JOURNAL ENTRIES for Video A DAY OF DISASTER--FOR WHO? September 10, 2024


Nations to add to our family: Nigeria, Slovakia, Austria, Norway!!!

Thank you to the anon who generously paid for a Gab Pro account for me—now I can post pictures and my doodles on that platform!

1.    September 4, 2024


“How do you NAVIGATE this IN-BETWEEN TIME—the time between the WAR SEASON and the DAWNING of the KINGDOM AGE? You have TASTED the FREEDOM and you have caught GLIMPSES of the GOOD FUTURE that awaits you in the Kingdom Age. But, right now, most everything in your life and your nation looks the OPPOSITE of that PROMISED FULFILLMENT. Many are struggling with HEALTH ISSUES brought on by the schemes of the darkness to STEAL LIFE and FRUITFULNESS. Your VOICES speaking TRUTH are being CENSORED and RIDICULED. You are experiencing PERSECUTION from the darkness and from those still ASLEEP to the evil around them because you have BELIEVED My PROMISES of a RESCUE, a RETURN of My chosen leader, and the DAWNING of the Kingdom Age. The FINANCIAL MESS the darkness has created is real, and there are no human solutions to all the DAMAGE the darkness has done in your world. But I have promised you a MERGING of Heaven’s RESOURCES and ARMY with you, the Army of Light. How do you KEEP FAITH ALIVE in this IN-BETWEEN TIME? This is your PERSONAL CRUCIBLE of FAITH. You must CHOOSE to DRAW NEAR to Me, to REMIND yourself of My FAITHFULNESS, My PROMISES, My GREAT POWER, and My OVERWHELMING LOVE for you. Choose to BELIEVE that I will NOT LET YOU DOWN and that the VICTORY over the darkness is SURE. WORSHIP Me and DECLARE who I AM when the enemy TAUNTS you with what LOOK LIKE UNANSWERED PRAYERS. DECLARE to that taunting voice that you WILL SEE THE FULFILLMENT of ALL I have promised because I AM a FAITHFUL and POWERFUL God who CHERISHES you. Let your FAITH be PURIFIED in the CRUCIBLE of this IN-BETWEEN TIME. TRIUMPH is on its way!”


September 4, 2023


“This day is a MARKER* in the history of your Nation. A VERDICT has been handed down from the Courts of Heaven in FAVOR of the REMNANT who have CRIED OUT day and night around the world for JUDGMENT against the WICKED who are seeking to DESTROY them. The Officers of the Court** have been AUTHORIZED to SET IN MOTION the FINAL JUDGMENTS that will BRING DOWN evil and corruption worldwide. The Host of Heaven have received their ORDERS to PROCEED! Army of Light, DO NOT CRINGE at what will begin to take place as THRONES come CRASHING DOWN and places of darkness are EXPOSED and DESTROYED. Instead, I want you to SHINE! Shine My LIGHT, My LOVE, My POWER to SAVE, HEAL, and DELIVER. The FIERCEST PART of the BATTLE is just ahead, and I will GUIDE you through to an ASTOUNDING VICTORY. Stay CLOSE to My heart and ASK for My STRENGTH every day—I will FREELY give it! Jude 1:20-21 (MSG) ‘But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God’s love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ.’ (His mercies endure FOREVER, FOREVER, FOREVER!) As you pray in your Heavenly language, you are BUILDING YOURSELF UP, ACTIVATING My RESCUE PLANS, and RELEASING My MERCY to those still sleeping. ATTENTION, Army of Light! RELEASE your WAR CRIES, PRAY in the Spirit, and WORSHIP Me for My JUDGMENTS, My POWER, and My GOODNESS. MARK THIS DAY—the FINAL BATTLE HAS BEGUN!”

* Reference: Blog:, search for September 4, 1996 for examples of what is now going to be judged.

**Officers of the Court of Heaven: I asked what these were like and was shown huge, powerful Angels who issued the Court’s decrees. I found out the huge Angel who stands in the middle of my sunroom is an Angel from the Court of Heaven! His name is Frankfurt=a fortress of truth. 


September 4, 2022


“My ZEAL has been stirred by the CRIES of My people to SAVE this Land and to GIVE them back their FREEDOM. Even now, I AM ROAMING AND ROARING across the Land, as I CALCULATE and PLAN and CIRCLE in for the SUDDEN KILL. The enemy can SENSE the EVER-TIGHTENING CIRCLE of the LION coming in for the KILL, and there is RABID DESPERATION all through the enemy’s camp. Their PANIC is making them try ANY and EVERYTHING they can to STOP the KILL. If they cannot stop it, then their HATRED will cause them to DETERMINE to take as many innocent lives as they can before they themselves are taken out. I want My Army of Light to be just as DETERMINED to STOP, DEFLECT, and DEMOLISH every dark scheme they attempt. Your prayers and decrees are VERY POWERFUL against this WEAKENING ENEMY. They are RAGING, and you should be PRAISING, as you MOW DOWN every ugly plan that raises its head. Their desperation will drive them into DEPTHS OF DARKNESS. Your determination will bring you into greater POWER and LIGHT. Keep your eye on the LION WHO IS ROAMING AND ROARING.”

4.    September 5, 2024


“Circumstances in your life and in your nation may not look like it at this moment, but I AM telling you that A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED. This NEW DAY has begun in your spirit, as you TURNED your face into the WIND of My PROMISES, and you have ALIGNED your heart with My heart, and you have chosen to BELIEVE My WORDS and My FAITHFULNESS. As you DAILY BREATHE IN My PROMISES, you are STRENGTHENED to FIGHT another day. The WIND of My Spirit carries the SCENT of VICTORY and REWARD, and you BREATH IT IN anytime you feel WEAK or DOUBTS try to creep in. Are symptoms and circumstances trying to PULL you into the QUAGMIRE of FEAR? BREATHE IN My PRESENCE and ask Me to TUNE your heart to HEAVEN’S FREQUENCIES. You will find FAITH ARISING and FEAR FALLING BEHIND you, as you PARTNER with Me in DECREES and DECLARATIONS and in REPEATING My PROMISES of A NEW DAY when evil is VANQUISHED, diseases HEALED, hearts brought HOME to My Kingdom, financial PLENTY ESTABLISHED, freedom, justice, and righteousness are RESTORED as the FOUNDATION of your nation. A NEW DAY HAS DAWNED—choose to LIVE IN IT BY FAITH RIGHT NOW. The darkness is being CONQUERED by the NEW DAWN and soon you will live in the FULL LIGHT of My SON-SHINE.”

MATTHEW 4:16 (TPT) “You who spend your days shrouded in darkness can now say, ‘We have seen a brilliant light.’ And those who live in the dark shadow land of death can now say, ‘The Dawning Light arises on us.’”


September 5, 2023


“When you received My Son’s SACRIFICE on the cross as payment for your sins, and you SURRENDERED your life back to Me, you became an HEIR to salvation, to the power of the RESURRECTION, to the RICHES and WEALTH of the Kingdom. You also became part of THE FAMILY BUSINESS. The FAMILY BUSINESS is not only worldwide, it extends into every part of the UNIVERSE. There are ASSIGNMENTS and POWER in the AGES to COME that you have not even IMAGINED. Your FAITHFULNESS now in the FAMILY BUSINESS will determine your FUTURE assignments in eternity. Faithfulness to REPRESENT the family WELL will be ACKNOWLEDGED and REWARDED now and in the ages to come. THE FAMILY BUSINESS is MULTIFACETED and MULTICOLORED—just like I AM! Whatever you do in THE FAMILY BUSINESS, it will come from a HEART of LOVE that taps into ALL the RESOURCES of the Family’s STOREHOUSES in Heaven. When you are called on to do an assignment for the Family, I will PROVIDE ALL the RESOURCES needed for you to FULFILL this assignment ABOVE and BEYOND your EXPECTATIONS. Being part of THE FAMILY BUSINESS will bring you DEEP JOY, SATISFACTION, and FULFILLMENT. Whatever you are called to do, do it with My HEART and ASK for the Family RESOURCES to accomplish it. Everything you do with My HEART and My RESOURCES will bring BLESSINGS and LIFE. These things will BLOCK you from being FRUITFUL in THE FAMILY BUSINESS: JEALOUSY, A CRITICAL SPIRIT, and UNFORGIVENESS. If you are caught in one of these LIFE-STEALING TRAPS, Jesus will SET YOU FREE—ASK and SURRENDER to the POWER of the CROSS in your life. THE FAMILY BUSINESS will go on for all of ETERNITY. COME and JOIN in with your WHOLE HEART to THE FAMILY BUSINESS of LIFE, LIGHT, and JOY.”

6.    September 6, 2024


“The darkness has a DAY OF DISASTER planned for you. Their DARK and DESPERATE HEARTS are planning on a day of great CHAOS, CONFUSION, and DESTRUCTION for you. They believe that NOTHING can stand in the way of them launching this scheme, and they are actually EXCITED and LOOKING FORWARD to causing all of you so much FEAR, DEATH, and WIDESPREAD DESTRUCTION. They are so FOCUSED on SAVING THEMSELVES that they did not notice that I have RISEN from My Throne. When they release their DAY OF DISASTER, I will be STANDING IN ITS PATH TO BLOCK IT FROM REACHING YOU. I will FLIP IT around, and FLING IT back in their SHOCKED FACES. What they planned for you will COME BACK to them FULL FORCE and FULLY ARMED. IT WILL BE THEIR DAY OF DISASTER. They expected the world to NEVER RECOVER from this UGLY and DEADLY PLAN, but it is they who will NEVER RECOVER. They will LOSE IT ALL, and you will WIN IT ALL. You have NO NEED TO FEAR ANY THREAT that arises because I AM your DREAD CHAMPION, and I will DELIVER you completely. You have My PROMISE that it WILL NOT BE A DAY OF DISASTER FOR YOU, but it will be a DAY OF DISASTER for the darkness. This will be the LAST DEATH AGENDA they attempt to launch because I AM STEPPING IN, and I say they are DONE, they are FINISHED, they are TOAST. You will ARISE and SHINE in the SON-LIGHT of the NEW DAWN. Look to Me and let your heart BE AT PEACE.”


September 6, 2023


“I have promised you a COMPLETE EXPOSURE of the darkness currently ruling across all seven areas of society. ALL of them will be EXPOSED, BROUGHT DOWN, and a JUDGMENT will be rendered against them. I AM also moving across your Nation to EXPOSE the darkness of the people who have ALIGNED themselves with the LIES and SELFISHNESS of the dark leaders. When I bring down the evil leaders, there will be an ERUPTION of VIOLENCE from places where the enemy has raised up STRONGHOLDS of darkness to support the evil one’s AGENDA of POWER, LUST, and GREED. I AM letting you know about these VIOLENT REACTIONS ahead of time—not to cause you to fear—but to INSTRUCT you how to COMBAT this last ‘KICKING and SCREAMING’ TANTRUM of a DETHRONED enemy. DO NOT TOLERATE the VIOLENCE! Take AUTHORITY over the punk’s schemes and send My FIRE to BURN UP REBELLION and VIOLENCE. As you release My BACKFIRE against their FIRES of VIOLENCE, it will SNUFF OUT their flames, and they will find themselves coming face to face with My Spirit of the FEAR of the LORD. Release My PERFECT LOVE into these strongholds of FEAR and DECEPTION to PIERCE the HEARTS of the DECEIVED and VIOLENT. When you send FLAMING ARROWS of My LOVE into their hearts, My PERFECT LOVE will SHATTER their FEARS and DECEPTIONS, and My PERFECT LOVE will TRANSFORM them. Instead of FREAKING OUT over VIOLENCE, realize I have PAINTED A TARGET on an area where you need to ARISE in AUTHORITY and LOVE to STILL the WORK of the violent one and to see My Kingdom ESTABLISHED in those places. This is a THOROUGH HOUSECLEANING that I AM doing in your Nation. WHEN I SAY ALL, I MEAN ALL.”


September 6, 2022


“Remember that childhood party game where you are given a DONKEY TAIL with a pin, BLINDFOLDED, SPUN around, and left to WANDER trying to find the donkey to PIN HIS TAIL ON? This is a picture of the ENEMY’S CAMP right now. They are CLUTCHING those TALL ‘TALES’ they’ve been trying to PIN on those fighting for JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. They are BLINDFOLDED because I have REMOVED most of their MOLES who were feeding them INSIDE INFORMATION from your camp. They have been SPUN AROUND as plot after plot and scheme after scheme BACKFIRES on them, and they are left CONFUSED and DESPERATE. You are going to WITNESS scheme after scheme of DESPERATE ATTEMPTS to make any ACCUSATION or LIE stick to My chosen leader or those close to him. This is why you should not PANIC or REACT to these LYING SCHEMES because they WILL NOT STICK on the wall of accusation. They will all FALL to the ground. Oh, did I mention that the WHOLE TEAM of arrogant evil ones is now BLINDFOLDED? That is why they are not seeing the Host I have sent to PICK UP all the fallen TALL ‘TALES’, and he is sticking them to the donkey. And, what do you know, the donkey was THEM ALL ALONG; and everything they LIED and ACCUSED others of will be STUCK TO THEM. They will BEAR THE WEIGHT of their own CORRUPTION and EVIL, and I will declare them THE BIG LOSERS. You are invited to PARTICIPATE in this party game that will unfold—every TALL ‘TALE’ you hear trying to be pinned on the Light, you pick it up and FIRMLY PIN it onto them. This will be a POWERFUL PROPHETIC ACTION that you will see played out in the natural realm. WELCOME the TRUTH and LIGHT to come FLOODING in and ILLUMINATE the PINNED DONKEY.”

9.    September 7, 2024


“HOW WILL YOU HANDLE THE WEALTH that FLOWS to you when the TRANSFER happens from the WICKED to the RIGHTEOUS? I want you to ENJOY the WEALTH, and I want you to experience the FREEDOM of being DEBT-FREE—that is owing no man anything. However, I want you to realize that this JOY and FREEDOM will be SHORT-LIVED if you have not learned to be a GOOD STEWARD of what you have now. Are you a GIVER and a SAVER? Or are you always SPENDING BEYOND what you have been entrusted with? Are you JEALOUS and RESENTFUL of others who always seem to have MORE than you do? You may have a SPIRIT of POVERTY over you and your generations that needs to be BROKEN, and you must come OUT of AGREEMENT with CONTINUAL LACK and CHOOSE to BELIEVE I AM a GOOD and GENEROUS PROVIDER. GRUMBLING and RESENTMENT will NOT ATTRACT My PROVISION but THANKFULNESS and FAITH in My GOODNESS will. You may be going through a SEASON of LACK as a TESTING and TRAINING GROUND for a FUTURE WEALTH TRANSFER. Do you maintain a GRATEFUL HEART and a FAITH EXPECTANCY that I will COME THROUGH for you? It you FIX your EYES on WEALTH instead of on Me, it can become a STUMBLING BLOCK in your life. You will be a STINGY GIVER and you’ll begin to live BEYOND what you have been entrusted with and will find yourself IN DEBT AGAIN. Ask Holy Spirit to SEARCH YOUR HEART for any WRONG MOTIVES regarding WEALTH and to help you become someone I can ENTRUST with WEALTH. Kingdom finances are built on JOY, THANKSGIVING, GIVING, and SHARING. It will CREATE a CYCLE of BLESSING in your family and in your nations. Now is the time to ask yourself, ‘HOW WILL I HANDLE WEALTH?’”

Break off the spirit of poverty.

10.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

September 7, 2023


“There is coming a TRIUMPHAL RETURN to your Land. There will be a TRIUMPH of JUSTICE over BRIBED and CORRUPT judges and lawmakers. There will be a TRIUMPH of RIGHTEOUSNESS over those who call evil good and good evil. There will be a TRIUMPH of TRUTH that will arise over LIES, PROPAGANDA, and DECEPTION. There will be a TRIUMPHAL RETURN of your rightful leader, as he is EXONERATED and those who ACCUSED him are PROVEN to be the GUILTY ones. There will be a TRIUMPHAL RETURN of the FEAR of the LORD to your Nation, as My JUDGMENT and JUSTICE sweep through the Land. There will be a TRIUMPHAL RETURN of My Kingdom RULING and REIGNING in your midst through the BLOOD and the RESURRECTION POWER of My Son. WELCOME these TRIUMPHAL RETURNS. CALL THEM FORTH by My AUTHORITY that has been given to you. KEEP CALLING FORTH EXPOSURES, EXPOSURES, EXPOSURES. The MORE EXPOSURES that are UNVEILED, the less VIOLENCE there will be. What the enemy and his partners have HIDDEN AWAY and placed a TIGHT LID on, you DECLARE it will be BLOWN OPEN and EXPOSED to all. EXPOSURES, EXPOSURES, EXPOSURES are the KEY to AWAKENING more and more people. The RUDELY AWAKENED will join you in bringing an END to the REIGN of DARKNESS and WELCOMING in THE TRIUMPHAL RETURNS.”

11.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:  

 September 7, 2022 GREAT RESET  


“I have told you that MANY CHANGES are coming to your world. These changes are necessary to FREE you from the DARK CHAINS that bound all of you. The world will SHAKE and TREMBLE as all the EXPOSURES of darkness come and systems founded on EVIL INTENT come CRASHING DOWN. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT MY PEOPLE CAN GO THROUGH THIS SEASON IN PEACE? Isaiah 54:10 ‘For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, nor will My covenant of peace be shaken, says the Lord who has compassion on you.’ My PEACE is a COVENANT with you that has been FOREVER SEALED in the BLOOD of My Son. It is only when you entertain FEAR and DOUBT that My PEACE to you can be disturbed. Realize I have already PREPARED your hearts for many of the changes, so you won’t be BLINDSIDED like those who have been SOUNDLY ASLEEP. Receive the changes through the FILTER OF MY PEACE and through the COMFORT of the FOREKNOWLEDGE I have given you. When you REMAIN in My PEACE, you will bring that ATMOSPHERE of PEACE to others to help them weather the STORM OF CHANGE. Yes, IT IS POSSIBLE to go through this season of My GREAT RESET in PERFECT PEACE, close to My heart, and ready to begin the BEAUTIFUL PROCESS of REBUILDING and RESTORING with My CREATIVITY and My pillars of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS.” 

12.                   September 8, 2024


ROMANS 8:37 (TPT) “Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!”

“The enemy is a LIAR, a THIEF, and a DESTROYER. DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO FEED YOU LIES; DO NOT ALLOW HIM TO TAKE ANYTHING FROM YOU, AND DO NOT PUT UP WITH HIS DESTROYING WAYS. I want you to declare: ‘I’M TAKING BACK WHAT THE ENEMY STOLE!’ Do not RECEIVE or AGREE with the DOUBTS the enemy tries to SOW into your thinking. His AIM is to WEAKEN your FAITH and STEAL your VICTORY. DO NOT AGREE WITH ENEMY LIES! That is why what you BELIEVE about Me is the MOST IMPORTANT WEAPON in your arsenal. I will REVEAL to you who I AM as you read My WORD, WORSHIP Me, and FELLOWSHIP DEEPLY with Me in a CLOSE-HEART CONNECTION that HEARS My VOICE. I want to SPEAK to you, and I LONG to have you KNOW Me like I KNOW and CHERISH you. When you know My heart, the enemy’s LIES and SCHEMES will SHOW UP as DARKNESS that you should REJECT. Wherever the enemy has LIED, STOLEN, or DESTROYED in your GENERATIONS, you can DEMAND that it be RETURNED. NO VICTORIES EVER FOR THE DARKNESS! TAKE BACK WHAT THE ENEMY STOLE!”

Lyrics “TAKE IT ALL BACK” by Tauren Wells

‘Cause the liar comes to rob my joy. Yeah, I’m bruised but I’m not destroyed. I’m rising like an army and you’re gonna hear the sound. I’m calling the Angels down. I’m storming the gates of hell. Tell the devil he don’t own my soul. I’m taking back what the enemy stole. I’m raising the battle cry. I’m holding the banner high. With the power of the Holy Ghost, I’m taking back what the enemy stole. You can’t speak your lies over my family, no you can’t break the promises that I’m standing on. Ain’t gotta flex to put you back in your place now, one name is all I gotta say ‘Jesus.’ I’m taking back what the enemy stole.

13.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

September 8, 2023


“As My righteous right arm moves against the darkness EXPOSING IT and BRINGING IT DOWN, there will be SHOCKING and DRAMATIC moments as the evil empire is DESTROYED. You, My REMNANT, My ARMY OF LIGHT, have been shown that this is a MASSIVE CLEANUP OPERATION against evil and that the future holds GREAT HOPE for a NEW DAY and a NEW ERA of PEACE and PLENTY. Even as you watch the SEEMING CHAOS of this season, I want you to REMEMBER TO LAUGH. You can LAUGH at the darkness because I have PROMISED you My LIGHT. You can LAUGH at their THREATS because the HOST are by your side. You can LAUGH with JOY at the FUTURE because I will give you eyes to see the NEW and the BEAUTIFUL coming to REPLACE the darkness that has been DESTROYED. The enemy wants you to FEAR because it makes you POWERLESS, and it brings him a sense of POWER OVER YOU. If you will LAUGH at the darkness, it will throw them completely OFF-BALANCE, and it will CONFUSE and SCATTER their plans. LAUGHTER is My MEDICINE for your HEART and your PHYSICAL STRENGTH. LAUGHTER tells your spirit and the enemy that you DO NOT FEAR the FUTURE and that EMPOWERS your FAITH and CRUSHES your enemy. You are My beloved child in whom I DELIGHT and on whom I POUR My LOVE. Let your LAUGHTER RING OUT as a WITNESS of your FAITH and TRUST in Me. REMEMBER TO LAUGH.”

PROVERBS 17:22, PSALM 126:2, PSALM 2:4

14.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 September 8, 2022


“Your enemy has now CROSSED THE LINE, and they are now past THE POINT OF NO RETURN. In their FRANTIC DESPERATION to push forward their DARK AGENDA and to REGAIN CONTROL of the narrative and over you, they did not realize they had GONE PAST the place where they could choose to DRAW BACK and WAIT in the shadows for another opportunity. Their plans and schemes have BREECHED the top of the mountain, and now NOTHING can STOP their RAPID DESCENT into JUDGMENT and JUSTICE. The control they so desperately sought is SLIPPING from their GREASY FINGERS, and PANIC and HORROR are beginning to dawn on them. Oh, the RATS are FLEEING and trying to find a place to hide. Those at the TOP of this DARK PYRAMID will SUDDENLY find themselves LEFT HOLDING THE BAG. Their ACID ANGER will SPILL OUT before the world, as they realize they’ve been ABANDONED and left to take the FALL. Those who BETRAYED you will now find themselves BETRAYED. ‘How did this happen?’, you ask, ‘How did these careful schemers miss THE POINT OF NO RETURN?’ I will tell you. They have BLINDED people with LIES and DECEPTION, and they are now REAPING what they have sown. They did not see how they were RUSHING past THE POINT OF NO RETURN because they were LIED to and DECEIVED, and now it is too late. PASSING THE POINT OF NO RETURN will now TRIGGER a great and final CRASHING FALL. Join My Host in PUSHING THEM over the edge into their destruction.”

15.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:


September 8, 2021

I find myself again in the War Room of Heaven, standing behind one of the 24 elders with my hands on his shoulders. I’m aware of highly technical screens positioned around the room showing sections of the world, enemy placements, and angelic forces. There is a quiet murmur of conversation until the Father stands up and the room falls silent. He begins to speak:

“It is time to launch the final phase of our rescue operation.”

As the Father speaks this, there is a quiet undercurrent of excitement in the room and all the elders nod in silent and solemn agreement. The Father turns to me and says,

“Let My people know that the enemy will work overtime right now to discourage and disarm My Army so that they let down their guard to discouragement or depression or get distracted by rapidly moving circumstances. Tell them to keep close to Me, and I will reveal what I am doing through the shakings that occur. I will freely give WISDOM, INSIGHT, and DIRECTION to all who seek Me. I am your STRONG TOWER, your SURE DEFENSE, and I will prove My FAITHFULNESS and POWER by saving your Nation from the grip of LIES and DARKNESS.”

The discussion then moved to specific targets for Heavenly operations. I briefly saw glimpses of the Washington Monument, the Mississippi River, and I watched a volcano appear where there was only a slight hill, and it grew into a small mountain that began to spew smoke, ash, rocks, and lava. The ground violently shook at the force of this volcano being born. (I had the sense it might be somewhere in the middle part of America).

I then saw a violent clash at the border both in the natural and spiritual realms. Evil in both sectors was pushing hard to BREECH the border and to cause death and destruction. The Father said,

“Get behind My troops and help to push back the darkness. Declare ‘You shall not breakthrough nor shall you cause a breech in our borders! Great is the power and might of our God and He has come to save us! Darkness, fall back and be disarmed in the mighty name of Jesus!’ You have become a powerful Army of LIGHT.”

I was quietly ushered out of the War Room. We have our marching orders. LET’S ROLL!!! 

16.                   September 9, 2024


Jeopardy: means in danger of being damaged or destroyed; danger of being convicted and punished for a crime.

“I put the darkness on NOTICE today: you have placed yourselves in a position of DOUBLE JEOPARDY. Your CORRUPTION, GREED, MURDER, and TREASON have placed you in JEOPARDY of being DAMAGED or DESTROYED. You committed these CRIMES against HUMANITY and then you tried to PIN these crimes onto those you saw as a THREAT to your EVIL EMPIRE. I AM TURNING those BOGUS CHARGES AROUND, and they will come against you in a FURY of CONVICTIONS and PUNISHMENTS. You were WARNED and WARNED, but you STUBBORNLY PERSISTED in serving self and the darkness. Now, darkness will be your DEAD END FUTURE. You have DOUBLED DOWN on your ATTEMPTS against My rightful leader and My Army of Light. This has placed you in a position of DOUBLE JEOPARDY, and your MADNESS and HATRED will DESTROY and CONVICT you. Army of Light, call in the SWIFT and POWERFUL RELEASE of My DOUBLE JEOPARDY against the evil empire. RELEASE My Special Forces Host who have been held back until this day to ENFORCE My DOUBLE JEOPARDY against the darkness. I AM DECLARING this day as the day of DOUBLE JEOPARDY.”

PSALM 9:16 (TPT) “Yahweh is famous for His justice. While the wicked are digging a pit for others, they are actually setting the terms of their own judgment. They will fall into their own pit.”

17.                   JOURNAL NUGGET:

September 9, 2023


“Have you ever LONGED for someone to ARISE and DEFEND you against a MEAN, INTIMIDATING BULLY? Who is STRONG enough to SILENCE the voice of the one who ACCUSES you day and night of your FAULTS and SHORTCOMINGS? Who can RESCUE you from the IRON GRIP of TYRANNICAL RULERS? Who is POWERFUL enough to DELIVER you out of the JAWS of DEATH TRAPS that have been set for you? I AM.” ISAIAH 63:1 (MSG) ‘The watchmen call out, Who goes there, marching out of Edom, out of Bozrah in clothes dyed red? Name yourself, so splendidly dressed, advancing, bristling with power! It is I: I speak what is right, I, mighty to save!’ “Yes, the great I AM—Father, Son, and Spirit—is RIDING IN FURY to CONFRONT the BULLIES, to SILENCE the VOICE of LIES, to DETHRONE TYRANNICAL RULERS, and to SPRING OPEN the LOCKS of DEATH and to DELIVER you into FREEDOM and FULFILLMENT. You will hear the POUNDING hooves of My war horses, pulling My chariot of FIRE. It will SHAKE the ground, and My FIRE will CONSUME the wicked. The WINDS of CHANGE will whip the fires until they BRING DOWN and INCINERATE the THRONES of darkness. A DELUGE of TRUTH and EXPOSURE will WASH OVER the Land, clearing away LIES, FACADES, and UNCOVERING EVIDENCE. The AIRWAVES will be CAPTURED and what I want spoken will be heard. I AM doing this out of My FIERY HEART OF LOVE for you. This FIRE CONSUMES the wicked and EMPOWERS the righteous. Put your TRUST in the One with A FIERY HEART OF LOVE because I AM coming to SAVE you.”

Note: today is 9/9=double judgment

18.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 September 9, 2022  

Recommended reading for today:


Vs. 1 “Lord, I will worship You with extended hands as my whole heart explodes with praise! I will tell everyone everywhere about Your wonderful works and how Your marvelous miracles exceed expectations!”

Vs. 4 “For You have stood up for my cause and vindicated me when I needed You the most. From Your righteous throne You have given me justice.”

Vs. 9-10 “All who are oppressed may come to You as a shelter in the time of trouble, a perfect hiding place. May everyone who knows Your mercy keep putting their trust in You, for they can count on You for help no matter what. O Lord, You will never, no never, neglect those who come to You.”

Vs. 12 “He tracks down killers and avenges bloodshed, but He will never forget the ones forgotten by others, hearing every one of their cries for justice.”

Vs. 16 “The Lord is famous for this: His justice will punish the wicked. While they are digging a pit for others, they are actually setting the terms for their own judgment. They will fall into their own pit.” 

19.                   JOURNAL NUGGETS:

 September 9, 2022


“I AM THE GOD WHO SEES—nothing the wicked have done to your Nation and to your life has ESCAPED My notice. I have seen every MURDER, every THEFT, every DEFILEMENT, and every EVIL SCHEME they hatched. Once I have seen it, it is FOREVER RECORDED, and it will DEMAND JUDGMENT, JUSTICE, and PAYBACK. The only thing POWERFUL enough to REMOVE a dark deed from the record is the BLOOD of My Son applied to that sin. I gave the wicked time to REPENT so that their sins could be BLOTTED out, but they REFUSED. Their PRIDE and ARROGANCE hardened their hearts to My LOVE and My Spirit’s VOICE of CONVICTION. Now, it is HARVEST SEASON, and every seed sown has reached MATURITY, and everyone will enter a REAPING SEASON. The ARROGANT EVIL ones will have everything they have done LAID BARE before the world’s EYES, and JUDGMENT and complete JUSTICE will be what they REAP. I AM also THE GOD WHO SEES your life. I have seen what has been STOLEN from you and the CRITICAL WORDS and SLANDER sent against you by the DARKNESS and by those who have allowed a RELIGIOUS SPIRIT to infect them and to CLOUD their eye gate. WOE to those who speak against My prophetic voices and My truth-tellers because you will also REAP a MEASURE of JUDGMENT. THE GOD WHO SEES says to His people, ‘Come stand with Me in My RIVER OF LIFE and remove yourself from any REAPING STREAM of SIN or DELUSION.’ I will gladly show My people what I SEE so that you can ALIGN your heart with My heart and be FRUITFUL and POWERFUL in Me.”


  1. My app hasn't been having the daily prayer until late in the day. Is there a problem with my app?


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