to CONFIRM My MIGHTY DELIVERING POWER displayed among the nations.”

February 22, 2022


“Hell thinks it has GREAT and DESTRUCTIVE plans for this day, but I say HEAVEN IS ABOUT TO BREAK LOOSE into your world. My mighty right arm is SMASHING down on the wicked leaders and when it STRIKES like a huge HAMMER blow, the earth will SHAKE, and the wicked will SUDDENLY tremble in great FEAR and BEWILDERMENT. How did the tables get SUDDENLY TURNED on them? How did they go from being the POWERFUL HUNTERS to the ones now being HUNTED by a FORCEFUL POWER that strikes TERROR in their hearts? Who UNCOVERED their hidden SECRETS and who SHINED the blinding light of TRUTH on their multitude of LIES? I AM has met you on the BATTLEFIELD, and you corrupt and wicked ones are FINISHED. I have spoken, and I will do it.”

PSALM 22: 24, 30, 31 “For He has not despised my cries of deep despair. He’s my first responder to my sufferings, and when I was in pain, He was there all the time and heard the cries of the afflicted. His spiritual seed shall serve Him. Future generations will hear from us about the wonders of the Victorious Lord…And they will all declare, ‘It is finished!’” (TPT)

February 22, 2023


“CAN YOU STOP A ROARING WATERFALL? It THROWS itself over the edge of the cliff and ABANDONS itself to FALL and FALL until it CRASHES on the ROCKS below. This WATERFALL is a picture of My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE being POURED FORTH—NOTHING WILL STOP IT CRASHING DOWN ON THE HEADS OF THOSE PARTNERED WITH DARKNESS. Not only will My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE pour forth in an UNSTOPPABLE flow, it will also WIPE OUT and WASH AWAY any LIES or COVER-UPS the LYING MEDIA might attempt. The ROAR of My WATERFALL will begin to grow LOUDER and LOUDER in the ears of those partnered with evil. It will bring them CONFUSION, PANIC, and they will FREEZE IN TERROR. They will not ESCAPE My ROARING WATERFALL OF JUSTICE. It will STRIP them bare, and they will lose their WEALTH, their REPUTATIONS, their POWER, and their FREEDOM. Do not think that they will PREVAIL over you with all their dark and destructive schemes. THEY WILL NOT! There is a ROARING WATERFALL in their FUTURE and NOTHING will stop it from CRASHING over them. WATERFALLS are usually the most POWERFUL in the Spring. CAN YOU STOP A ROARING WATERFALL?”

February 22, 2024


“My Army of Light, I want you to know that you have become ARMED AND DANGEROUS against the evil empire. Your WEAPONS are your FAITH in My POWER and My PROMISES, your DECLARATIONS and DECREES that act as SWORDS that CUT OFF the enemy’s plans, your WORSHIP that SHIFTS the ATMOSPHERE from FEAR and OPPRESSION to CONFIDENCE and FREEDOM, and your OBEDIENCE to My PROMPTINGS and LIVING OUT the WAY OF LOVE. These WEAPONS are TUNED to Heaven’s FREQUENCIES, and they carry My POWER and My GLORY. They are POWERFUL to DESTROY enemy FORTRESSES and enemy SCHEMES. They carry the LIGHT and GLORY of Heaven that EXPOSES the darkness, and releases HEALING and HOPE to the world. This is your day to RISE and SHINE over a dark and desperate enemy. Every time you come into My PRESENCE, SPEND TIME with Me, and allow Me to TUNE your heart to My FREQUENCY, the MORE POWERFUL YOUR WEAPONS BECOME. Know this day, Army of Light, that you are ARMED AND DANGEROUS against the darkness, and we will PREVAIL!”  

8.    February 22, 2025


“No matter what circumstances you face in this life, I AM ENOUGH. Have you suffered LOSS? Bring your GRIEF and your MOURNING to Me, and I will CARRY it for you. I will give you My HEART and My DEEP COMFORT. I AM ENOUGH. Does no one around you ACKNOWLEDGE your AWAKENED world view? You are NOT ALONE, and you are NOT ISOLATED. I ACKNOWLEDGE you before the heavenly realms, and I have given you My PRESENCE and My ANGELIC HOST to SURROUND you. Become AWARE of My SUPPORT around you because I AM ENOUGH. Are you experiencing LACK or FINANCIAL CHALLENGES? Learn to TAP INTO Heaven’s RESOURCES by FAITH because I AM your Provider, and I have PROMISED to SUPPLY all your needs. I AM ENOUGH. Is the darkness THREATENING you with their evil schemes? I want you to realize that My PROMISES for your future of the Kingdom Era and the Golden Age are MORE SURE than any FEAR or ANXIETY the darkness stirs up. My SURE WORD of PROMISE is ENOUGH. Slow down, breath in My presence, let My wrap-a-round LOVE fill you body, soul, and spirit, and you will know that I AM ENOUGH.”

9.    February 23, 2025


“A MAJOR OVERHAUL is coming to ALL areas of your society. The most VISIBLE OVERHAULS right now are occurring in the GOVERNMENT and CHURCH mountains. In the government, the MASSIVE financial CORRUPTION is ERUPTING like a VOLCANO, but this is only the beginning of the DARK REVEALS of those partnered with darkness and those who were foolishly COMPLICIT with the EVIL AGENDAS. Coming ATTRACTIONS to the worldwide stage: HIGH TREASON, TREASON, MISPRISION OF TREASON, and SEDITION will all come into the GLARING LIGHTS of the public stage. Concurrent with the government exposures are the ERUPTIONS of CORRUPTION in My Church. MISUSE of spiritual POWER, POSITION, and WEALTH are surfacing. There is nothing wrong with My spiritual power, positions of leadership in the Body, or My abundance; however, when these are PERVERTED to FULFILL HUMAN LUSTS for FAME, POWER, and GREED, the sheep SUFFER ABUSE, POOR OVERSIGHT, and a LACK of DISCIPLESHIP. It all comes down to the MOTIVES of the HEART. Are you a SERVANT-LEADER who wants to BLESS My heart or are you a HIRELING working to FULFILL your own GREEDY LUSTS for POWER and WEALTH. A hireling uses CONTROL MECHANISMS to PROTECT their platform. They SQUASH anyone under them who looks like they might be MORE ANOINTED. Everything becomes about PROTECTING their EMPIRE BUILDING. JAMES 3:16 (TPT) ‘So wherever jealousy (implies an obsession to promote one’s self at the expense of others) and selfishness are uncovered, you will also find many troubles and every kind of meanness.’ JEALOUSY and SELFISH AMBITION open the door to DEVIANT sexual desires, and these CORRUPTED leaders ABUSE and DEFILE their sheep. Don’t FIGHT My MAJOR OVERHAUL of the Church. DO NOT put leaders on a PEDESTAL. True servant-leaders are OPEN to ACCOUNTABILITY and CORRECTION. Hirelings surround themselves with LAYERS of PROTECTION and SECRECY. I need you to PARTNER with Me in My MAJOR OVERHAULS that will come to every area of society. Call in My OVERHAULS and RELEASE My Angels and Hosts to assist in UNCOVERING CORRUPTION and in CLEANING OUT these areas. Allow My Spirit to SEARCH your own heart and to CLEAN OUT any area that would cause you to STUMBLE to CORRUPTION. Welcome My SEARCHLIGHT and PRUNING because it will yield a harvest of FRUITFULNESS.”

10.                   February 23, 2025


HIGH TREASON=committing a crime that seriously threatens the safety of your country.

TREASON=betraying one’s allegiance by levying war or aiding the enemy.

MISPRISION OF TREASON=knows that someone is about to commit an act of treason against the U.S. and does not report it to the President, a federal or state judge, or the State Governor.

SEDITION=advocating for an uprising against or overthrow of the government through speech, publication, or organization; participating in a conspiracy to prevent the government from conducting its legally assigned duties that goes beyond the protected expression of opinion or protest against government policy. 

11.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

February 23, 2021


“Just as surely as the cold, dark days of Winter will give way to warmer, sunny days of Spring, so shall this season of DEEPEST, DARKEST EVIL give way to the LIGHT of My PROMISES and My FULFILLMENT. Those given to darkness think they have won, but they will no longer think that when My HAMMER OF JUSTICE falls on them and when My righteous right arm REMOVES them from their places of power…they have exposed themselves. The pattern of My RESCUE and the BEAUTY of My fulfillment are set to be revealed, and they will bring great AWE and JOY.”

12.                   February 24, 2025


“Right now, so MUCH CORRUPTION is being EXPOSED all across your society. The corruption must be brought to the LIGHT to PROTECT and DEFEND the INNOCENT who are being preyed upon. Will you come to Me with all these MESSES that are coming into the light of exposure? I will help you PROCESS the darkness, and I will help you AVOID the HOOKS and DECEPTIONS of the enemy that could lead your heart away from Me and draw you STEP by STEP into the darkness. Let Me CARRY the WEIGHT of all this darkness because it is TOO HEAVY for you to carry. If you are continually GAZING on the UNCOVERED CORRUPTION, it will STEAL your JOY and your HOPE for the FUTURE. While I need you to SEE what has been HIDDEN in the darkness, I don’t want you to FOCUS ONLY on that. I want you to PARTNER with Me in calling forth Heaven’s SOLUTIONS of CLEANSING, JUSTICE, RECOMPENSE, and REFORMATION. You are to FIGHT VALIANTLY for darkness to be EXPOSED but, then, lift your eyes and see that SOMETHING BETTER IS AHEAD. I have PROMISED you the EXPOSURES, and they are happening. I have also PROMISED the ESTABLISHMENT of the Kingdom Age that will bring in the dawn of the Golden Era. I will FULFILL My promise to you. Don’t lose sight of the promise that SOMETHING BETTER IS AHEAD.”

13.                   JOURNAL NUGGET: from 2 years ago—this word foreshadows His day of fury

May 5, 2023


“The ARROGANT ELITE thought they were playing a game of POKER with Me, and they thought they had a WINNING HAND that I could not OVERCOME. They were BLINDED to the fact that I held TWO UNBEATABLE CARDS: My TRUMP CARD and My CARD OF FURY. I AM laying down those cards on the table, and the world will see My TRUMP CARD TRIUMPH and My CARD OF FURY being UNLEASHED against those of darkened hearts and DEATH AGENDAS. The enemy LIED to them and CONVINCED them that they had SUPERIOR POWER over the Light. Watch the SHOCKED LOOKS and listen to the STAMMERING LIPS of those partnered with darkness as I LAY DOWN My FURY CARD, and it UNLEASHES all of Heaven against them. My STORM OF GREAT FURY is coming against ALL their STEALING, KILLING, and DESTROYING. It will WIPE OUT all they have done and all they have planned to do against the CHILDREN. The children are My HOLY HERITAGE, and I will ARISE IN FURY to DEFEND them and to WIPE OUT their DESTROYERS. I will supply HEALING and RECOMPENSE to the children for all they have SUFFERED, and they will ARISE AS KINGDOM SONS AND DAUGHTERS, filled with My GLORY and My LOVE. What the enemy meant to DESTROY, I will EXALT, and I will use it to WIPE OUT the DEATH AGENDAS of the darkness. When My FURY CARD hits the table, GREAT POWER will be released. Things will look CHAOTIC and WILD, as My FURY STRIKES all their STRONGHOLDS and brings them DOWN. TERROR will fill their hearts as I COLLAPSE all their SYSTEMS; but you will NOT FEAR because you will see events from My PERSPECTIVE, and you will know that I DESTROY and ROOT OUT in order to PLANT and REBUILD what is JUST and RIGHTEOUS. When the STORM OF FURY has done her work, the enemy will be FLATTENED. Righteousness and glory will fill the Land, as we REBUILD together on LIGHT and LIFE. Truly, the AWE of who I AM will fill the atmosphere, and My PROMISES will be FULFILLED.”

Diana Larkin

A Watchman's Journal 



  1. Diana, such great news that You are writing a book! I thought about what a lovely gift that would be, and tears rolled down my cheeks. All Glory to God!

    1. Yes, I too am excited that you are writing a book, Diana. Looking forward to reading it!


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