March 2, 2025


“The FLAILING, DESPERATE evil empire has all kinds of dark plans to try and take back the CONTROL of the world. They have OUTBREAKS of sickness, financial collapse, wars, and tragedies planned for the world. You have been RAISED UP, EMPOWERED, and STRENGTHENED for such a time as this My Army of Light. You have faith-filled PRAYERS, DECREES, and DECLARATIONS to come AGAINST, DIMINISH, and DEMOLISH all these evil schemes. I have a BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL COUNTERMOVE that I AM releasing and that is AN OUTBREAK OF MY GOODNESS. While those partnered with darkness WAIL, COMPLAIN, and FEEL SORRY for themselves, you will experience My GRACE, My BLESSING, and My FAVOR.  GRACE will EMPOWER you to do what I’ve called you to do in fulfilling your life’s purpose. My BLESSING will come at you from every direction—FINANCIALLY, PHYSICALLY, and SPIRITUALLY you will MULTIPLY. Multiplied PROVISION, multiplied PHYSICAL HEALING, and multiplied SPIRITUAL REVELATION and NEARNESS to Me. My FAVOR will OPEN DOORS that have been LOCKED for years in your life. My FAVOR will go before you and MAKE A WAY where there has been no way. It will be FAVOR with God and with man. The evil empire is going to throw every dark plan they can at you to STEAL from you and to cause you GREAT FEAR. Imagine how PERPLEXED and ANGRY they will be when they see you being PROSPERED, HEALTHY, and FULL of FAITH and JOY. The contrast will be GREAT between the darkness and the Light and people around the world will realize the DECEPTION and DARKNESS that the evil empire operates from. They will be DRAWN to the Light and to the reality of MY OUTBREAK OF GOODNESS.”
Diana Larkin 
A Watchman’s Journal 


  1. He told me this morning:
    "Thy faith hath made thee whole."
    "Everything you need and have been believing Me for, you already have.
    Jesus died to return it to you.
    I placed it in your heart, and as your faith grows, your needs, that I have already placed in your heart, will manifest in your realm.
    No need to "sow a financial seed" to get anything from Me.
    You already have it.
    All you need to do is believe.
    My word tells you that I already know what you have need of.
    I know before you know.
    Know that I have already provided it.

    1. Lord----BRING IT !

      YOU 🙏🙏🙏.,

    3. Thank you, Tina! This spoke to me. I wrote it all down!

    4. Three years ago the Lord had directed me to rent a prayer room in the heart of our downtown. On the very last day, when the lease was up, God filled the space with such a distinct Presence. For days I wondered and asked the Lord, "What WAS That !?"
      finally He revealed, "that was My Goodness and that is what is Coming."
      And here we are

  2. * * * * * * *
    God’s Prophetic Word taken from PATTY TEICHROEW’S Prayer Journal.

    Posted by: + The Prayer Poet +
    * * * * * * *

    March 02, 2025
    And I say to you that I have held off Until Now My Justice and Judgment to fall on the evil and wicked ones who have chosen to live for darkness and Now Shall They Reap What They have Sown for the month of March will Be Full of Surprises for the deep state. For they will be backed into a corner and Nowhere to Hide! And I shall Make the News Media To Report Truth and the Secrets they have kept will be Front Page News! And many shall be arrested and the word Treason will be used often. And many leaders who were thought to have a high standing will fall off their pedestals ~ never to rise again!

    Proverbs 15:11 “Even hell itself holds no secrets from the Lord God, for before his eyes, all is exposed—and so much more the heart of every human being.”

    1. * * * * * * *
      FYI I was able to REPOST the Declarations for Diana’s February 26, 2025 message “A MARCH FOR LIFE.”
      * * * * * * *

    2. Great news , boy oh boy, have we been waiting for justice !

    3. Thank you prayer poet for reposting.

    4. No sooner did I finish reading this when I see Congresswoman Anna Luna talking about treasonous activity from the left 😲

    5. Prayer Poet- where are the “March for Life” declarations posted? (TY for doing this!)

    6. The Fathers' outbreak of goodness is partly happening because of our asking for judgements of JUSTICE ! and taking delight in approaching to Elohim . Isa 58::2

    7. Response to 3:31 PM
      Posted under the February 26, 2025 message “A MARCH FOR LIFE". I just checked and it's still there.

    8. Response to 3:31 PM
      under Diana’s February 26, 2025 message “A MARCH FOR LIFE.

  3. Our Father knows best . Several blogs ago The Father taught something that bears repeating . He said don't REACT BUT RESPOND . Since i Read this advice , I have found the wisdom of it . When we react it is from our emotions [ and probably not good results ] When we respond , it is from our minds [ and probably with good results ] o.e.

  4. Contrast between the darkness and light as in the first Exodus ---oh ya

    1. Great reminder. I have had a huge distraction that has gotten me angry. I finally called on Father and he calmed me down. But its gonna take daily dealings with for at least a week, because they have kept me getting locked out of accounts and cannot find accts I know I have. Long story.
      But I needed this reminder.
      I was acting out of my emotions, knew it was wrong to get so upset, but I was so upset for this distraction that I cannot avoid.
      God has been great in giving peace and more patience.

    2. 3:22 we pray and agree for a great, good resolution for your situation.
      We pray and decree supernatural Peace from God and Unusual speedy Favor with man.

  5. * * * * * * *
    💕Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.
    Beloved Father, THANK YOU for Your Message through Diana Larkin, “AN OUTBREAK OF GOODNESS.”

    We invite the Host to fulfill our prayers of faith and bring in the Kingdom of Heaven in all its Glory and Power.

    Father, THANK YOU for informing us, “The flailing, desperate evil empire has all kinds of dark plans to try and take back the control of the world. They have outbreaks of sickness, financial collapse, wars, and tragedies planned for the world.”
    THANK YOU for raising us up, empowering us, and strengthening us for such a time as this.
    We will use our prayers, decrees, and declarations to “come against, diminish, and demolish” all the schemes of the evil empire.

    ABBA, THANK YOU for Your Words, “I have a beautiful and powerful countermove that I AM releasing and that is “AN OUTBREAK OF MY GOODNESS.”
    THANK YOU that while those partnered with darkness wail, complain, and feel sorry for themselves, we will experience Your GRACE, Your BLESSING, and Your FAVOR.
    GRACE to empower us to do what You have called us to do in fulfilling our life’s purpose.
    BLESSING from every direction—financially, physically, and spiritually.
    . . . multiplied provision.
    . . . multiplied physical healing.
    . . . multiplied spiritual revelation and Nearness to YOU.
    FAVOR with “Open Doors” that have been locked for years in our life.
    . . . Your FAVOR going before us to Make A Way where there has been no way.
    . . . Your "FAVOR with YOU” and with man.

    THANK YOU for telling us, “The contrast will be great between the darkness and the Light.” We speak Your Words, and
    We DECLARE . . . People around the world will realize the deception and darkness that the evil empire operates from.
    We DECREE . . . They will be drawn to the Light and to the reality of GOD’S OUTBREAK OF GOODNESS.

    ABBA, we envision ourselves being “Prospered, Healthy, and Full of Faith and Joy” out of YOUR OUTBREAK OF GOODNESS. With hearts full of praise and thanksgiving, we joyously receive all You have for us. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ABSOLUTE GOODNESS!

    Father God, we give You all the Glory, Honor and Praise. We declare, decree, believe and receive all this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    We PRAY “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”
    In Jesus’ Name, COME!


    Warrior Host, GO FORTH NOW!
    Illumination Angels, DELIVER Light Beams. ILLUMINATE!
    DRIVE OUT the darkness! GO FORTH, NOW!
    Angels of Deliverance, BRING revelation to the deceived. GO FORTH, NOW!

    HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.

    * * * * * * *
    + The Prayer Poet +

  6. How Great Thou Art! Great Defender! Thank you and Amen!

  7. When are we going to see ARRESTS of thieves, murderers, and traitors who have committed massive crimes against their own people and nations and other nations? Many, Many people need to be ARRESTED, and sent to jail for a very long time or get an Haman's end for all their heinous crimes.

    We are sick and tired of seeing criminals of the worst kind and traitors get a golden parachute. This in a grotesque miscarriage of justice.

    We want JUSTICE.

    How much longer must we suffer at the hands of tyrants, oppressors, warmongers, very evil people and entities of all kinds before we see these scum taken out and receive the justice they all deserve?

    How Much Longer????

    Many nations are on the verge of collapse. We need all the evil scum, parasites, and enemies in our nations REMOVED.

    1. You sound like one from 40 years in the desert! How much longer? How much longer? How much longer?

      Hold your mumbling and grumbling!

      Re-read some of the last few messages. Repent and Praise God.

    2. Gods timing is perfect. Trust Him. He knows what He is doing! The Israelites didn’t get very far when they did not trust in God. He will reward our obedience and patience. I know it’s difficult, but trust the PLAN!!

  8. Amen and hallelujah! Glory be to the Lord!!!

  9. I want to thank whoever let us know about the unkown prophet on youtube.
    I listened tk 2 of his videos last night. Both helping, 1 even helped me last night, i mean early this morning.
    I was able to learn how to sit and wait for the Father.
    It was

    1. 3:26 continued....
      It was amazing, i did not get to hear him speak. But he put on a very pretty show for me. So much more than I get when I pray/praise him. 🌠🎆✨️

    2. Look at this " I did not get to hear him speak , but he put on a very pretty SHOW for me " . [ so much more than praising God ] what is going on here? and what are those symbols ? This is about Fred a self proclaimed prophet.

    3. 3:26. I would tell you to pray about anyone who claims to be a prophet. I did watch one of Fred’s messages a long time ago. I was not lead to listen further. I’m but saying he is a false prophet. But, God did warn us not to listen to too many voices. I have selected a few I listen to on a regular basis, like Diana. I would suggest the same. There are quite a few reliable prophets out there.

    4. at 7:23 PM I think you may have misinterpreted the words of 3:29 PM. Hopefully, the individual will return with further explanation. Shalom!

    5. I am march 2, 2025 326

      I listened to 2 videos of unkown prophets on how he waits on the Lord.
      I got much closer to the Lord that night than ever before unless count dreams I have had before.
      Normally, I know the Father, Jesus or Holy Spirit is there by a light that shows itself when my eyes are closed and praising him. Sometimes I cannot tell whose light it is. Other times I know.
      It does not happen all the time. But at least once a day.

      Well after UP shared *how to focus and turn off all your other thoughts*. I tried it.

      Well, I may have chose the wrong words by saying he put on a show for me.
      The Lord's light was all over the place in and out and different shades and brightness, it was like he was just as excited as I was to see [well tech not see -see] him. And I was just sitting there waiting for Him. I tried it again but was not able to focus. Dealing with distractions and I just had a hard time.

      So, I hope this clears up any confusion.


  11. 2 Corinthians 9.8-11: "God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done. As one psalmist puts it,
    "He throws caution to the winds,
    giving to the needy in reckless abandon.
    His right-living, right-giving ways
    never run out."
    The Most Generous God who gives seed to the farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more Extravagant with you. He gives you something you can then Give away, which grows into full-formed lives, Robust in God, Wealthy in every way, so that you can be Generous in every way, producing with us Great Praise unto God."
    All the Result of the Outbreak of the GOODNESS of God !

  12. Amen and amen 🙏

  13. Test everything you hear, see or read with 1 John 4:1-3 because all of us know and prophecy in part. “ CHAPTER 4
    Testing the Spirits
    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world.”

  14. Amen Praises to GOD Amen ♥️🙌🔥


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