March 31, 2024 LIVE DREAM INTERPRETATION with John Redenbo! John and I will be going LIVE on my YouTube channel “A Watchman’s Journal” at 4:30 p.m. (ET) on Tuesday, April 2nd. Ash West will also be joining us and helping to interpret dreams! Please have a SHORT dream that you would like to have interpreted “LIVE!” When you join the show, a button will appear that says “click here to share a dream.” This will put you in the lineup to share your dream LIVE. You can share from your phone, tablet, computer, or laptop, using their microphones and cameras, so we can hear and see you! This is going to be fun and exciting hearing from my audience and talking about YOUR DREAMS!
Showing posts from March, 2024
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March 31, 2024 THE FREQUENCY OF HEAVEN “Everything in creation gives off a FREQUENCY. This is why you feel PEACE when you listen to a bubbling brook or joyous birdsong—you are TUNING to THE FREQUENCY OF HEAVEN. Because the enemy can NO LONGER ENTER THE FREQUENCY OF HEAVEN, he seeks to DISRUPT My GOOD FREQUENCIES with his DESTRUCTIVE ones. He sows STRIFE, CONFUSION, DECEPTION, FEAR, and EVIL DESIRES anywhere he can. LEARN to be more AWARE of what the SOURCE is for the FREQUENCY you are experiencing. If you are feeling STRESSED, WORRIED, POWERLESS, WORTHLESS, realize you have TUNED to the enemy’s frequency of HATE, LIES, and DIVISION. Did you know you have been given the POWER and the AUTHORITY to SHIFT A DARK ATMOSPHERE to THE FREQUENCY OF HEAVEN? YOUR VOICE CARRIES A FREQUENCY. If you are COMPLAINING, FEARFUL, or CRITICAL, you are operating in the enemy’s frequencies. When you speak words of FORGIVENESS, LOVE, and BLESSING, you are releasing THE FREQUENCY OF HEAVEN. Have you noti...
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March 30, 2024 EVERY IDOL WILL FALL I was awakened at 5:37 a.m.this morning by a voice saying, “Isaiah 2:15 (TPT) ‘against every high tower and every fortress wall.’” I believe Isaiah 2 describes the time we are living in…the establishing of the Mountain of the Lord—the Kingdom Age. “This season of PAINFUL TRANSITION will have a GOOD ENDING. What is being BORN out of this GREAT CONFLICT between DARK and LIGHT is a new KINGDOM ERA. The Rescue Operation is for your Nation but also for the REST of the WORLD. Your Nation will serve as an EXAMPLE of My POWER to SAVE and to DELIVER from DEEP DARKNESS, DEPRAVITY, and DEATH. You will be a MODEL of how to REBUILD on My foundations of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Your rightful leader will DISCIPLE leaders of other nations in My WAYS, and NEW LIFE and FREEDOM will SPRING UP across the earth. When you see My new KINGDOM ERA, you will be DELIGHTED and you will know everything you FOUGHT FOR and SUFFERED THROUGH was so WORTH IT. Keep t...
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March 29, 2024 LEARN TO VALUE WHAT I VALUE “If you will LEARN TO VALUE WHAT I VALUE, you will find that you are not easily DECEIVED about people. Much of My Church JUDGES leaders by the WORLD’S STANDARDS and not MY STANDARDS. Much of My Church no longer teaches people to be INTIMATE with Me and to KNOW Me and My VOICE PERSONALLY; they have SUBSTITUTED KNOWLEDGE of My written Word in the place of a SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL, and a HEART CONNECTION to Me. This leaves My people open to making IDOLS of LEADERS, STARS, or the WEALTHY and POWERFUL. The human heart NEEDS someone to LOVE and ADMIRE and if I AM just a set of WORDS and DO’S and DON’TS, then your heart will LOOK for someone real to FOCUS on. When you IDOLIZE someone, it’s very DIFFICULT to SEE their FLAWS or to DISCERN that they are wearing a MASK of OUTWARD BEHAVIOR that HIDES INWARD CORRUPTION. If you will answer My INVITATION to KNOW Me on a HEART LEVEL, your WORSHIP of Me will pour forth from a GRATEFUL HEART, and you will N...
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March 28, 2024 THE APRIL FOOLS “Watch as a DESPERATE enemy continues to try and STOP your rightful leader from FULFILLING his CALL from Me to SAVE the children, to UNCOVER evil agendas and people, and to REBUILD your Nation on RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. These APRIL FOOLS will continue to SPIN TALLER TALES, BIGGER LIES, and try to launch SCARIER WORLD EVENTS. The ground is CRUMBLING beneath these ARROGANT PLOTTERS, and as they try to OUTRUN their DESTRUCTION, they will try any APRIL FOOLISH plan they can find. Forces of Light, I want you to CALL for My Spirit of TRUTH to UNCOVER and EXPOSE these TALL TALES, the HUGE WEB OF LIES, and then CANCEL the POWER behind their SCARE EVENTS. LAUGH at the APRIL FOOLS attempts to stop the AVALANCHE of EXPOSURE, JUDGMENT and JUSTICE that is headed into their camp. Demons HATE it when you LAUGH at their TACTICS instead of responding in FEAR and ANXIETY. In fact, your FAITH-FILLED LAUGHTER will send CONFUSION and APRIL FOOLISH DESPERATION into th...
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March 27, 2024 PLANS FORMED LONG AGO “This RESCUE OPERATION is UNFOLDING from PLANS FORMED LONG AGO. If you listen to the FALSE PROPHET MEDIA, they will convince you that the TYRANTS are IN CONTROL and that they have the POWER to UNLEASH COUNTLESS DEATH AGENDAS and SCARE TACTICS. NOT SO! You don’t know this, but MANY of their dark SCHEMES have been STOPPED or greatly LESSENED by My STRONG RIGHT ARM, the PRAYERS of the REMNANT, and My mighty HOSTS. One day, it will be UNCOVERED, and you will see all the ATTACKS and DARK PLANS that your FAITH and WARFARE TURNED BACK. Why are some plans of the darkness succeeding—or at least partially succeeding? It is because so many people are still ASLEEP to the DANGER and CLUELESS about the LIES that surround them. The people must be SHAKEN OUT OF THEIR DECEPTION, APATHY, and COMPLACENCY in order for your Nation to be able to enter into the new KINGDOM ERA. As My Forces of Light continue to PUSHBACK all the death agendas and CRY for EXPOSURE, it...
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ACTION ITEMS: Video - PROPHECY: PERILOUS TIMES AND ABUNDANT TIMES, March 26, 2024 ACTION ITEMS: *Don’t let the enemy plant discouragement in your minds over seeming losses. Look at events through the spiritual eyes of God who has a bigger perspective. *Don’t get caught up in believing doom and gloom reports. We are to use our authority to call out exposure, exposure, exposure. Decree that judgment and justice would be released on those partnered with darkness and that their sources of money would be cut off and diverted to the righteous. Declare that their evil schemes will backfire on them and that they would feel Haman’s noose around their necks. *The Father said we have been each assigned two powerful Warrior Hosts—we are to learn to work with them. *The Father is calling us to come close to His heart, feel His love for us, and tune to His voice so that He can guide us and direct us in this transition time. He asks us to join Him in calling forth life and peace out of the de...
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March 26, 2024 SO MANY LIES… “SO MANY LIES have been told to you about your WORLD, your HISTORY, and who I AM. These LIES were SPAWNED in hell and spread by those who chose to PARTNER with DARKNESS for POWER and WEALTH. These LIES have been told for CENTURIES, OBSCURING REALITY and DUPING people into worshiping FALSE GODS and even worshiping a FALSE IMAGE of who I AM. I have kept a REMNANT in every age who CARRIED My TRUTH BURNING IN THEIR BONES. Through the ages, they have been MARTYRED, JAILED, and SILENCED by the INFILTRATION of the demonic into My Church. And yet, the TRUTH COULD NOT BE STOMPED OUT NOR SILENCED FOREVER because I AM TRUTH, and those who truly KNOW ME CARRY THE FLAME OF TRUTH in their hearts. You have been MOCKED, SILENCED, and THREATENED for carrying that FLAME of TRUTH and for DARING to LET IT SHINE. Because you have REFUSED to BACK DOWN from who you know I AM—a SUPERNATURAL, WONDER-WORKING GOD—you will receive the GREATEST REWARDS in the new KINGDOM ERA. You...
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March 25, 2024 PERILOUS TIMES AND ABUNDANT TIMES “I have shown My prophetic voices that PERILOUS TIMES are coming, but some of these voices have MISAPPLIED these revelations as being PERILOUS TIMES for the whole world. These are NOT PERILOUS TIMES for My people; rather, these are TIMES of ABUNDANCE. Does that sound IMPOSSIBLE to you that I could bring PERIL to the DARKNESS while PRESERVING My people and SUPPLYING them out of My ABUNDANCE? I really am that GOOD and I really am that POWERFUL. The PERILOUS TIMES will bring about the DESTRUCTION of your enemies. The destructive plans they had for you will BOOMERANG back onto them. Why are you giving your EMOTIONAL ENERGY to ANXIOUS THOUGHTS of HOW to PROVIDE and PROTECT yourself? If you INVESTED your TIME and EMOTIONAL ENERGY in SEEKING Me, BELIEVING My PROMISES, and ENTERING into My PEACE, you would find yourself in a place of ABUNDANCE. In this place of PEACE, I will give you any STEPS to take that will result in My ABUNDANCE...
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March 24, 2024 THEY ARE STOKING THEIR FIERY FURNACE HOTTER AND HOTTER “As the DESPERATE darkness continues to LAUNCH CHAOS and DEATH AGENDAS, I want you to know that their FRANTIC ATTEMPTS to gain back POWER and CONTROL are only STOKING THEIR FIERY FURNACE HOTTER AND HOTTER. Your VALIANT PUSHBACK, Forces of Light, are REMOVING much of the DESTRUCTION of the DARK SCHEMES and as you RELEASE PEACE into the atmosphere, it is CONQUERING the CHAOS and EXPOSING who set the chaos up. The darkness is NOT going to GET AWAY with ANYTHING—even if it SEEMS like their JUDGMENT and JUSTICE is DELAYED. There is a FULLNESS of TIME coming when these dark agendas will become so EVIL that the MASSES will AWAKEN from their STUPOR and will realize they need My RESCUE. The full harvest of what the EVIL ones have SOWN will be REAPED, as they are SHOVED into the FIERY FURNACE of THEIR OWN MAKING. They have made their own PUNISHMENT by what they planned for you and each REBELLIOUS and EVIL ACT will serve ...
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March 23, 2024 DID YOU HEAR ME? “I AM asking My Army of Light if you have HEARD MY LAST ORDERS TO YOU? This is a season of CHANGE that you have never walked through before, and it REQUIRES WALKING CLOSELY with Me and OBEYING My INSTRUCTIONS and PROMPTINGS. Have I asked you to LAY SOMETHING DOWN? It could be an OLD WAY of doing MINISTRY. Have I been talking to you about spending too much TIME pursuing DRAMA-SPINNERS, who keep you coming back with FEAR BAIT? Have I been CALLING you to SPEND QUALITY TIME with Me, PURSUING My HEART, and LEARNING to HEAR My VOICE? Maybe you think OBEYING these kinds of promptings isn’t all that IMPORTANT; but I AM telling you that NOT OBEYING Me will BLOCK you from the BEST things in life that I have for you. It’s like you CONTINUALLY asking Me for MORE and for INCREASE in your life, but your arms are FULL OF THINGS I’VE ASKED YOU TO LAY ASIDE so that I then can RELEASE THE BEST TO YOU. The FRUIT of OBEDIENCE is FREEDOM, PEACE, and FRUITFULNESS. When ...
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March 22, 2024 THINGS WILL BE DIFFERENT BUT BETTER “Entering into a NEW ERA will require LEAVING BEHIND FAMILIAR WAYS of doing things. It will mean BRAVELY LEAVING BEHIND the PAST and TRUSTING My HEART and My PROMISES for a NEW DAY. What I have for you in this NEW ERA is so much BETTER, so much more LIFE-GIVING, so much more FREE, and so much more PEACEFUL. Life as you know it is going to COMPLETELY CHANGE—but it will be a change for the BETTER. There will be an UNCOMFORTABLE TRANSITION period while EVIL STRUCTURES and ROOTS are TORN DOWN and PULLED UP. You are in this TRANSITION time now and that is why I continually CALL you to COME CLOSE to My HEART, feel My LOVE for you, and TUNE to My VOICE so that I can GUIDE and DIRECT you. Will you join Me in CALLING FORTH LIFE and PEACE out of the DESTRUCTION and CHAOS the darkness unleashes? Do you TRUST Me? Do you BELIEVE I have the POWER to PROTECT you and to PROSPER you even in the midst of the STORM? Will you LET GO of the FAMILIAR s...
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March 21, 2024 STRATEGIC TIMES, STRATEGIC WEAPONS, STRATEGIC WARFARE This morning I was led to release two Warrior Hosts to each member of the Army of Light to help and support us in this battle of dark to Light. As I ascended to meet the Father, He took me to the Council Chamber of Heaven, and I greeted the Elders and I was warmly received, as I stood behind my assigned Elder. The Father spoke: “We want you to bring this message to the VALIANT Army of Light. These are STRATEGIC TIMES that call for STRATEGIC WEAPONS, and STRATEGIC WARFARE. The battle will become FIERCE, but I have made you FIERCER than anything that arises to CHALLENGE you and your FREEDOMS. Since you know how STRATEGIC this TIME is, you MUST STAY CONNECTED to My HEART and have your EAR OPEN to My INSTRUCTIONS. You will need STRATEGIC WEAPONS: DECLARING and DECREEING My Word and My promises, ARROW PRAYERS that I INSPIRE that will STRIKE THE MARK and bring DESTRUCTION to enemy plans, and SPEAKING OUT for TRUTH and...
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March 20, 2024 CLEAN UP ON AISLE SEVEN “The CLEAN UP ON AISLE SEVEN has begun in earnest. I AM speaking of the CLEANING OUT of My Church of CORRUPTION, PERVERSION, and BETRAYAL. Leaders who are HIDING BEHIND RELIGIOUS MASKS but who are INWARDLY WOLVES will be EXPOSED and REMOVED. These WHITE-WASHED TOMBS have INFLUENCED congregations and whole movements to focus on OUTWARD CONFORMING BEHAVIORS but NEVER DEALING WITH the DEEP ISSUES of the human HEART. These people can quote My Word and SOUND so SPIRITUAL but, behind closed doors, they INDULGE in CORRUPTION and PERVERSION. I AM DONE with these churches who teach OUTWARD CONFORMITY and IGNORE INNER TRANSFORMATION of the heart. They raise up people who are CRITICAL of TRUE FREEDOM and who LOOK DOWN THEIR NOSES at those who need My RESCUE and DELIVERANCE. These people know My Word, but they DO NOT KNOW MY HEART. Those in the world with BROKEN LIVES, CAPTURED by SIN, DO NOT NEED a set of OUTWARD RELIGIOUS RULES. They need to KNOW the ...
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ACTION ITEMS: Video: THE ECLIPSE FROM DARK TO LIGHT, March 19, 2024 ACTION ITEMS: *Our decrees and declarations are releasing the Host to tear down and demolish enemy strongholds and the platforms of darkness. *If the darkness can get us to fear, it will cause us to doubt God’s promises, and we give the darkness control of our thoughts. * We can be a voice of calm in the storm because we know that our prayers have taken the sting out of the scary schemes. *We are to pray what David prayed: PSALM 40:13-16 (TPT) ‘Please, Lord! Come quickly and rescue me! Take pleasure in showing me Your favor and restore me. Let all who seek my life be humiliated! Let them be confused and ashamed, God. Scatter those who wish me evil; they just want me dead. Scoff at every scoffer and cause them all to be utter failures. Let them be ashamed and horrified at their complete defeat. But let all who passionately seek You erupt with excitement over what You’ve done! Let all Your lovers rejoice con...
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March 19, 2024 SEEMING LOSSES WILL BECOME TRIUMPHS “You are seeing unfold before you some WINS and some APPARENT LOSSES, as the war between LIGHT and DARK and JUSTICE and INJUSTICE moves towards a CRISIS POINT. Don’t let the enemy plant DISCOURAGEMENT in your minds over the SEEMING LOSSES. These LOSSES are BOLSTERING the darkness’ CONFIDENCE, and their ARROGANCE will LURE them DEEPER into My TRAP. Remember that I have told you to look at events with SPIRITUAL EYES—that is, you see events from My BIGGER PERSPECTIVE. This is what I AM showing you is happening behind the scenes to these earthly men who think they are gods. They believe that events are moving them towards a line-up for PROMOTION and GREAT RICHES. I will show you that they are being LINED UP, all right. They will find themselves in a LINE-UP for JUDGMENT and JUSTICE with all their WEALTH, POWER, and POSITIONS STRIPPED FROM THEM. Don’t get caught up in believing DOOM and GLOOM REPORTS. Use your AUTHORITY to continue to...
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March 18, 2024 A NEW MANTLE OF GOLDEN GLORY The Father had another gift for me this morning. It was a golden mantle of glory. It had the appearance of mesh made of fine weaved golden threads. He said it was His glory and carried an anointing for power in healing, salvation, and deliverance. As I sat in the Garden of Delight with the Father, Son, and Spirit, I saw a light glowing above me and streaming down, and it filled the mantle with light. The Father speaks: “Today, I AM releasing a NEW MANTLE OF MY GOLDEN GLORY. These GOLDEN MANTLES carry a NEW LEVEL of SALVATION, HEALING, and DELIVERANCE. This mantle is NOT EARNED, but you do need to be PREPARED for CARRYING it without COMPROMISING it. I have given these GOLDEN GLORY MANTLES here and there throughout the history of the Church, but it was often MISUSED by the person for their own FAME and GAIN. It brought DESTRUCTION into their personal lives and into the Church, instead of BLESSING and STRENGTH. My Remnant, you have been PREPARED...
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March 17, 2024 WHERE THERE IS GREAT SORROW, THERE WILL BE GREAT JOY I was briefly in the Throne Room this morning and saw a grand celebration taking place. There really is going to be a happy ending to the mess in the Church and the corruption in our Nation. I saw streamers and confetti being dropped, but they were made of rainbow colored light. My Elder, down on the sea of glass, shot off a handheld rocket launcher, and it burst into a firework made of flowers! Beautiful! A rose floated down to me, and I caught it, kissed it, and tossed it back to my Elder. He was delighted. There is such beautiful and pure love in Heaven. The Father speaks: “As the UNCOVERING of HIDDEN DARKNESS ROLLS ACROSS your Land, people you LOOKED UP TO and TRUSTED are going to be EXPOSED as living DOUBLE LIVES. They have PORTRAYED a public image of being GOOD and on the side of RIGHTEOUSNESS but behind closed doors, they live lives of PERVERSION and CORRUPTION. You will be SHOCKED, SICKENED, ANGRY, and yo...
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March 16, 2024 THE ECLIPSE FROM DARK TO LIGHT “The ECLIPSE on April 8th is a MARKER in time for this BATTLE of DARK to LIGHT over your Nation. The battles being fought in the heavenly realms will now become CLEARLY SEEN BATTLES in the earthly realm. Those who have been ASLEEP to the spiritual battle that has been RAGING, will SUDDENLY be CONFRONTED with a DISPLAY of the UNDERBELLY of DARKNESS. Those who partnered with evil think their plans to UNLEASH CHAOS, DEATH, and FEAR will work to their ADVANTAGE and will lead to the people handing over CONTROL to these PUPPET MASTERS. Forces of Light, it is up to you to PARTNER with Me to BRING ABOUT A DIFFERENT OUTCOME. Declare that these dark plans will ONLY SERVE to EXPOSE those who set them in motion. Say, ‘I REMOVE the POWER and the DEATH out of these agendas, and I say they will BACKFIRE on the darkness.’ Where CHAOS, RIOTING, and PAID FOR DEMONSTRATIONS BREAK OUT, release My PEACE and My PRESENCE to CHANGE the ATMOSPHERE. ...
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March 15, 2024 IT WILL BE DONE! This word began with a brief visit to the Throne Room. I was sitting by the Father’s knee, and I heard the voice of many waters boom out, “It will be done!” At this command, the Hosts and Angels shot out of the Throne Room in all directions to fulfill His word. MATTHEW 6:10 (TPT) “Manifest Your Kingdom realm (or come and begin Your Kingdom reign) and cause Your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth, just as it is in heaven.” The Father speaks: “This is the ESSENCE of what I AM doing in your day. When Heaven and earth AGREE, IT WILL BE DONE! My GROWING REMNANT are CRYING OUT for the POWER of the DARKNESS to be SMASHED and for My RESCUE to come and SET THEM FREE from the SLAVERY and BONDAGE they have been HELD CAPTIVE by. Whenever darkness is TAKEN DOWN and My FREEDOM and LIGHT FLOOD IN, there you will find My KINGDOM BEING ESTABLISHED. My Kingdom is established where My WILL IS DONE. That includes INDIVIDUAL LIVES and NATIONS. I AM not just coming ...
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March 14, 2024 A STORM OF GLORY “Can My GLORY gently fall on a person or a gathering of people? It can, and it will bring the PRESENCE of My KINGDOM with all its POWER, HEALING, and WHOLENESS. But My GLORY can also come like a POWERFUL STORM with a SOUND that will be heard around the world. EZEKIEL 43:2 (TPT) ‘I saw the glory of the God of Israel storming from the east with a roar! A thunderous sound came with Him like the sound of a great waterfall. All the ground was glowing brightly, illuminated by His glorious presence.’ My STORM OF GLORY will INTERRUPT everything the world is doing. Those who EXPECT My GLORY will REVEL in it and be made WHOLE. Those who did not think I acted SUPERNATURALLY anymore will be in SHOCKED SILENCE and REPENTANCE. Those who have never responded to My CALL on their lives to come to Me through the BLOOD of My Son, will FALL ON THEIR KNEES in SURRENDER to My MAJESTY and My LOVE. Those partnered with DARKNESS will be OVERCOME with SHEER PANIC and GREAT ...
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March 13, 2024 I HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES “I have HEARD EVERY CRY to Me for HELP, for DELIVERANCE, for RESCUE. I have HEARD your ANGUISH over your PRODIGALS, over TRAFFICKING, over POLLUTED AIR and FOOD, and over EVIL and TYRANNY. You ECHO David’s cries to Me in PSALM 40:12a (TPT) ‘Evil surrounds me; problems greater than I can solve come one after another. Without You, I know I can’t make it.’ The GOOD NEWS is that I HAVE HEARD YOUR CRIES, and I AM ARISING to DEFEND you, to DELIVER you, and to DEFEAT your enemies. DON’T GIVE UP HOPE because it seems like VICTORY IS STILL SO FAR AWAY. The MASTERFUL RESCUE OPERATION I have planned will be a SUDDENLY that ROCKS the entire world and that brings your enemies CRASHING DOWN in TOTAL DEFEAT. Know that I hold each HEARTFELT CRY for yourself, your family, your Nation in the PALM of My HAND, and I will ANSWER those CRIES with My LOVE and My POWER. Pray what David prayed: PSALM 40:13-16 (TPT) ‘Please, Lord! Come quickly and rescue me! Take ple...
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ACTION ITEMS: Video - THESE 3 AREAS ARE TARGETED FOR REMOVALS-March 12, 2024 ACTION ITEMS: *As the new breed of Warriors, we will not back down, back off, or give up until the promised victory comes in all its fullness. Together with Heaven’s Hosts, we are creating a wall of fire around truth and freedom with our faith and our decrees. *As we see darkness fall, we are to welcome His glory to rush in and fill all the places darkness is exposed and removed. *We are to declare “increase” over the exposures, over our finances and provision, over the glory fires He is setting across our Land until His glory infiltrates every area of influence in our Nation. *A truly fruitful life comes to those who are surrendered to His heart and who ask the Holy Spirit to empower their lives. *His Sons and Daughters raise their voices in laughter, in decrees, in prayers, and the frequencies of these sounds of authority will collapse the enemy’s house of cards. We have a flaming sword of truth to cut ...
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March 12, 2024 THE STING HAS BEEN REMOVED “Army of Light, I want you to know that your DECREES and DECLARATIONS have been RELEASING the Host to TEAR DOWN and DEMOLISH the STRONGHOLDS and the PLATFORMS of darkness. The Forces of Light working together have accomplished this. This is happening in the SPIRITUAL REALM but if you stay TUNED to My Spirit, I will show you SIGNS in the NATURAL that this DE-PLATFORMING is being done. RESIGNATIONS are FLYING, PREMATURE DEATHS are many. These are happening for several reasons: many are being CONFRONTED behind the scenes with their CORRUPTION and TREASON, and some realize their POWER BASE has been REMOVED, and they see NO WAY OUT besides DEATH. The darkness is SCRAMBLING to LAUNCH many SCARY SCHEMES to FOOL you into becoming CAPTIVES to their FEAR TACTICS. If they can get you to FEAR or to DOUBT My PROMISES, then they can CONTROL you. I want to STRENGTHEN you with this TRUTH: My Army of Light and My Host as the FORCES OF LIGHT have ALREADY T...
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March 11, 2024 WHY DOES IDOLATRY FLOURISH IN A NATION? “IDOLATRY FLOURISHES IN A NATION when I AM presented as a CONCEPT or GOOD WORDS on a page, instead of the NOW and PRESENT POWERFUL GOD who made you for DEEP relationship and RELIANCE on Me. When I AM REDUCED to WORDS on a PAGE and a set of ‘HOW TO BE GOOD RULES’, the human heart will SEARCH for another SOURCE to SATISFY that DEEP LONGING in their spirits for INTIMATE CONNECTION and DEEP SATISFACTION. Those CONTROLLED by the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT and those who do not know Me at all are going to be DRAWN to FALSE COMFORTERS to FILL the VOID in their hearts. These FALSE COMFORTERS become IDOLS, and they can take many forms. DRUGS, SMOKING, ALCOHOL, PORN, FOOD, SPORTS, ENTERTAINMENT, the OCCULT and NEW AGE are a few of the areas where IDOLATRY exists in your Nation. People are looking for MORE than themselves to BELIEVE in, to RELY on, and to give them HOPE for something MORE. They build IDOLS of STARS, LEADERS, and the WEALTHY. They ...
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March 10, 2024: THESE THREE AREAS ARE TARGETED FOR REMOVALS *DREAM: 6:47 am=17 on 3/10/24=10 “Three Moms Die” I see on a TV screen an actor announcing that the actress who played the “mom” in a series has died. I think I saw a June date. Then a man named Justin appeared in my house to let me know that his mom had died. I wondered if he knew that my mom had also recently died. * INTERPRETATION: We can look for major deaths or removals in these three areas: Arts and Entertainment, Justice, and the Church. A TV screen is “tell a vision,” this one points to entertainment. Justin is a play on words for “justice.” Your mom in a dream often represents the Church. Time and Date stamps: 17=overcoming power, breakthrough to victory. 10=Divine perfection and order, judgment—10 plagues of Egypt. These numbers led me to Psalm 17, titled “A Cry for Justice.” Verses 10, 13, 14 (TPT) “They are pitiless, heartless—hard as nails, swollen with pride and filled with...
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March 9, 2024 RESTORE, REBUILD, RENEW ISAIAH 61:4 (TPT) “They will restore ruins from long ago and rebuild what was long devastated. They will renew ruined cities and desolations of past generations.” “What are the STRENGTHS you need to be a RESTORER, a REBUILDER, and a RENEWER? It has been necessary for you to FOCUS on the battle to DEFEAT and DETHRONE the darkness, but the PROMISED VICTORY IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK. Then, it will be time to RESTORE, REBUILD, and RENEW. Begin to CONSIDER this season of THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS so that I can PREPARE you fully for the NEW ERA. These are the STRENGTHS that are needed for this new season: VISION, COURAGE, PERSEVERANCE, and a WILLINGNESS to WORK (to get your hands dirty). VISION comes from My Spirit. He will give you EYES TO SEE BEYOND MAN’S IDEAS and LIMITATIONS to something AMAZING and NEVER SEEN OR DONE BEFORE. COURAGE is needed to BELIEVE the vision you’ve received and to BOLDLY DECLARE and STAND BEHIND what has been revealed...
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March 8, 2024 YOU CHOOSE—MY KINDNESS OR MY SEVERITY ROMANS 11:22 (MSG) “Make sure you stay alert to these qualities of gentle kindness and ruthless severity that exist side by side in God—ruthless with the deadwood, gentle with the grafted shoot. But don’t presume on this gentleness. The moment you become deadwood, you’re out of there.” “The world is about to see a DISPLAY of both My KINDNESS and My SEVERITY. It is your CHOICES in life that determine which you will experience. A harvest season is a time to JUDGE the FRUIT of your life. Those GRAFTED into the TREE OF LIFE will produce fruit that ALIGNS with My heart. Those who eat of the fruit from these lives will also display RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, and JOY. Those who are GRAFTED into the TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL will feel the WEIGHT of My AXE CUTTING OFF THE DEADWOOD. It’s easy to spot the fruit of those who have chosen to PARTNER with the EVIL SIDE of this tree. They produce ROTTEN FRUIT that SICKENS and KILL...
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March 7, 2024 THEY WILL TURN AND RUN David’s oldest son, Adonijah, stole the throne from Solomon, who had been promised the rulership. Adonijah convinced some of the commanders of the army and a priest to go with him. Adonijah is celebrating at a banquet when news arrives that Solomon has been crowned and anointed king by David’s order. 1 Kings 1:49 (AMP) “Then all Adonijah’s guest were terrified (of being branded as traitors) and stood up and left the feast, and each one went on his way.” The Father says: “What has been before will be a PATTERN of what will happen again. The leader I ANOINTED for your Nation was CHEATED out of his seat and a SELF-APPOINTED IMPOSTER has taken his place. Quite SUDDENLY, My promises to RESTORE your rightful leader will CONVERGE with the plans of government and military leaders who are LOYAL to your Land. The SUDDEN NEWS of your rightful leader taking his place, will SHOCK and ROCK those PREMATURELY CELEBRATING their success. All those BOASTIN...
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March 6, 2024 A NEW BREED OF WARRIORS “Dark THREATS and TYRANNY have been launched against you, but you have REFUSED to CONFORM to their ATTEMPTED CONTROL. As the darkness seeks to CRUSH you, you have DRAWN NEAR to Me and received My STRENGTH, My COURAGE, and My POWER. A NEW BREED OF WARRIORS has arisen in this PRECIPICE SEASON. They carry My GLORY, My FIERCENESS, and My AUTHORITY. They WILL NOT BACK DOWN, THEY WILL NOT BACK OFF, and THEY WILL NOT GIVE UP until the PROMISED VICTORY comes in ALL its FULLNESS. This NEW BREED OF WARRIORS is learning to PARTNER with Heaven’s forces, and they are creating a WALL of FIRE around TRUTH and FREEDOM. The darkness CANNOT OVERCOME or PASS THROUGH this HOLY FIRE. This HOLY FIRE, this JOINT OPERATION between Heaven and earth, will CONSUME the darkness and all its STRONGHOLDS, and you will SEE THEM NO MORE. Out of the ashes, My NEW BREED OF WARRIORS will become BUILDERS and RESTORERS and great BEAUTY, PEACE, and PLENTY will ABOUND. If you are h...
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ACTION ITEMS: Video "THE WINDS OF CHANGE ARE BLOWING" March 5, 2024 ACTION ITEMS: *If you have been tricked into participating in the assignments of darkness—criticism, fault-finding, jealousy, and condemnation—REPENT, turn to Him, and for His cleansing, and for a new heart and new eyes to see people how He sees them. *Instead of looking for what doesn’t meet our standards, ask for the eyes of His Spirit that recognized the presence and the anointing of the Father on that person and then call if forth into fulfillment. Do not criticize or curse what He is blessing and growing. *The antidote for those who have spoken defiling words and those who have been defiled by critical words is the same. Get under the flow from Heaven and be washed clean. *Ask for discernment: whose wind is blowing, whose storm is this? We are to call forth His winds of change and to push back and break apart the enemy’s storms. *Do not make decisions based on the fear of loss, anxiety, or p...