
Showing posts from July, 2024
  July 7, 2024 WHAT WILL YOU REAP? “This Harvest season is not just a REAPING TIME for those who serve darkness. It is also a TIME of REAPING for those who belong to Me through the Blood of My Son’s SACRIFICE. In every area where the darkness has OPPOSED Me and My will, I will ARISE and OPPOSE them, and they will be EXPOSED, DEPOSED, and their EVIL PLANS will be TURNED BACK on them. HEAR these words of Fatherly COUNSEL to My people and TAKE them to HEART. If you are OPPOSING part of My Rescue plans or if you are WAVERING in your FAITH in My ABILITY or My WILLINGNESS to RESCUE you and your Nation COMPLETELY, then you are POSITIONING yourself to receive a MEASURE of My JUDGMENT in this Harvest season. This is NOT what I want to see come about for your life. My DESIRE is to be able to RICHLY and FREELY REWARD you, as the battle is WON and the SPOILS of WAR FLOOD IN. But if you are OFFENDED at My CHOICE of LEADER for your Nation or if you are in UNBELIEF, these attitudes of heart will REAP
  Lost Journal Nugget: JOURNAL NUGGETS: June 23, 2021 ASHES, ASHES, THEY ALL FALL DOWN JEREMIAH 10:15 (MSG) “Stick-god worshipers look mighty foolish…Their gods are fraud—dead sticks, deadwood gods, tasteless jokes. When the fires of judgment come, they’ll be ashes.” “You will be a witness to the FULFILLMENT of this verse from My Word. Not only will these evil doers who have worshiped and served the enemy (often by the shedding of innocent blood) be brought to JUSTICE and JUDGMENT, everything they AMASSED in material POSSESSIONS will go to another and their whole life’s WORK will be a PILE of ASHES—burned before their eyes. Their TEMPORARY WEALTH, POWER, and FAME on this earth will come to NOTHING, and they will face an eternity of DARKNESS and TORMENT. This is why I have DELAYED JUSTICE that I might SNATCH any back from this YAWNING MOUTH of TERROR. However difficult it is to see My justice and judgment come to those who have chosen darkness, it must take place to CLEAR THE WAY for My
Joann GH found several more Journal Nuggets never before posted: JOURNAL NUGGET: June 23, 2020 THE POWER OF MY VOICE “There is a GREAT POWER in My VOICE. It spoke the Universe into existence; it spoke My living Word, and man recorded it. All of Heaven is TUNED to My VOICE, and My Heavenly Host RESPOND to FULFILL My words. You can HEAR ECHOES of My VOICE in the THUNDER that rolls across the sky, but you can also hear it in the LAUGHTER of a CHILD, and the smallest BUBBLING BROOK. My VOICE can MOVE MOUNTAINS and cause a DEER to calve. My VOICE can HEAL and COMFORT and WHISPER words of HOPE and LOVE to a lonely heart. When you hear My VOICE, it will direct you on the PATH of LIFE and give you WISDOM for your decisions. I will SPEAK to you through OUTWARD SIGNS and through an INNER VOICE. Ask Me to make you aware of My INNER and OUTER VOICE so that you don’t MISS My GUIDANCE, My ENCOURAGEMENT, and My LOVE. Because you are created in My IMAGE and because I dwell in you, your VOICE also has
  July 6, 2024 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT YOU SEE “I have been calling for you to DECLARE CONFUSION and DIVISION into the camp of the enemy. You are now SEEING it come out of the PRIVATE MEETINGS and to be DISPLAYED PUBLICLY. There is a HUGE WRESTLING MATCH going on over those who are trying to GET RID of 46 and those who want to KEEP PROPPING THE PUPPET UP. Make no mistake, this is the RESULT of your PRAYERS. You are SEEING a DISPLAY of SELFISH MOTIVES, GREED FOR POWER, and DESPERATE MOVES to SAVE A SINKING SHIP. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT YOU SEE! DECLARE even MORE that the CRACKS of DIVISION WILL WIDEN in the enemy’s camp and that their DARK MOTIVES will be SEEN by the world. DECLARE that any Manchurian candidate would be EXPOSED and BROUGHT DOWN. It is important that the Army of Light continues to GROW in their UNITY of HEART that rests on My FAITHFULNESS, My POWER, and My LOVE. GUARD YOUR OWN HEART from JEALOUSY, SELF-PROMOTION, and OFFENSE. Don’t take the BAIT of these UNITY-STEALERS. Do
  July 5, 2024 FIRE! This word came from an encounter I experienced this morning. I found myself on the eagle flying across America  but this time, the Father was behind me on the eagle. He was reaching inside Himself and pulling out glory balls of fire that He threw to the earth onto specific targets. They hit the ground and started a fire! “The enemy had plans to SET FIRES of DESTRUCTION and MAYHEM across your Land yesterday, but your PRAYERS DAMPENED those plans. Now, I declare to you that I AM going across your Nation, and RELEASING GLORY BALLS OF FIRE! These FIRES will BURN AWAY FACADES and EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE. These FIRES will BURN UP CORRUPTION and COMPROMISE. These FIRES will AWAKEN the SLEEPING DENIAL that people have been LULLED into, and the GLORY in these FIRES will show forth My POWER and IGNITE FIRES of PASSION that will draw people to My heart through the blood of My Son, and the Kingdom will EXPAND. It will be a season of FIRE that DESTROYS DARKNESS and that SHOWCASE
  July 4, 2024 MY BRAVE FREEDOM FIGHTERS “I have told you about the SECRET MEETINGS where the arrogant elite PLOT against you, while they LAUGH at their plans of DESTRUCTION for you. Your LOSS, your INJURY, your DEATH brings them GREAT AMUSEMENT and SATISFACTION, and they know they will be pleasing to their dark lord. I AM NOT AMUSED at their DESTRUCTIVE SCHEMES. They are ATTACKING what is MOST PRECIOUS to Me. Will you JOIN ME? LET’S WIPE THE SMIRK OFF THE FACES that are set to DESTROY you and everything you HOLD DEAR! These darkened ones have been COMPLETELY DECEIVED by their HARDENED HEARTS to My LOVE and by their LUST for WEALTH and POWER. They don’t even realize that the enemy HATES them as much as he HATES My Children of Light and that once they LOSE their USEFULNESS, he will ABANDON them and REMOVE his POWER from them. THEY WILL FOLD LIKE A CHEAP PAPER DOLL. The darkness has EVIL SCHEMES PLANNED for this day of CELEBRATING FREEDOM. Of course, they HATE this day because they are D
  July 3, 2024 REVERSE THE CURSE “Many of you have begun to SEEK HEALTHY food, water, and products because you’ve come to realize that the darkness has CONTAMINATED so many things with HEALTH-STEALING chemicals and additives. While it is good to SEEK healthy, natural alternatives, it can be OVERWHELMING when you discover HOW MUCH has been contaminated by those of darkened hearts. Instead of being OVERWHELMED, do what you can do and then TURN TO ME and ASK FOR SUPERNATURAL HELP AND HEALING. A day will come when companies won’t be headed by those COMPROMISED by GREED and POWER, and you will live in a CLEANER, more NATURAL world. Food, water, and products will ENHANCE YOUR LIFE instead of STEALING IT. In the meantime, learn to CALL on the POWERFUL BLOOD of My Son and COVER all that touches your life with His Blood. PROCLAIM its HEALING and RESTORING POWER over you and your family. Take AUTHORITY over the effects of these DEATH AGENDAS and DECLARE, ‘I REVERSE THE CURSE of this death agenda
 July 2, 2024 Video: JOURNAL ENTRIES for TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY 1.     June 25, 2024–ON THE WINGS OF AN EAGLE This morning I had a brief encounter where I was flying over the USA on the back of a huge, powerful eagle. I saw buildings and monuments suddenly collapsing into piles of rubble. Twilight darkness covered the Land, as these buildings collapsed and burned. Bands of trouble makers were stopped in their tracks as the hand of God moved powerfully destroying the strongholds of darkness. I saw portals of glory opening up all over the Nation by praying, worshiping Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom. Through these open portals, the Host of Heaven were streaming down to earth defeating the darkness and protecting God’s people. I felt completely safe and secure on the wings of the eagle. “You will witness My strong right arm bringing about your SUDDEN DELIVERANCE. Just as darkness seems to be OVERTAKING your Land, I will order the SUDDEN COLLAPSE of
 ACTION ITEMS: Video TURNING UP THE HEAT IN JULY, July 2, 2024 ACTION ITEMS: *Our prayers and worship as Sons and Daughters of the Most High God are opening portals of glory all over the Nation for more and more Hosts to invade and bring down the darkness. We are to believe His promises, stay aligned with His heart, and we will be carried about the fray on the wings of an eagle.   *As we walk through life with our Father and surrender to the Holy Spirit’s transformation of our souls and leave the shadows of sin and selfishness behind, we will shine brighter and brighter. We are to come out of religion and into relationship and become His powerful display before the world of light, power, and love.   *We are to call out for our Father to release His war cry and declare that He is coming like a hero to save us.   *We are to check our hearts for doubt, anxiety, and fear because they signal we don’t completely trust our Father, and it will weaken our power to bring down the g
  July 2, 2024 BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT “There will be a night of DEEP DARKNESS for your Nation, but know that it is My HAND COMING DOWN and COVERING YOUR LAND. The deep darkness will be SAFETY and PROTECTION for My people, as I TAKE DOWN the EVIL EMPIRE, ROUND THEM UP, and REMOVE THEM from your Land. MASSIVE AMOUNTS of Hosts and Angels will be spread across your Land DRIVING those partnered with darkness out of their HIDING PLACES. Your Military in this Operation Clean-Up will not sleep that night, as they ROUND UP those who wanted to COMPLETELY ENSLAVE you, but the darkness will be the ones who LOSE THEIR FREEDOM. My Army of Light will be SUPPORTING this TAKE DOWN of darkness with their POWERFUL PRAYERS and FAITH. You will be FULLY ASSURED that BY THE DAWN’S EARLY LIGHT, FREEDOM will be WON for your Nation. Those of the darkness will be SHOCKED and TERRIFIED at how EASILY they were CAPTURED. They thought their HIDEOUTS were completely SECURE and HIDDEN, but NOTHING ESCAPES MY PIERCI
  July 1, 2024 MORE THAN CONQUERORS ROMANS 8:36-39 (TPT) “All day long we face death threats for Your sake, God. We are considered to be nothing more than sheep to be slaughtered! Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything! So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that His love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken His love. There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!” “Do you understand that it was the POWER of My LOVE that FORMED CREATION and that REDEEMED you when you had fa