March 3, 2025
I was suddenly in the Garden of Life and Enoch was speaking to me. He understood and spoke to questions I was having about the future of our nation and the world. He told me that the glorious future that I have seen may take years to reach its fullness, but my union with the Father is my true source of joy. As the good future unfolds, it will be icing on the cake. He reminded me that the day he lived in on the earth was very wicked (right before the flood), but he still found great joy and satisfaction from his union with the Father. Enoch then raised his right hand and placed it near my heart. He said these precious words, “I bless you to go deeper into the Father’s heart than I did. I bless you to find complete joy and satisfaction in walking with Him. My heart was warm and full, and I know I’m supposed to release this blessing to all of you.
The Father speaks:
“I saw in Enoch a heart that DESIRED a DEEP and INTIMATE relationship with Me. I see that same LONGING in your heart and in the hearts of the Army of Light. I BLESSED Enoch’s desire to KNOW Me and to WALK with Me, and our UNION became BEAUTIFUL, POWERFUL, and it brought forth the FRUIT of the Kingdom—even in the midst of GROSS DARKNESS in the world. The SEEDS of LIGHT that he sowed from his UNION with Me are STILL BEARING GOOD FRUIT to this day. Your life can have this LIFE-GIVING POWER as well. This is LIGHT that SHATTERS the darkness and ESTABLISHES My Kingdom. I BLESSED Enoch’s UNION and DEEP WALK with Me, and he has now RELEASED that BLESSING to you. What you have been BLESSED with you can now RELEASE to others. RECEIVE the BLESSING and RELEASE it to all who HEAR your voice or READ these words. Declare: ‘I BLESS you to go DEEPER in your walk with the Father, and I RELEASE DEEP JOY and SATISFACTION from your UNION with Him.’ RECEIVE THE BLESSING!”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal
Amen!! Thank you for the blessings!! I receive it!
ReplyDeleteAmen - - - Thank you Lord!
DeleteI receive it!!
DeleteYes! Our union with the Father is what it's really all about.
Delete"And the things of this earth grow strangely dim, in the Light of HIS Glory and Grace."
I was into an assignment to worship/pray in a local church several times a week.
DeleteJust me and The Three.
After one particularly Blessed two hour session, I went home and announced jokingly
to my husband, "I know what happened to Enoch!"
He had reached the Place of Joy Unspeakable and Full of Glory so the Lord said, "You're closer to my place now, why not just Come Home with Me?" 1 Peter 1.8
Abba Father, thank you for this blessing released through Diana. I Praise You Oh God for all You’re doing in and through us. I faithfully receive this blessing by Your Grace. All honor glory and praise to You. Amen 🙏🏼🌈💝
Thank you Father. I receive this amazing blessing!
DeleteI receive the blessing to go deeper in my walk with the Father and I receive deep joy and satisfaction from my union with Him! I receive this blessing now!
ReplyDeleteI whole heartedly receive this precious gift from my Heavenly Father!
ReplyDeleteGod gets all the glory 😊 Show the whole world 🌎 Love wins. God wins. So be it 😊
ReplyDeleteHow do we receive this blessing from Diana?
ReplyDeleteReceive it in faith. Just speak it, "I receive this blessing of going deeper with you, Father, this blessing of a deeper union with you". Praise and thank Him in advance. Mark 11:24
DeleteAnd pray with the prayer poet's post today. So good.
DeleteDoes anyone have experience with flashes of light? It’s not a medical condition or just my imagination either 😊. Any reference or insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
DeleteThank you Lord for Diana Larkin and the message she received from Enoch. I totally recieve this myself and pray for the wisdom and boldness to release it. Thank you Lord!
Delete2:19 regarding flashes of light. I see them regularly, especially when I first lay down at night.
DeleteI see them eyes closed and eyes open. Just the last three years or so. I heard Kat Kerr mention them as signs the angels are on assignment around you.
7:31 thank you for your response and insight! 💗
DeleteResponse to 2:55 PM
My thoughts, and I could be totally wrong, so please bear with me.
Father told Diana, “RECEIVE the BLESSING and RELEASE it to all who HEAR your voice or READ these words.”
RELEASING was specific to Diana for the Army of Light, because HE said to her “release it to all WHO HEAR YOUR VOICE or READ THESE WORDS.”
I did not include “releasing” in the declarations, because my interpretation was that we are to RECEIVE.
+ The Prayer Poet +
@ 2:19 PM
DeleteI have experienced this, eyes opened and closed. You might want to look up Photopsia and see if it applies to you.
But I have also seen flashes of light which were spiritual warnings.
Once I saw “three bolts” coming out of someone’s eyes – an even took place a couple hours later with this individual.
Another time I saw “three bolts” while in prayer, then it was pitch black, then I saw a friend’s face looking up as if the person had fallen. Early the next morning, the individual had a nasty fall while hiking in the dark.
Last month I saw a single bolt while driving. I was surprised because it was just above the tree tops – it wasn’t lightening. I’m wondering if it might have been a laser beam or possibly an angel.
We’ve been in meetings where this has happened and it’s angelic activity. I agree with Kat Kerr.
Delete@10:29 Prayer Poet -- God's financial system is that which is imparted to us, we are to give it away. The more we give it away, the more we get.
DeleteFreely we receive, Freely we give. That goes for a lot of things, whether we received healing and the. Turn around and give healing to someone else, anointing, glory, blessings, whatever it is that you have Freely received, give it away to others.
DeleteI get special lights that I perceive to be either Father, Jesus or Holy Spirit. I am not always sure who.
But I get these lights mostly when I am praising & worshipibg with eyes closed.
Sometimes when pray, but not often. Its easier to see them if in a dark room or I cover my eyes during the day.
But I do have flashed of light nearly all the time when I am awake eyes open, that the awake one is probably medical, as it occurs stronger when I just walked a flight of stairs. It used to be a green light but then recently changed to more whiter.
The retina specialist just ignored me when I said about the green & white flashes. So who knows?
Since I dream about 5x a night and always long, hard to figure out if God answered any of my questions.
@ 1:50 AM. Thank you for responding. Here are my thoughts:
DeleteFather said, “I saw in Enoch a heart that DESIRED a DEEP and INTIMATE relationship with Me.”
Then, Father said to Diana, “I see that same LONGING in your heart and in the hearts of the Army of Light.”
In this message God is specific –
God Blessed Enoch.
Enoch released the Blessing to Diana.
God told Diana she can now release the Blessing to others.
Then, God said to Diana, “Receive the Blessing and Release it to all who hear your voice (Diana’s) or read these words.
Then, God told Diana “what to declare” which released the Blessing to the Army of Light.
So, returning to the first lines, “I SAW IN ENOCH a heart that DESIRED a DEEP and INTIMATE relationship with Me.” and “I SEE THAT SAME LONGING IN YOUR HEART AND IN THE HEARTS OF THE ARMY OF LIGHT.” I understand about “Receiving AND Freely Giving”, and I’m certainly NOT opposed to releasing the blessing. However, God is addressing what HE sees in people’s hearts.
Hence, the thanksgiving prayer to God was for Receiving the Blessing and did not include any declarations. So, in closing and with love, “Pray and Follow Holy Spirit’s lead.” 💗
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+ The Prayer Poet +
THANKS TO ALL for the discussion regarding light 💡! I appreciate you all so much and will continue to ask seek and knock!
Delete@ 1:50 AM.
DeleteI just watched Diana’s video released today, March 4. She released the blessing at Time Stamp 44:00 and said that we “in turn” can bless others.
I asked Father to forgive me for not seeing beyond the wording of that part of the message and thanked Him for the clarification through Diana.
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+ The Prayer Poet +
5:53 I love how He is so faithful, if we overlook something he's so patient in teaching and instructing us.
DeleteDiana, thank you for honoring Father’s Words to “RECEIVE the BLESSING and RELEASE it to all who HEAR your voice or READ these words. What you have been blessed with you can now release to others.” Thank you so much for releasing this blessing to the Army of Light. I receive it. THANK YOU! May God Bless You Immensely!
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💕Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Holy Name.
Father, THANK YOU for Your Message through Diana Larkin, “THE BLESSING.”
ABBA, Your Words touched me deeply. I know You live within me, yet day and night I search for You.
Psalm 42:1 (NOG)
“As a deer longs for flowing streams,
so my soul longs for you, O Elohim.”
ABBA, I have cried out in my longing for You.
Thank You for giving me a heart that desires a deep and intimate relationship with You.
I RECEIVE “The Blessing” to go deeper in my walk with You.
Thank You for imparting deep joy and satisfaction in my union with You.
Thank You for releasing Your Life-Giving Power upon me - Your LIGHT that shatters the darkness and establishes Your Kingdom.
I graciously receive it ALL FOR YOUR GLORY!
Psalm 103:1
“Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.”
“Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”
In Jesus’ Name, COME!
HALLELUJAH! Amen and amen.
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+ The Prayer Poet +
I guess my daughter was right. I will not be here when Gods kingdom comes to tge earth. I am 81 years old, not years to go
ReplyDeleteBeautiful One! He lives within you. Let's enjoy our journey as we experience this transition happening now before our very eyes. Exciting things are taking place every day.
DeleteEnjoy the show so you can share the stories when you get to heaven.
Keep in mind that God is renewing our bodies. There will be life extensions, but our true citizenship is in heaven. Think about all the AMAZING blessings we have been receiving.
p.s. and those blessings go with us throughout eternity.
DeleteThank you 11:33. I know He lives in me, I guess I was just having a bad morning. You have given me a check and I take it and put my focus back on God. Thank you! God bless you!
Delete81 years of age is young. The Lord has shown many people that we will be living well into our hundreds. Expect to live at least till 120 this will become very normal.
DeleteJudy, we are coming into the Greater Exodus. In the 1st Exodus, there was no feeble among the children of Israel. They got their wealth transfer, perfect health (no feeble) and their freedom. Then they saw their enemies destroyed before them when the Red Sea crashed in on the Egyptians.
DeleteYou (our generation) have been chosen for such a time as this. The wicked are being removed (believers are in Goshen) and the children of God will inherit the earth.
(All the Enoch verses are from the 1st book of Enoch. ) But I just got the book Enoch's Blessing and just started to read it. There are 200+ Bible Cross references.
Wicked removed Enoch 1:1
Longevity -- Enoch 5:9, 10:17 and 25:6
Ps 37
Isaiah 60, 61
Isaiah 65:20
Ps 105:37
Job 33:25
2 Kings 5:14
Joshua 14:10-11
There may be more scriptures. Declare and decree your supernatural youth and perfect health. 🙌
Recently woke at 1:19, then again another night 1:19. Twice is sure word: Daniel.
DeleteMy first understanding : this is REverse of 911 (reverse of alaRm!, EmeRgencY!). This is the
Time of a "truer-than-life world" - Drenched in Joy. Holy Spirit Transformation -Bright Shadow of Holiness- health, wholeness, Joy of the Inner life with Him.
Second and fullest understanding: Psalm 119. vs 119: "You have removed all the wicked from the earth like dross-traSh- Impurities- Rubbish- GaRbage!"
at 2:33 AM
DeleteThanks for such a beautiful response to Judy. I love seeing detailed responses like this. God has so much in store for His Children, and responses like this are such a blessing for the "Young at Heart." Every day is full of anticipation knowing that we were born for such a time as this!
Praise God!
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ReplyDeleteGod’s Prophetic Word taken from PATTY TEICHROEW’S Prayer Journal.
Posted by: + The Prayer Poet +
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March 03, 2025
Relationships. Relationships can be so hard even if both are believers in ME for there are so many opinions and so many point of views that bring division and pain within family members and friendships. For there are those who take over conversations and convince many that their positions are the right ones and everyone else is wrong. Then there are those who only listen and won’t share what they are thinking. And then there are those who side with whomever they are with—much like a chameleon reflecting the colors of their surroundings. So~ what is the answer? TRUTH! For I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life! And I say when you are in these heated discussions, stop and ask ME to join you and lift up your voices to ME and pray and seek ME to give you answers and to bring you clarity. And if that is not possible, then when you are alone with ME ~ pray that I bring clarity to the confusion for I AM just a prayer away.
I Timothy 2:1 “Most of all, I’m writing to encourage you to pray with gratitude to God. Pray for all men with all forms of prayers and requests as you intercede with intense passion.” Vs. 4-6 “He longs for everyone to embrace his life and return to the full knowledge of the truth. For God is one, and there is one Mediator between God and the sons of men—the true man, Jesus, the Anointed One. He gave Himself as ransom-payment for everyone. Now is the proper time for God to give the world this witness.” Vs 8 “Therefore, I encourage the men to pray on every occasion with hands lifted to God in worship with clean hearts, free from frustration or strife.”
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful
DeleteDeclare: ‘I BLESS you to go DEEPER in your walk with the Father, and I RELEASE DEEP JOY and SATISFACTION from your UNION with Him.’ RECEIVE THE BLESSING!” Lord I come into agreement with your word and I believe we receive your blessing! Thank you, Mrs. Larkin for your obedience in walking in the garden with the Father and sharing His BLESSINGS of His Word with us.
ReplyDeleteAmen like deer pants for 🦌waters so my soul longs for you.Amen🙌♥️🔥
ReplyDeleteThis verse came to me recently. I said it out loud. Thank you for bringing it to mind again.
DeleteBeautiful Blessing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the information about your blog will be reading in Jesus Name Amen
ReplyDeleteThank you Diana, and Father I declare a deeper relationship with you in Jesus name! Amen and Amen 🙏
ReplyDeleteDiana, thank you for sharing this beautiful blessings from the Lord. I received this beautiful blessings in Jesus Mighty Name.
ReplyDeleteOn Diana's comment about the glorious future she has seen and the caution that it may take some years to reach its fullness: HankandBrenda. (Hank Kunneman's) prophetic postings has always talked about 2020-2030 as the "decade of difference". Which isn't really very long when you think of all the things that need to be "adjusted" and adjudicated. We're halfway thru that time frame.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope and pray they heard right.
DeleteI have often wondered if we were going to have to wait 40 yrs.
I have to check myself at times, am I grumbling. I sure hope not.
4:25 please lift yourself up out of your fleshly "hope" and Place yourself Firmly on Faith.
DeleteThis is why it's called a Fight of Faith. . it takes a little Effort
4:25 "A double minded man will receive nothing from the Lord."
DeleteStaying close to the FAther is more important than having a perfect world.
ReplyDeleteThis is a Transcript of the last segment of Diana’s video dated March 4, 2025. It references Diana’s March 3, 2025 Journal Entry-THE BLESSING and answers questions (which many had) concerning the roll out/timeframe of Father’s plans and the releasing of the Blessing (clarifying my interpretation).
ReplyDeleteTRANSCRIPT Time Stamp (TS) 40.41 PART 1 of 2
Diana said, Linda brought up some really important questions about this entry referring to the slow roll out of things, because if you are like me, I want everything to happen tomorrow, but our Father always has greater wisdom and better timing than we do. So, as I processed that with Him, and her questions, I believe He said to me ‘It’s going to be a slow roll out of things because it’s going to give time for vigilance to develop that will last as each exposure needs to be digested, faced, and safeguards put in place to keep it from happening again.” He said, “You don’t absorb much if you’re in shock.” So, if He just dumped everything out, the world would be so in shock nobody is going to absorb or understand much. So, it needs to be slow-rolled a bit because each one needs to be digested as a breach of our freedom, and we need to know that we’ve got to watch over them and be vigilant so it can never happen again.
Also, it’s his Seed Time and Harvest. He has always worked in that way and always will in the earth. So, we now are sowing seeds of exposure, of light, of truth, of justice, of righteousness. And, they are seeds and it will take a while for them to develop and to bring forth fruit, but they will. And each day, each year is going to get better and better, and meanwhile we are developing that intimate relationship with the Father that Enoch had. And he found great joy even in a time of deep, deep darkness. His day was a terrible time of darkness. Now, I think ours either parallels or even go a little bit farther because part of what he dealt with, I think, is going to be finished off in our age. So, it’s very important that we receive this blessing and we remain in joy and peace and strength in our relationship with Him. Because that’s where our strength comes from to fight for the Kingdom Age to be established and the Golden Age to Dawn. Dawn, of course, speaks it’s another way that things are gradual. Dawn comes gradually. And, we’ll see His Wisdom Ways in that; however, I do think this year we are going to see a lot of that action. There are going to be a lot of things exposed and turned over but there is so much that it is going to go on for years. But just remember that things are going to be getting lighter and freer all the time.
TRANSCRIPT Time Stamp (TS) 43.57 PART 2 of 2
DeleteSo, I am ready to release Enoch’s blessing to all of you and of course it was the Father’s Blessing to Enoch, and he in turn is blessing us. I am blessing you, and you in turn can bless others.
Here is that BLESSING: I bless you to go deeper into the Father’s heart than I have. I bless you to find complete joy and satisfaction in walking with HIM.”
Just breathe that in and receive.
What a day and age we live in. How blessed we are to walk in deep communion with HIM. Well, let’s end in order of prayer. I love you all more than I can say. I love your comments. I love what you share. You’re just an incredible people. You keep me encouraged and I know that I am loved. That’s just such a blessing to walk through this war with you.
CLOSING PRAYER: Father, thank you for this day and age in which we are living. Thank you we are going to see the fulfillment of things that Daniel and Isaiah and Ezekiel and Enoch saw and prophesized. We thank you that we get to live during this time. It is going to be all the more worth it, Father, because you have trained us to fight for this. It’s not just going to be handed to us on a silver platter. We have engaged with you in warfare and in defeating the evil empire to bring in Your Kingdom of Light, Life, Joy, Peace, Righteousness and Justice. We thank you for that. We stand with you strong and firm. We thank you for the Holy Spirit who strengthens us, empowers us, guides us, guards us. We thank you for the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus, for Your death and Your resurrection that we now have an intimate relationship with the Father. We’re back home in His Heart because of the sacrifice that You made. So, we thank you Great, Great God! We love You and thank You that we are partnering with You in bringing forth the Kingdom Era, the Golden Dawn, a new age for the world. Thank You. Thank You, Father, we bless You in the name of Jesus.
Until we meet again, you just keep going over that blessing and receiving that and watch what the Father will do. Bye for now.
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Transcript submitted by + The Prayer Poet +
Thank you so much prayer poet❤️❤️