
Showing posts from April, 2023
  April 30, 2023 OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB THEY DID WEAVE “The darkness has been ever so CRAFTY and SCHEMING, carrying out their plans slowly, WEAVING THEIR DARK WEB patiently over the years. The WEB they wove became MASSIVE and ENTANGLED every area of society, spreading DECEPTION, DELUSION, and DESTRUCTION. If My Remnant, My Army of Light, had not CRIED out to Me, your way of life would have been DESTROYED and years of DARKNESS would have DESCENDED on your world. Because your CRIES for DELIVERANCE came into My ears, I will ARISE and SAVE you and your lands. You have borne SCORN and DERISION because the ASLEEP Church and DELUDED world could not believe your WARNING CALLS and your CRIES for PRAYERS to Me for a GREAT DELIVERANCE. HOLD ON, Army of Light, because in the end, you will be recognized as TRUTH-TELLERS and VALIANT WARRIORS who held the line until My RESCUE OPERATION unfolded. As for the darkness who WOVE the SINISTER WEB of EVIL, carefully spinning it so far out that no one wo...
April 29, 2023 A DAY OF REJOICING “After I UNCOVER the major DARKNESS that has ENSLAVED your Nation, a grateful people will join in A DAY OF REJOICING. The UNCOVERING that I do will SHAKE EVERYONE AWAKE and no one will throw the words ‘CONSPIRACY THEORY’ at you anymore. This is going to be a DRASTIC SHAKING because it is needed to BREAK the MESMERIZING spirit that has kept them in darkness. The SHAKINGS may look HARSH, but it is My MERCY at work to DELIVER those who do not know they need to be DELIVERED, and it is My POWER coming to bring a RESCUE to those CRYING OUT for it. Again, I ASSURE you that the SHAKINGS are for the darkness—to UNCOVER and to DESTROY it; you, My very own, will be PROTECTED under the shadow of My wings. Be prepared to be AMAZED at My POWER DISPLAYED and to REJOICE at My PROMISES FULFILLED. AWAKENED people will GRATEFULLY FLOOD into My KINGDOM, and that will also bring about A DAY OF REJOICING—SAVED in this lifetime from darkness and SAVED for ETERNITY to FOREVER...
  April 28, 2023 BEAUTY FROM THE STORM “When you look back at this time in your life, you will remember the BATTLES and the STORM you went through, but you will also see the DEPOSITS OF TREASURE AND BEAUTY that I WOVE into your life. Yes, I have promised many physical BLESSINGS for your life, as I FREE you from the DARK SLAVERY and DESTRUCTION; but the REAL ETERNAL TREASURE you receive will be that your HEART has become ONE with Mine. No one can ever STEAL the JOY of BELONGING to each other…forever! You will also carry the BONDS you formed with those you fought by the side of in the Army of Light. BONDS FORGED in TRIAL, STRUGGLE, DOUBT, AND MUTUAL SUPPORT of each other. When you look back at this difficult season, you will see this part of your life has become a BEAUTIFUL, INTRICATELY WOVEN part of the fabric of your life. You will see GOLDEN THREADS running through it—My GLORY WOVEN into your life. As SUPERNATURAL and EPIC EVENTS unfold, keep Me as the FOCUS of your HEART and your...
  April 27, 2023 IMMENSE POWER SET IN MOTION I sat looking out at the vastness, the power, and the mighty sound of the ocean. The Father spoke to me: “Do you understand that I CREATED the MIGHTY OCEAN through My SPOKEN WORD? A very SMALL PORTION of My power was released, and your VAST, EVER-MOVING WATERS were created. Let this picture help you to REALIZE My IMMENSE POWER and that NOTHING I set IN MOTION can be STOPPED by man’s hand nor by the PLOTS and DEVIOUS WAYS of a PUNK, FALLEN ANGEL. I gave man, the crown of My creation, DOMINION over the earth, and I will not VIOLATE MAN’S FREE WILL. When man CHOOSES to PARTNER with Me to bring about My WILL and My WAYS, we become an UNSTOPPABLE FORCE OF LIGHT against the darkness. As long as you CONTINUE to CALL ON Me to RESCUE your Land and you use your AUTHORITY, won for you by My Son, then NOTHING can stand in our way of DEFEATING and DETHRONING the STOLEN POWER of evil in your Nation. As SURE as the waves CRASH into the shore, so SURE i...
  April 26, 2023 AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE “I AM telling you a day is coming (and it’s not far away) when you look around you and AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE, you will behold My GOODNESS and My PRESENCE in your world. A time of such GOODNESS and DEEP JOY that your heart will be continually FULL of My PEACE and My PRESENCE with you. Your DESIRES for your own life, for your family’s lives, for your nations will be FULFILLED—beyond your EXPECTATIONS. So what are a few days of SILENCE and events COMING TO A CRISIS POINT compared to the JOY of promises fulfilled that are coming to you? These BRIEF DAYS of TENSION while darkness is ROUNDED UP and DEFEATED will result in the world ACKNOWLEDGING Me as God OVER ALL. Many will come into the Kingdom through the POWERFUL BLOOD of My Son. When the world ACKNOWLEDGES Me, I POUR OUT My PRESENCE, My POWER, and My PROVISION. Goodness—AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE!” Diana Larkin  A Watchman’s Journal 
 ACTION ITEMS: Video A STORM OF POWER, April 25, 2023 ACTION ITEMS *Call forth the mighty storm of power *We are told to follow those voices that bring us courage, hope, and tell you to put your trust in God *Do not fear lack—it can actually draw it to you.   Do not allow fear to shape our future. *Faith is the key and God is inviting us to unlock the door to the Kingdom provision of Heaven. *We are to stay close to His heart, talk things over with Him, allow the Spirit to lead us, and look for miracles of provision that are coming to our lives. *Every act of love, obedience, encouragement, giving, healing will result in His Kingdom expanding. This is not Church activity, it is the way you live your life. Our answers are blowing in the Spirit wind. *We are to pray for angelic protection for those who have chosen to blow the whistle. *We are not to fear and panic when corrupt systems fall from God’s shaking. We are to know they were enslaving us and that God is ...
  April 25, 2023 MYSTERIES REVEALED “This will be an era of MYSTERIES REVEALED, both in the NATURAL and in the SPIRITUAL REALMS. In the NATURAL realm, the TRUE HISTORY of the nations will be made known—NOT the FABRICATED one that men partnered with Leviathan created. The TRUTH about history will be a SOLID FOUNDATION to build your nations on. The TRUTH will help you see what is of the darkness and must be REJECTED, and what is of the Light and is to be EMBRACED and STRENGTHENED. The earth will YIELD her HIDDEN TREASURES to you. These treasures were kept HIDDEN so that the dark powers could not CONTROL and PERVERT them. These earth treasures will REVOLUTIONIZE ENERGY, HEALTH, and PROSPERITY. This will IMPACT and BLESS ALL nations—even those you call ‘third world’ nations. In the SPIRITUAL realm, TREASURES from the Word will be REVEALED and UNVEILED, and the teachings of MEN will FALL AWAY. You will see My Word and My character in a NEW LIGHT, as the TRAPPINGS of MEN and RELIGION FAL...
April 24, 2023 FROM CRANKING OUT TO CRANKY “The darkness is in a FRENZY to CRANK OUT every DARK SCHEME they’ve ever thought of. Their plan is to OVERWHELM people with FEAR and LOSS until they surrender ALL RIGHTS in order to be ‘SAFE.’ Heaven is ready to CRANK OUT MORE AND MORE HOST to COMBAT, LESSEN, DEFEAT, and BLOW BACK these plans in the faces of those partnered with darkness. You CALL FORTH the HOST to FULFILL My WILL and WORD for this hour. I want to make those who are CRANKING OUT EVIL PLANS to become the CRANKY because they find themselves CUT OFF from being able to CARRY OUT all their schemes. CRANKY enemies tend to TURN ON EACH OTHER, and they SOW DESTRUCTION into their own camp. If you will CONTINUE to PARTNER with Me in RELEASING the HOST to COUNTERACT the schemes of darkness, it will GREATLY IMPACT their DARKEST and DEADLIEST scheme they have planned. By the time they are ready to LAUNCH this DEATH AGENDA, they will be so CRANKY and DIVIDED that their plan will LOOK THREAT...
  April 23, 2023 BLOW A TRUMPET! “BLOW A TRUMPET! Call the SCATTERED and FEARFUL people, and ANNOUNCE to them: ‘HERE IS YOUR GOD!’ I AM come in GREAT POWER and MAJESTY to RESCUE My people and My Nation! BLOW A TRUMPET, and DECLARE to the darkness: ‘YOU ARE DEFEATED and brought to NOTHING, as My God and King STEPS ON and SQUASHES your DEVIOUS SCHEMES and with His strong right arm SWEEPS you OUT OF THE WAY of His CONQUERING MARCH.’ BLOW A TRUMPET and ANNOUNCE that days of VICTORY, TRIUMPH, and REBUILDING are on the horizon. Can you SEE the GROWING CLOUD of GLORY approaching? It is OMINOUS and TERRIBLE to the wicked, and it is BEAUTIFUL and SUPERCHARGED with My PRESENCE and POWER for My very own. BLOW A TRUMPET! Everyone come to ATTENTION! ALIGN your HEART with Mine, and SEE the coming VICTORY of Light over the darkness. CALL IT IN!” Diana Larkin  A Watchman’s Journal 
  April 22, 2023 WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO SHAKE THE WORLD AWAKE? “Because so much of the world (including the Church) have been SEDUCED by Jezebel (self-centered living) and Leviathan (twisting, lying serpent), it is going to take some SHAKING to bring about AWAKENING. Army of Light, I want you to view these SHAKINGS from Heaven’s VIEWPOINT. Do not join in the FEAR and PANIC of the world when SYSTEMS, CORPORATIONS, and IDOLS fall. People have been TOLD that their LIVES and FINANCES DEPEND on these systems to SURVIVE. I have shown you these systems are CONTROLLED by the DARKNESS, and they ENSLAVE rather than bring FREEDOM. SHAKING people loose from these systems is not something to FEAR or DREAD. It is something you can CELEBRATE, as you have BELIEVED My PROMISES to PROVIDE ABUNDANTLY through NEW SYSTEMS founded on My WAYS and on RIGHTEOUSNESS. DO NOT BE MOVED by the SHAKINGS! Rather, REJOICE that I AM REPLACING BROKEN SYSTEMS with systems RESTORED to RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE. I have p...
April 21, 2023 THE ANSWER IS BLOWING IN THE WIND This folk song from the ‘60’s by Bob Dylan began going through my head last night. I looked up the lyrics and found it was a cry to mankind to stop war and bring freedom to all men. This song was sung at the event where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous speech, “I Have a Dream.” The Father shared: “This song is about to come FULL CIRCLE in your day. As DEEP DARKNESS and DEATH AGENDAS are EXPOSED, people will be CRYING OUT for ANSWERS. I AM telling you that the ANSWER to all DEATH schemes and agendas to STEAL IDENTITIES, WEALTH, and HEALTH are going to be found BLOWING IN THE WIND. This WIND is the WIND OF MY SPIRIT BLOWING AWAY INJUSTICE and CORRUPTION and BLOWING IN CLEANSING, FREEDOM, and GREAT CHANGE. My Remnant, My Army of Light are AWAKENED to the deep darkness, and they know that I AM the ONLY One who can RESCUE and BRING LASTING CHANGE. You have been given eyes to SEE My Kingdom, and you have been PREPARED to HELP B...
  April 20, 2023 UNLOCK THE DOOR The Father said, “UNLOCK THE DOOR.” I saw a vision of a locked closet door. The Father told me FAITH was the KEY to unlocking the door. I found a KEY in my hand, and I UNLOCKED THE DOOR. As I opened the door, all kinds of amazing things began to pour out. The closet was completely full to the top. The Father said: “As world systems that you have DEPENDED on undergo CLEANSING and REORDERING, do NOT FEAR that you will suffer LACK. If you FEAR LACK, you will DRAW that to you. Do not ALLOW FEAR to SHAPE YOUR FUTURE. I can PROVIDE for you through men’s systems, but I can also PROVIDE from My STOREHOUSES in Heaven. My STOREHOUSES NEVER EMPTY OUT, so you have no need to WORRY, FRET, or FEAR. You have a KEY to OPEN the VAST RICHES of Heaven and that KEY is your FAITH. I AM INVITING you to UNLOCK THE DOOR to the Kingdom of Heaven and to RECEIVE all that I have STORED UP for you. I will PROVIDE MORE THAN ENOUGH so that you will have PLENTY TO SHARE with those...
  April 19, 2023 A STORM OF POWER “A STORM OF POWER is about to AWAKEN the sleeping and TERRIFY those of DARKENED hearts. I AM going to show up in GREAT POWER to RESCUE My people and My Nation, just as I did for Israel at the Red Sea. My STORM WINDS blew OPEN the waters and made a WAY of ESCAPE where there was NO WAY before. Your weatherman can PREDICT the arrival of storms in the natural realm, but he CANNOT predict when My STORM OF POWER will STRIKE. It will come with such FORCE that it will BLOW OPEN all the SECRETS of the darkness—their hidden FORTRESSES, their secret MEETINGS, their hidden DOCUMENTS, and their hidden MONEY. They will be DROWNED in all the EXPOSURES of their DARK and EVIL ways. CALL FORTH this MIGHTY STORM OF POWER, and I will UNLEASH it on your enemies and DELIVER your Land from this DARK and SINISTER WEB. Your RESCUE will SIGNAL the rescue of other nations around the earth where My people are crying out for RESCUE and DELIVERANCE. It is coming…A STORM OF POWE...
 ACTION ITEMS: Video COUNTERATTACK, April 18, 2023 ACTION ITEMS *Our prayers and decrees are helping to block the darkness’ destructive moves. *Do not let your heart be troubled, place your complete confidence and faith in the Master Strategist. *We are to continue to partner with the Father in bringing down the deep darkness, partner with Him in speaking freedom to the captives of the defiling schemes. *Declare a wave of repentance would sweep the Land clean; decree a move of the Spirit of fire to cleanse hearts and break the power of bondage. *Release His love to consume those hearts and to wash them clean of defilement and shame. *Do not fear the coming darkness because it is a signal that a new day is here and that the victory has been won. *A bad harvest can be stopped by acknowledging sin, repenting, and applying the cleansing blood of Jesus to that area. *As the darkness has launched a killing spree across our Land, we are to arise in our authority and launch...
  April 18, 2023 READ BETWEEN THE LINES “My PROMISES often contain CLUES or CODE that need to be DECIPHERED. Many will STUMBLE over My promises because they place their own TIMEFRAME on the FULFILLMENT of My words and then they are DISAPPOINTED and DISHEARTENED when it does not come to pass when they thought it should. A good example would be the ‘FALL OF THE FALL’ that I have promised. Realize that I AM OUTSIDE OF TIME and when I speak of a season, it will be put in the PRESENT TENSE because I see it happening in your future. Instead of being FRUSTRATED or WORRIED because it hasn’t yet happened, be CONFIDENT that it WILL TAKE PLACE just as I have spoken and at the EXACT RIGHT TIME. Seek Me for DEEPER understanding of what I’m promising. You JOIN YOUR FAITH to My PROMISES and CALL THEM FORTH into FULFILLMENT. Waiting EXPECTANTLY allows FAITH ROOTS to GROW DEEP, and it DRAWS you CLOSE to My heart to HEAR My voice. Meanwhile, your enemy is THROWN into FRANTIC MOVES trying to figure o...
  April 17, 2023 THE LAID DOWN LIFE “The world sees SURRENDER to Me as WEAK and RESTRICTIVE. They have been LIED to by the enemy, and their own REBELLIOUS fleshly thinking. Remember that My Kingdom is the OPPOSITE of world kingdoms. The world values FAME, MONEY, and CONTROL. When you seek these things instead of SEEKING Me and My Kingdom, the enemy TWISTS these desires into GREED and CORRUPTION, and the result is a DARKENED HEART. The enemy has BLINDED the world to the POWER OF A LAID DOWN LIFE for Me. Whatever you SURRENDER to me becomes INFUSED with the POWER of the RESURRECTION, and these lives bring LIFE wherever they go. You will not LOSE who you are by LAYING DOWN YOUR LIFE for Me—oh, no, you will become ALL YOU WERE MEANT TO BE. I make your WEAKNESSES your STRENGTHS. I take your STRENGTHS and BLEND them with My GLORY, and you will SHINE for Me. THE LAID DOWN LIFE will be given My ABUNDANT SUPPLY without the STRIVING and the TEARING DOWN of others so you can succeed. THE LAID...
  April 16, 2023 JUDGMENT, JUSTICE, VINDICATION, VICTORY “These four words will be WRITTEN AS BANNERS across this time in history. This age will be known as the GREAT WAR against the DARKEST of enemies, and the GREATEST DISPLAY of My LIGHT and POWER that OVERCAME and CRUSHED the darkness. My Army of Light who BELIEVED My PROMISES of RESCUE will be VINDICATED and REWARDED for all the world to see. JUSTICE and FREEDOM will be RESTORED to the Land, and they will usher in a season of PEACE and PLENTY. Every SACRIFICE, every BATTLE, every STRUGGLE, every LOSS you have had as a result of this war has been RECORDED; and it will be RESTORED and HONORED. Every day that you HANG ONTO My PROMISES and CHOOSE to continue the fight are NOTED in the RECORD of the GREAT WAR, and you build up more RECOMPENSE and REWARD—more than you can IMAGINE. My promises of VICTORY and VINDICATION are SURE and TRUE, and you will NEVER REGRET that you fought by My side in the GREAT WAR. Blessed is My Army of Ligh...
  April 15, 2023 COUNTERATTACK! “The darkness has LAUNCHED a KILLING SPREE across your Land in a DESPERATE attempt to GAIN CONTROL and to STEAL the NEWS CYCLE and to DEFLECT it off of their EVIL DEEDS that are being EXPOSED. It’s TIME for My Army of Light to ARISE in your AUTHORITY and to launch a COUNTERATTACK against these DEATH-FILLED AGENDAS of darkness. Do not be DISTURBED if you feel a BURDEN and even FRUSTRATION that the plans of darkness are still being unleashed. Ask My Spirit to take your anger, frustration, and heaviness OUT of your EMOTIONS and PUT them into your SPIRIT where they will become WEAPONS of WAR through intercession. FIGHT BACK in PRAYERS and BOLD DECREES against the darkness and their schemes. AGREE with Me that they will be EXPOSED as the PLANNERS and INITIATORS of these MURDEROUS schemes. Make PROPHETIC MOTIONS of UNCOVERING and declare, “You will be EXPOSED, NOW!’ Decree, ‘This is a season of the VENGEANCE of My God, and I RELEASE it into the darkness wh...
  April 14, 2023 I MEAN BUSINESS “Your enemies have CONVINCED themselves that I no longer will act with RETALIATION or VENGEANCE towards them for the EVIL and PAIN they have INFLICTED on the world. They think I will NOT ACT to AVENGE My people because it might ‘HURT MY REPUTATION’ as a loving Father. Let Me ask you this: ‘What kind of father would ALLOW his children to be MERCILESSLY ATTACKED without INTERVENING to bring PROTECTION and JUSTICE to them?’ I will ARISE to bring RETALIATION and VENGEANCE to the enemy for STEALING all that is GOOD and FRUITFUL and PEACEFUL. I MEAN BUSINESS! VENGEANCE is not just PUNISHMENT, it is also VINDICATION for My people and for your Nation. I MEAN BUSINESS! There are many in My Church who also do not BELIEVE that I AM still a God of VENGEANCE. This may come from POOR teaching they’ve received, or it may come because they are JUSTIFYING or EXCUSING SIN in their own lives—such as, ‘My dad was an angry man, and I get it from him.’ Or: ‘This is just ...
  April 13, 2023 THE COMING DARKNESS “Many voices are speaking of a COMING DARKNESS. Many believe this DARKNESS will be caused by those partnered with darkness, and they FEAR the dark-hearted people will USE the DARKNESS as a POWER PLAY for CONTROL. However, I want you, My Army of Light, to know that this COMING DARKNESS IS FROM MY HAND. Let Me give you this further ASSURANCE: the COMING DARKNESS is MEANT for the WICKED and CORRUPT; it is NOT meant for My people. You will have LIGHT, just like My children in the land of Goshen had light and were PROTECTED from My plagues and judgments sent against Egypt. When I struck Egypt with DEEP DARKNESS, there was LIGHT in Goshen. The COMING DARKNESS is meant to BRING DOWN CORRUPT SYSTEMS and to SILENCE the VOICE of the LYING MEDIA. DO NOT FEAR the COMING DARKNESS because it is a SIGNAL that a NEW DAY is here and that the VICTORY has been WON. You will see JUDGMENT and JUSTICE PREVAIL. Celebrations and rebuilding will begin, and a FREEDOM you...
*THE FALL OF THE FALL—first word I can find mentioning a “fall in the Fall.” When the Father says, “This day or this time, it is not necessarily the year it is given; it can be fulfilled years from that time. Remember, He’s outside of time! *JOURNAL NUGGET: September 23, 2018 FALLING “This day on the calendar marked the beginning of the Fall, and it also marks the beginning of the FALL of those OPERATING in DARKNESS. What has been happening BEHIND CLOSED DOORS to INVESTIGATE and EXPOSE the darkness will now be laid bare in the PUBLIC arena for all eyes to see and both courts and public opinion will agree on JUSTICE coming to those who have been involved in BREAKING the law and in DEEDS of DEEPEST DARKNESS. FALLING, FALLING, their carefully crafted schemes are FALLING, and they will face JUSTICE for all their deeds and crimes and selfishness. Once the FALL begins, it will proceed RAPIDLY until all is EXPOSED and DEALT with. Look up, REDEMPTION draws near for your Nation, and it will spr...
  GOD’S MESSAGE HAS NOT CHANGED: JOURNAL NUGGET from WAY BACK—before I began posting on social media in 2020! November 8, 2017 “JUSTICE IS COMING” “Settle it in your heart that I will KEEP MY PROMISES to you concerning your Nation. You will see with your own eyes TREACHEROUS and LYING LEADERS brought DOWN, and you will see JUSTICE applied to SMALL and GREAT until the FEAR OF THE LORD permeates this Land and RESTS in the hearts of those RAISED to LEADERSHIP POSITIONS. I AM in the process of SCOURING HEARTS of those I will place at the TOPS of the mountains so that they do not FALL to the same TEMPTATIONS but will remain STRONG in My strength because they carry My HEART in GREAT MEASURE.” November 14, 2017 “YOU WILL LOOK TO ME” “When I MOVE on behalf of your Nation, there will be NO DOUBT that I AM behind it. You will see SECRETS UNCOVERED SUPERNATURALLY with DOCUMENTS and CONVERSATIONS, supposedly destroyed, brought to LIGHT. This will cause the FEAR OF THE LORD to SWEEP across this...
  WHAT THE FATHER TOLD ME ABOUT THE Q TEAM I was prompted to look back in my older journals from 2018, and I found this entry where the Father spoke to me about the Q Team. I found an entry for 10/28/18–one year after Q began posting. I wasn’t asking the Father about Q—I wasn’t even thinking about it, but this is what He spoke to me that morning: 10/28/18 “I want you to know that the Q Team seeks Me for WISDOM and TIMING, and they have My HEART for this Nation. They are just men, but they are CONVEYING My heart for this Nation. Their message of JOINING into ONE HEART and ONE VOICE and PARTNERING with Me in PRAYER is giving HOPE to those who are AWAKENED and it is giving PURPOSE to those willing to FIGHT for the DESTINY of your Nation. Let FAITH ARISE that the LIGHT can and will OVERCOME the darkness and that TRUTH will REPLACE the LIES that now FILL your airwaves. More people are AWAKENING every day, and they are JOINING the ranks of a GROWING ARMY that DEMANDS TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSN...
  April 12, 2023 THE DEFILEMENT OF A NATION “The darkness have carefully planned for years to DEFILE THIS NATION. Their WICKEDNESS and CORRUPTION know no bounds, and they have LOST the ability to love. Their GOAL is to DEFILE and CORRUPT this Land that I love, and this goal knows NO bounds. When I raised up a Cyrus to LEAD your Nation OUT OF DARKNESS AND BONDAGE, it caused those partnered with evil to DOUBLE-DOWN on their plans to completely DEFILE and OVERTAKE the people and the Land of this Nation. Their FRANTIC MOVES are serving to UNCOVER their DARK AGENDAS, and I will completely EXPOSE and OVERTURN all their wickedness. I will CUT OFF the TRAFFICKING of human lives and the STEADY SUPPLY of ADDICTING DRUGS, but what about the CONSUMERS of these DEFILING TRAPS? Even some of My people have FALLEN for these DEFILING SCHEMES; it has brought DARKNESS and SHAME to them, and it serves to CUT THEM OFF from My PRESENCE and from being a FORCE for the LIGHT. As you partner with Me in BRIN...
 ACTION ITEMS: April 11, 2023, Video: HOW DO YOU BAIT A TRAP? ACTION ITEMS: *Do not fear if things seem to be working against the one who has been fighting for us; we are to see thru the Father’s eyes and see the brilliant trap that has been laid. We are to keep pushing darkness deeper and deeper into the trap, and declare: everything the darkness meant for us and our leader is now their future! *Just as the Passover blood protected the nation of Israel from the death angel, we are to apply Jesus’ blood to our own life, our family’s lives, our homes, and all we have been called to steward. *When such evil is exposed, we are to invite people into His healing presence and His heart of love. *We are to keep coming to the Father so that He can flood our hearts with His love and empower us to keep wielding our swords because it’s all going to be worth it! *We are to rest in His love and drink deeply from the cup of salvation. *We are to release resurrection power over our li...
  April 11, 2023 THE MASTER STRATEGIST “I AM THE MASTER STRATEGIST in this war of DARK TO LIGHT. The enemy thinks he is in CONTROL of all the moves on the chessboard strategy of this war. He has those who do his BIDDING thinking they have ALL THE MOVES they need to WIPE OUT the forces of LIGHT. Even though some of their MOVES have FIZZLED or not accomplished the DAMAGE they had hoped for, the BLIND CONFIDENCE of ARROGANCE has kept them believing they are CLOSE to WINNING and that their GOAL of WIPING us OUT is very near. These GREAT DECEIVERS don’t realize they are COMPLETELY DECEIVED about the STATE of this WAR GAME of chess. When I SUDDENLY MOVE in with My CHECKMATE, they will be caught OFF-GUARD, completely EXPOSED, and thoroughly DEFEATED. Your PRAYERS and DECREES are helping to BLOCK their DESTRUCTIVE MOVES—keep it up! Your RIGHTFUL LEADERS are coming to Me, THE MASTER STRATEGIST, for HELP and WISDOM, and I AM showing them what MOVES to make and WHEN to make them. Therefore, l...
  April 10, 2023 THE VICTORY AND THE JOY WILL BE COMPLETE “Does it seem like My PROMISES are taking TOO LONG to be fulfilled? Where are the GREAT REVEALS and the GREAT SHAKINGS and the GREAT JUDGMENTS of EVIL that I have spoken about to you? Let Me ASSURE you that I DO NOT OVER-PROMISE nor is My ARM too SHORT to BRING TO PASS what I have spoken. I have REVEALED to you, My FAITHFUL WARRIORS, what the END of the RESCUE OPERATION looks like: DEFEAT for the enemy’s camp and SOARING VICTORY for My KINGDOM OF LIGHT. You will find PEACE in the WAITING for this promise of VICTORY if you will SURRENDER to My TIMING and the WISDOM of My WAYS—instead of INSISTING that I need to act ACCORDING to your TIMING because you’re AFRAID of what will happen if I don’t ACT according to YOUR TIMING. If you see a THREAT, don’t REACT with FEAR and ANXIETY and get MAD at Me because I’m not doing what you think I should be doing right at that moment. That is the REACTION OF VICTIM THINKING and a WEAK FAITH t...
  April 9, 2023 I AM HERE TO SET YOU FREE! This morning I heard Jesus say: “I AM HERE TO SET YOU FREE! Your world has been INVADED by the enemy’s schemes of LIES, DECEPTIONS, and DELUSIONS. Lies, deceptions, and delusions put people in BONDAGE personally and also as a nation. Your AIRWAVES and your ATMOSPHERE have been CONSUMED by BONDAGE THINKING—now it has grown to the point where GOOD IS CALLED EVIL and EVIL IS CALLED GOOD. How did this happen in a Nation founded on FREEDOM and the GOOD NEWS of My Salvation? My Church HID her LIGHT inside her buildings and KEPT the PRESERVING SALT to themselves. My LIGHT and SALT were meant to BLESS the Church, but she was called to SHARE it with the world. When you SHINE My LIGHT of TRUTH and SHARE My SALT of PRESERVATION of holiness, the sanctity of marriage and family, and the importance of living lives of HONESTY and INTEGRITY, then you are PIERCING the DARKNESS with HOPE and FREEDOM. You are part of a Remnant in My Body that has STEPPED OUT...
  April 8, 2023 A BEAUTIFUL SPRING, A FEISTY SUMMER, A FIESTA FALL “I AM giving you A BEAUTIFUL SPRING as a FORETASTE of the GOOD THINGS coming to your world after darkness is SOUNDLY DEFEATED. Then will come a FEISTY (full of spirit and determination) SUMMER, as My Army of Light and My Army of Hosts continue to DEFLECT LIES and RELEASE MY TRUTH into the atmosphere. Picture this as a baseball game where the Pitcher is the LYING MEDIA who throws FAST balls and CURVES (lies and distortions), and My Army of Light are the BATTERS holding the bat of TRUTH. As they SWING at the LIES, My Host will EMPOWER the TRUTH to HIT the LIE OUT OF THE PARK. The LYING MEDIA Pitcher will eventually TIRE, get SLOPPY, and COLLAPSE in the face of such FEISTY OPPOSITION. As the Fall unfolds and the FAKE media is COLLAPSING, there will be CONFUSION as the people ask, ‘Who can we believe?’ The darkness will FRANTICALLY try to bring about CATASTROPHE to REGAIN their SLIPPING CONTROL, but they will be BLOCKED...
  April 7, 2023 THE CUP OF SALVATION Years ago I was in a store and saw a beautiful mug that delighted my heart. As I was reaching my hand to pick it up to buy it, I heard the Lord say, “Instead of buying this for yourself, why don’t you trust Me to provide it for you?” It was a bit of a struggle, but I wanted to trust Him that He had a better plan, so the mug stayed on the shelf and I left the store empty-handed. Several months later, I was at a women’s retreat in another town where I was the invited speaker. The women’s group had lovingly prepared a welcome “goody” basket for me. In the basket…was the MUG I HAD DESIRED! God provided it supernaturally! What a wonderful, powerful God! From the Father: “See my HAND and My HEART in the LITTLE things and in the BIG things that I provide. I AM able to give you a mug to drink from, and I AM able to provide you with THE CUP OF SALVATION. If I FREELY GIVE you My Son’s LIFE and BLOOD so that you can JOYFULLY DRINK FROM THE CUP OF SALVATION...
  April 6, 2023 IT’S ALL GOING TO BE WORTH IT!/ANGEL INTEL Angel Intel: I felt prompted to ask my lookout angel “what is happening in the Heavenly Realms?” He responded: “The skies are filled with the clashing of swords as the forces of Light and the forces of darkness battle over the freedom and justice of your Nation. The darkness had crept in and was on the brink of a takeover, but God knew He could awaken a Remnant whose hearts were His. Awaken you, He did! Your faith, your war cries, your worship have caused you to arise and shine for the Living God. Your light goes directly into the swords the Host carry, and it inflames them, and they are mowing down darkness and anyone who stands in the way of the Father’s Rescue Operation.” The Father speaks: “Every FAITH-FILLED PRAYER, DECREE, DECLARATION and SACRIFICE you have made for this war effort of dark to light is GOING TO BE WORTH IT when the VICTORY and RESTORATION come FLOODING in. You will not REGRET the battles you FOUGHT aga...