February 28, 2025 I HAVE A BETTER PLAN “The darkness has worked for years fine-tuning a plan to cause such FEAR, PANIC, and CONFUSION that they will be able to step in and TAKE CONTROL of the world. This plan is full of ILLUSION and DELUSION and if you are WEAK in your FAITH or you only have HEAD KNOWLEDGE of Me, you are in JEOPARDY of being DECEIVED. Understand that I ALWAYS HAVE A BETTER PLAN. Remember that I LAUGH at My enemies, and I SEE all the WEAKNESSES in their plans and I KNOW exactly how to DEFEAT them because I HAVE A BETTER PLAN. Their PRIDE and their GREED will be their DOWNFALL because it will keep them from knowing that I HAVE A BETTER PLAN. I AM well able to PREEMPT their evil and clever plan by INSERTING My BETTER PLAN in its place. As the icing on the cake, their ARROGANCE will keep them from seeing that it is MY BETTER PLAN; they will believe it is their DARK PLAN that is unfolding. They will REVEAL who they truly are—all MASKS WILL COME OFF—when they thi...
Showing posts from February, 2025
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February 27, 2025 RIDE OUT THE STORM WITH ME “The evil empire is LOSING and so they grow more DESPERATE with each day. The EXPOSURES and the THREAT of EXPOSURES of all their SECRET, GREEDY, and PERVERTED lives are the DARK CLOUDS obscuring their future. These dark clouds are My STORM brewing against them and soon you will see My THUNDER FREQUENCIES SHAKE OPEN all the hiding places of the EVIDENCE that will PROVE how EVIL and CORRUPT they have been. My LIGHTNINGS will HIGHLIGHT all those who have SOLD themselves to do EVIL. The FALSE MEDIA will not have enough TIME or enough REPORTERS to try and COVER UP the FLOOD of CORRUPTION that is coming from My STORM. The darkness is FRANTICALLY trying to release their own STORM that will DISTRACT people from the EXPOSURES, that will seek to VILIFY those UNCOVERING TRUTH, and that will cause CHAOS and FEAR. Don’t buy into their STORM and don’t get CAPTURED by FEAR. Whose STORM is STRONGER? Am I not the God who brings LIFE out of DEATH? Have ...
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February 26, 2025 A MARCH FOR LIFE “Fall in step with Me, Army of Light, and join Me in A MARCH FOR LIFE. The world has had ENOUGH of the arrogant elite’s DEATH AGENDAS. Together, let’s TRAMPLE OVER DEATH AND let’s MARCH FOR LIFE. Declare My LIFE into every area of society. Declare: ‘I rebuke death and death agendas, and I command you to give way to the MARCH FOR LIFE. Death agendas, we bury you under our MARCHING feet, and we call forth LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY into the atmosphere. We command LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY to fall from the atmosphere as SEED to be sown into the soil of our nation. We plant these Heavenly seeds with our MARCH FOR LIFE. Darkness and death, you have LOST YOUR REIGN over our land, and we declare a NEW DAY of LIFE, LIFE, LIFE!’ This life will SPRING UP and bring HEALING and WHOLENESS where there has been sickness, trauma, and deception. The DARK AGES are coming to a close, and a RENAISSANCE of NEW LIFE, LIGHT, and GLORY is FLOODING IN. Do not put up with any L...
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ACTION ITEMS: Video YOUR LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT-February 25, 2025 *We are to be on watch with our swords sharpened and set on fire to take out the lies, the smear campaigns, and the desperate measures the evil empire is launching to try and stop the flood of truth and exposures. We are not to back down or to give in to fear but stay tuned to the Holy Spirit and follow His strategic commands. Don’t let distractions deflect you from this place of needed warfare—let the Father carry the distractions. We must strengthen ourselves in Him daily and remember His promises of a glorious future. *Our assignment is to pray for wisdom for world leaders to deescalate tensions and threats. Release Heaven’s spiritual intelligence through the prophets and intercessors to these leaders to help guide their decisions and to give them inside information about the enemy’s plans. We are to be flexible as we pray and flow with what He is asking us to target with our whack-a-mole hammers. We can pr...
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JOURNAL ENTRIES: Video YOUR LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT - February 25, 2025 YOUR LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT *Exciting announcement: I’m writing a book! *Several of you sent in confirmations of a journal nugget I read last week that was from February 16, 2022, and it mentioned a large sea monster would be discovered. Dee shared that the skull of a huge sea monster had been extracted from the coast off Dorset, UK a year ago. Carla, Sheryl, Suz, Trish, 7044, Vickie sent in the report that a Humpback Angular fish was caught on camera for the second time ever as this fish from the dark sea surfaced. This photo was taken on February 16, 2025—exactly three years after the spiritual intelligence from February 16, 2022!!! *I’ll just mention that those on the mainstream media who were very busy canceling us in the last few years are now themselves being canceled. Another mainstream media show was just canceled. The Cancelers are being Canceled! 1. February 1...
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February 25, 2025 ROCK AND ROLL “The evil empire is moving as FAST as they can to LAUNCH their DEADLY and DESTRUCTIVE schemes in order to STOP the EXPOSURES of their GREED, CORRUPTION, and PERVERSION. They are about to come up against a ROCK and that ROCK would be Me. I will only ALLOW their plans to ROLL OUT far enough to AWAKEN the SLEEPERS who are still under the SPELL of Leviathan. The MULTITUDE of EXPOSURES POURING OUT are causing the lower level of those partnered with darkness to ROLL OVER on those above them in order to try and SAVE themselves. This will further ROCK those in the upper echelons of DARK POWER. Oh, I have seen to it that this ROCK AND ROLL season is NOT a PARTY for the evil empire. Heartburn is at an all-time HIGH as their STRESS LEVELS continue to SKYROCKET. Meanwhile, My Army of Light, you have a ROCK to stand upon that cannot be SHAKEN. Your name is on the ROLL of those that I count as FAITHFUL and BRAVE. In this season of dark to Light, everything that ...
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February 24, 2025 SOMETHING BETTER IS AHEAD “Right now, so MUCH CORRUPTION is being EXPOSED all across your society. The corruption must be brought to the LIGHT to PROTECT and DEFEND the INNOCENT who are being preyed upon. Will you come to Me with all these MESSES that are coming into the light of exposure? I will help you PROCESS the darkness, and I will help you AVOID the HOOKS and DECEPTIONS of the enemy that could lead your heart away from Me and draw you STEP by STEP into the darkness. Let Me CARRY the WEIGHT of all this darkness because it is TOO HEAVY for you to carry. If you are continually GAZING on the UNCOVERED CORRUPTION, it will STEAL your JOY and your HOPE for the FUTURE. While I need you to SEE what has been HIDDEN in the darkness, I don’t want you to FOCUS ONLY on that. I want you to PARTNER with Me in calling forth Heaven’s SOLUTIONS of CLEANSING, JUSTICE, RECOMPENSE, and REFORMATION. You are to FIGHT VALIANTLY for darkness to be EXPOSED but, then, lift your eyes...
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February 23, 2020, 8:40 AM STRENGTH AND RENEWAL "As the fierceness of the battle gives way to victory after victory, I will send you much needed strength and renewal. When the battle lessens don't make the mistake of relying on Me less and less, because this will place you in a very vulnerable position where the enemy can take advantage of your weaknesses and cause you to fall. Keep pressing fully into Me, and I will release My River of Life into you to strengthen and renew you. This will keep you from turning to false comforters that will mess up your life. Keep pursuing Me, trusting Me, and leaning on Me as much as you did in the heat of the battle. This will enable you to recover from war and also to be able to enjoy the spoils of war as a blessing and not a stumbling block. Eyes on Me first, and you will be strengthened and renewed." Diana Larkin A Watchman’s Journal
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February 23, 2021 DARK TO LIGHT “Just as surely as the cold, dark days of Winter will give way to warmer, sunny days of Spring, so shall this season of DEEPEST, DARKEST EVIL give way to the LIGHT of My PROMISES and My FULFILLMENT. Those given to darkness think they have won, but they will no longer think that when My HAMMER OF JUSTICE falls on them and when My righteous right arm REMOVES them from their places of power…they have exposed themselves. The pattern of My RESCUE and the BEAUTY of My fulfillment are set to be revealed, and they will bring great AWE and JOY.” Diana Larkin A Watchman’s Journal
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DEFINITIONS: February 23, 2025 DEFINITIONS: HIGH TREASON=committing a crime that seriously threatens the safety of your country. TREASON=betraying one’s allegiance by levying war or aiding the enemy. MISPRISION OF TREASON=knows that someone is about to commit an act of treason against the U.S. and does not report it to the President, a federal or state judge, or the State Governor. SEDITION=advocating for an uprising against or overthrow of the government through speech, publication, or organization; participating in a conspiracy to prevent the government from conducting its legally assigned duties that goes beyond the protected expression of opinion or protest against government policy.
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February 23, 2025 A MAJOR OVERHAUL “A MAJOR OVERHAUL is coming to ALL areas of your society. The most VISIBLE OVERHAULS right now are occurring in the GOVERNMENT and CHURCH mountains. In the government, the MASSIVE financial CORRUPTION is ERUPTING like a VOLCANO, but this is only the beginning of the DARK REVEALS of those partnered with darkness and those who were foolishly COMPLICIT with the EVIL AGENDAS. Coming ATTRACTIONS to the worldwide stage: HIGH TREASON, TREASON, MISPRISION OF TREASON, and SEDITION will all come into the GLARING LIGHTS of the public stage. Concurrent with the government exposures are the ERUPTIONS of CORRUPTION in My Church. MISUSE of spiritual POWER, POSITION, and WEALTH are surfacing. There is nothing wrong with My spiritual power, positions of leadership in the Body, or My abundance; however, when these are PERVERTED to FULFILL HUMAN LUSTS for FAME, POWER, and GREED, the sheep SUFFER ABUSE, POOR OVERSIGHT, and a LACK of DISCIPLESHIP. It all comes down ...
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February 22nd Entries from past years: February 22, 2020 THE OPENER ISAIAH 22:22 The Key of David “I have declared My Body to be the opener of My Kingdom rule and ways in this important hour. I have laid the authority of My Word and My ways upon you so that we partner together to bring about My Kingdom authority and rule at this time on the earth. You bear My name and you carry out My commands as My sons and daughters. This day you will help establish a new day of authority over sickness, war, and poverty—all the areas the enemy has sought to bring down the crown of My creation. What you bind and close off will be shut and locked and what you loosen and free will be opened and no one will be able to shut. The key of David has now been given to those who look to Me with eyes of faith and who are not distracted by what the enemy is stirring up and flinging in their face to cause fear and anxiety. Keep focused on My face, My eyes, My voice, ...
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February 22, 2025 I AM ENOUGH “No matter what circumstances you face in this life, I AM ENOUGH. Have you suffered LOSS? Bring your GRIEF and your MOURNING to Me, and I will CARRY it for you. I will give you My HEART and My DEEP COMFORT. I AM ENOUGH. Does no one around you ACKNOWLEDGE your AWAKENED world view? You are NOT ALONE, and you are NOT ISOLATED. I ACKNOWLEDGE you before the heavenly realms, and I have given you My PRESENCE and My ANGELIC HOST to SURROUND you. Become AWARE of My SUPPORT around you because I AM ENOUGH. Are you experiencing LACK or FINANCIAL CHALLENGES? Learn to TAP INTO Heaven’s RESOURCES by FAITH because I AM your Provider, and I have PROMISED to SUPPLY all your needs. I AM ENOUGH. Is the darkness THREATENING you with their evil schemes? I want you to realize that My PROMISES for your future of the Kingdom Era and the Golden Age are MORE SURE than any FEAR or ANXIETY the darkness stirs up. My SURE WORD of PROMISE is ENOUGH. Slow down, breath in My presence...
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February 21, 2025 LOOK UP, LOOK OUT, LOOK FORWARD “I AM directing how your eyes should VIEW the coming days of the GREATEST TRANSITION from DARK TO LIGHT. First and foremost, you must begin each day by LOOKING UP to Me. You will enter into ANXIETY and FEAR if you SKIP spending time with Me so that you can receive My PERSPECTIVE on what is taking place as you LOOK OUT at the TUMULTUOUS events unfolding in rapid succession. When you LOOK UP at Me each morning in SURRENDER and THANKSGIVING, I will STRENGTHEN your FAITH and CREATE an UNBREAKABLE LOVE BOND between us. As we are joined together as ONE, you will see things from My perspective. Then, when you LOOK OUT at what is taking place in your world, you will see BEYOND the HYPE and FEAR that is being broadcast and you will DISCERN what I AM doing in and through what you see unfolding. When you have received My perspective by LOOKING UP, you will REMEMBER My words to you about SETTING TRAPS for the arrogant evil ones, and you will ...
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February 20, 2025 YOUR LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT PSALM 45:3 (TPT) “Now strap Your lightning sword of judgment upon Your side, O Mighty Warrior so majestic! You are full of beauty and splendor as You go out to war!” I found myself in the Council Chambers of Heaven, standing behind my Elder. All the Elders arose as one, and they took off their crowns and laid them on the table. They looked beyond the Father, who had also arisen, with anticipation. Suddenly, Jesus appeared on a huge white war horse. Jesus and the horse were about eight feet off the ground, and He had a lightning sword strapped to His thigh. Even though it was sheathed, the sword gave off flashes of lightning power. The Father nodded His head to His Son, and the war horse took off with great power towards the earth. Awe, wonder, and anticipation filled the room. The Father speaks: “I have released My Son with His LIGHTNING SWORD OF JUDGMENT to visit the earth with TRUTH and JUSTICE. DO NOT FEAR any dark scheme of t...
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February 19, 2025 STRATEGIC WARFARE INSIGHTS “Heaven is releasing BATTLE STRATEGIES to the Forces of Light to COUNTERACT the release of evil schemes by the darkness. I AM giving you SPIRITUAL INTEL so that you are not caught OFF-GUARD by what the enemy has planned. I want you to be aware that the darkness is planning to stir up a HORNET’S NEST among Hamas. The evil empire is scheming to start another world war. Your assignment is to pray for My WISDOM to be imparted to world leaders who will DEESCALATE the hornet’s nest with DECISIVE STRIKES that will CRIPPLE enemy operations. Release Heaven’s spiritual intelligence through prophets and intercessors to these leaders to help GUIDE their decisions and to give the INSIDE INFORMATION about the enemy’s plans. As you cover this area with your prayers, don’t let it CONSUME your WHOLE FOCUS because I want you to be AWARE of WHAT THE OTHER HAND IS DOING. They have MULTIPLE schemes they plan to launch while everyone’s attention is on Israe...
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ACTION ITEMS: Video UNLEASHED—THE FURY OF EXPOSURES - February 18, 2025 *We are called to keep backing up the Trumpet with our prayers, decrees, and declarations because he is destabilizing the darkness and all their evil plans. *We are called to pray for this year’s harvest to be protected and to be bountiful in spite of the threats we may hear and negative reports that are put out to cause fear. *We are to remember that the Father will carry the weight of the burden of shock and trauma as more and more are exposed as serving darkness and sin. We are to ask for an upgrade in our discernment so that we recognize the false and phony. Eating His Word and knowing His heart will provide a foundation of truth in our lives. *The enemy sowed addictions, lies, and hatred into our nation in order to weaken, distract, confuse, and bring shame to people and the Church. The Father has a secret weapon that will overcome the dark agendas and that is the fragrance of His love and the power of H...
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JOURNAL ENTRIES Video: February 18, 2025 UNLEASHED—THE FURY OF EXPOSURES 1. February 11, 2025 BREAK EVERY CHAIN I went to bed last night with a heavy heart at all the exposures in the Body of Christ that are being brought to light. What is being uncovered is gross sexual sin, predatory behavior, greed, spiritual abuse, and purposeful coverups. I felt led this morning to repent and take communion for all this gross uncleanness in the Body and to ask Holy Spirit to search my own heart for any hooks that might give the enemy a foothold in my life. We also need to ask forgiveness for putting leaders on a pedestal and for making idols of them. Daniel modeled this kind of repentance in Daniel 9. He repented for the sins of the rebellious nation that he himself had not done, but he identified with those sins and repented so that God’s power and cleansing could come upon the nation. “True repentance is HEARTFELT GRIEVING over sin. Whether this is repentance for ...