
Showing posts from June, 2023
  June 30, 2023 TURNING UP THE HEAT “Do you remember that I told you this summer would be ‘FIESTY?’ Well, We are ready to TURN UP THE HEAT on the DEADLY SOUP of DESTRUCTIVE SCHEMES, CHARACTER ASSASSINATION, and PLANNED THIEVERY that the darkness has CONCOCTED. The darkness sees their soup SIMMERING nicely, but We have decided to SURPRISE them by TURNING UP THE HEAT until ALL of their DARK PLANS BOIL UP and SPILL OVER onto them. What they were BREWING for you to eat will BOIL OVER BACK ONTO THEM. They will be be BURNED, their FACADES REMOVED, and what they had planned for you, will BOIL OVER on them. Have you noticed the EXPOSURES of CORRUPT AGENCIES and PEOPLE are PICKING UP? Wait until We TURN UP THE HEAT! When the DEADLY SOUP reaches a BOIL, it will SPILL OUT a multitude of LIES, CORRUPTION, and BRIBERY. Oh, and look, there comes the TREASON they are planning to ACCUSE your rightful leader of. Well, now, what is this? The TREASON is BOILING OVER ONTO THEM because they are the one...
  June 29, 2023 YOU ARE MY WITNESSES “You who have walked this difficult road of FIERCE BATTLE and an UNKNOWN FUTURE are My WITNESSES. You chose to BELIEVE My words spoken through the prophets that VICTORY, BREAKTHROUGH, and a GOOD FUTURE were just around the corner. You FOLLOWED Me through the CLAMOR and the DANGER of the battle. You could not see ahead because of the SMOKE that filled the air from FIRES and EXPLOSIONS the enemy set off. And yet, you FOLLOWED ME STILL in BLIND FAITH because you had felt My LOVE and I had PROVED My FAITHFULNESS to you through the CROSS and through PROMISES kept to you. When the GREAT DECEPTION FALLS and I bring in the LIGHT OF TRUTH and FULFILLMENT, people who MOCKED and SCORNED you will realize you were HEARING and FOLLOWING Me, and they will come to you for WORDS OF TRUTH. You will be MY WITNESSES, and you will declare My GREAT DEEDS and MIGHTY ACTS that I have performed, and you will show them the GOOD PATHS to walk on. Instead of SCORN, you wil...
  June 28, 2023 IMAGINE… “IMAGINE a day when news media gives an ACCURATE, UNBIASED REPORT. IMAGINE a day when the MAJORITY of reporting is GOOD NEWS that lifts peoples’ hearts instead of a CONSTANT STREAM of NEGATIVE REPORTS that stir up FEAR and DIVISION. IMAGINE the day when you won’t need to see a doctor very often because the FOOD you eat and the ENVIRONMENT you live in will PROMOTE A CYCLE OF HEALTH. IMAGINE the day when your FINANCES EASILY COVER all your needs, and you have an OVERFLOW to SHARE with others. IMAGINE a day when going to a church meeting means you will ENCOUNTER My PRESENCE and My GLORY and SIGNS and WONDERS will ALWAYS FLOW. No more DRY meetings when only the MIND of man is being fed with LITTLE or NO EFFECT on their SOULS or SPIRITS, and where the POWERFUL WORKINGS of My Holy Spirit are REJECTED because they CANNOT CONTROL them. IMAGINE a day when DARK SCHEMES of the enemy and ENDLESS FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS are NO MORE, and PEACE and REST enter your Land. WATCH,...
ACTION ITEMS: Video DELUGE June 27, 2023 ACTION ITEMS: *We are being called to awaken to our true calling as Sons and Daughters who walk in His power and authority and are empowered by the Spirit’s light. *We are to be bolder and louder than the enemy. We have His wisdom and His manifest glory promised to us and we are to let no challenge or scheme of the enemy go unanswered by our superior authority, wisdom, and power. *We are to enforce the victory and declare holy war against the warmongers. Our enemies are our bread, and we will consume them with our boldness, strength, and courage. *These are our weapons: His name (John 14:14), His authority (Matthew 16:19), His Word-a sword (Jeremiah 23:29, Ephesians 6:17), the high praises of God (Psalm 149:6-9), and our prayer language (Acts 2:4, 1Corinthians 14:2, 1Corinthians 14:15). We are to move offensively as the cutting edge of God’s Army of Light to take back what was stolen and to prevent further attacks. *Do not allow the en...
  June 27, 2023 MYSTERIES REVEALED “The NEW ERA you are entering will be a time of MYSTERIES REVEALED. Darkness will be UNCOVERED like never before. Its SCHEMES, its WEB OF LIES, and the WAYS it uses to ENSNARE people into its SHADOWS and BONDAGE will be LAID BARE. Wherever there are people who are PARTNERING with darkness—especially those who PRESENT themselves as people of LIGHT but who are COMPROMISED by WILLFULLY CHOOSING DARKNESS and keeping it HIDDEN under a FACADE—these will all be EXPOSED. This EXPOSURE will be across ALL seven mountains of society, including My CHURCH. I need a HOLY (set apart) people who REFUSE to partner with the darkness so that the LIGHT of My GLORY will SHINE through them FULLY. My SPIRITUAL MYSTERIES will also be UNCOVERED and REVEALED like at no other time in history. These TREASURES have been in My Word all along, but have been kept HIDDEN until this time when they will come into FULFILLMENT in this KINGDOM ERA. Pray that those teachers i...
  June 26, 2023 LIKE A MIGHTY WARRIOR ISAIAH 42:13 (TPT) “Yahweh goes out to battle like a hero and stirs up His passion and zeal like a mighty warrior. Yes, His God-shout is a mighty battle cry; He will triumph heroically over all His foes.” “Are you ready to SEE Scripture FULFILLED in your day? You are going to see Me ARISE as a MIGHTY WARRIOR who comes to TRAMPLE your enemies into the DUSTBIN OF HISTORY. When I arise with a BATTLE CRY that will SPLIT the heavens, its SOUND will be HEARD around the world. Its FREQUENCY will send SHOCK WAVES that TOPPLE MOUNTAINS, GOVERNMENTS, BUILDINGS, and MONUMENTS. As darkness and all its dirty deeds are CRACKED OPEN and SPILL OUT for ALL the world to SEE, I will RIDE OVER THEM and the hooves of My warhorse will TRAMPLE them into the dust. The HIGH and MIGHTY will become the LOWLY and SCORNED. When I SAVE, I SAVE. When I DELIVER, I DELIVER, and NOTHING will stand in My way. Therefore, DO NOT FEAR what the enemy has planned because all their EL...
  June 25, 2023 SURRENDER TO MY TIMING “I see a lot of ANXIETY in the HEARTS of My children over the TIMING of My RESCUE OPERATION. ANXIOUS THOUGHTS STEAL FAITH and WEAKEN YOUR DECLARATIONS. Let’s talk about this together. I AM not CONDEMNING you for having ANXIETY about the FUTURE of your Nation, and I UNDERSTAND that what you SEE being done by the darkness is DESTRUCTIVE. I AM pulling you aside today to talk about this because I have such a HIGHER WAY for you to walk through this season of the GREAT WAR. ANXIETY and DREAD are LIFE-STEALERS. All you begin to see is the DARKNESS and how they APPEAR to be WINNING. Let Me ask you this: Are there LIMITS to My ABILITY to RESCUE, REVIVE, and RESTORE? Is there ever a situation that goes TOO FAR that I CANNOT TURN IT AROUND? I have given you BIBLICAL PATTERNS to STEADY your FAITH—the Red Sea rescue, Haman’s gallows, raising Lazarus from the dead, and My Son’s resurrection. When ANXIOUS THOUGHTS arise, take it as a WARNING that your FAITH ...
  June 24, 2023 LOVE, WISDOM, AND FREEDOM “The world right now does not hold My people in HIGH REGARD. The enemy has SPREAD LIES about you and painted a picture of you as being WEAK and INEFFECTIVE. Sadly, much of the Church has BOUGHT INTO this LIE, and they believe the ONLY ANSWER to the RISING DARKNESS is to be SNATCHED OUT OF IT and taken to Heaven. Do not BUY INTO this DISEMPOWERING, DESTINY-STEALING DOCTRINE OF DEMONS. My Son won COMPLETE VICTORY over SIN, DEATH, and HELL. When you SURRENDER your life to Him, MY Spirit EMPOWERS you with the SAME ANOINTING that He carries. Are you not now Sons and Daughters through the BLOOD of My Son? You are now CO-HEIRS of ALL He is, ALL He won, and you are now COMMISSIONED to share the treasures of LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM that you have INHERITED. LOVE, WISDOM, and FREEDOM will continue to grow in you, as you DRAW NEAR to Me, EAT of My Word, and WORSHIP Me with all your heart. The world and the enemy have told you that what you say or do ...
  June 23, 2023 THE WHOLE ENCHILADA  “There has never been a time on the earth like these days when I have REVEALED so much of your FUTURE to My Prophets, My Watchmen, and My Prophetic Voices. My Spirit is MOVING ALL OVER THE EARTH, AWAKENING My Sons and Daughters to LEARN and to EMBRACE their KINGDOM CALLINGS. The darkness is ALL-OUT trying to STOP this awakening because as My LIGHT GROWS in you, you are EXPOSING the DEEP DARKNESS and the LIES and DECEPTION that have CAPTURED many. I have given you a BROAD OVERVIEW of a GOOD FUTURE where much of the world will live ACCORDING to KINGDOM WAYS. I have also supplied DETAILS of the darkness’ planned ATTACKS and DIRTY DEEDS so you know where to FOCUS your AUTHORITY to STOP dark schemes and to UNCOVER gross darkness. However, I will never give My people THE WHOLE ENCHILADA of future events, because that would TAKE AWAY your sense of WONDER and AWE, as you live each day in My presence. Your FIGHTING SKILLS have been developed at GREA...
June 22, 2023 WORLDWIDE COLLAPSE “The EVIL SYSTEMS of this world are set for a WORLDWIDE COLLAPSE. Do NOT FEAR as these systems COME DOWN because these systems were DESIGNED to STEAL from you and to exercise CONTROL over you. If it seems your funds have DISAPPEARED, do NOT FEAR. I AM well able to RESTORE your original amount, plus RECOMPENSE and RESTORATION of what should RIGHTFULLY have been yours. If I have the POWER to BRING DOWN DARK SYSTEMS, realize I have MORE than enough POWER to give you WEALTH. I have promised you, My Army of Light, REWARD, RECOMPENSE, and RESTORATION, and I keep My promises. Some evil systems that I COLLAPSE will NEVER RISE AGAIN. You were told they were NECESSARY and for your BENEFIT, but those were LIES, and these systems have been STEALING your FREEDOMS and your FUNDS. The world will function with much more FREEDOM and PROSPERITY without GREEDY, EVIL FINANCIAL SYSTEMS that ROB you and keep you UNDER THEIR THUMB. Systems developed to SPY on you and to ULTIM...
  June 21, 2023 DELUGE *This word began with seeing a large council of those partnered with evil. The leaders are boasting and confident, laying out death agendas and power moves to crush freedom and take control. This dark council is now fully activated to fulfill their assignments, and all sleepers are commanded to come out of the shadows and complete their orders. The leaders are speaking boldly, but the hearts of the rest of the council are feeling vulnerable and exposed. After this meeting breaks up, a smaller council of just the leaders meets. The atmosphere is not so bold, as they realize something has shifted. They are beginning to see lights shining through the dark cloud of lies and fear they had released over the Land. In hushed tones they are discussing backup plans for escape, and they give no thought to those they have tasked with dangerous, dark schemes that have the potential to backfire and expose them. From my vantage point, I can see the seeds of disintegration t...
  June 20, 2023 BE BOLD, BE STRONG, BE COURAGEOUS “The enemy and those who PARTNER with him are growing BOLDER and LOUDER in their THREATS and in their SCHEMES. They are set on REMOVING My anointed leader and on SUBJECTING you through FEAR and MANY EVIL ATTACKS until you COWER in FEAR and DEFEAT. Let’s give them the SURPRISE OF THEIR LIVES, shall we? I AM EMPOWERING you and AWAKING you to your TRUE CALLING as My Sons and Daughters who walk in the POWER of their AUTHORITY as blood-bought, Spirit-EMPOWERED children of LIGHT. Is the enemy BOLD and LOUD? You RISE UP, and be BOLDER and LOUDER! I have already WON the VICTORY, and you are TASKED with ANNOUNCING it and ENFORCING it—both in the SPIRITUAL and in the NATURAL. Realize as the enemy sounds LOUDER and BIGGER, it is because he FEARS DEFEAT and the fact that you are COMING INTO your AUTHORITY—which is MUCH MORE POWERFUL than anything he has. His POWER lies in THREATS, INTIMIDATION, and DESTRUCTION. Not only do you carry the POWER o...
 ACTION ITEMS: Video THE SCORCHING WIND June 20, 2023 ACTION ITEMS: *Ministry to those who have lost their identity (or a part of their identity): Lead them to Jesus and salvation, Ask Holy Spirit to show them the first lie they were told, Break the power of that and all lies attached to the first lie, Come out of agreement with the lies, Ask for and receive your true identity to be restored to you. *Do not be dismayed, discouraged, or fearful at the Clown Show being played out in Washington, D.C. Cry out: “Give us justice!” *We are to ask questions about things we have taken for granted in the areas of our society—ask, why is that this way? Why couldn’t a solution to this problem already been found? *Rise up in your authority and demand that this STOLEN LIGHT be returned to you, to the Church, and to your Nation. Decree: “Give me back the light you have stolen from my life, my Church, and my Nation. I have caught you, thief, and you must release this light back to me seven...
  June 19, 2023 THE POWER OF COMMUNION “I would ENCOURAGE you to practice COMMUNION with Me every day. I AM speaking of DAILY REMEMBERING My Son’s SACRIFICE of His BODY and His BLOOD poured out for you. There is GREAT POWER in SACRIFICE. That is why the darkness SACRIFICES lives in order to WIN POWER. How much more POWERFUL is the PURE and HOLY SACRIFICE of a SPOTLESS Son, who GAVE His life in EXCHANGE for yours? When you daily receive this SACRIFICE represented by the BREAD and the WINE, the FRAGRANCE of this SACRIFICE fills the air. It becomes GLORY for you, and it makes the darkness COWER in FEAR. You position yourself for HEALING and RESTORATION, and it places in you a FOREVER HEART of GRATITUDE and THANKSGIVING. Thanksgiving INCREASES your FAITH, and FAITH produces HOPE, and HOPE in Me DOES NOT DISAPPOINT. Every time you CELEBRATE COMMUNION and REMEMBER My Son’s SACRIFICE and LOVE, it causes demons to TREMBLE, as they see you being EMPOWERED and STRENGTHENED. My Son’s BLOOD cr...
  June 18, 2023 BE GUIDED BY MY PEACE “I understand that for you, these are very UNCERTAIN TIMES with UNCHARTED TERRITORY before you. You may be finding it difficult to PLAN AHEAD or to VENTURE OUT on TRIPS or to BEGIN NEW ENDEAVORS because you don’t know WHEN or WHERE My SHAKINGS will happen. Ask yourself this question: ‘Will my GOOD and POWERFUL Father ever LEAVE me UNPROTECTED or WITHOUT GUIDANCE?’ As sure as all My PROMISES will COME TRUE for your life and your Nation, so SURE is My PROMISE to ALWAYS be with you, to PROTECT you, and to GUIDE you with My PEACE. Lay out your PLANS and DECISIONS before Me, and I will RELEASE My DEEP PEACE into your spirit to let you know to PROCEED. I will be just as FAITHFUL to let you know when it is NOT a SAFE or a GOOD DECISION by you SENSING A BREAK in My PEACE. There will be NO LIFE in your plans or decisions if it is NOT My plans for you. If this is a decision or plan I want you to EMBRACE, then you will FEEL LIFE SPRING UP INSIDE YOUR HEAR...
  June 17, 2023 ADVENTURE IS BEFORE YOU “It is true that life is going to DRASTICALLY CHANGE for people all around the world. These changes will be SUDDEN and without MUCH WARNING for most people. If you LISTEN to My PROPHETIC VOICES, then you know that EVIL SYSTEMS must be TAKEN DOWN in order to REBUILD on My Kingdom foundations of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. You realize SHAKINGS must come, but I have ASSURED you of My PROTECTION and My GENEROUS PROVISION for you throughout all the coming UPHEAVALS. This is the MINDSET I want you to have: look at this season of GREAT CHANGE as a GRAND ADVENTURE that is before you. You will experience SUPERNATURAL PROTECTION, PROVISION, and WONDER as I UNFOLD the NEW FUTURE I have for you and your Nation. Don’t look at the future with DREAD—I AM YOUR FUTURE! Don’t FOCUS on HOARDING SUPPLIES— expect Me to PROVIDE SUPERNATURALLY in ABUNDANCE so that you have an OVERFLOW to share with those in NEED. If I AM your future, what is there to fear? I AM alre...
  June 16, 2023  STOLEN   LIGHT “As you look around your Nation, you can see many inventions and advances that have made life EASIER, but you can also look around and WONDER why there seems to be AREAS where there have NOT BEEN BREAKTHROUGHS to BETTER HEALTH and LIFE in general. Start ASKING yourself QUESTIONS like: ‘If we can put satellites into orbit, why can’t we make a red food dye that does not AGITATE a child’s brain?’ ‘Why has the MEDICAL field FOCUSED on giving out DRUGS that MASK symptoms instead of DISCOVERING ROOT CAUSES of DISEASE and bringing TRUE HEALING?’ Is there a REASON why ADVANCES in all areas of your lives have been WITHHELD and HIDDEN from you? Is there a REASON why some nations have received VERY LITTLE ADVANCEMENT over the last 100 years? The enemy and those of darkened hearts who partner with him are GUILTY of STOLEN LIGHT. They have HOARDED for themselves ADVANCES in ALL AREAS of your lives, and they have HIDDEN CURES for disease, and ROBBED you ...
  June 15, 2023 THE COMEUPPANCE  Comeuppance: began as a term that meant “present oneself for judgment by a tribunal.” 🤯   A deserved rebuke or penalty. “Does it seem like the WICKED, ARROGANT ones are CONTINUING to GET AWAY with MURDER? Who is STRONG enough, COURAGEOUS enough, and POWERFUL enough to bring them THE COMEUPPANCE they DESERVE? I AM AND I WILL BRING THEM THEIR DAY OF COMEUPPANCE. This COMEUPPANCE will not be a SLAP on the wrist or a FINE, it will require FULL PAYBACK of STOLEN resources and COMPLETE JUSTICE for all their CRIMINAL actions. Some of their COMEUPPANCE will come DIRECTLY from My HAND, worked out through My mighty Host. THE COMEUPPANCE for some will be a LOSS of their lives—their BREATH will be taken from them. THE COMEUPPANCE from My HAND will COLLAPSE buildings, monuments, and systems tied to their EVIL empire. I have placed My COURAGE, DISCIPLINE, and TRUE JUSTICE into your MILITARY TRIBUNALS, and they will render JUST decisions, DESERVED penal...
  June 14, 2023 A SCORCHING WIND *In the Bible, trees often represent leaders. “A SCORCHING WIND will BLOW through Washington, D.C. Many TREES will LOSE their leaves, as the BLAST of My FIREY BREATH STRIPS THEM BARE and EXPOSES their NAKEDNESS. Some of the TREES will come CRASHING DOWN, and the SOUND of their FALL will be heard worldwide. Some TREES will be UPROOTED and CARRIED AWAY, and you will SEE THEM NO MORE. This SCORCHING WIND that I blow through D.C. will LIGHT FIRES in the TREES of CAPITALS WORLDWIDE, as a SINISTER WEB of LIES, TREASON, THEFT, and DEATH AGENDAS are EXPOSED and LAID BARE before the eyes of the people. This SCORCHING WIND will STRIKE WITHOUT WARNING. No earthly weather forecaster will PREDICT its coming, but I AM giving My Army of Light, My Special Forces, Heaven’s FORECAST of this SCORCHING WIND of DOOM, and I AM assuring you that it is coming. Do not be DISMAYED, DISCOURAGED, or FEARFUL at the CLOWN SHOW being played out in Washington, D.C. The CORRUPT TRE...
 ACTION ITEMS: Video THE YAWNING TRAP June 13, 2023 ACTION ITEMS: *Leviathan is a cruel taskmaster, so don’t take the bait of doubting God’s power and His goodness. Guard your mind and your heart from Leviathan’s doubts and taunts. Choose to remain in faith, believing God is who He says He is and that He will do what He has promised to do. *We are to receive, walk in, and exercise the release of His fire. *Have no fear, your God is here! *Take heart, the great turnaround has begun. *We are to keep holding the line of freedom, keep demanding justice, do not buy into evil reports that cause fear, continue to live under the protection of the blood covenant that we have through Jesus. *We are to cry out, “Make way! Make way! The King of Glory is coming through! We prepare the way when we have hearts of humility, prayer, worship, and fasting. *Declare: “My God is coming to make way for righteousness and justice to once more rule over our Nation.” Decree: “Dark powers, you ...
June 13, 2023 A CALL TO TRUE IDENTITY “I have been calling My Army of Light, My Remnant, to AWAKEN to the FULLNESS of your IDENTITY and POWER as Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom that was won for you by the BLOOD of My Son. My CALL is also going out to all those who think they are the WRONG gender or WRONG sexual orientation. You are DESPERATELY seeking ACCEPTANCE, but I AM TENDERLY telling you that your IDENTITY has been STOLEN by the enemy, and he has PLANTED CONFUSION and a SUBSTITUTE FALSE IDENTITY into your VULNERABLE hearts and minds. The enemy will RUTHLESSLY send ACTIONS and LIES against you—especially when you are VERY YOUNG and IMPRESSIONABLE. If you AGREE with the PLANTED LIE, it STEALS your TRUE IDENTITY, and the enemy supplies a DISTORTED, TWISTED one in its place. REAL LOVE does not SENTENCE you to live the REST OF YOUR LIFE LIVING UNDER A FALSE IDENTITY. It will FIGHT FOR YOU to be FREED from LIES by the power of My Son’s blood, and it will PARTNER with you to RESTORE yo...
  June 12, 2023 BECOME A TERROR TO THE ENEMY “I have CALLED you and EMPOWERED you to be A TERROR TO THE ENEMY. When you are COVERED by the BLOOD of My Son and you truly BELIEVE that you have been TRANSFERRED from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of LIGHT, you become a SON or DAUGHTER of the MOST POWERFUL Kingdom in the Universe. Did you realize you really are A NEW CREATION? ‘Born again” is not just a phrase—it is a REALITY in those who have turned away from darkness and have been FORGIVEN and CLEANSED by My Son’s blood. When a life is CONCEIVED in the womb, there is a SPARK of life—I AM the Father of Lights. When you receive My Son’s SACRIFICE for your sins, My LIGHT comes by the POWER of the Holy Spirit and FUSES My LIFE to your LIFE…forever. You are in Me, and I AM in you. You are a CO-HEIR of EVERYTHING My Son’s SUFFERING, DEATH, and RESURRECTION won for you by His TRIUMPH over death and hell. You now have ACCESS to all the ANOINTINGS Jesus carried to HEAL and to SET th...
  June 11, 2023 PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD “The LYING MEDIA and COMPROMISED leaders are in YOUR FACE with their EVIL SCHEMES, and they are telling you they have WON and that your leader and your freedom movement are FINISHED. If I were you, I wouldn’t GIVE THESE BIG LOSERS A MINUTE OF YOUR TIME. Think of their BOASTS as a BAD CASE of gas that POLLUTES the air. Smells BAD, but there is NO SUBSTANCE to it. In contrast, My PROMISES are TRUE, a BREATH of FRESH AIR; and their SUBSTANCE is the REALITY of My POWER and My FAITHFULNESS. In light of My promised coming, I AM telling you, ‘PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD!’ ISAIAH 40:3 ‘A thunderous voice cries out in the wilderness: Prepare the way for Yahweh’s arrival! Make a highway straight through the desert for our God!’ Lift up your voices in the presence of the LIES being SPEWED by the enemy and declare: ‘OUR GOD IS COMING TO RESCUE US! PREPARE YOUR HEARTS for His SUDDEN ARRIVAL and MASSIVE RESCUE.’ I AM telling you to PREPARE your own hea...
  June 10, 2023 MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY! “MAKE WAY, MAKE WAY, I AM THUNDERING through your Land in a CHARIOT of FIRE. Anything of DARKNESS that STANDS in My WAY of JUDGMENT, RIGHTEOUSNESS, and JUSTICE will be BURNED DOWN. Come, My people, cry out, ‘MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY!, the King of GLORY is COMING THROUGH!’ Prepare the way with HEARTS of HUMILITY, PRAYER, WORSHIP, and FASTING. Declare, ‘My God is coming to MAKE WAY for RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE to once more RULE over our Nation.’ Decree, ‘Dark powers, you are being RUN OVER by the THUNDERING POWER of God, and you will be CONSUMED by His GLORY FIRE.’ My children, you will receive My GLORY FIRE, too, but it will serve to BURN AWAY anything not of My Spirit, and it will EMPOWER you to REIGN as My Sons and Daughters of the KINGDOM of LIGHT. Welcome My GLORY FIRE to do its GOOD work in you and to BURN UP the EVIL strongholds that have held your Nation CAPTIVE as you cry out, ‘MAKE WAY! MAKE WAY!, the THUNDERING GOD will RESTORE JUSTICE and LI...
    June 9, 2023 YAWNING TRAP “I say to those of DARK HEARTS: ‘Are you THREATENING to arrest the one I have CHOSEN to lead this Nation? Because you serve the DARKNESS, you are DOOMED to walk in DARKNESS and that is why you continue pursuing your EVIL WAYS with NO THOUGHT that I might have SET A TRAP for you to FALL into. This is not just an ordinary TRAP. It has been set at the BOTTOM of a CLIFF, and its JAWS are WIDE OPEN to CATCH you when you obliviously step off the edge of the cliff. Did you feel FEAR in your HEART when you went ahead with this LYING SCHEME to ENTRAP My leader? You should have paid ATTENTION to that WARNING! In your desperation to keep your own CORRUPTION HIDDEN, you LAUNCHED this UNJUST SCHEME of darkness. What happened when you carried out this TYRANNICAL SCHEME? You STEPPED OFF the EDGE of the PRECIPICE, and you are FALLING, FALLING into the YAWNING TRAP below. Did you have DREAMS of FALLING into a DARK ABYSS last night? The JAWS of My TRAP will soon SN...
  June 8, 2023 THE GREAT TURNAROUND “Your Nation has begun THE GREAT TURNAROUND from DARKNESS and DEPRAVITY to LIGHT and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Depravity is based in TOTAL SELFISHNESS. It cares NOTHING for others. Depravity will USE and ABUSE anyone in order to get their EVER-INCREASING LUSTS fulfilled. The enemy’s MARK is on DEPRAVITY, and he FUELS it with EVER-DARKER and more TWISTED desires that DEVASTATE the INNOCENT who are PREYED UPON for the depraved’s GROSS and SELFISH needs. In contrast, RIGHTEOUSNESS BUILDS RELATIONSHIPS that are MUTUALLY SATISFYING and BENEFICIAL. It NEVER TAKES ADVANTAGE of the INNOCENT to meet a need. Oh, the JOY that comes when you SELFLESSLY meet another’s need and you find that your needs HAVE BEEN MET in the PROCESS of your GIVING and your KINDNESS. Because the PENDULUM in your Nation swung SO FAR into the DARKNESS, the TURNAROUND will begin SLOWLY so that the whole ship is not LOST and SUNK by the CHAOS and TEARING AWAY of the DARKNESS. As more and more d...
  June 7, 2023 YAHWEH’S ANSWER TO THE THREATS OF DESTRUCTION AGAINST YOU “Your enemies are CONVINCED that this is the TIME they will DEFEAT and DESTROY you. They plan to WIPE OUT any MENTION of My NAME, as they bring their plans of DESTRUCTION and CHAOS to pass. They plan to CONTROL you by FEAR and THREATS and by CONVINCING you that I AM WEAK and not POWERFUL enough to STOP their carnage. Your enemies today are REPEATING the CHALLENGE of an evil king in Isaiah’s day: ‘Where is there a god that could save its people from my mighty hand?’ (ISAIAH 36:20 TPT) ‘Do you really think you’ll be delivered?’ (ISAIAH 37:11b TPT) I, YAHWEH, have ARISEN from My Throne, and I will personally CONFRONT these THREATS towards you and these TAUNTS and ACCUSATIONS against My power and My character. I say to your enemies: ‘I know where you live, every movement you make, all that you do, and your rage against Me. I have heard your arrogant words, and because you rage against Me, I will put My hook in you...
 ACTION ITEMS: Video THE THUNDERING GOD, June 6, 2023 ACTION ITEMS: *We know that the Father wants to interact with us on an intimate basis, but He also wants us to acknowledge, recognize, and support with our prayers and decrees other aspects of His character—He is the Thundering God. We are to call forth the appearing of the Thundering God and decree, “We welcome Your coming to reclaim this Land as Your territory!” *He is inviting us to DISCOVER what is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY and to help Him UNCOVER and BUILD a VICTORIOUS FUTURE. What is CLOAKED IN MYSTERY is His invitation for you to PURSUE, DISCOVER, and RECOVER ALL.” *Keep crying out for justice in our Land with great hope that He has promised to bring the government of God to the earth. *Fight on Army of Light, He wants us to know it’s all going to be worth it, as He displays before the world that He makes all things new. * Kingdom Age? Many prophets feel like we entered the Kingdom age in 2012. It’s still in an immatu...
  June 6, 2023 CRUEL LEVIATHAN  “One of the MAJOR ways your enemy ATTACKS you and your Nation is through the voice of CRUEL LEVIATHAN. All the enemy’s ANGER and RAGE at Me has been POURED into this FALLEN DARK POWER, and his voice SPEWS forth ACCUSATIONS, FEAR, DOUBT, and MOCKERY of My CHARACTER and My PEOPLE who have CHOSEN to BELIEVE who I AM and what I say. He comes to INHABIT the SPEECH of those whose hearts are CONSUMED by GREED and a lust for POWER. Leviathan’s TWISTING WORDS through these people CONFUSE and DUPE those who don’t know Me, and these people become CONTROLLED by his LIES and DARKENED PHILOSOPHIES. Leviathan will come to My people by THREATENING them with LOSS and FEAR of the future and by casting DOUBTS about My POWER and My WILLINGNESS to come to your rescue. (ISAIAH 36) Leviathan is a CRUEL TASKMASTER to those who come under his influence, so DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT of DOUBTING My power and My goodness—especially when you are WAITING to see the FULFILLMENT of...
  June 5, 2023 COME WALK WITH ME The PRELUDE to this word: I’m gazing at the beautiful woods across from the cabin we are staying in, and Jesus BECKONED me to come walk with Him in the Heavenly woods. I saw breathtaking beauty, colors, sounds, birds, and low hanging fruit (cherries with NO pits!); as I walked arm in arm with Jesus. His peace, His plenty, His protection overshadowed me; and I was totally at peace, safe, and loved. (Scripture example of this kind of experience is David’s Psalm 23.) The Father speaks, “I AM INVITING you to COME WALK WITH ME in your favorite place on earth. You will find we are walking in Heaven in the ORIGINAL of that place on earth—SPLENDIDLY BEAUTIFUL and FULL OF PEACE and DEEP JOY. This invitation is ALWAYS open to you, but in these days of the EXPOSURE of GREAT EVIL, it is NECESSARY so that you DRAW AWAY with Me to be CLEANSED and to have your HEART HEALED from the HORROR of what darkness DECEIVES man into doing. If you only GAZE at the AWFUL DEED...